Dmitry Vyukov 354c324465 syz-fuzzer: don't send/check CallIndex for inputs
The call index check episodically fails:

2017/10/02 22:07:32 bad call index 1, calls 1, program:

under unknown circumstances. I've looked at the code again
and don't see where/how we can mess CallIndex.
Added a new test for minimization that especially checks resulting
It would be good to understand what happens, but we don't have
any reproducers. CallIndex is actually unused at this point.
Manager only needs call name. So remove CallIndex entirely.
2017-10-10 10:41:27 +02:00

749 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2015 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prog
import (
func (p *Prog) Mutate(rs rand.Source, ncalls int, ct *ChoiceTable, corpus []*Prog) {
r := newRand(p.Target, rs)
retry := false
for stop := false; !stop || retry; stop = r.oneOf(3) {
retry = false
switch {
case r.nOutOf(1, 100):
// Splice with another prog from corpus.
if len(corpus) == 0 || len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
p0 := corpus[r.Intn(len(corpus))]
p0c := p0.Clone()
idx := r.Intn(len(p.Calls))
p.Calls = append(p.Calls[:idx], append(p0c.Calls, p.Calls[idx:]...)...)
for i := len(p.Calls) - 1; i >= ncalls; i-- {
case r.nOutOf(20, 31):
// Insert a new call.
if len(p.Calls) >= ncalls {
retry = true
idx := r.biasedRand(len(p.Calls)+1, 5)
var c *Call
if idx < len(p.Calls) {
c = p.Calls[idx]
s := analyze(ct, p, c)
calls := r.generateCall(s, p)
p.insertBefore(c, calls)
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
// Change args of a call.
if len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
c := p.Calls[r.Intn(len(p.Calls))]
if len(c.Args) == 0 {
retry = true
// Mutating mmap() arguments almost certainly doesn't give us new coverage.
if c.Meta == p.Target.MmapSyscall && r.nOutOf(99, 100) {
retry = true
s := analyze(ct, p, c)
for stop := false; !stop; stop = r.oneOf(3) {
args, bases := p.Target.mutationArgs(c)
if len(args) == 0 {
retry = true
idx := r.Intn(len(args))
arg, base := args[idx], bases[idx]
var baseSize uint64
if base != nil {
b, ok := base.(*PointerArg)
if !ok || b.Res == nil {
panic("bad base arg")
baseSize = b.Res.Size()
switch t := arg.Type().(type) {
case *IntType, *FlagsType:
a := arg.(*ConstArg)
if r.bin() {
arg1, calls1 := r.generateArg(s, arg.Type())
p.replaceArg(c, arg, arg1, calls1)
} else {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(1, 3):
a.Val += uint64(r.Intn(4)) + 1
case r.nOutOf(1, 2):
a.Val -= uint64(r.Intn(4)) + 1
a.Val ^= 1 << uint64(r.Intn(64))
case *ResourceType, *VmaType, *ProcType:
arg1, calls1 := r.generateArg(s, arg.Type())
p.replaceArg(c, arg, arg1, calls1)
case *BufferType:
a := arg.(*DataArg)
switch t.Kind {
case BufferBlobRand, BufferBlobRange:
var data []byte
data = append([]byte{}, a.Data...)
