#!/bin/bash # ReactOS BuildBot Build Scripts # submit_result - Call Testman's BuildBot Aggregator script to collect the regression-testing output by sysreg. # # Parameter $1 - BuildBot Build number of the ReactOS build that has been tested. # Parameter $2 - BuildBot "reason" property. # Parameter $3 - JIRA Attachment ID of the patch file (this parameter can be evaluated as $ATTACHMENT_ID inside config.inc to set different sourceids for regular and patched builds) BUILDNO="$1" REASON="$2" ATTACHMENT_ID="$3" source ../../config.inc if [ "${BUILDNO}" = "" ]; then echo "Please specify the build number!" exit 1 fi echo "* Transferring winetest results for build ${BUILDNO}." echo "* Using builder $TESTMAN_BUILDER." COMMENT="Build ${BUILDNO}" if [ "${ATTACHMENT_ID}" != "" ]; then COMMENT+=", ID: ${ATTACHMENT_ID}" fi if [ "${REASON}" != "" -a "${REASON}" != "None" ]; then COMMENT+=", Reason: ${REASON}" fi TESTMAN_OUT=`wget -q -O - "https://reactos.org/testman/webservice/buildbot_aggregator.php?sourceid=$TESTMAN_ID&password=$TESTMAN_PASS&builder=$TESTMAN_BUILDER&platform=0&build=$1&comment=$COMMENT"` echo "$TESTMAN_OUT" [ "$TESTMAN_OUT" = "OK" ] && exit 0 || exit 1