Dmitry Vyukov 0fcd5fd3dd all: speed up tests
Mark tests as parallel where makes sense.
Speed up sys.TransitivelyEnabledCalls.

Execution time is now:

ok		0.172s
ok		0.060s
ok		3.081s
ok			0.395s
ok		0.060s
ok		0.106s
ok		1.530s
ok		0.491s
ok			1.374s
ok			0.014s
ok		2.604s
ok		0.045s
ok		0.062s
ok			0.365s
ok		0.014s
ok	0.427s
ok			0.052s

However, main time is still taken by rebuilding sys package.

Fixes #182
2017-05-29 13:15:07 +02:00

771 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2015/2016 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prog
import (
var pageStartPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return new([]uintptr) }}
type randGen struct {
inCreateResource bool
func newRand(rs rand.Source) *randGen {
return &randGen{rand.New(rs), false}
func (r *randGen) rand(n int) uintptr {
return uintptr(r.Intn(n))
func (r *randGen) randRange(begin int, end int) uintptr {
return uintptr(begin + r.Intn(end-begin+1))
func (r *randGen) bin() bool {
return r.Intn(2) == 0
func (r *randGen) oneOf(n int) bool {
return r.Intn(n) == 0
func (r *randGen) rand64() uintptr {
v := uintptr(r.Int63())
if r.bin() {
v |= 1 << 63
return v
// Some potentially interesting integers.
var specialInts = []uintptr{
0, 1, 31, 32, 63, 64, 127, 128,
129, 255, 256, 257, 511, 512,
1023, 1024, 1025, 2047, 2048, 4095, 4096,
(1 << 15) - 1, (1 << 15), (1 << 15) + 1,
(1 << 16) - 1, (1 << 16), (1 << 16) + 1,
(1 << 31) - 1, (1 << 31), (1 << 31) + 1,
(1 << 32) - 1, (1 << 32), (1 << 32) + 1,
func (r *randGen) randInt() uintptr {
v := r.rand64()
switch {
case r.nOutOf(100, 182):
v %= 10
case r.nOutOf(50, 82):
v = specialInts[r.Intn(len(specialInts))]
case r.nOutOf(10, 32):
v %= 256
case r.nOutOf(10, 22):
v %= 4 << 10
case r.nOutOf(10, 12):
v %= 64 << 10
v %= 1 << 31
switch {
case r.nOutOf(100, 107):
case r.nOutOf(5, 7):
v = uintptr(-int(v))
v <<= uint(r.Intn(63))
return v
func (r *randGen) randRangeInt(begin int64, end int64) uintptr {
if r.oneOf(100) {
return r.randInt()
return uintptr(begin + r.Int63n(end-begin+1))
// biasedRand returns a random int in range [0..n),
// probability of n-1 is k times higher than probability of 0.
func (r *randGen) biasedRand(n, k int) int {
nf, kf := float64(n), float64(k)
rf := nf * (kf/2 + 1) * rand.Float64()
bf := (-1 + math.Sqrt(1+2*kf*rf/nf)) * nf / kf
return int(bf)
func (r *randGen) randArrayLen() uintptr {
const maxLen = 10
// biasedRand produces: 10, 9, ..., 1, 0,
// we want: 1, 2, ..., 9, 10, 0
return uintptr(maxLen-r.biasedRand(maxLen+1, 10)+1) % (maxLen + 1)
func (r *randGen) randBufLen() (n uintptr) {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(50, 56):
n = r.rand(256)
case r.nOutOf(5, 6):
n = 4 << 10
func (r *randGen) randPageCount() (n uintptr) {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(100, 106):
n = r.rand(4) + 1
case r.nOutOf(5, 6):
n = r.rand(20) + 1
n = (r.rand(3) + 1) * 1024
func (r *randGen) flags(vv []uintptr) (v uintptr) {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(90, 111):
for stop := false; !stop; stop = r.bin() {
v |= vv[r.rand(len(vv))]
case r.nOutOf(10, 21):
v = vv[r.rand(len(vv))]
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
v = 0
v = r.rand64()
func (r *randGen) filename(s *state) string {
// TODO: support procfs and sysfs
dir := "."
if r.oneOf(2) && len(s.files) != 0 {
files := make([]string, 0, len(s.files))
for f := range s.files {
files = append(files, f)
dir = files[r.Intn(len(files))]
if len(dir) > 0 && dir[len(dir)-1] == 0 {
dir = dir[:len(dir)-1]
if len(s.files) == 0 || r.oneOf(10) {
// Generate a new name.
