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TerminateTmpProcesses(): terminate all *.bin processes. Fixes 'aida32.bin' process not being closed. svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=1992
786 lines
27 KiB
786 lines
27 KiB
* Helper functions library
* Copyright (C) 2012 Edijs Kolesnikovics
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
; These lines are added for performance reasons, as suggested in http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Performance.htm
SetBatchLines -1
ListLines Off
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
DetectHiddenText, Off ; Hidden text is not detected
global TestsTotal
Process, Exist, %szProcess%
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed.
if NewPID = 0
bExist := false
bExist := true
Process, Close, %szProcess%
Process, WaitClose, %szProcess%, 4
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" szProcess "' process.")
return false
if bExist
TestsOK("Terminated '" szProcess "' process.")
TestsOK("We did not need to terminate '" szProcess "' process because it did not exist.")
return true
szResult := false
szResult := DllCall("Wininet.dll\InternetGetConnectedState", "Str", 0x40, "Int", 0)
return szResult
WaitUninstallDone(szUninstallerPath, SecondsToWait)
; Usage:
; UninstallerPath = %UninstallerPath% /SILENT ; Pass silent switch
; WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
; if bContinue {}
global TestsTotal
szParentPath := ExeFilePathNoParam(szUninstallerPath) ; Get full path, no params
IfNotExist, %szParentPath%
TestsFailed("Can NOT find '" szParentPath "'.")
RunWait, %szUninstallerPath%,,, PID
szParentName := GetProcessName(PID)
; Sleep, 10 ; Child process doesn't start right away, need some sleep
ChildPID := GetChildProcessesList(PID)
szChildName := GetProcessName(ChildPID)
; If you really know there is some child process, result can't be '' (increase sleep in GetChildProcessesList())
if szChildName <>
TestsInfo("Reported child name is '" szChildName "'.")
TestsInfo("Are you sure '" szParentName "' haves no child process?")
Process, WaitClose, %szChildName%, %SecondsToWait%
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
WinGetActiveTitle, WndTitle
TestsInfo("'" szChildName "' failed to close for " SecondsToWait "s, terminating it. Active wnd: '" WndTitle "'.")
Process, Close, %szChildName%
Process, WaitClose, %szChildName%, 3
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" szChildName "', child process of '" szParentName "'.")
; Usage: szFunctionResult := ExeFilePathNoParam(szSomePath)
; szSomePath := ExeFilePathNoParam(szSomePath)
StringReplace, szPath, szPath, `",, All ; Remove quotes in case there are some
szExt = .exe
StringGetPos, iPos, szPath, %szExt%
if iPos >= 0
StringLen, iLength, szPath
StringTrimRight, szResult, szPath, iLength - iPos - 4
loop, %szResult%, 1
szResult = %A_LoopFileLongPath%
return szResult
loop, %szResult%, 1
szResult = %A_LoopFileLongPath%
return szPath
; Usage: TestsInfo("Your message here.")
global TestName
OutputDebug, Info: %TestName%: %DebugMessage%`n
; Usage: if not TerminateDefaultBrowser(10)
RegRead, szPath, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, http\shell\open\command
StringReplace, szPath, szPath, `",, All ; This will unquote path
SplitPath, szPath,,,, name_no_ext ; This will get rid of command line options
Process, Wait, %name_no_ext%.exe, %SecondsToWait%
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed
if NewPID = 0
OutputDebug, FAILED: Helper Functions: '%name_no_ext%.exe' process did not appear within %SecondsToWait% seconds.`n
return false
Process, Close, %name_no_ext%.exe ; Teminate process
Process, WaitClose, %name_no_ext%.exe, 4
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
OutputDebug, FAILED: Helper Functions: Unable to terminate default browser ('%name_no_ext%.exe') process.`n
return false
OutputDebug, OK: Helper Functions: Default browser process ('%name_no_ext%.exe') was terminated successfully.`n
return true ; Default browser process is terminated
CheckParam() ; Usage: if CheckParam() {..} //No need of ELSE part
global params
global 1
if 1 =
OutputDebug, You did not specify any parameter. Use '--list' to output the list of parameters to stdout.`r`n
return false
else if 1 = --list
FileAppend, %params%, *
return true
IfInString, params, %1%
return true ; OK, we have such parameter.
