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synced 2025-03-03 10:17:23 +00:00
wined3d: Verify the VBO vertex declaration every draw.
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,170 +157,220 @@ static void fixup_vertices(BYTE *src, BYTE *dst, int stride, int num, BYTE *pos,
inline BOOL WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_FindDecl(IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *This)
WineDirect3DVertexStridedData strided;
IWineD3DDeviceImpl *device = This->resource.wineD3DDevice;
BOOL ret;
memset(&strided, 0, sizeof(strided));
/* There are certain vertex data types that need to be fixed up. The Vertex Buffers FVF doesn't
* help finding them, only the vertex declaration or the device FVF can determine that at drawPrim
* time. Rules are as follows:
* -> No modification when Vertex Shaders are used
* -> Fix up position1 and position 2 if they are XYZRHW
* -> Fix up diffuse color
* -> Fix up specular color
* The Declaration is only known at drawing time, and it can change from draw to draw. If any converted values
* are changed, the whole buffer has to be reconverted and reloaded. (Converting is SLOW, so if this happens too
* often PreLoad stops converting entirely and falls back to drawStridedSlow).
* Reconvert if:
* -> New semantics that have to be converted appear
* -> The position of semantics that have to be converted changes
* -> The stride of the vertex changed AND there is stuff that needs conversion
* -> (If a vertex buffer is bound and in use assume that nothing that needs conversion is there)
* Return values:
* TRUE: Reload is needed
* FALSE: otherwise
if(device->stateBlock->vertexShader != NULL && wined3d_settings.vs_mode != VS_NONE
&&((IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl *)device->stateBlock->vertexShader)->baseShader.function != NULL
/* Case 1: Vertex Shader: No conversion */
TRACE("Vertex Shader, no conversion needed\n");
} else if(device->stateBlock->vertexDecl || device->stateBlock->vertexShader) {
/* Case 2: Vertex Declaration */
TRACE("Using vertex declaration\n");
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_LOAD;
primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData((IWineD3DDevice *) device,
&ret /* buffer contains fixed data, ignored here */);
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_LOAD;
} else {
/* Case 3: FVF */
if(!(This->Flags & VBFLAG_STREAM) ) {
TRACE("No vertex decl used and buffer is not bound to a stream\n");
/* No reload needed */
return FALSE;
} else {
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_LOAD;
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_LOAD;
/* Data can only come from this buffer */
/* Filter out data that does not come from this VBO */
if(strided.u.s.position.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.position, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.position));
if(strided.u.s.diffuse.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.diffuse, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.diffuse));
if(strided.u.s.specular.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.specular, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.specular));
if(strided.u.s.position2.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.position2, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.position2));
/* We have a declaration now in the buffer */
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_HASDESC;
/* Find out if reload is needed
* Position of the semantic in the vertex and the stride must be equal to the stored type. Don't mind if only unconverted stuff changed.
* If some stuff does not exist in the buffer, then lpData, dwStride and dwType are memsetted to 0. So if the semantic didn't exist before
* and does not exist now all 3 values will be equal(=0).
* Checking the lpData field alone is not enought, because data may appear at offset 0 in the buffer. This is the same location as nonexistant
* data uses, so we have to check the type and stride too. Colors can be at offset 0 too, because it is perfectly fine to render from 2 or more
* buffers at the same time and get the position from one and the color from the other buffer.
