Changes since version 1.50.0 (2002-03-21) Changes to xsl/* | 2002-06-03 Norman Walsh | | * VERSION: Version 1.51.1 released. | | 2002-06-02 Norman Walsh | | * RELEASE-NOTES.xml: Added release notes for 1.51.0 | | * VERSION: Version 1.51.0 released. | | 2002-05-16 Norman Walsh | | * VERSION: Oops. | | * VERSION: Oops again. | | * VERSION: Version 1.50.1-EXP2 released. | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Updated xhtml generation | | * VERSION: Version 1.50.1-EXP released. | Changes to xsl/common/* | 2002-05-23 Norman Walsh | | * common.xsl: Support for SVG in HTML | | 2002-05-21 Norman Walsh | | * gentext.xsl: Whitespace | | * labels.xsl: Don't generate '. ' after QandA labels | | 2002-05-12 Norman Walsh | | * common.xsl: Fix bugs in extension checking in | mediaobject.filename | | * l10n.xsl: Reworked test in gentext.template; should have no | user-visible changes | | * table.xsl: Removed some obsolete templates; reworked | inheritance for improved border support (still implements | old DocBook semantics which aren't quite CALS) | | * titles.xsl: Improved error message | | 2002-04-21 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore, Makefile, l10n.xml: Add support for Hebrew | localization | | 2002-03-24 Norman Walsh | | * common.xsl: Change comment: personname is no longer | experimental | Changes to xsl/docsrc/* | 2002-04-26 Michael Smith | | * publishing.xml: added links to Daniel Veillard's DocBook | page | | 2002-03-27 Michael Smith | | * publishing.xml: Added admon: Don't use XT; XT examples -> | Saxon; added info on xsltproc | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: The lib documenation is now built with Literate | XML | | * reference.xml: Update documentation build to reflect use of | lib.xweb | Changes to xsl/extensions/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Fix bugs in jar creation | Changes to xsl/fo/* | 2002-06-02 Norman Walsh | | * lists.xsl: Support title on step in procedure | | 2002-06-01 Norman Walsh | | * inline.xsl: Bug #560808 make systemitem formatting | consistent | | 2002-05-23 Norman Walsh | | * param.ent, param.xweb: Support for SVG in HTML | | 2002-05-21 Norman Walsh | | * qandaset.xsl: Output '. ' in some contexts (this is a hack) | | 2002-05-14 Norman Walsh | | * footnote.xsl: Format footnotes with format.footnote.mark | named template for easy customization | | 2002-05-13 Norman Walsh | | * lists.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Support spacing=compact on | itemizedlist and orderedlist (Bug #501063) | | 2002-05-12 Norman Walsh | | * block.xsl: Make sure IDs get generated for blockquote and | epigraph | | * formal.xsl, table.xsl: Make border-collapse='collapse' | explicitly (that's the only model that works for CALS | tables) | | * graphics.xsl: Reworked support for graphic attributes; now | support DocBook 4.2CR1 attributes | | * lists.xsl: Bug #511965: add to | calloutlist titles | | * math.xsl: Support MathML by passing it silently through to | the FO result | | * sections.xsl: Allow anchors in section titles; improve | efforts to prevent page/column breaks immediately after | section titles | | * xref.xsl: Support xref to refnamediv and all elements with | titles (at least when they have titles) | | 2002-05-06 Norman Walsh | | * admon.xsl: Fix url() in admonition graphics | | * callout.xsl: Fix url() in callout graphics | | 2002-04-30 Norman Walsh | | * biblio.xsl: Use in bibliodiv | | 2002-04-20 Norman Walsh | | * param.ent, param.xweb, verbatim.xsl: Support shade.verbatim | in FO; stop using vendor test to decide what extension | function to call for line numbering | | 2002-03-28 Norman Walsh | | * autotoc.xsl: Attempt to fix duplicate-id problem in ToC | generation | | * xep.xsl: Make XEP point to ToC pages for books, parts, etc. | from PDF bookmarks | | 2002-03-26 Norman Walsh | | * lists.xsl: Set maxlength of termlength to 12 | | * param.xweb: Documentation fix | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * component.xsl: Handle prefaceinfo | | * formal.xsl: Handle textobject in tables | | * graphics.xsl: Add template for mediaobjectco | | * inline.xsl: Support personname | | * math.xsl: Handle alt | | * xref.xsl: Support xrefs to editor, othercredit, and | personname | | 2002-03-22 Norman Walsh | | * titlepage.xsl: Output blocks instead of wrappers around | authors | Changes to xsl/html/* | 2002-05-23 Norman Walsh | | * graphics.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Support for SVG in HTML | | * html-rtf.xsl: Protect calls to extension functions behind | function-available tests | | 2002-05-21 Norman Walsh | | * qandaset.xsl: Fix anchors for references to QandAEntrys. | Output '. ' in some contexts (this is a hack) | | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * onechunk.xsl: Make TOC (and other internal references) all | just fragment identifiers...we're making one chunk after all | | 2002-05-16 Norman Walsh | | * autotoc.xsl, html.xsl: Moved to html.xsl; added | (which is functionally equivalent to | in the non-chunking case) | | 2002-05-15 Norman Walsh | | * chunk.xsl, onechunk.xsl: Fix bugs in onechunk---it wasn't | working at all | | 2002-05-14 Norman Walsh | | * graphics.xsl: Bug #555809: make sure that a longdesc, if | written, gets the correct relative URI | | 2002-05-13 Norman Walsh | | * chunk-common.xsl: Fix inherited directory naming problems | when using dbhtml. Add context to site navigation link calls | | * chunk-common.