OutputDebug, Bad parameters: '%1%'! Use '--list' to output the list of parameters to stdout.`r`n
return false
ShowTestResults() ; Usage: ShowTestResults()
global bContinue
global TestName
global TestsSkipped
global TestsTotal
global TestsOK
global TestsFailed
global TestsExecuted
global params
global ModuleExe
global 1
IfInString, params, %1% ; Check if right param was specified
if 1 != --list
if not bContinue
SplitPath, ModuleExe, fName ; Extract filename from given path
TestsSkipped := TestsTotal - TestsOK - TestsFailed
TestsExecuted := TestsOK + TestsFailed
if (TestsSkipped < 0 or TestsExecuted < 0)
OutputDebug, %TestName%: Check TestsTotal, TestsOK and TestsFailed, because results returns less than 0.`n
OutputDebug, %TestName%: %TestsExecuted% tests executed (0 marked as todo, %TestsFailed% failures), %TestsSkipped% skipped.`n
InitalizeCounters() ; Usage: InitalizeCounters()
global bContinue := false
global TestsOK := 0
global TestsFailed := 0
global TestsTotal := 0
; Usage:
; TestsOK("Your text here '" SomeVariable "'.") - will output "OK: NameOfTest: Your text here 'VariableText'."
; TestsOK("") - will not output anything
global TestsOK
global bContinue
global TestName
bContinue := true
if DebugText <> ; We have nothing to output
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%: %DebugText%`n
global TestsFailed
global bContinue
global TestName
bContinue := false
WinGetActiveTitle, WndTitle
if DebugText =
OutputDebug, %TestName%: Debug message text is not an optional, please add it.`n
szEmpty := ""
if (WndTitle != szEmpty) ; Window haves no title, print its class instead
OutputDebug, %TestName%: Test failed: %DebugText% Active Wnd: '%WndTitle%'.`n ; Include some window text and active control caption?
WinGetClass, WndClass, A
OutputDebug, %TestName%: Test failed: %DebugText% Active Wnd class: '%WndClass%'.`n
if not bIsConnectedToInternet()
TestsInfo("TestsFailed(): No internet connection detected.")
szApp = %A_WorkingDir%\Apps\Cap.exe ; Screenshot capture utility by Mysoft (Gr<47>gori Mac<61>rio Harbs)
IfNotExist, %szApp%
TestsInfo("Can NOT find '" szApp "'.")
clipboard = ; emptry clipboard
szFileName := SubStr(A_ScriptName, 1, -4) ; remove '.exe' part from our executable name
szUploadURL = mysoft.zapto.org:8000/Uploads/Captures/%szFileName%_%TestName%.jpg
Run, %szApp% /full /jpg 40 /silent /revision /nobelt /clipboard /hfs %szUploadURL%
SplitPath, szApp, ProcessName
Process, wait, %ProcessName%, 3
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
if NewPID = 0
TestsInfo("Process '" ProcessName "' failed to appear.")
iTimeOut := 30
while iTimeOut > 0
Process, Exist, %ProcessName%
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
if NewPID = 0
break ; process is closed
Sleep, 1000
Process, Exist, %ProcessName%
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
if NewPID != 0
Process, Close, %ProcessName%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessName%, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsInfo("Unable to terminate '" ProcessName "' process.")
if A_LastError = 0 ; szApp returns 0 in case of success and puts URL in clipboard
TestsInfo("Successfully uploaded to: " clipboard ".")
TestsInfo("There were something wrong while running '" szApp "'.")