var minLen uint64
maxLen := ^uint64(0)
if t.Kind == BufferBlobRange {
minLen = t.RangeBegin
maxLen = t.RangeEnd
a.Data = mutateData(r, data, minLen, maxLen)
case BufferString:
if r.bin() {
minLen, maxLen := uint64(0), ^uint64(0)
if t.TypeSize != 0 {
minLen, maxLen = t.TypeSize, t.TypeSize
a.Data = mutateData(r, append([]byte{}, a.Data...), minLen, maxLen)
} else {
a.Data = r.randString(s, t.Values, t.Dir())
case BufferFilename:
a.Data = []byte(r.filename(s))
case BufferText:
a.Data = r.mutateText(t.Text, a.Data)
panic("unknown buffer kind")
case *ArrayType:
a := arg.(*GroupArg)
count := uint64(0)
switch t.Kind {
case ArrayRandLen:
for count == uint64(len(a.Inner)) {
count = r.randArrayLen()
case ArrayRangeLen:
if t.RangeBegin == t.RangeEnd {
panic("trying to mutate fixed length array")
for count == uint64(len(a.Inner)) {
count = r.randRange(t.RangeBegin, t.RangeEnd)
if count > uint64(len(a.Inner)) {
var calls []*Call
for count > uint64(len(a.Inner)) {
arg1, calls1 := r.generateArg(s, t.Type)
a.Inner = append(a.Inner, arg1)
for _, c1 := range calls1 {
calls = append(calls, c1)
for _, c1 := range calls {
p.insertBefore(c, calls)
} else if count < uint64(len(a.Inner)) {
for _, arg := range a.Inner[count:] {
p.removeArg(c, arg)
a.Inner = a.Inner[:count]
// TODO: swap elements of the array
case *PtrType:
a, ok := arg.(*PointerArg)
if !ok {
// TODO: we don't know size for out args
size := uint64(1)
if a.Res != nil {
size = a.Res.Size()
arg1, calls1 := r.addr(s, t, size, a.Res)
p.replaceArg(c, arg, arg1, calls1)
case *StructType:
gen := p.Target.SpecialStructs[t.Name()]
if gen == nil {
panic("bad arg returned by mutationArgs: StructType")
arg1, calls1 := gen(&Gen{r, s}, t, arg.(*GroupArg))
for i, f := range arg1.(*GroupArg).Inner {
p.replaceArg(c, arg.(*GroupArg).Inner[i], f, calls1)
calls1 = nil
case *UnionType:
a := arg.(*UnionArg)
optType := t.Fields[r.Intn(len(t.Fields))]
maxIters := 1000
for i := 0; optType.FieldName() == a.OptionType.FieldName(); i++ {
optType = t.Fields[r.Intn(len(t.Fields))]
if i >= maxIters {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't generate a different union option after %v iterations, type: %+v", maxIters, t))
p.removeArg(c, a.Option)
opt, calls := r.generateArg(s, optType)
arg1 := unionArg(t, opt, optType)
p.replaceArg(c, arg, arg1, calls)
case *LenType:
panic("bad arg returned by mutationArgs: LenType")
case *CsumType:
panic("bad arg returned by mutationArgs: CsumType")
case *ConstType:
panic("bad arg returned by mutationArgs: ConstType")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad arg returned by mutationArgs: %#v, type=%#v", arg, arg.Type()))
// Update base pointer if size has increased.
if base != nil {
b := base.(*PointerArg)
if baseSize < b.Res.Size() {
arg1, calls1 := r.addr(s, b.Type(), b.Res.Size(), b.Res)
for _, c1 := range calls1 {
p.insertBefore(c, calls1)
a1 := arg1.(*PointerArg)
b.PageIndex = a1.PageIndex
b.PageOffset = a1.PageOffset
b.PagesNum = a1.PagesNum
// Update all len fields.
// Remove a random call.
if len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
idx := r.Intn(len(p.Calls))
for _, c := range p.Calls {
if debug {
if err := p.validate(); err != nil {
// Minimize minimizes program p into an equivalent program using the equivalence
// predicate pred. It iteratively generates simpler programs and asks pred
// whether it is equal to the orginal program or not. If it is equivalent then
// the simplification attempt is committed and the process continues.
func Minimize(p0 *Prog, callIndex0 int, pred0 func(*Prog, int) bool, crash bool) (*Prog, int) {
pred := pred0
if debug {
pred = func(p *Prog, callIndex int) bool {
if err := p.validate(); err != nil {
return pred0(p, callIndex)
name0 := ""
if callIndex0 != -1 {
if callIndex0 < 0 || callIndex0 >= len(p0.Calls) {
panic("bad call index")
name0 = p0.Calls[callIndex0].Meta.Name
// Try to glue all mmap's together.
s := analyze(nil, p0, nil)
hi := -1
lo := -1
for i := 0; i < maxPages; i++ {
if s.pages[i] {
hi = i
if lo == -1 {
lo = i
if hi != -1 {
p := p0.Clone()
callIndex := callIndex0
// Remove all mmaps.
for i := 0; i < len(p.Calls); i++ {
c := p.Calls[i]
if i != callIndex && c.Meta == p.Target.MmapSyscall {
if i < callIndex {
// Prepend uber-mmap.
mmap := p0.Target.MakeMmap(uint64(lo), uint64(hi-lo)+1)
p.Calls = append([]*Call{mmap}, p.Calls...)
if callIndex != -1 {
if pred(p, callIndex) {
p0 = p
callIndex0 = callIndex
// Try to remove all calls except the last one one-by-one.