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Add extra LINK | elements to the HTML HEAD of chunked output (for enhanced | site navigation as per Mozilla 1.0) | | * chunker.xsl: Work around relative filename bug in libxslt | | * pi.xsl: Try to avoid x//y in inherited dbhtml dir settings | | 2002-05-12 Norman Walsh | | * block.xsl: Support title on blockquote | | * chunk.xsl: Turn off refentry.separator by default when | chunking | | * chunk.xsl: Fix ugly prev/next bug introduced by my attempt | to work around Xalan problems | | * graphics.xsl: Reworked support for graphic attributes; now | support DocBook 4.2CR1 attributes | | * html.xsl: Remove reference to obsolete using.chunker | parameter | | * math.xsl: Support MathML by passing it through unchanged | | * param.ent, param.xweb: Added points.per.em; removed obsolete | using.chunker | | * table.xsl: Improve support for table borders drawn with CSS | (get the semantics right); add support for entry-bgcolor PI | | * verbatim.xsl: Format literal layout elements correctly when | linenumbering | | * xref.xsl: Support xref to refnamediv and all elements with | titles (at least when they have titles) | | 2002-05-10 Jirka Kosek | | * chunk.xsl: Added support for manifest file as requested by | Nik in #552945 | | 2002-05-10 Norman Walsh | | * lists.xsl: Remove reference to obsolete using.chunker | parameter | | 2002-05-10 Jirka Kosek | | * manifest.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Added support for | manifest file as requested by Nik in #552945 | | 2002-05-10 Norman Walsh | | * pi.xsl: Remove reference to obsolete using.chunker parameter | | 2002-05-07 Robert Stayton | | * chunk.xsl: The call to write.chunk did not have the | $chunk.quietly parameter set. I think I failed to commit | that change after testing it in Feb. | | * xref.xsl: Added a template for article in mode="xref-to" | that is similar to the one for chapter. Now you can use | with a linkend pointing to an article. | | 2002-05-06 Norman Walsh | | * chunk.xsl, onechunk.xsl: Fix bug #551966 applying onechunk | to book | | 2002-04-30 Norman Walsh | | * chunk.xsl: First attempt to workaround Xalan | array-out-of-bounds bug | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * autotoc.xsl, chunk-common.xsl, pi.xsl: Handle links across | dbhtml-specified relative directories correctly | | * formal.xsl: Support longdesc on tables | | * table.xsl: Use the textobject/phrase for the table summary | attribute, if one is present | | 2002-03-24 Norman Walsh | | * graphics.xsl: Remove style from longdesc link; added support | for textdata in textobject | | * inline.xsl: Support personname | | * xref.xsl: Handle xref to editor, othercredit, and personname | Changes to xsl/lib/* | 2002-05-12 Norman Walsh | | * lib.xweb: Changed default units to px; added | length-in-points template | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore: Ignore lib.xsl too | | * .cvsignore, Makefile, lib.xsl, lib.xweb: Use Literate XML to | generate lib.xsl | | * Makefile: Update documentation build to reflect use of | lib.xweb | Changes to xsl/xhtml/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Make the add-new rule actually, uhm, add new | files. | | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Improved rules | Changes to xsl/params/* | 2002-05-24 | | * callout.unicode.number.limit.xml, | callout.unicode.start.character.xml: Updating docs. | | 2002-05-23 Norman Walsh | | * use.svg.xml: New file. | | 2002-05-14 Michael Smith | | * generate.manifest.xml, manifest.xml: added descriptions | | 2002-05-13 Norman Walsh | | * compact.list.item.spacing.xml: New file. | | * html.extra.head.links.xml: New file. | | 2002-05-10 Jirka Kosek | | * generate.manifest.xml, manifest.xml: New file. | | 2002-05-10 Norman Walsh | | * points.per.em.xml: New file. | | * using.chunker.xml: Obsolete parameter | | 2002-04-20 Norman Walsh | | * generate.toc.xml: Improve documentation | | * Support shade.verbatim in FO; stop | using vendor test to decide what extension function to call | for line numbering | | * Whitespace | Changes to xsl/doc/* | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Update documentation build to reflect use of | lib.xweb | Changes to xsl/htmlhelp/* | 2002-05-10 Jirka Kosek | | * htmlhelp.xsl: Updated to use shared manifest code. | | 2002-04-11 Jirka Kosek | | * htmlhelp.xsl: Updated to support new generate.toc parameter. | Changes to xsl/javahelp/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * javahelp.xsl: Put ancillary files in base.dir | Changes to xsl/profiling/* | 2002-05-15 Jirka Kosek | | * xsl2profile.xsl: Hopefully fixed bug #549736. Single-pass | profiling should also work in FO stylesheet from now. | Changes to xsl/images/callouts/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * 11.gif, 11.png, 12.gif, 12.png, 13.gif, 13.png, 14.gif, | 14.png, 15.gif, 15.png: New file. | Changes to xsl/doc/lib/* | 2002-03-25 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Update documentation build to reflect use of | lib.xweb | Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/.classes/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.common: Fix bugs in jar creation | | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.incl: New extensions to determine the size of an | image | Changes to xsl/extensions/xalan2/.classes/* | 2002-05-17 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.common: Fix bugs in jar creation | Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/.classes/com/* | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.incl: New extensions to determine the size of an | image | Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/.classes/com/nwalsh/* | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.incl: New extensions to determine the size of an | image | Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/com/nwalsh/saxon/* | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * New file. | Changes to xsl/extensions/xalan2/com/nwalsh/xalan/* | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * New file. | Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/.classes/com/nwalsh/saxon/* | 2002-05-08 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile.incl: New extensions to determine the size of an | image |