; Usage:
; if LeftClickControl("Button1") {}
; http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/PostMessage.htm
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, %ControlName% ; Left click down
if ErrorLevel <> FAIL
Sleep, 120 ; Just in case
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, %ControlName% ; Left click up
if ErrorLevel <> FAIL
; Everything went OK
return 1
OutputDebug, HelperFunctions: Test failed: SendMessage(left click up) reported an error, trying PostMessage.`n
PostMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, %ControlName% ; Left click up
if ErrorLevel <> FAIL
; Everything went OK
return 1
OutputDebug, HelperFunctions: Test failed: PostMessage(left click up) failed too.`n
return 0
OutputDebug, HelperFunctions: Test failed: SendMessage(left click down) reported an error, trying PostMessage.`n
PostMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, %ControlName% ; Left click down
if ErrorLevel <> FAIL
Sleep, 120 ; Just in case
PostMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, %ControlName% ; Left click up
if ErrorLevel <> FAIL
; Everything went OK
return 1
OutputDebug, HelperFunctions: Test failed: PostMessage(left click up) failed too.`n
return 0
OutputDebug, HelperFunctions: Test failed: PostMessage(left click down) failed too.`n
return 0
NumberOfLines := 0 ; In case there is no such file or something
Loop, read, %PathToFile%
return %NumberOfLines%
; Usage: i := FileCountLines(szDocument)
; Terminates application windows and closes error boxes
Process, Exist, %ProcessName%
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %ProcessName%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessName%, 5
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%ProcessName%' process.`n
SplitPath, ProcessName,,,, name_no_ext
Process, Exist, %name_no_ext%.tmp ; Will kill some setups
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %name_no_ext%.tmp ; Do not remove this code (it will do the job in case DllCall fails)
Process, WaitClose, %name_no_ext%.tmp, 5
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%name_no_ext%.tmp' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Succesfully terminated '%name_no_ext%.tmp' process.`n
; FIXME: remove 'Setup.exe', 'Install.exe' and 'msiexec.exe' termination when CORE-6939 is fixed,
; because TerminateTmpProcesses() will do such things for us
Process, Exist, Setup.exe
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, Setup.exe
Process, WaitClose, Setup.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate 'Setup.exe' process.`n
Process, Exist, install.exe
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, install.exe
Process, WaitClose, install.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
Process, WaitClose, install.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate 'install.exe' process.`n
Process, Exist, msiexec.exe
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, msiexec.exe
Process, WaitClose, msiexec.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
Process, WaitClose, msiexec.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate 'msiexec.exe' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated 'msiexec.exe' process.`n
WinGetActiveTitle, ErrorWinTitle
if not ErrorLevel
IfWinExist, %ErrorWinTitle%, OK ; Check if window really haves 'OK'
ControlFocus, OK, %ErrorWinTitle%
if ErrorLevel
WinClose, %ErrorWinTitle%, OK
if ErrorLevel
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to focus 'OK' in '%ErrorWinTitle%' window. Tried to close, failed too.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to focus 'OK' in '%ErrorWinTitle%' window. Tried to close and succeeded.`n
SendInput, {ENTER} ; Hit 'OK'
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Sent ENTER to '%ErrorWinTitle%' window to hit 'OK'.`n
; Terminates all '*.tmp', '*.bin', '*Setup*' and '*Install*' processes
; http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Process.htm
; Example #4: Retrieves a list of running processes via DllCall
bError := false
iUnterminated := 0
d = `n ; string separator
s := 4096 ; size of buffers and arrays (4 KB)
Process, Exist ; sets ErrorLevel to the PID of this running script
; Get the handle of this script with PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION (0x0400)
h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x0400, "Int", false, "UInt", ErrorLevel)
; Open an adjustable access token with this process (TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 32)
DllCall("Advapi32.dll\OpenProcessToken", "UInt", h, "UInt", 32, "UIntP", t)
VarSetCapacity(ti, 16, 0) ; structure of privileges
NumPut(1, ti, 0) ; one entry in the privileges array...