if( /* Position transformed vs untransformed */
((This->strided.u.s.position_transformed || strided.u.s.position_transformed) &&
This->strided.u.s.position.lpData != strided.u.s.position.lpData) ||
/* Diffuse position and data type */
This->strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData != strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData || This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride != strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride ||
This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType != strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType ||
/* Specular position and data type */
This->strided.u.s.specular.lpData != strided.u.s.specular.lpData || This->strided.u.s.specular.dwStride != strided.u.s.specular.dwStride ||
This->strided.u.s.specular.dwType != strided.u.s.specular.dwType) {
TRACE("Declaration changed, reloading buffer\n");
/* Set the new description */
memcpy(&This->strided, &strided, sizeof(strided));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_PreLoad(IWineD3DVertexBuffer *iface) {
IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *This = (IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *) iface;
BYTE *data;
UINT start = 0, end = 0, stride = 0;
BOOL useVertexShaderFunction = FALSE, fixup = FALSE;
BOOL declChanged = FALSE;
TRACE("(%p)->()\n", This);
if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_LOAD) {
return; /* Already doing that stuff */
if(!This->resource.allocatedMemory) {
TRACE("Locking directly into VBO, nothing to do\n");
return; /* Direct lock into the VBO */
if(!This->vbo) {
/* TODO: Make converting independent from VBOs */
return; /* Not doing any conversion */
if(This->vbo) {
WineDirect3DVertexStridedData strided;
IWineD3DDeviceImpl *device = This->resource.wineD3DDevice;
declChanged = IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_FindDecl(This);
if(declChanged) {
/* The declaration changed, reload the whole buffer */
WARN("Reloading buffer because of decl change\n");
start = 0;
end = This->resource.size;
} else if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_DIRTY) {
/* No decl change, but dirty data, reload the changed stuff */
start = This->dirtystart;
end = This->dirtyend;
} else {
/* Desc not changed, buffer not dirty, nothing to do :-) */
if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_DIRTY) {
/* Update the old buffer on unlock, use the old desc */
start = This->dirtystart;
end = This->dirtyend;
memcpy(&strided, &This->strided, sizeof(strided));
/* Mark the buffer clean */
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_DIRTY;
This->dirtystart = 0;
This->dirtyend = 0;
if (strided.u.s.position.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.position.dwStride;
else if(strided.u.s.specular.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.specular.dwStride;
else if(strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride;
else {
/* That means that there is nothing to fixup, just override previously modified data */
fixup = FALSE;
if(stride) fixup = TRUE;
} else {
/* Keep this in sync with drawPrimitive in drawprim.c */
if (device->stateBlock->vertexShader != NULL && wined3d_settings.vs_mode != VS_NONE
&&((IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl *)device->stateBlock->vertexShader)->baseShader.function != NULL
/* Using shaders? No conversion needed, the shaders handle this */
TRACE("Using vertex shaders, not doing any vertex conversion\n");
GL_EXTCALL(glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0, This->resource.size, This->resource.allocatedMemory));
/* Lock directly into the VBO in the future */
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->resource.allocatedMemory);
This->resource.allocatedMemory = NULL;
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_DIRTY;
/* If there was no conversion done before, then resource.allocatedMemory does not exist
* because locking was done directly into the VBO. In this case get the data out
if(declChanged && !This->resource.allocatedMemory) {
/* The code below reads the FVF / Vertex Declaration to find out which bits we have to convert
* Basically I can't see any reason why it can't change from DrawPrimitive to DrawPrimitive call
* from the DX api, but I think no sane game will do that. Reading the vertex declaration is quite
* complex, and we should save as much CPU time as possible. So read it only once ans assume that
* it doesn't change silently. I expect Windows D3D drivers to depend on that too
if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_HASDESC) return;
/* Check against updated declarations */
memset(&strided, 0, sizeof(strided));
if(device->stateBlock->vertexDecl || device->stateBlock->vertexShader) {
/* Check against the stream offset and make sure it is 0 */
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_LOAD;
primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData((IWineD3DDevice *) device,
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_LOAD;
/* Only take care for stuff that is in this buffer, well, only the stuff that is interesting */
if(strided.u.s.position.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.position, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.position));
if(strided.u.s.diffuse.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.diffuse, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.diffuse));
if(strided.u.s.specular.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.specular, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.specular));
