2020-08-13 13:50:25 +02:00

528 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package compiler
import (
const sizeUnassigned = ^uint64(0)
func (comp *compiler) genResources() []*prog.ResourceDesc {
var resources []*prog.ResourceDesc
for name, n := range comp.resources {
if !comp.used[name] {
resources = append(resources, comp.genResource(n))
sort.Slice(resources, func(i, j int) bool {
return resources[i].Name < resources[j].Name
return resources
func (comp *compiler) genResource(n *ast.Resource) *prog.ResourceDesc {
res := &prog.ResourceDesc{
Name: n.Name.Name,
for n != nil {
res.Values = append(genIntArray(n.Values), res.Values...)
res.Kind = append([]string{n.Name.Name}, res.Kind...)
n = comp.resources[n.Base.Ident]
if len(res.Values) == 0 {
res.Values = []uint64{0}
return res
func (comp *compiler) collectCallArgSizes() map[string][]uint64 {
argPos := make(map[string]ast.Pos)
callArgSizes := make(map[string][]uint64)
for _, decl := range comp.desc.Nodes {
n, ok := decl.(*ast.Call)
if !ok {
// Figure out number of arguments and their sizes for each syscall.
// For example, we may have:
// ioctl(fd fd, cmd int32, arg intptr)
// ioctl$FOO(fd fd, cmd const[FOO])
// Here we will figure out that ioctl$FOO have 3 args, even that
// only 2 are specified and that size of cmd is 4 even that
// normally we would assume it's 8 (intptr).
argSizes := callArgSizes[n.CallName]
for i, arg := range n.Args {
if len(argSizes) <= i {
argSizes = append(argSizes, comp.ptrSize)
desc, _, _ := comp.getArgsBase(arg.Type, true)
typ := comp.genField(arg, comp.ptrSize)
// Ignore all types with base (const, flags). We don't have base in syscall args.
// Also ignore resources and pointers because fd can be 32-bits and pointer 64-bits,
// and then there is no way to fix this.
// The only relevant types left is plain int types.
if desc != typeInt {
if ! && typ.Size() > comp.ptrSize {
comp.error(arg.Pos, "%v arg %v is larger than pointer size", n.Name.Name, arg.Name.Name)
argID := fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", n.CallName, i)
if _, ok := argPos[argID]; !ok {
argSizes[i] = typ.Size()
argPos[argID] = arg.Pos
if argSizes[i] != typ.Size() {
comp.error(arg.Pos, "%v arg %v is redeclared with size %v, previously declared with size %v at %v",
n.Name.Name, arg.Name.Name, typ.Size(), argSizes[i], argPos[argID])
callArgSizes[n.CallName] = argSizes
return callArgSizes
func (comp *compiler) genSyscalls() []*prog.Syscall {
callArgSizes := comp.collectCallArgSizes()
var calls []*prog.Syscall
for _, decl := range comp.desc.Nodes {
if n, ok := decl.(*ast.Call); ok && n.NR != ^uint64(0) {
calls = append(calls, comp.genSyscall(n, callArgSizes[n.CallName]))
sort.Slice(calls, func(i, j int) bool {
return calls[i].Name < calls[j].Name
return calls
func (comp *compiler) genSyscall(n *ast.Call, argSizes []uint64) *prog.Syscall {
var ret prog.Type
if n.Ret != nil {
ret = comp.genType(n.Ret, comp.ptrSize)
var attrs prog.SyscallAttrs
descAttrs := comp.parseAttrs(callAttrs, n, n.Attrs)
for desc, val := range descAttrs {
fld := reflect.ValueOf(&attrs).Elem().FieldByName(desc.Name)
if desc.HasArg {
} else {
fld.SetBool(val != 0)
return &prog.Syscall{
Name: n.Name.Name,
CallName: n.CallName,
NR: n.NR,
MissingArgs: len(argSizes) - len(n.Args),
Args: comp.genFieldArray(n.Args, argSizes),
Ret: ret,
Attrs: attrs,
type typeProxy struct {
typ prog.Type
id string
ref prog.Ref
locations []*prog.Type
func (comp *compiler) generateTypes(syscalls []*prog.Syscall) []prog.Type {
// Replace all Type's in the descriptions with Ref's
// and prepare a sorted array of corresponding real types.