; Retrieves the locally unique identifier of the debug privilege:
DllCall("Advapi32.dll\LookupPrivilegeValueA", "UInt", 0, "Str", "SeDebugPrivilege", "Int64P", luid)
NumPut(luid, ti, 4, "int64")
NumPut(2, ti, 12) ; enable this privilege: SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 2
; Update the privileges of this process with the new access token:
DllCall("Advapi32.dll\AdjustTokenPrivileges", "UInt", t, "Int", false, "UInt", &ti, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", h) ; close this process handle to save memory
hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Psapi.dll") ; increase performance by preloading the libaray
s := VarSetCapacity(a, s) ; an array that receives the list of process identifiers:
c := 0 ; counter for process idendifiers
DllCall("Psapi.dll\EnumProcesses", "UInt", &a, "UInt", s, "UIntP", r)
Loop, % r // 4 ; parse array for identifiers as DWORDs (32 bits):
id := NumGet(a, A_Index * 4)
; Open process with: PROCESS_VM_READ (0x0010) | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION (0x0400)
h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x0010 | 0x0400, "Int", false, "UInt", id)
if ErrorLevel = -1
TestsInfo("The [DllFile\]Function parameter is a floating point number. A string or positive integer is required.")
else if ErrorLevel = -2
TestsInfo("The return type or one of the specified arg types is invalid. This error can also be caused by passing an expression that evaluates to a number to a string (str) argument.")
else if ErrorLevel = -3
TestsInfo("The specified DllFile could not be accessed. If no explicit path was specified for DllFile, the file must exist in the system's PATH or A_WorkingDir. This error might also occur if the user lacks permission to access the file.")
else if ErrorLevel = -4
TestsInfo("The specified function could not be found inside the DLL.")
TestsInfo("DllCall('OpenProcess'...) last error: '" A_LastError "'")
VarSetCapacity(n, s, 0) ; a buffer that receives the base name of the module:
e := DllCall("Psapi.dll\GetModuleBaseNameA", "UInt", h, "UInt", 0, "Str", n, "UInt", s)
if ErrorLevel = -1
TestsInfo("The [DllFile\]Function parameter is a floating point number. A string or positive integer is required.")
else if ErrorLevel = -2
TestsInfo("The return type or one of the specified arg types is invalid. This error can also be caused by passing an expression that evaluates to a number to a string (str) argument.")
else if ErrorLevel = -3
TestsInfo("The specified DllFile could not be accessed. If no explicit path was specified for DllFile, the file must exist in the system's PATH or A_WorkingDir. This error might also occur if the user lacks permission to access the file.")
else if ErrorLevel = -4
TestsInfo("The specified function could not be found inside the DLL.")
TestsInfo("DllCall('Psapi.dll\GetModuleBaseNameA'...) last error: '" A_LastError "'")
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", h) ; close process handle to save memory
if (n && e) ; if image is not null add to list:
; Check if we have '.tmp' in process name
sztmp = .tmp
szBin = .bin
szSetup = Setup
szInstall = Install
szMsiExec = msiexec
IfInString, n, %sztmp%
Process, Exist, %n% ; Will kill all '*.tmp' processes
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %n%
Process, WaitClose, %n%, 5
if ErrorLevel
bError := true
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%n%' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated '%n%' process.`n
else IfInString, n, %szBin%
Process, Exist, %n% ; Will kill all '*.bin' processes
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %n%
Process, WaitClose, %n%, 5
if ErrorLevel
bError := true
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%n%' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated '%n%' process.`n
else IfInString, n, %szSetup%
Process, Exist, %n% ; Will kill all '*Setup*' processes
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %n%
Process, WaitClose, %n%, 5
if ErrorLevel
bError := true
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%n%' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated '%n%' process.`n
else IfInString, n, %szInstall%
Process, Exist, %n% ; Will kill all '*Install*' processes
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %n%
Process, WaitClose, %n%, 5
if ErrorLevel
bError := true
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%n%' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated '%n%' process.`n
