# The new ReactOS Website [Build Status](https://build.web-content.reactos.org/) This repository manages the entire content of the new [ReactOS](https://reactos.org) Website. It is powered by the [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) Static Site Generator. Pages can be created as simple HTML or Markdown files and everyone is free to submit Pull Requests to enhance the website. Issues are tracked at the [ReactOS JIRA](https://jira.reactos.org). Previews from a PR are available from the URL https://pr#.web-content.reactos.org/, where '#' is the number of your PR. The current development version is: https://master.web-content.reactos.org/ Website Subsystems written in PHP (such as GetBuilds, RosLogin, Testman, etc.) are continued to be managed in the [ReactOS Web repository](https://github.com/reactos/web). ## Testing the website locally 1. Download Hugo 0.57.2 from https://gohugo.io. 2. Open a command prompt in the root of your repository checkout and type `hugo server`. The page is now served at http://localhost:1313 and automatically rebuilt and refreshed in the browser on local changes. *NOTE* - When working on the style it might be needed to use `hugo server --disableFastRender` instead. ## Contributing 1. Choose an ONLINE task from ReactOS JIRA related to Hugo website:(https://jira.reactos.org/projects/ONLINE) 2. Comment on Jira that you want to work on this feature (to prevent duplication of work). 3. Create a pull request here.