proxies := make(map[string]*typeProxy)
prog.ForeachTypePost(syscalls, func(typ prog.Type, ctx prog.TypeCtx) {
if _, ok := typ.(prog.Ref); ok {
if !typ.Varlen() && typ.Size() == sizeUnassigned {
panic("unassigned size")
id := typ.Name()
switch typ.(type) {
case *prog.StructType, *prog.UnionType:
// There types can be uniquely identified with the name.
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
serializer.Write(buf, typ)
id = buf.String()
proxy := proxies[id]
if proxy == nil {
proxy = &typeProxy{
typ: typ,
id: id,
ref: prog.Ref(len(proxies)),
proxies[id] = proxy
*ctx.Ptr = proxy.ref
proxy.locations = append(proxy.locations, ctx.Ptr)
array := make([]*typeProxy, 0, len(proxies))
for _, proxy := range proxies {
array = append(array, proxy)
sort.Slice(array, func(i, j int) bool {
return array[i].id < array[j].id
types := make([]prog.Type, len(array))
for i, proxy := range array {
types[i] = proxy.typ
for _, loc := range proxy.locations {
*loc = prog.Ref(i)
return types
func (comp *compiler) layoutTypes(syscalls []*prog.Syscall) {
// Calculate struct/union/array sizes, add padding to structs, mark bitfields.
padded := make(map[prog.Type]bool)
prog.ForeachTypePost(syscalls, func(typ prog.Type, _ prog.TypeCtx) {
comp.layoutType(typ, padded)
func (comp *compiler) layoutType(typ prog.Type, padded map[prog.Type]bool) {
if padded[typ] {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *prog.ArrayType:
comp.layoutType(t.Elem, padded)
case *prog.StructType:
for _, f := range t.Fields {
comp.layoutType(f.Type, padded)
case *prog.UnionType:
for _, f := range t.Fields {
comp.layoutType(f.Type, padded)
if !typ.Varlen() && typ.Size() == sizeUnassigned {
panic("size unassigned")
padded[typ] = true
func (comp *compiler) layoutArray(t *prog.ArrayType) {
t.TypeSize = 0
if t.Kind == prog.ArrayRangeLen && t.RangeBegin == t.RangeEnd && !t.Elem.Varlen() {
t.TypeSize = t.RangeBegin * t.Elem.Size()
func (comp *compiler) layoutUnion(t *prog.UnionType) {
structNode := comp.structs[t.TypeName]
attrs := comp.parseAttrs(unionAttrs, structNode, structNode.Attrs)
t.TypeSize = 0
if attrs[attrVarlen] != 0 {
sizeAttr, hasSize := attrs[attrSize]
for i, fld := range t.Fields {
sz := fld.Size()
if hasSize && sz > sizeAttr {
comp.error(structNode.Fields[i].Pos, "union %v has size attribute %v"+
" which is less than field %v size %v",
structNode.Name.Name, sizeAttr, fld.Type.Name(), sz)
if t.TypeSize < sz {
t.TypeSize = sz
if hasSize {
t.TypeSize = sizeAttr
func (comp *compiler) layoutStruct(t *prog.StructType) {
// Add paddings, calculate size, mark bitfields.
