The newer, that we have in rapps
as well, works as 'good' as the older one
for all known JIRA tickets.
So no need to keep that dupe any longer.
Especially since testing both for each
release is very time consuming.
Even binary size comparison leaves Libre
just in the poor middle-field:
225.308.672bytes Libre
221.724.672bytes Libre
142.587.736bytes Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10
And none of the 3 works good enough for anything productive yet.
* [ICO] Remove sizes bigger than 48 if there are appropriate sizes available.
* [DAVEGNUKEM] Add an entry for the icon.
* [ICO] Add some more icons from the source repositories of the projects.
The old LGeneral 1.1 URL was down,
because the author moved it on sf.
The new package works as well in ros,
and has SDL-runtime & sdl-mixer
included already, which frees the user
to copy them into the games folder
retrospectively, and frees us from
the necessity to hold them in Rapps-DB
because we do have no other app that
would rely on them, without also
shipping them.
Only drawback of the new LGeneral 1.4.4
package is that it is zip and no exe anymore.
Update URL to newest version, because the old
URL was down. The new one basically works as well,
although it has a lot of glitches.
I would be very surprised if the older version
wouldn't have had those as well.
Apps Author updated the download URL to new version.
So adapt our hashes and file-size.
New version works as good as old versions.
All related ros-bugs can still be reproduced.
MS updated many binaries with SHA-2-signed ones
late 2020 or early 2021
and therefore we had hash mismatch.
Stick to the previous SHA-1-signed binary for now.
Allows to stick with same file-size also
and the downloads certificate can also still be
verified with XPSP3, which is not possible with
the new SHA-2-signed ones.
to workaround the everlasting bug CORE-15686
with the newer version. I attached the 2.8.22
URL to that tickets description for a hopefully
brighter future.
The URL is down, for 1+ year already.
There is no backup of it
on and I couldn't quickly
find any alternative download location
for that Chinese tool.
It makes no sense to keep such corpses
within the database for years.
If you find a new download location,
feel free to re-add it.
The URL at MS can not be reached anymore.
We keep this older package next to the June-2010-one
because it contains a few more interesting files
in that the newer one lacks.
MS updated many binaries with SHA-2-signed ones
late 2020 or early 2021
and therefore we had hash mismatch.
Stick to the previous SHA-1-signed binary for now.
Allows to stick with same file-size also
and the downloads certificate can also still be
verified with XPSP3, which is not possible with
the new SHA-2-signed ones.
Ftr version tab shows 9.0.8112.16421.
The github URL was actually still okay,
but we are enforced to workaround
CORE-16741 'algorithm L"ECDSA_P256" not supported'
This will get worse over time for more and
more URLs from rapps.
using the URL proposed by Stas'm in CORE-14021
Thank you.
I still see no use-case for us of that framework.
aside retesting CORE-14021 ofc.
-our Adobe AIR 29 link is dead
-Adobe stopped fixing even basic security bugs end-2020 (ended all support)
-Adobe stopped providing a download link
-there is no alternative
-and I don't know a single dependant app in ros, that would require AIR
Therefore I will delete it from the rapps repo today.
Everyone is free to reupload. We have a version control system.
The old URL was actually okay and did still work from Windows,
but ros does still miss the needed cipher support unfortunately.
This problem is already tracked in CORE-16741 will get worse and worse
over time for ros and rapps.
* Added an entry for Dave Gnukem
Dave Gnukem is a retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter similar to, and inspired by, Duke Nukem 1
The source and assets are licensed under MIT GPL and CC
I tested the download and install with RAPPS and it worked.
This game installed and ran perfectly even with sound using ReactOS 0.4.13
The creator of the game made some comments in his repo about making changes to the gmae so that it
could run under ReactOS.
This is the latest version
* added extra licenses