for i := len(p0.Calls) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i == callIndex0 {
callIndex := callIndex0
if i < callIndex {
p := p0.Clone()
if !pred(p, callIndex) {
p0 = p
callIndex0 = callIndex
var triedPaths map[string]bool
var rec func(p *Prog, call *Call, arg Arg, path string) bool
rec = func(p *Prog, call *Call, arg Arg, path string) bool {
path += fmt.Sprintf("-%v", arg.Type().FieldName())
switch typ := arg.Type().(type) {
case *StructType:
a := arg.(*GroupArg)
for _, innerArg := range a.Inner {
if rec(p, call, innerArg, path) {
return true
case *UnionType:
a := arg.(*UnionArg)
if rec(p, call, a.Option, path) {
return true
case *PtrType:
// TODO: try to remove optional ptrs
a, ok := arg.(*PointerArg)
if !ok {
// Can also be *ConstArg.
return false
if a.Res != nil {
return rec(p, call, a.Res, path)
case *ArrayType:
a := arg.(*GroupArg)
for i, innerArg := range a.Inner {
innerPath := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", path, i)
if !triedPaths[innerPath] && !crash {
if (typ.Kind == ArrayRangeLen && len(a.Inner) > int(typ.RangeBegin)) ||
(typ.Kind == ArrayRandLen) {
copy(a.Inner[i:], a.Inner[i+1:])
a.Inner = a.Inner[:len(a.Inner)-1]
p.removeArg(call, innerArg)
if pred(p, callIndex0) {
p0 = p
} else {
triedPaths[innerPath] = true
return true
if rec(p, call, innerArg, innerPath) {
return true
case *IntType, *FlagsType, *ProcType:
// TODO: try to reset bits in ints
// TODO: try to set separate flags
if crash {
return false
if triedPaths[path] {
return false
triedPaths[path] = true
a := arg.(*ConstArg)
if a.Val == typ.Default() {
return false
v0 := a.Val
a.Val = typ.Default()
if pred(p, callIndex0) {
p0 = p
return true
} else {
a.Val = v0
case *ResourceType:
if crash {
return false
if triedPaths[path] {
return false
triedPaths[path] = true
a := arg.(*ResultArg)
if a.Res == nil {
return false
r0 := a.Res
a.Res = nil
a.Val = typ.Default()
if pred(p, callIndex0) {
p0 = p
return true
} else {
a.Res = r0
a.Val = 0
case *BufferType:
// TODO: try to set individual bytes to 0
if triedPaths[path] {
return false
triedPaths[path] = true
if typ.Kind != BufferBlobRand && typ.Kind != BufferBlobRange {
return false
a := arg.(*DataArg)
minLen := int(typ.RangeBegin)
for step := len(a.Data) - minLen; len(a.Data) > minLen && step > 0; {
if len(a.Data)-step >= minLen {
a.Data = a.Data[:len(a.Data)-step]
if pred(p, callIndex0) {
a.Data = a.Data[:len(a.Data)+step]
step /= 2
if crash {
p0 = p
case *VmaType, *LenType, *CsumType, *ConstType:
// TODO: try to remove offset from vma
return false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown arg type '%+v'", typ))
return false
// Try to minimize individual args.
for i := 0; i < len(p0.Calls); i++ {
triedPaths = make(map[string]bool)
p := p0.Clone()
call := p.Calls[i]
for j, arg := range call.Args {
if rec(p, call, arg, fmt.Sprintf("%v", j)) {
goto again
if callIndex0 != -1 {
if callIndex0 < 0 || callIndex0 >= len(p0.Calls) || name0 != p0.Calls[callIndex0].Meta.Name {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad call index after minimization: ncalls=%v index=%v call=%v/%v",
len(p0.Calls), callIndex0, name0, p0.Calls[callIndex0].Meta.Name))
return p0, callIndex0
func (p *Prog) TrimAfter(idx int) {
if idx < 0 || idx >= len(p.Calls) {
panic("trimming non-existing call")
for i := len(p.Calls) - 1; i > idx; i-- {
c := p.Calls[i]
foreachArg(c, func(arg, _ Arg, _ *[]Arg) {
if a, ok := arg.(*ResultArg); ok && a.Res != nil {
if used, ok := a.Res.(ArgUsed); ok {
delete(*used.Used(), arg)
p.Calls = p.Calls[:idx+1]
func (target *Target) mutationArgs(c *Call) (args, bases []Arg) {
foreachArg(c, func(arg, base Arg, _ *[]Arg) {
switch typ := arg.Type().(type) {
case *StructType:
if target.SpecialStructs[typ.Name()] == nil {
// For structs only individual fields are updated.
