[Section] Name = AC'97 Driver for VirtualBox Version = License = Unknown Description = Audio driver for AC'97-compatible devices. Unzip in the ReactOS folder and restart twice. Category = 13 URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/ac97_vbox.exe SHA1 = 050b74c2f1b7aacaf2c2ff5068b89a24e4495d21 SizeBytes = 189954 [Section.0a] Name = Controlador AC'97 para VirtualBox License = Desconocida Description = Controlador de audio para dispositivos compatibles con AC'97. Se debe descomprimir en la carpeta «ReactOS» y reiniciar dos veces. [Section.0404] Name = 適用於 VirtualBox 的 AC'97 驅動程式 License = 不明 Description = AC'97 相容裝置的音訊驅動程式。需要解壓縮到 ReactOS 資料夾,並重新啟動兩次後才能使用。 [Section.0405] Name = Ovladač AC97 pro VirtualBox License = Neznámá Description = Rozbalte do složky "ReactOS" a pak ReactOS dvakrát restartujte. [Section.0407] Name = AC97 Treiber für VirtualBox License = Unbekannt Description = Sound Treiber für AC'97-kompatible Geräte. Entpacken in das "ReactOS"-Verzeichnis und ReactOS zweimal neustarten. [Section.0410] Name = Driver AC97 per VirtualBox License = Sconosciuta Description = Estrarre nella cartella "ReactOS" e poi riavviare ReactOS due volte. [Section.040c] Name = Pilote AC97 pour VirtualBox License = Inconnue Description = Décompresser dans le dossier "ReactOS" puis redémarrer ReactOS deux fois. [Section.0413] Name = AC97 Driver voor VirtualBox License = Ongekend Description = Pak uit in de "ReactOS" map en start tweemaal opnieuw op. [Section.0415] Name = Sterownik AC97 dla VirtualBox License = Nieznana Description = Rozpakuj zawartość w folderze "ReactOS" i dwukrotnie zrestartuj system. [Section.0418] Name = Modul pilot AC97 pentru VirtualBox License = Nespecificată Description = Dezarhivați în dosarul ReactOS apoi reporniți ReactOS de două ori. [Section.0419] Name = Драйвер AC97 для VirtualBox License = Не указано Description = Pазархивируйте содержимое в папку "ReactOS", затем дважды перезагрузите систему. [Section.041f] Name = VirtualBox için AC'97 Sürücüsü License = Bilinmiyor Description = AC'97 uyumlu aygıtlar için ses sürücüsü. "ReactOS" dizinine çıkartınız ve bilgisayarı iki kez yeniden başlatınız. [Section.0422] Name = Драйвер AC97 для VirtualBox License = Невідома Description = Pозархівуйте вміст в теку "ReactOS" після чого двічі перезавантажте систему. [Section.0425] Name = AC'97 draiver VirtualBox'ile License = Tundmatu Description = Audio driver for AC'97-compatible devices. Unzip in the ReactOS folder and restart twice. [Section.0804] Name = 适用于 VirtualBox 的 AC'97 驱动程序 License = 未知 Description = AC'97 兼容设备的音频驱动程序。解压到 ReactOS 文件夹并重启两次后生效。 [Section.0813] Name = AC97 Driver voor VirtualBox License = Ongekend Description = Pak uit in de "ReactOS" map en start tweemaal opnieuw op.