; UTF-8 [Section] Name = ScummVM Version = 1.3.1 Licence = GPL Description = Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, etc on ReactOS. Size = 3.9MB Category = 4 URLSite = http://scummvm.org/ URLDownload = http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/project/scummvm/scummvm/1.3.1/scummvm-1.3.1-win32.exe CDPath = none [Section.0407] Description = Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle usw in ReactOS. [Section.040a] Description = Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle en ReactOS. [Section.040c] Description = Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, etc sur ReactOS. [Section.0415] Description = Program pozwalający uruchomić stare gry przygodowe (Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island) w ReactOS. [Section.0422] Description = Дозволить грати Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle та інші класичні ігри в ReactOS.