structNode := comp.structs[t.TypeName]
varlen := false
for _, f := range t.Fields {
if f.Varlen() {
varlen = true
attrs := comp.parseAttrs(structAttrs, structNode, structNode.Attrs)
t.AlignAttr = attrs[attrAlign]
comp.layoutStructFields(t, varlen, attrs[attrPacked] != 0)
t.TypeSize = 0
if !varlen {
for _, f := range t.Fields {
t.TypeSize += f.Size()
sizeAttr, hasSize := attrs[attrSize]
if hasSize {
if t.TypeSize > sizeAttr {
comp.error(structNode.Attrs[0].Pos, "struct %v has size attribute %v"+
" which is less than struct size %v",
structNode.Name.Name, sizeAttr, t.TypeSize)
if pad := sizeAttr - t.TypeSize; pad != 0 {
t.Fields = append(t.Fields, genPad(pad))
t.TypeSize = sizeAttr
func (comp *compiler) layoutStructFields(t *prog.StructType, varlen, packed bool) {
var newFields []prog.Field
var structAlign, byteOffset, bitOffset uint64
for i, field := range t.Fields {
f := field.Type
fieldAlign := uint64(1)
if !packed {
fieldAlign = f.Alignment()
if structAlign < fieldAlign {
structAlign = fieldAlign
fullBitOffset := byteOffset*8 + bitOffset
var fieldOffset uint64
if f.IsBitfield() {
unitAlign := f.UnitSize()
if packed {
unitAlign = 1
fieldOffset = rounddown(fullBitOffset/8, unitAlign)
unitBits := f.UnitSize() * 8
occupiedBits := fullBitOffset - fieldOffset*8
remainBits := unitBits - occupiedBits
if remainBits < f.BitfieldLength() {
fieldOffset = roundup(roundup(fullBitOffset, 8)/8, unitAlign)
fullBitOffset, bitOffset = 0, 0
} else if fieldOffset*8 >= fullBitOffset {
fullBitOffset, bitOffset = fieldOffset*8, 0
fieldBitOffset := (fullBitOffset - fieldOffset*8) % unitBits
setBitfieldOffset(f, fieldBitOffset)
} else {
fieldOffset = roundup(roundup(fullBitOffset, 8)/8, fieldAlign)
bitOffset = 0
if fieldOffset > byteOffset {
pad := fieldOffset - byteOffset
byteOffset += pad
if i != 0 && t.Fields[i-1].IsBitfield() {
setBitfieldTypeSize(t.Fields[i-1].Type, pad)
if bitOffset >= 8*pad {
// The padding is due to bitfields, so consume the bitOffset.
bitOffset -= 8 * pad
} else if bitOffset >= 8 {
// Unclear is this is a bug or not and what to do in this case.
// But since we don't have any descriptions that trigger this,
// let's just guard with the panic.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad bitOffset: %v.%v pad=%v bitOffset=%v",
t.Name(), field.Name, pad, bitOffset))
} else {
newFields = append(newFields, genPad(pad))
if f.IsBitfield() {
if byteOffset > fieldOffset {
unitOffset := byteOffset - fieldOffset
setBitfieldUnitOffset(f, unitOffset)
newFields = append(newFields, field)
if f.IsBitfield() {
bitOffset += f.BitfieldLength()
} else if !f.Varlen() {
// Increase offset if the current field except when it's
// the last field in a struct and has variable length.