for i := 0; ; i++ {
f := fmt.Sprintf("%v/file%v\x00", dir, i)
if !s.files[f] {
return f
files := make([]string, 0, len(s.files))
for f := range s.files {
files = append(files, f)
return files[r.Intn(len(files))]
func (r *randGen) randString(s *state, vals []string, dir sys.Dir) []byte {
data := r.randStringImpl(s, vals)
if dir == sys.DirOut {
for i := range data {
data[i] = 0
return data
func (r *randGen) randStringImpl(s *state, vals []string) []byte {
if len(vals) != 0 {
return []byte(vals[r.Intn(len(vals))])
if len(s.strings) != 0 && r.bin() {
// Return an existing string.
strings := make([]string, 0, len(s.strings))
for s := range s.strings {
strings = append(strings, s)
return []byte(strings[r.Intn(len(strings))])
dict := []string{"user", "keyring", "trusted", "system", "security", "selinux",
"posix_acl_access", "mime_type", "md5sum", "nodev", "self",
"bdev", "proc", "cgroup", "cpuset",
"lo", "eth0", "eth1", "em0", "em1", "wlan0", "wlan1", "ppp0", "ppp1",
"vboxnet0", "vboxnet1", "vmnet0", "vmnet1", "GPL"}
punct := []byte{'!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '-', '+', '\\',
'/', ':', '.', ',', '-', '\'', '[', ']', '{', '}'}
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for r.nOutOf(3, 4) {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(10, 21):
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
if !r.oneOf(100) {
return buf.Bytes()
func isSpecialStruct(typ sys.Type) func(r *randGen, s *state) (*Arg, []*Call) {
a, ok := typ.(*sys.StructType)
if !ok {
panic("must be a struct")
switch typ.Name() {
case "timespec":
return func(r *randGen, s *state) (*Arg, []*Call) {
return r.timespec(s, a, false)
case "timeval":
return func(r *randGen, s *state) (*Arg, []*Call) {
return r.timespec(s, a, true)
return nil
func (r *randGen) timespec(s *state, typ *sys.StructType, usec bool) (arg *Arg, calls []*Call) {
// We need to generate timespec/timeval that are either (1) definitely in the past,
// or (2) definitely in unreachable fututre, or (3) few ms ahead of now.
// Note timespec/timeval can be absolute or relative to now.
switch {
case r.nOutOf(1, 4):
// now for relative, past for absolute
arg = groupArg(typ, []*Arg{
constArg(typ.Fields[0], 0),
constArg(typ.Fields[1], 0),
case r.nOutOf(1, 3):
// few ms ahead for relative, past for absolute
nsec := uintptr(10 * 1e6)
if usec {
nsec /= 1e3
arg = groupArg(typ, []*Arg{
constArg(typ.Fields[0], 0),
constArg(typ.Fields[1], nsec),
case r.nOutOf(1, 2):
// unreachable fututre for both relative and absolute
arg = groupArg(typ, []*Arg{
constArg(typ.Fields[0], 2e9),
constArg(typ.Fields[1], 0),
// few ms ahead for absolute
meta := sys.CallMap["clock_gettime"]
ptrArgType := meta.Args[1].(*sys.PtrType)
argType := ptrArgType.Type.(*sys.StructType)
tp := groupArg(argType, []*Arg{
constArg(argType.Fields[0], 0),
constArg(argType.Fields[1], 0),
var tpaddr *Arg
tpaddr, calls = r.addr(s, ptrArgType, 2*ptrSize, tp)
gettime := &Call{
Meta: meta,
Args: []*Arg{
constArg(meta.Args[0], sys.CLOCK_REALTIME),
Ret: returnArg(meta.Ret),
calls = append(calls, gettime)
sec := resultArg(typ.Fields[0], tp.Inner[0])
nsec := resultArg(typ.Fields[1], tp.Inner[1])
if usec {
nsec.OpDiv = 1e3
nsec.OpAdd = 10 * 1e3
} else {
nsec.OpAdd = 10 * 1e6
arg = groupArg(typ, []*Arg{sec, nsec})
// createMmapCall creates a "normal" mmap call that maps [start, start+npages) page range.
