Aleksandr Nogikh 9133037195 all: integrate with mac80211_hwsim
Two virtual wireless devices are instantiated during network devices

A new flag (-wifi) is added that controls whether these virtual wifi
devices are instantiated and configured during proc initialization.

Also, two new pseudo syscalls are added:
1. syz_80211_inject_frame(mac_addr, packet, packet_len) -- injects an
arbitrary packet into the wireless stack. It is injected as if it
originated from the device identitied by mac_addr.
2. syz_80211_join_ibss(interface_name, ssid, ssid_len, mode) --
puts a specific network interface into IBSS state and joins an IBSS

Arguments of syz_80211_join_ibss:
1) interface_name -- null-terminated string that identifies
a wireless interface
2) ssid, ssid_len -- SSID of an IBSS network to join to
3) mode -- mode of syz_80211_join_ibss operation (see below)

Modes of operation:
JOIN_IBSS_NO_SCAN (0x0) -- channel scan is not performed and
syz_80211_join_ibss waits until the interface reaches IF_OPER_UP.
JOIN_IBSS_BG_SCAN (0x1) -- channel scan is performed (takes ~ 9
seconds), syz_80211_join_ibss does not await IF_OPER_UP.
JOIN_IBSS_BG_NO_SCAN (0x2) -- channel scan is not performed,
syz_80211_join_ibss does not await IF_OPER_UP.

Local testing ensured that these syscalls are indeed able to set up an
operating network and inject packets into mac80211.
2020-09-22 10:12:23 +02:00

166 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:generate go run gen.go
package csource
import (
const (
linux = "linux"
freebsd = "freebsd"
openbsd = "openbsd"
netbsd = "netbsd"
sandboxNone = "none"
sandboxSetuid = "setuid"
sandboxNamespace = "namespace"
sandboxAndroid = "android"
func createCommonHeader(p, mmapProg *prog.Prog, replacements map[string]string, opts Options) ([]byte, error) {
defines := defineList(p, mmapProg, opts)
sysTarget := targets.Get(p.Target.OS, p.Target.Arch)
cmd := osutil.Command(sysTarget.CPP, "-nostdinc", "-undef", "-fdirectives-only", "-dDI", "-E", "-P", "-")
for _, def := range defines {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-D"+def)
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(commonHeader)
stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
stdout := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd.Stderr = stderr
cmd.Stdout = stdout
// Note: we ignore error because we pass -nostdinc so there are lots of errors of the form:
// error: no include path in which to search for stdlib.h
// This is exactly what we want: we don't want these to be included into the C reproducer.
// But the downside is that we can miss some real errors, e.g.:
// error: missing binary operator before token "SYZ_SANDBOX_ANDROID"
// 3776 | #if not SYZ_SANDBOX_ANDROID
// Potentially we could analyze errors manually and ignore only the expected ones.
if err := cmd.Run(); len(stdout.Bytes()) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cpp failed: %v %v: %v\n%v\n%v", cmd.Path, cmd.Args, err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
src, err := removeSystemDefines(stdout.Bytes(), defines)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for from, to := range replacements {
src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("/*{{{"+from+"}}}*/"), []byte(to), -1)
for from, to := range map[string]string{
"uint64": "uint64_t",
"uint32": "uint32_t",
"uint16": "uint16_t",
"uint8": "uint8_t",
} {
src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte(from), []byte(to), -1)
src = regexp.MustCompile("#define SYZ_HAVE_.*").ReplaceAll(src, nil)
return src, nil
func defineList(p, mmapProg *prog.Prog, opts Options) (defines []string) {
for def, ok := range commonDefines(p, opts) {
if ok {
defines = append(defines, def)
for _, c := range p.Calls {
defines = append(defines, "__NR_"+c.Meta.CallName)
for _, c := range mmapProg.Calls {
defines = append(defines, "__NR_"+c.Meta.CallName)
func commonDefines(p *prog.Prog, opts Options) map[string]bool {
sysTarget := targets.Get(p.Target.OS, p.Target.Arch)
bitmasks, csums := prog.RequiredFeatures(p)
return map[string]bool{
"GOOS_" + p.Target.OS: true,
"GOARCH_" + p.Target.Arch: true,
"HOSTGOOS_" + runtime.GOOS: true,
"SYZ_USE_BITMASKS": bitmasks,
"SYZ_SANDBOX_NONE": opts.Sandbox == sandboxNone,
"SYZ_SANDBOX_SETUID": opts.Sandbox == sandboxSetuid,
"SYZ_SANDBOX_NAMESPACE": opts.Sandbox == sandboxNamespace,
"SYZ_SANDBOX_ANDROID": opts.Sandbox == sandboxAndroid,
"SYZ_THREADED": opts.Threaded,
"SYZ_COLLIDE": opts.Collide,
"SYZ_REPEAT": opts.Repeat,
"SYZ_REPEAT_TIMES": opts.RepeatTimes > 1,
"SYZ_MULTI_PROC": opts.Procs > 1,
"SYZ_FAULT": opts.Fault,
"SYZ_LEAK": opts.Leak,
"SYZ_NET_INJECTION": opts.NetInjection,
"SYZ_NET_DEVICES": opts.NetDevices,
"SYZ_NET_RESET": opts.NetReset,
"SYZ_CGROUPS": opts.Cgroups,
"SYZ_BINFMT_MISC": opts.BinfmtMisc,
"SYZ_CLOSE_FDS": opts.CloseFDs,
"SYZ_DEVLINK_PCI": opts.DevlinkPCI,
"SYZ_USB": opts.USB,
"SYZ_VHCI_INJECTION": opts.VhciInjection,
"SYZ_USE_TMP_DIR": opts.UseTmpDir,
"SYZ_HANDLE_SEGV": opts.HandleSegv,
"SYZ_REPRO": opts.Repro,
"SYZ_TRACE": opts.Trace,
"SYZ_WIFI": opts.Wifi,
"SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_SHMEM": sysTarget.ExecutorUsesShmem,
"SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_FORK_SERVER": sysTarget.ExecutorUsesForkServer,
func removeSystemDefines(src []byte, defines []string) ([]byte, error) {
remove := map[string]string{
"__STDC__": "1",
"__STDC_HOSTED__": "1",
"__STDC_UTF_16__": "1",
"__STDC_UTF_32__": "1",
for _, def := range defines {
eq := strings.IndexByte(def, '=')
if eq == -1 {
remove[def] = "1"
} else {
remove[def[:eq]] = def[eq+1:]
for def, val := range remove {
src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("#define "+def+" "+val+"\n"), nil, -1)
// strip: #define __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
for _, def := range []string{"__STDC_VERSION__"} {
pos := bytes.Index(src, []byte("#define "+def))
if pos == -1 {
end := bytes.IndexByte(src[pos:], '\n')
if end == -1 {
src = bytes.Replace(src, src[pos:end+1], nil, -1)
return src, nil