byteOffset += f.Size()
if bitOffset != 0 {
pad := roundup(bitOffset, 8) / 8
byteOffset += pad
i := len(t.Fields)
if i != 0 && t.Fields[i-1].IsBitfield() {
setBitfieldTypeSize(t.Fields[i-1].Type, pad)
} else {
newFields = append(newFields, genPad(pad))
if t.AlignAttr != 0 {
structAlign = t.AlignAttr
if !varlen && structAlign != 0 && byteOffset%structAlign != 0 {
pad := structAlign - byteOffset%structAlign
newFields = append(newFields, genPad(pad))
t.Fields = newFields
func roundup(v, a uint64) uint64 {
return rounddown(v+a-1, a)
func rounddown(v, a uint64) uint64 {
if (a & (a - 1)) != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("rounddown(%v)", a))
return v & ^(a - 1)
func bitfieldFields(t0 prog.Type) (*uint64, *uint64, *uint64) {
switch t := t0.(type) {
case *prog.IntType:
return &t.TypeSize, &t.BitfieldOff, &t.BitfieldUnitOff
case *prog.ConstType:
return &t.TypeSize, &t.BitfieldOff, &t.BitfieldUnitOff
case *prog.LenType:
return &t.TypeSize, &t.BitfieldOff, &t.BitfieldUnitOff
case *prog.FlagsType:
return &t.TypeSize, &t.BitfieldOff, &t.BitfieldUnitOff
case *prog.ProcType:
return &t.TypeSize, &t.BitfieldOff, &t.BitfieldUnitOff
panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %#v can't be a bitfield", t))
func setBitfieldTypeSize(t prog.Type, v uint64) {
p, _, _ := bitfieldFields(t)
*p = v
func setBitfieldOffset(t prog.Type, v uint64) {
_, p, _ := bitfieldFields(t)
*p = v
func setBitfieldUnitOffset(t prog.Type, v uint64) {
_, _, p := bitfieldFields(t)
*p = v
func genPad(size uint64) prog.Field {
return prog.Field{
Type: &prog.ConstType{
IntTypeCommon: genIntCommon(genCommon("pad", size, false), 0, false),
IsPad: true,
func (comp *compiler) genFieldArray(fields []*ast.Field, argSizes []uint64) []prog.Field {
var res []prog.Field
for i, f := range fields {
res = append(res, comp.genField(f, argSizes[i]))
return res
func (comp *compiler) genFieldDir(f *ast.Field) (prog.Dir, bool) {
attrs := comp.parseAttrs(fieldAttrs, f, f.Attrs)
switch {
case attrs[attrIn] != 0:
return prog.DirIn, true
case attrs[attrOut] != 0:
return prog.DirOut, true
case attrs[attrInOut] != 0:
return prog.DirInOut, true
return prog.DirIn, false
func (comp *compiler) genField(f *ast.Field, argSize uint64) prog.Field {
dir, hasDir := comp.genFieldDir(f)
return prog.Field{
Name: f.Name.Name,
Type: comp.genType(f.Type, argSize),
HasDirection: hasDir,
Direction: dir,
func (comp *compiler) genType(t *ast.Type, argSize uint64) prog.Type {
desc, args, base := comp.getArgsBase(t, argSize != 0)
if desc.Gen == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no gen for %v %#v", t.Ident, t))
if argSize != 0 {
// Now that we know a more precise size, patch the type.
// This is somewhat hacky. Ideally we figure out the size earlier,
// store it somewhere and use during generation of the arg base type.
base.TypeSize = argSize
if desc.CheckConsts != nil {
desc.CheckConsts(comp, t, args, base)
base.IsVarlen = desc.Varlen != nil && desc.Varlen(comp, t, args)
return desc.Gen(comp, t, args, base)
func genCommon(name string, size uint64, opt bool) prog.TypeCommon {
return prog.TypeCommon{
TypeName: name,
TypeSize: size,
IsOptional: opt,
func genIntCommon(com prog.TypeCommon, bitLen uint64, bigEndian bool) prog.IntTypeCommon {
bf := prog.FormatNative
if bigEndian {
bf = prog.FormatBigEndian
bfUnit := uint64(0)
if bitLen != 0 {
bfUnit = com.TypeSize
com.TypeSize = 0
return prog.IntTypeCommon{
TypeCommon: com,
ArgFormat: bf,
BitfieldLen: bitLen,
BitfieldUnit: bfUnit,
func genIntArray(a []*ast.Int) []uint64 {
r := make([]uint64, len(a))
for i, v := range a {
r[i] = v.Value
return r
func genStrArray(a []*ast.String) []string {
r := make([]string, len(a))
for i, v := range a {
r[i] = v.Value
return r