func createMmapCall(start, npages uintptr) *Call {
meta := sys.CallMap["mmap"]
mmap := &Call{
Meta: meta,
Args: []*Arg{
pointerArg(meta.Args[0], start, 0, npages, nil),
pageSizeArg(meta.Args[1], npages, 0),
constArg(meta.Args[2], sys.PROT_READ|sys.PROT_WRITE),
constArg(meta.Args[3], sys.MAP_ANONYMOUS|sys.MAP_PRIVATE|sys.MAP_FIXED),
constArg(meta.Args[4], sys.InvalidFD),
constArg(meta.Args[5], 0),
Ret: returnArg(meta.Ret),
return mmap
func (r *randGen) addr1(s *state, typ sys.Type, size uintptr, data *Arg) (*Arg, []*Call) {
npages := (size + pageSize - 1) / pageSize
if npages == 0 {
npages = 1
if r.bin() {
return r.randPageAddr(s, typ, npages, data, false), nil
for i := uintptr(0); i < maxPages-npages; i++ {
free := true
for j := uintptr(0); j < npages; j++ {
if s.pages[i+j] {
free = false
if !free {
c := createMmapCall(i, npages)
return pointerArg(typ, i, 0, 0, data), []*Call{c}
return r.randPageAddr(s, typ, npages, data, false), nil
func (r *randGen) addr(s *state, typ sys.Type, size uintptr, data *Arg) (*Arg, []*Call) {
arg, calls := r.addr1(s, typ, size, data)
if arg.Kind != ArgPointer {
// Patch offset of the address.
switch {
case r.nOutOf(50, 102):
case r.nOutOf(50, 52):
arg.AddrOffset = -int(size)
case r.nOutOf(1, 2):
arg.AddrOffset = r.Intn(pageSize)
if size > 0 {
arg.AddrOffset = -r.Intn(int(size))
return arg, calls
func (r *randGen) randPageAddr(s *state, typ sys.Type, npages uintptr, data *Arg, vma bool) *Arg {
poolPtr := pageStartPool.Get().(*[]uintptr)
starts := (*poolPtr)[:0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < maxPages-npages; i++ {
busy := true
for j := uintptr(0); j < npages; j++ {
if !s.pages[i+j] {
busy = false
// TODO: it does not need to be completely busy,
// for example, mmap addr arg can be new memory.
if !busy {
starts = append(starts, i)
var page uintptr
if len(starts) != 0 {
page = starts[r.rand(len(starts))]
} else {
page = r.rand(int(maxPages - npages))
if !vma {
npages = 0
*poolPtr = starts
return pointerArg(typ, page, 0, npages, data)
func (r *randGen) createResource(s *state, res *sys.ResourceType) (arg *Arg, calls []*Call) {
if r.inCreateResource {
special := res.SpecialValues()
return constArg(res, special[r.Intn(len(special))]), nil
r.inCreateResource = true
defer func() { r.inCreateResource = false }()
kind := res.Desc.Name
if r.oneOf(1000) {
// Spoof resource subkind.
var all []string
for kind1 := range sys.Resources {
if sys.IsCompatibleResource(res.Desc.Kind[0], kind1) {
all = append(all, kind1)
kind = all[r.Intn(len(all))]
// Find calls that produce the necessary resources.
metas0 := sys.ResourceConstructors(kind)
// TODO: reduce priority of less specialized ctors.
var metas []*sys.Call
for _, meta := range metas0 {
if s.ct == nil ||[meta.ID] == nil {
metas = append(metas, meta)
if len(metas) == 0 {
return constArg(res, res.Default()), nil
// Now we have a set of candidate calls that can create the necessary resource.
for i := 0; i < 1e3; i++ {
// Generate one of them.
meta := metas[r.Intn(len(metas))]
calls := r.generateParticularCall(s, meta)
s1 := newState(s.ct)
// Now see if we have what we want.
var allres []*Arg
for kind1, res1 := range s1.resources {
if sys.IsCompatibleResource(kind, kind1) {
allres = append(allres, res1...)
if len(allres) != 0 {
// Bingo!
arg := resultArg(res, allres[r.Intn(len(allres))])
return arg, calls
// Discard unsuccessful calls.
for _, c := range calls {
foreachArg(c, func(arg, _ *Arg, _ *[]*Arg) {
if arg.Kind == ArgResult {
delete(arg.Res.Uses, arg)
// Generally we can loop several times, e.g. when we choose a call that returns
// the resource in an array, but then generateArg generated that array of zero length.
