/* -*-C-*- * Lexical scanner for command line parsing * * Copyright 1993 Eric Youngdale */ %{ #include #include #include #include "debugger.h" #include "y.tab.h" #ifdef DBG_need_heap #define malloc(x) DBG_alloc(x) #define realloc(x,y) DBG_realloc(x,y) #define free(x) DBG_free(x) #endif #ifndef DONT_USE_READLINE #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ if ( (result = dbg_read((char *) buf, max_size )) < 0 ) \ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "read() in flex scanner failed" ); extern char * readline(char *); extern void add_history(char *); static int dbg_read(char * buf, int size); static char * make_symbol(char *); void flush_symbols(); #endif /* DONT_USE_READLINE */ #define YY_NO_UNPUT static int syntax_error; %} DIGIT [0-9] HEXDIGIT [0-9a-fA-F] FORMAT [ubcdiswx] IDENTIFIER [_a-zA-Z\.~][_a-zA-Z0-9\.~@]* PATHNAME [/_a-zA-Z\.~][/_a-zA-Z0-9\.~@]* STRING \"[^\n"]+\" %s FORMAT_EXPECTED %s PATH_EXPECTED %s INFO_CMD %s HELP_CMD %s DEL_CMD %s WALK_CMD %s SHOW_CMD %s NOCMD %s DEBUGSTR %% \n { BEGIN(0); syntax_error = 0; return tEOL; } /*Indicates end of command. Reset state. */ "||" { return OP_LOR; } "&&" { return OP_LAND; } "==" { return OP_EQ; } "!=" { return OP_NE; } "<=" { return OP_LE; } ">=" { return OP_GE; } "<<" { return OP_SHL; } ">>" { return OP_SHR; } "->" { return OP_DRF; } [-+<=>|&^()*/%:!~,\.] { return *yytext; } "[" { return *yytext; } "]" { return *yytext; } "0x"{HEXDIGIT}+ { sscanf(yytext, "%x", &yylval.integer); return tNUM; } {DIGIT}+ { sscanf(yytext, "%d", &yylval.integer); return tNUM; } "/"{DIGIT}+{FORMAT} { char * last; yylval.integer = strtol( yytext+1, &last, NULL ); yylval.integer = (yylval.integer << 8) | *last; return tFORMAT; } "/"{FORMAT} { yylval.integer = (1 << 8) | yytext[1]; return tFORMAT; } {STRING} { yylval.string = make_symbol(yytext); return tSTRING; } [a-z+\-,]* { yylval.string = yytext; return tDEBUGSTR; } $pc { yylval.reg = REG_EIP; return tREG; } $flags { yylval.reg = REG_EFL; return tREG; } $eip { yylval.reg = REG_EIP; return tREG; } $ip { yylval.reg = REG_IP; return tREG; } $esp { yylval.reg = REG_ESP; return tREG; } $sp { yylval.reg = REG_SP; return tREG; } $eax { yylval.reg = REG_EAX; return tREG; } $ebx { yylval.reg = REG_EBX; return tREG; } $ecx { yylval.reg = REG_ECX; return tREG; } $edx { yylval.reg = REG_EDX; return tREG; } $esi { yylval.reg = REG_ESI; return tREG; } $edi { yylval.reg = REG_EDI; return tREG; } $ebp { yylval.reg = REG_EBP; return tREG; } $ax { yylval.reg = REG_AX; return tREG; } $bx { yylval.reg = REG_BX; return tREG; } $cx { yylval.reg = REG_CX; return tREG; } $dx { yylval.reg = REG_DX; return tREG; } $si { yylval.reg = REG_SI; return tREG; } $di { yylval.reg = REG_DI; return tREG; } $bp { yylval.reg = REG_BP; return tREG; } $es { yylval.reg = REG_ES; return tREG; } $ds { yylval.reg = REG_DS; return tREG; } $cs { yylval.reg = REG_CS; return tREG; } $ss { yylval.reg = REG_SS; return tREG; } $fs { yylval.reg = REG_FS; return tREG; } $gs { yylval.reg = REG_GS; return tREG; } info|inf|in { BEGIN(INFO_CMD); return tINFO; } up { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tUP; } down|dow|do { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tDOWN; } frame|fram|fra|fr { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tFRAME; } list|lis|li|l { BEGIN(PATH_EXPECTED); return tLIST; } enable|enabl|enab|ena { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tENABLE;} debugmsg|debugms|debugm|debug|debu|deb { BEGIN(DEBUGSTR); return tDEBUGMSG;} disable|disabl|disab|disa|dis { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tDISABLE; } disassemble|disassembl|disassemb|disassem|disasse|disass|disas { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tDISASSEMBLE; } display|displa|displ|disp { BEGIN(FORMAT_EXPECTED); return tDISPLAY; } undisplay|undispla|undispl|undisp|undis|undi|und { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tUNDISPLAY; } delete|delet|dele|del { BEGIN(DEL_CMD); return tDELETE; } quit|qui|qu|q { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tQUIT; } set|se { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tSET; } walk|w { BEGIN(WALK_CMD); return tWALK; } x { BEGIN(FORMAT_EXPECTED); return tEXAM; } help|hel|he|"?" { BEGIN(HELP_CMD); return tHELP; } backtrace|backtrac|backtra|backt|back|bac|ba|bt { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tBACKTRACE; } where|wher|whe { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tBACKTRACE; } cont|con|co|c { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tCONT; } condition|conditio|conditi|condit|condi|cond { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tCOND; } step|ste|st|s { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tSTEP; } next|nex|ne|n { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tNEXT; } stepi|si { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tSTEPI; } nexti|ni { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tNEXTI; } finish|finis|fini|fin|fi { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tFINISH; } abort|abor|abo { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tABORT; } print|prin|pri|pr|p { BEGIN(FORMAT_EXPECTED); return tPRINT; } mode { BEGIN(NOCMD); return tMODE; } show|sho|sh { BEGIN(SHOW_CMD); return tSHOW; } symbolfile|symbols|symbol|sf { BEGIN(PATH_EXPECTED); return tSYMBOLFILE; } break|brea|bre|br|b { BEGIN(PATH_EXPECTED); return tBREAK; } share|shar|sha { return tSHARE; } locals|local|loca|loc { return tLOCAL; } class|clas|cla { return tCLASS; } module|modul|modu|mod { return tMODULE; } queue|queu|que { return tQUEUE; } process|proces|proce|proc { return tPROCESS; } modref|modre|modr { return tMODREF; } registers|regs|reg|re { return tREGS; } segments|segment|segm|seg|se { return tSEGMENTS; } stack|stac|sta|st { return tSTACK; } maps|map { return tMAPS; } window|windo|wind|win|wnd { return tWND; } info|inf|in { return tINFO; } directories|directorie|directori|director|directo|direct|direc|direc|dir { BEGIN(PATH_EXPECTED); return tDIR; } char { return tCHAR; } short { return tSHORT; } int { return tINT; } long { return tLONG; } float { return tFLOAT; } double { return tDOUBLE; } unsigned { return tUNSIGNED; } signed { return tSIGNED; } struct { return tSTRUCT; } union { return tUNION; } enum { return tENUM; } {IDENTIFIER} { yylval.string = make_symbol(yytext); return tIDENTIFIER; } {PATHNAME} { yylval.string = make_symbol(yytext); return tPATH; } [ \t]+ /* Eat up whitespace */ . { if (syntax_error == 0) { syntax_error ++; fprintf(stderr, "Syntax Error\n"); } } %% #ifndef yywrap int yywrap(void) { return 1; } #endif #ifndef DONT_USE_READLINE #ifndef whitespace #define whitespace(c) (((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\t')) #endif /* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. */ static void stripwhite (char *string) { register int i = 0; while (whitespace (string[i])) i++; if (i) strcpy (string, string + i); i = strlen (string) - 1; while (i > 0 && whitespace (string[i])) i--; string[++i] = '\0'; } static int dbg_read(char * buf, int size) { static char last_line[256] = ""; char * line; int len; for (;;) { flush_symbols(); line = readline ("Wine-dbg>"); if (!line) { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); exit(0); } /* Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line */ stripwhite (line); /* If there is anything left, add it to the history list and execute it. Otherwise, re-execute last command. */ if (*line) { add_history( line ); strncpy( last_line, line, 255 ); last_line[255] = '\0'; } free( line ); line = last_line; if ((len = strlen(line)) > 0) { if (size < len + 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Fatal readline goof.\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(buf, line); buf[len] = '\n'; buf[len+1] = 0; return len + 1; } } } static char *local_symbols[30]; static int next_symbol; char * make_symbol(char * symbol){ return local_symbols[next_symbol++] = DBG_strdup(symbol); } void flush_symbols() { while(--next_symbol>= 0) DBG_free(local_symbols[next_symbol]); next_symbol = 0; } #endif /* DONT_USE_READLINE */