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synced 2025-03-07 02:57:18 +00:00

Some syzkaller panics happen due to memory corruptions, but it still would be useful at least to get some visibility into these crashes. On some OSes we actualy already detect them as they have "panic:" oops pattern, but not e.g. on linux. Fixes #318
192 lines
4.4 KiB
192 lines
4.4 KiB
// Copyright 2018 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package report
import (
type akaros struct {
objfile string
func ctorAkaros(cfg *config) (Reporter, []string, error) {
ctx := &akaros{
config: cfg,
if ctx.kernelObj != "" {
ctx.objfile = filepath.Join(ctx.kernelObj, ctx.target.KernelObject)
return ctx, nil, nil
func (ctx *akaros) ContainsCrash(output []byte) bool {
return containsCrash(output, akarosOopses, ctx.ignores)
func (ctx *akaros) Parse(output []byte) *Report {
rep := simpleLineParser(output, akarosOopses, akarosStackParams, ctx.ignores)
if rep == nil {
return nil
if report := ctx.minimizeReport(rep.Report); len(report) != 0 {
rep.Report = report
return rep
func (ctx *akaros) Symbolize(rep *Report) error {
if ctx.objfile == "" {
return nil
symb := symbolizer.NewSymbolizer()
defer symb.Close()
var symbolized []byte
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(rep.Report))
for s.Scan() {
line := bytes.Trim(s.Bytes(), "\r")
line = ctx.symbolizeLine(symb.Symbolize, ctx.objfile, line)
symbolized = append(symbolized, line...)
symbolized = append(symbolized, '\n')
rep.Report = symbolized
return nil
func (ctx *akaros) symbolizeLine(symbFunc func(bin string, pc uint64) ([]symbolizer.Frame, error),
objfile string, line []byte) []byte {
match := akarosSymbolizeRe.FindSubmatchIndex(line)
if match == nil {
return line
addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(line[match[2]:match[3]]), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return line
frames, err := symbFunc(objfile, addr-1)
if err != nil || len(frames) == 0 {
return line
var symbolized []byte
for i, frame := range frames {
if i != 0 {
symbolized = append(symbolized, '\n')
file := frame.File
if pos := strings.LastIndex(file, "/kern/"); pos != -1 {
file = file[pos+6:]
modified := append([]byte{}, line...)
modified = append(modified, fmt.Sprintf(" at %v:%v", file, frame.Line)...)
if frame.Inline {
modified = replace(modified, match[4], match[5], []byte(frame.Func))
modified = replace(modified, match[2], match[3], []byte(" [inline] "))
symbolized = append(symbolized, modified...)
return symbolized
func (ctx *akaros) minimizeReport(report []byte) []byte {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
for s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(report)); s.Scan(); {
line := bytes.Trim(s.Bytes(), "\r")
if len(line) == 0 ||
bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Entering Nanwan's Dungeon")) ||
bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Type 'help' for a list of commands")) {
return out.Bytes()
var (
akarosSymbolizeRe = compile(`^#[0-9]+ \[\<(0x[0-9a-f]+)\>\] in ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`)
akarosBacktraceRe = compile(`(?:Stack Backtrace|Backtrace of kernel context) on Core [0-9]+:`)
var akarosStackParams = &stackParams{
stackStartRes: []*regexp.Regexp{
frameRes: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile(`^#[0-9]+ {{PC}} in ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`),
skipPatterns: []string{
var akarosOopses = append([]*oops{
[]byte("kernel panic"),
title: compile("kernel panic at {{SRC}}, from core [0-9]+: assertion failed: (.*)"),
fmt: "assertion failed: %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("kernel panic at {{SRC}}, from core [0-9]+: (.*)"),
fmt: "kernel panic: %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("kernel panic"),
fmt: "kernel panic",
noStackTrace: true,
corrupted: true,
[]byte("kernel warning"),
title: compile("kernel warning at {{SRC}}, from core [0-9]+"),
fmt: "kernel warning in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("kernel warning"),
fmt: "kernel warning",
noStackTrace: true,
corrupted: true,
}, commonOopses...)