// But we must succeed eventually.
panic("failed to create a resource")
func (r *randGen) generateText(kind sys.TextKind) []byte {
switch kind {
case sys.Text_arm64:
// Just a stub, need something better.
text := make([]byte, 50)
for i := range text {
text[i] = byte(r.Intn(256))
return text
cfg := createIfuzzConfig(kind)
return ifuzz.Generate(cfg, r.Rand)
func (r *randGen) mutateText(kind sys.TextKind, text []byte) []byte {
switch kind {
case sys.Text_arm64:
return mutateData(r, text, 40, 60)
cfg := createIfuzzConfig(kind)
return ifuzz.Mutate(cfg, r.Rand, text)
func createIfuzzConfig(kind sys.TextKind) *ifuzz.Config {
cfg := &ifuzz.Config{
Len: 10,
Priv: true,
Exec: true,
MemRegions: []ifuzz.MemRegion{
{0 << 12, 1 << 12},
{1 << 12, 1 << 12},
{2 << 12, 1 << 12},
{3 << 12, 1 << 12},
{4 << 12, 1 << 12},
{5 << 12, 1 << 12},
{6 << 12, 1 << 12},
{7 << 12, 1 << 12},
{8 << 12, 1 << 12},
{9 << 12, 1 << 12},
{0xfec00000, 0x100}, // ioapic
switch kind {
case sys.Text_x86_real:
cfg.Mode = ifuzz.ModeReal16
case sys.Text_x86_16:
cfg.Mode = ifuzz.ModeProt16
case sys.Text_x86_32:
cfg.Mode = ifuzz.ModeProt32
case sys.Text_x86_64:
cfg.Mode = ifuzz.ModeLong64
return cfg
// nOutOf returns true n out of outOf times.
func (r *randGen) nOutOf(n, outOf int) bool {
if n <= 0 || n >= outOf {
panic("bad probability")
v := r.Intn(outOf)
return v < n
func (r *randGen) generateCall(s *state, p *Prog) []*Call {
call := -1
if len(p.Calls) != 0 {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
c := p.Calls[r.Intn(len(p.Calls))].Meta
call = c.ID
// There is roughly half of mmap's so ignore them.
if c.Name != "mmap" {
meta := sys.Calls[s.ct.Choose(r.Rand, call)]
return r.generateParticularCall(s, meta)
func (r *randGen) generateParticularCall(s *state, meta *sys.Call) (calls []*Call) {
c := &Call{
Meta: meta,
Ret: returnArg(meta.Ret),
c.Args, calls = r.generateArgs(s, meta.Args)
calls = append(calls, c)
for _, c1 := range calls {
return calls
// GenerateAllSyzProg generates a program that contains all pseudo syz_ calls for testing.
func GenerateAllSyzProg(rs rand.Source) *Prog {
p := new(Prog)
r := newRand(rs)
s := newState(nil)
handled := make(map[string]bool)
for _, meta := range sys.Calls {
if !strings.HasPrefix(meta.CallName, "syz_") || handled[meta.CallName] {
handled[meta.CallName] = true
calls := r.generateParticularCall(s, meta)
for _, c := range calls {
p.Calls = append(p.Calls, c)
if err := p.validate(); err != nil {
return p
func (r *randGen) generateArgs(s *state, types []sys.Type) ([]*Arg, []*Call) {
var calls []*Call
args := make([]*Arg, len(types))
// Generate all args. Size args have the default value 0 for now.
for i, typ := range types {
arg, calls1 := r.generateArg(s, typ)
if arg == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("generated arg is nil for type '%v', types: %+v", typ.Name(), types))
args[i] = arg
calls = append(calls, calls1...)
return args, calls
func (r *randGen) generateArg(s *state, typ sys.Type) (arg *Arg, calls []*Call) {
if typ.Dir() == sys.DirOut {
// No need to generate something interesting for output scalar arguments.
// But we still need to generate the argument itself so that it can be referenced
// in subsequent calls. For the same reason we do generate pointer/array/struct
// output arguments (their elements can be referenced in subsequent calls).
switch typ.(type) {
case *sys.IntType, *sys.FlagsType, *sys.ConstType,
*sys.ResourceType, *sys.VmaType, *sys.ProcType:
return constArg(typ, typ.Default()), nil
if typ.Optional() && r.oneOf(5) {
if _, ok := typ.(*sys.BufferType); ok {
panic("impossible") // parent PtrType must be Optional instead
return constArg(typ, typ.Default()), nil
switch a := typ.(type) {
case *sys.ResourceType:
switch {
case r.nOutOf(1000, 1011):
// Get an existing resource.