// These special structs are mutated as a whole.
case *ArrayType:
// Don't mutate fixed-size arrays.
if typ.Kind == ArrayRangeLen && typ.RangeBegin == typ.RangeEnd {
case *LenType:
// Size is updated when the size-of arg change.
case *CsumType:
// Checksum is updated when the checksummed data changes.
case *ConstType:
// Well, this is const.
case *BufferType:
if typ.Kind == BufferString && len(typ.Values) == 1 {
return // string const
if arg.Type().Dir() == DirOut {
if base != nil {
if _, ok := base.Type().(*StructType); ok &&
target.SpecialStructs[base.Type().Name()] != nil {
// These special structs are mutated as a whole.
args = append(args, arg)
bases = append(bases, base)
func swap16(v uint16) uint16 {
v0 := byte(v >> 0)
v1 := byte(v >> 8)
v = 0
v |= uint16(v1) << 0
v |= uint16(v0) << 8
return v
func swap32(v uint32) uint32 {
v0 := byte(v >> 0)
v1 := byte(v >> 8)
v2 := byte(v >> 16)
v3 := byte(v >> 24)
v = 0
v |= uint32(v3) << 0
v |= uint32(v2) << 8
v |= uint32(v1) << 16
v |= uint32(v0) << 24
return v
func swap64(v uint64) uint64 {
v0 := byte(v >> 0)
v1 := byte(v >> 8)
v2 := byte(v >> 16)
v3 := byte(v >> 24)
v4 := byte(v >> 32)
v5 := byte(v >> 40)
v6 := byte(v >> 48)
v7 := byte(v >> 56)
v = 0
v |= uint64(v7) << 0
v |= uint64(v6) << 8
v |= uint64(v5) << 16
v |= uint64(v4) << 24
v |= uint64(v3) << 32
v |= uint64(v2) << 40
v |= uint64(v1) << 48
v |= uint64(v0) << 56
return v
func mutateData(r *randGen, data []byte, minLen, maxLen uint64) []byte {
const maxInc = 35
retry := false
for stop := false; !stop || retry; stop = r.oneOf(3) {
retry = false
switch r.Intn(13) {
case 0:
// Append byte.
if uint64(len(data)) >= maxLen {
retry = true
continue loop
data = append(data, byte(r.rand(256)))
case 1:
// Remove byte.
if len(data) == 0 || uint64(len(data)) <= minLen {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data))
copy(data[i:], data[i+1:])
data = data[:len(data)-1]
case 2:
// Replace byte with random value.
if len(data) == 0 {
retry = true
continue loop
data[r.Intn(len(data))] = byte(r.rand(256))
case 3:
// Flip bit in byte.
if len(data) == 0 {
retry = true
continue loop
byt := r.Intn(len(data))
bit := r.Intn(8)
data[byt] ^= 1 << uint(bit)
case 4:
// Swap two bytes.
if len(data) < 2 {
retry = true
continue loop
i1 := r.Intn(len(data))
i2 := r.Intn(len(data))
data[i1], data[i2] = data[i2], data[i1]
case 5:
// Add / subtract from a byte.
if len(data) == 0 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data))
delta := byte(r.rand(2*maxInc+1) - maxInc)
if delta == 0 {
delta = 1
data[i] += delta
case 6:
// Add / subtract from a uint16.
if len(data) < 2 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 1)
p := (*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i]))
delta := uint16(r.rand(2*maxInc+1) - maxInc)
if delta == 0 {
delta = 1
if r.bin() {
*p += delta
} else {
*p = swap16(swap16(*p) + delta)
case 7:
// Add / subtract from a uint32.
if len(data) < 4 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 3)
p := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i]))
delta := uint32(r.rand(2*maxInc+1) - maxInc)
if delta == 0 {
delta = 1
if r.bin() {
*p += delta
} else {
*p = swap32(swap32(*p) + delta)
case 8:
// Add / subtract from a uint64.
if len(data) < 8 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 7)
p := (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i]))
delta := r.rand(2*maxInc+1) - maxInc
if delta == 0 {
delta = 1
if r.bin() {
*p += delta
} else {
*p = swap64(swap64(*p) + delta)
case 9:
// Set byte to an interesting value.
if len(data) == 0 {
retry = true
continue loop
data[r.Intn(len(data))] = byte(r.randInt())
case 10:
// Set uint16 to an interesting value.
if len(data) < 2 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 1)
value := uint16(r.randInt())
if r.bin() {
value = swap16(value)
*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i])) = value
case 11:
// Set uint32 to an interesting value.
if len(data) < 4 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 3)
value := uint32(r.randInt())
if r.bin() {
value = swap32(value)
*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i])) = value
case 12:
// Set uint64 to an interesting value.
if len(data) < 8 {
retry = true
continue loop
i := r.Intn(len(data) - 7)
value := r.randInt()
if r.bin() {
value = swap64(value)
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[i])) = value
return data