else IfInString, n, %szMsiExec%
Process, Exist, %n% ; Will kill all '*msiexec*' processes
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, close, %n%
Process, WaitClose, %n%, 5
if ErrorLevel
bError := true
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate '%n%' process.`n
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Successfully terminated '%n%' process.`n
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule) ; unload the library to free memory
if bError
OutputDebug, Helper Functions: Unable to terminate %iUnterminated% process(es).`n
return false
return true
ChildProcesses =
;We get the list of processes of the system (pidlist)
Loop, Parse, pidlist, `|
if A_LoopField = %PID%
continue ;The parent process can't be a child
parentPID := GetParentProcessID(A_LoopField)
if parentPID = %PID%
if StrLen(ChildProcesses) > 0
ChildProcesses = %ChildProcesses%`n%A_LoopField%
ChildProcesses = %A_LoopField%
return %ChildProcesses%
; ProcessInfo.ahk - Function library to retrieve various application process informations:
; - Script's own process identifier
; - Parent process ID of a process (the caller application)
; - Process name by process ID (filename without path)
; - Thread count by process ID (number of threads created by process)
; - Full filename by process ID (GetModuleFileNameEx() function)
; Tested with AutoHotkey
; Created by HuBa
; Contact: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4693
; Portions of the script are based upon the GetProcessList() function by wOxxOm
; (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=65983#65983)
Return DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms683180.aspx
Return GetParentProcessID(GetCurrentProcessID())
Return GetProcessInformation(ProcessID, "Str", 260, 36) ; TCHAR szExeFile[MAX_PATH]
Return GetProcessInformation(ProcessID, "UInt *", 4, 24) ; DWORD th32ParentProcessID
Return GetProcessInformation(ProcessID, "UInt *", 4, 20) ; DWORD cntThreads
GetProcessInformation(ProcessID, CallVariableType, VariableCapacity, DataOffset)
hSnapshot := DLLCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "UInt", 2, "UInt", 0) ; TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = 2
if (hSnapshot >= 0)
VarSetCapacity(PE32, 304, 0) ; PROCESSENTRY32 structure -> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms684839.aspx
DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong", "UInt", &PE32, "UInt", 4, "UInt", 304) ; Set dwSize
VarSetCapacity(th32ProcessID, 4, 0)
if (DllCall("Process32First", "UInt", hSnapshot, "UInt", &PE32)) ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms684834.aspx
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "UInt *", th32ProcessID, "UInt", &PE32 + 8, "UInt", 4) ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms803004.aspx
if (ProcessID = th32ProcessID)
VarSetCapacity(th32DataEntry, VariableCapacity, 0)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", CallVariableType, th32DataEntry, "UInt", &PE32 + DataOffset, "UInt", VariableCapacity)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hSnapshot) ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms724211.aspx
Return th32DataEntry ; Process data found
if not DllCall("Process32Next", "UInt", hSnapshot, "UInt", &PE32) ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms684836.aspx
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hSnapshot)
Return ; Cannot find process
GetModuleFileNameEx(ProcessID) ; modified version of shimanov's function
if A_OSVersion in WIN_95, WIN_98, WIN_ME
Return GetProcessName(ProcessID)
; #define PROCESS_VM_READ (0x0010)
hProcess := DllCall( "OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x10|0x400, "Int", False, "UInt", ProcessID)
if (ErrorLevel or hProcess = 0)
FileNameSize := 260
VarSetCapacity(ModuleFileName, FileNameSize, 0)
CallResult := DllCall("Psapi.dll\GetModuleFileNameExA", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", 0, "Str", ModuleFileName, "UInt", FileNameSize)
DllCall("CloseHandle", hProcess)
Return ModuleFileName
EnumProcesses(byref Var) {
IfEqual, A_OSType, WIN32_WINDOWS, Return 0
List_Sz := VarSetCapacity(Pid_List, 4000)
Res := DllCall("psapi.dll\EnumProcesses", UInt,&Pid_List
, Int,List_Sz, "UInt *",PID_List_Actual)
IfLessOrEqual,Res,0, Return, Res
_a := &PID_List
Var :=
Loop, % (PID_List_Actual//4) {
Var := Var "|" (*(_a)+(*(_a+1)<<8)+(*(_a+2)<<16)+(*(_a+3)<<24))
_a += 4
StringTrimLeft, Var, Var, 1
Return, (PID_List_Actual//4)
} |