var allres []*Arg
for name1, res1 := range s.resources {
if sys.IsCompatibleResource(a.Desc.Name, name1) ||
r.oneOf(20) && sys.IsCompatibleResource(a.Desc.Kind[0], name1) {
allres = append(allres, res1...)
if len(allres) != 0 {
arg = resultArg(a, allres[r.Intn(len(allres))])
} else {
arg, calls = r.createResource(s, a)
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
// Create a new resource.
arg, calls = r.createResource(s, a)
special := a.SpecialValues()
arg = constArg(a, special[r.Intn(len(special))])
return arg, calls
case *sys.BufferType:
switch a.Kind {
case sys.BufferBlobRand, sys.BufferBlobRange:
sz := r.randBufLen()
if a.Kind == sys.BufferBlobRange {
sz = r.randRange(int(a.RangeBegin), int(a.RangeEnd))
data := make([]byte, sz)
if a.Dir() != sys.DirOut {
for i := range data {
data[i] = byte(r.Intn(256))
return dataArg(a, data), nil
case sys.BufferString:
data := r.randString(s, a.Values, a.Dir())
return dataArg(a, data), nil
case sys.BufferFilename:
var data []byte
if a.Dir() == sys.DirOut {
switch {
case r.nOutOf(1, 3):
data = make([]byte, r.Intn(100))
case r.nOutOf(1, 2):
data = make([]byte, 108) // UNIX_PATH_MAX
data = make([]byte, 4096) // PATH_MAX
} else {
data = []byte(r.filename(s))
return dataArg(a, data), nil
case sys.BufferText:
return dataArg(a, r.generateText(a.Text)), nil
panic("unknown buffer kind")
case *sys.VmaType:
npages := r.randPageCount()
if a.RangeBegin != 0 || a.RangeEnd != 0 {
npages = uintptr(int(a.RangeBegin) + r.Intn(int(a.RangeEnd-a.RangeBegin+1)))
arg := r.randPageAddr(s, a, npages, nil, true)
return arg, nil
case *sys.FlagsType:
return constArg(a, r.flags(a.Vals)), nil
case *sys.ConstType:
return constArg(a, a.Val), nil
case *sys.IntType:
v := r.randInt()
switch a.Kind {
case sys.IntSignalno:
v %= 130
case sys.IntFileoff:
switch {
case r.nOutOf(90, 101):
v = 0
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
v = r.rand(100)
v = r.randInt()
case sys.IntRange:
v = r.randRangeInt(a.RangeBegin, a.RangeEnd)
return constArg(a, v), nil
case *sys.ProcType:
return constArg(a, r.rand(int(a.ValuesPerProc))), nil
case *sys.ArrayType:
count := uintptr(0)
switch a.Kind {
case sys.ArrayRandLen:
count = r.randArrayLen()
case sys.ArrayRangeLen:
count = r.randRange(int(a.RangeBegin), int(a.RangeEnd))
var inner []*Arg
var calls []*Call
for i := uintptr(0); i < count; i++ {
arg1, calls1 := r.generateArg(s, a.Type)
inner = append(inner, arg1)
calls = append(calls, calls1...)
return groupArg(a, inner), calls
case *sys.StructType:
if ctor := isSpecialStruct(a); ctor != nil && a.Dir() != sys.DirOut {
arg, calls = ctor(r, s)
args, calls := r.generateArgs(s, a.Fields)
group := groupArg(a, args)
return group, calls
case *sys.UnionType:
optType := a.Options[r.Intn(len(a.Options))]
opt, calls := r.generateArg(s, optType)
return unionArg(a, opt, optType), calls
case *sys.PtrType:
inner, calls := r.generateArg(s, a.Type)
if a.Dir() == sys.DirOut && inner == nil {
// No data, but we should have got size.
arg, calls1 := r.addr(s, a, inner.Size(), nil)
calls = append(calls, calls1...)
return arg, calls
if a.Type.Name() == "iocb" && len(s.resources["iocbptr"]) != 0 {
// It is weird, but these are actually identified by kernel by address.
// So try to reuse a previously used address.
addrs := s.resources["iocbptr"]
addr := addrs[r.Intn(len(addrs))]
arg = pointerArg(a, addr.AddrPage, addr.AddrOffset, addr.AddrPagesNum, inner)
return arg, calls
arg, calls1 := r.addr(s, a, inner.Size(), inner)
calls = append(calls, calls1...)
return arg, calls
case *sys.LenType:
// Return placeholder value of 0 while generating len arg.
return constArg(a, 0), nil
case *sys.CsumType:
return constArg(a, 0), nil
panic("unknown argument type")