Daniel Reimer f6a5e2661a Add fall game to rapps by manuel
CORE-9127 #resolve #comment Added, have fun ^^

svn path=/trunk/reactos/base/applications/rapps/rapps/; revision=67036
2015-04-04 11:31:08 +00:00

14 lines
456 B

Name = Fall
Version = 0.1.3
License = GPL
Description = Penguins are falling from and iceberg and you have to bounce them into the docks.
Size = 371 kB
Category = 4
URLSite = http://insomnia.sourceforge.net/fall/fall.html
URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/insomnia/fall/stable/Fall-win32.zip
CDPath = none
Description = Pinguine fallen von einem Eisberg herunter und man muss sie auf sicheres Land befördern.