[Section] Name = Java SE 8. Compiler and Runtime Environment. Version = License = GPLv2 LicenseInfo = 1 Description = An open source Java compiler and runtime environment built by Zulu based on OpenJDK. Category = 7 URLSite = https://www.azul.com URLDownload = http://cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/zulu8.48.0.53-ca-jdk8.0.265-win_i686.msi SHA1 = 8351328b571bbec051a069322289a9eb65477be5 SizeBytes = 92491776 Languages=0409|040A [Section.040a] Name = Java SE 8. Compilador y entorno de ejecución. Description = Un compilador Java de código abierto y un entorno de ejecución creado por Zulu basado en OpenJDK.