Dmitry Vyukov b190f06061 dashboard/app: fix testing for go1.11 runtime
0. Remove aetest build tag. We don't need it anymore, go test should work.
1. IsDevAppServer does not return true in tests anymore, so don't use it
2. Use a different mechanism to register test/prod config.
We don't have aetest tag anymore, so we need something even more dynamic.
3. Fix new golangci-lint warnings: all test files are checked now.

Update #1461
2020-01-29 16:01:06 +01:00

680 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
db ""
func TestJob(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
patch := `--- a/mm/kasan/kasan.c
+++ b/mm/kasan/kasan.c
- current->kasan_depth++;
+ current->kasan_depth--;
// Report crash without repro, check that test requests are not accepted.
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.Maintainers = []string{""}
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz upstream\n")
sender = c.pollEmailBug().Sender
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(sender)
mailingList := config.Namespaces["test2"].Reporting[1].Config.(*EmailConfig).Email
c.incomingEmail(sender, "bla-bla-bla", EmailOptFrom(""),
EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList, "kernel@mailing.list"}))
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body := c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "This crash does not have a reproducer"), true)
// Report crash with repro.
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
crash.ReproC = []byte("repro C")
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "syzbot has found a reproducer"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "want 2 args"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo branch commit",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "want 2 args"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo branch",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "does not look like a valid git repo"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptFrom("\"foo\" <blAcklisteD@dOmain.COM>"))
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// This submits actual test request.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptMessageID(1), EmailOptFrom(""),
// A dup of the same request with the same Message-ID.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptMessageID(1), EmailOptFrom(""),
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs("foobar")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, "")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Manager, build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelRepo, "git://git.git/git.git")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelBranch, "kernel-branch")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelConfig, build.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.SyzkallerCommit, build.SyzkallerCommit)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Patch, []byte(patch))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproOpts, []byte("repro opts"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproSyz, []byte("repro syz"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproC, []byte("repro C"))
pollResp2 := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp2, pollResp)
jobDoneReq := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
CrashTitle: "test crash title",
CrashLog: []byte("test crash log"),
CrashReport: []byte("test crash report"),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
logLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJob.CrashLog)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
to := email.MergeEmailLists([]string{"", "", mailingList})
c.expectEQ(msg.To, to)
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "Re: "+crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch but the reproducer still triggered crash:
test crash title
test crash report
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
console output: %[3]v
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[4]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[1]v
`, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, logLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
c.checkURLContents(logLink, jobDoneReq.CrashLog)
// Testing fails with an error.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(2))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
Error: []byte("failed to apply patch"),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot tried to test the proposed patch but build/boot failed:
failed to apply patch
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[3]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[1]v
`, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
// Testing fails with a huge error that can't be inlined in email.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(3))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
Error: bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a', 'b', 'c'}, (maxInlineError+100)/3),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
errorLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textError, dbJob.Error)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
truncatedError := string(jobDoneReq.Error[len(jobDoneReq.Error)-maxInlineError:])
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot tried to test the proposed patch but build/boot failed:
Error text is too large and was truncated, full error text is at:
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[4]v
dashboard link:[5]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[3]v
`, truncatedError, errorLink, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(errorLink, jobDoneReq.Error)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(4))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch and the reproducer did not trigger crash:
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[2]v
Note: testing is done by a robot and is best-effort only.
`, extBugID, patchLink, kernelConfigLink))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Test on particular commit and without a patch.
func TestJobWithoutPatch(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(sender)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test git:// 5e6a2eea\n", EmailOptMessageID(1))
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
testBuild := testBuild(2)
testBuild.KernelRepo = "git://"
testBuild.KernelBranch = ""
testBuild.KernelCommit = "5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea"
jobDoneReq := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *testBuild,
_, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch and the reproducer did not trigger crash:
Tested on:
commit: 5e6a2eea kernel_commit_title2
git tree: git://
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler2
Note: testing is done by a robot and is best-effort only.
`, extBugID, kernelConfigLink))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, testBuild.KernelConfig)
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Test on a restricted manager.
func TestJobRestrictedManager(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
build.Manager = "restricted-manager"
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
// Testing on a wrong repo must fail and no test jobs passed to manager.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git:// master\n", EmailOptMessageID(1))
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains((<-c.emailSink).Body, "you should test only on restricted.git"), true)
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Testing on the right repo must succeed.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://restricted.git/restricted.git master\n", EmailOptMessageID(2))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, "")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Manager, build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelRepo, "git://restricted.git/restricted.git")
// Test that JobBisectFix is returned only after 30 days
func TestBisectFixJob(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixJob:JobBisectCause"),
// Ensure no more jobs
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.ID, "")
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixJob:JobBisectFix"),
// Test that JobBisectFix jobs are re-tried if crash occurs on ToT
func TestBisectFixRetry(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix. We send back a crashlog, no error, no commits
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
Build: dashapi.Build{
ID: "build1",
ID: resp.ID,
CrashLog: []byte("this is a crashlog"),
CrashReport: []byte("this is a crashreport"),
// Advance time by 30 days. No notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix retry
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectFix"),
// Test that bisection results are not reported for bugs that are already marked as fixed.
func TestNotReportingAlreadyFixed(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report.
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause.
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
sender := ""
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
sender = msg.Sender
// Poll for a BisectFix job.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
// Meanwhile, the bug is marked as fixed separately.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz fix: kernel: add a fix", EmailOptCC(nil))
// Email notification of "Your 'fix:' command is accepted, but please keep
// mailing list in CC next time."
// At this point, send back the results for the BisectFix job also.
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisectfix log 4"),
CrashTitle: "bisectfix crash title 4",
CrashLog: []byte("bisectfix crash log 4"),
CrashReport: []byte("bisectfix crash report 4"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "46e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827",
Title: "kernel: add a fix",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Author Kernelov",
CC: []string{
"", "\"Reviewer2\" <>",
// These must be filtered out:
"\"syzbot\" <>",
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
// No reporting should come in at this point. If there is reporting, c.Close()
// will fail.
// Test that fix bisections are listed on the bug page if the bug.BisectFix
// is not BisectYes.
func TestFixBisectionsListed(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause.
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
// At this point, no fix bisections should be listed out.
var bugs []*Bug
keys, err := db.NewQuery("Bug").GetAll(c.ctx, &bugs)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectEQ(len(bugs), 1)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/bug?id=%v", keys[0].StringID())
content, err := c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(!bytes.Contains(content, []byte("All fix bisections")))
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix. We send back a crashlog, no error,
// no commits.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
Build: dashapi.Build{
ID: "build1",
ID: resp.ID,
CrashTitle: "this is a crashtitle",
CrashLog: []byte("this is a crashlog"),
CrashReport: []byte("this is a crashreport"),
Log: []byte("this is a log"),
// Check the bug page and ensure that a bisection is listed out.
content, err = c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(bytes.Contains(content, []byte("Fix bisection attempts")))
// Advance time by 30 days. No notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix retry.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectFix"),
// Check the bug page and ensure that no bisections are listed out.
content, err = c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(!bytes.Contains(content, []byte("All fix bisections")))
// Test that fix bisections do not occur if Repo has NoFixBisections set.
func TestFixBisectionsDisabled(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
build.Manager = "no-fix-bisection-manager"
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 20)
// Receive the JobBisectCause.
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title20")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title20")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we do not get a JobBisectFix.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.ID, "")