This is the bulk of work for opening dashboard.
Implement finer-grained access control (admin/user/public).
Show only info designated to the current user access level.
Rework UIs for more clarity re bug statuses.
Show fixed bug.
We currently print N/M which does not mean N out of M are patched,
instead it means N patched and M are not patched.
This is confusing. Print more traditional "N out of M".
Collect kernel build commit title/date.
Add support for kernel repo aliases (to be able
to say linux-next instead of full git repo address).
Collect on what managers a bug happened.
Reuse Crash.ReportLen as generic crash reporting priority.
Make it possible to prioritize reporting of particular
kernel repos and arches.
We currently can silently switch crashes when report
to the next reporting, or test a patch using a repro
from a different crash.
Remember what crash we reported for a bug and use it
in both cases.
Appengine sends only .txt/.diff files as text/plain.
Unknown extensions are send as application/octet-stream,
which is unacceptable.
I've opened a bug on appengine, but for now just rename them.
Reporting statuses are not flexible as they can't encode
all possible conditions. ReportingPassThrough is a good example.
Replace Status with Filter which accepts bug and can contain
arbitrary logic.
We see these warnings when people CC syzbot on unrelated threads.
If there is no command in the email, don't produce warning at all.
On the other hand if there is a command, warn and send sender
reply that syzbot can't find the corresponding bug.
Support the new scheme of associating fixing commits with bugs.
Now we provide a tag along the lines of:
Reported-by: <>
The tag is supposed to be added to the commit.
Then we parse commit logs and extract these tags.
The final part on the dashboard is not ready yet,
but syz-ci should already parse and send the tags.
Crashes without maintainers are nasty. There is no way to do
anything with them without altering the datastore (they are not mailed).
Add DefaultMaintainers to email config.
These addresses are added to all reported bugs as maintainers (e.g. LKML).
One the report is mailed it's possible to CC more people on it.
Only reset manager failed build if it uploaded _new_
successful build. On manager restart it uploads its
_old_ working build, and it should not reset a later
failed build.
For some reason people sometimes drop syzbot from CC.
Then we receive the message from mailing list and can't
find the corresponding bug.
Log email subject in such cases so that it's easier to find
the corresponding email thread.
We have maxCrashes crashes without reproducers + arbitrary number
of crashes with reproducers. Crashes with reproducers can be stale.
Show more crashes.
dropNamespace drops all entities related to a single namespace.
Use with care. There is no undo.
This functionality is intentionally not connected to any handler.
To use it, first make a backup of the datastore. Then, specify the target
namespace in the ns variable, connect the function to a handler, invoke it
and double check the output. Finally, set dryRun to false and invoke again.
Also change code to catch such bugs in tests in future.
The problem was that template.Execute already wrote something
into w before returning error, so though the function
returned an error we served 200 instead of 500.
Make it possible to monitor health and operation
of all managers from dashboard.
1. Notify dashboard about internal syz-ci errors
(currently we don't know when/if they happen).
2. Send statistics from managers to dashboard.
Boot and minimally test images before declaring them as good
and switching to using them.
If image build/boot/test fails, upload report about this to dashboard.