if(strided.u.s.position2.VBO != This->vbo) memset(&strided.u.s.position2, 0, sizeof(strided.u.s.position2));
} else {
if(!(This->Flags & VBFLAG_STREAM) ) {
TRACE("No vertex decl used and buffer is not bound to a stream, nothing to do\n");
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_LOAD;
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_LOAD;
/* If any data that needs conversion has changed we have to reload the whole buffer */
if( ( (This->strided.u.s.position_transformed || strided.u.s.position_transformed) &&
This->strided.u.s.position.lpData != strided.u.s.position.lpData) ||
!((This->strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData == strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData && This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType == strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType) || strided.u.s.diffuse.VBO != This->vbo) ||
!((This->strided.u.s.specular.lpData == strided.u.s.specular.lpData && This->strided.u.s.specular.dwType == strided.u.s.specular.dwType)|| strided.u.s.specular.VBO != This->vbo) ) {
start = 0;
end = This->resource.size;
fixup = TRUE;
if (strided.u.s.position.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.position.dwStride;
else if(strided.u.s.specular.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.specular.dwStride;
else if(strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride) stride = strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride;
else {
/* That means that there is nothing to fixup, just override previously modified data */
fixup = FALSE;
memcpy(&This->strided, &strided, sizeof(strided));
} else {
TRACE("No declaration change\n");
/* nothing to do - the old data is correct*/
This->Flags |= VBFLAG_HASDESC;
if(end == 0) {
TRACE("Buffer not dirty, nothing to do\n");
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_DIRTY;
This->resource.allocatedMemory = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->resource.size);
if(!This->resource.allocatedMemory) {
ERR("Out of memory when allocating memory for a vertex buffer\n");
TRACE("Loading buffer\n");
if(fixup) {
data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, end-start);
if(!data) {
ERR("Out of memory\n");
memcpy(data, This->resource.allocatedMemory + start, end - start);
fixup_vertices(data, data, stride, ( end - start) / stride,
strided.u.s.position.lpData, strided.u.s.position_transformed,
strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData, strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 || strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR,
strided.u.s.specular.lpData, strided.u.s.specular.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 || strided.u.s.specular.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR);
} else {
data = This->resource.allocatedMemory + start;
ERR("Was locking directly into the VBO, reading data back because conv is needed\n");
GL_EXTCALL(glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, start, end - start, data));
if(!data) {
ERR("glMapBuffer failed!\n");
memcpy(This->resource.allocatedMemory, data, This->resource.size);
if (This->strided.u.s.position.dwStride) stride = This->strided.u.s.position.dwStride;
else if(This->strided.u.s.specular.dwStride) stride = This->strided.u.s.specular.dwStride;
else if(This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride) stride = This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwStride;
else {
/* That means that there is nothing to fixup. Upload everything into the VBO and
* free This->resource.allocatedMemory
TRACE("No conversion needed, locking directly into the VBO in future\n");
GL_EXTCALL(glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0, This->resource.size, This->resource.allocatedMemory));
if(fixup) {
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
} else if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_HASDESC) {
/* Free the allocated memory, then Lock will directly lock into the
* VBO the next time :-)
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->resource.allocatedMemory);
This->resource.allocatedMemory = NULL;
This->Flags &= ~VBFLAG_DIRTY;
/* OK, we have the original data from the app, the description of the buffer and the dirty area.
* so convert the stuff
data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, end-start);
if(!data) {
ERR("Out of memory\n");
memcpy(data, This->resource.allocatedMemory + start, end - start);
fixup_vertices(data, data, stride, ( end - start) / stride,
/* Position */
This->strided.u.s.position.lpData, /* Data location */
This->strided.u.s.position_transformed, /* Do convert? */
/* Diffuse color */
This->strided.u.s.diffuse.lpData, /* Location */
This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 || This->strided.u.s.diffuse.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR, /* Convert? */
/* specular color */
This->strided.u.s.specular.lpData, /* location */
This->strided.u.s.specular.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 || This->strided.u.s.specular.dwType == WINED3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR);
GL_EXTCALL(glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, start, end - start, data));
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
static WINED3DRESOURCETYPE WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetType(IWineD3DVertexBuffer *iface) {
@ -406,7 +456,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_Unlock(IWineD3DVertexBuffer *iface) {
} else {
} else if(This->Flags & VBFLAG_HASDESC){
return WINED3D_OK;
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