/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Patrik Stridvall * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef __WINE_FCI_H #define __WINE_FCI_H #include <basetsd.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #include <pshpack4.h> #ifndef INCLUDED_TYPES_FCI_FDI #define INCLUDED_TYPES_FCI_FDI 1 /*********************************************************************** * Common FCI/TDI declarations */ typedef ULONG CHECKSUM; typedef ULONG UOFF; typedef ULONG COFF; /**********************************************************************/ typedef struct { int erfOper; /* FCI/FDI error code - see {FCI,FDI}ERROR_XXX for details. */ int erfType; /* Optional error value filled in by FCI/FDI. */ BOOL fError; /* TRUE => error present */ } ERF, *PERF; /**********************************************************************/ #define CB_MAX_CHUNK 32768U #define CB_MAX_DISK __MSABI_LONG(0x7fffffff) #define CB_MAX_FILENAME 256 #define CB_MAX_CABINET_NAME 256 #define CB_MAX_CAB_PATH 256 #define CB_MAX_DISK_NAME 256 /**********************************************************************/ typedef unsigned short TCOMP; #define tcompMASK_TYPE 0x000F /* Mask for compression type */ #define tcompTYPE_NONE 0x0000 /* No compression */ #define tcompTYPE_MSZIP 0x0001 /* MSZIP */ #define tcompTYPE_QUANTUM 0x0002 /* Quantum */ #define tcompTYPE_LZX 0x0003 /* LZX */ #define tcompBAD 0x000F /* Unspecified compression type */ #define tcompMASK_LZX_WINDOW 0x1F00 /* Mask for LZX Compression Memory */ #define tcompLZX_WINDOW_LO 0x0F00 /* Lowest LZX Memory (15) */ #define tcompLZX_WINDOW_HI 0x1500 /* Highest LZX Memory (21) */ #define tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW 8 /* Amount to shift over to get int */ #define tcompMASK_QUANTUM_LEVEL 0x00F0 /* Mask for Quantum Compression Level */ #define tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_LO 0x0010 /* Lowest Quantum Level (1) */ #define tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_HI 0x0070 /* Highest Quantum Level (7) */ #define tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL 4 /* Amount to shift over to get int */ #define tcompMASK_QUANTUM_MEM 0x1F00 /* Mask for Quantum Compression Memory */ #define tcompQUANTUM_MEM_LO 0x0A00 /* Lowest Quantum Memory (10) */ #define tcompQUANTUM_MEM_HI 0x1500 /* Highest Quantum Memory (21) */ #define tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM 8 /* Amount to shift over to get int */ #define tcompMASK_RESERVED 0xE000 /* Reserved bits (high 3 bits) */ /**********************************************************************/ #define CompressionTypeFromTCOMP(tc) \ ((tc) & tcompMASK_TYPE) #define CompressionLevelFromTCOMP(tc) \ (((tc) & tcompMASK_QUANTUM_LEVEL) >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL) #define CompressionMemoryFromTCOMP(tc) \ (((tc) & tcompMASK_QUANTUM_MEM) >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM) #define TCOMPfromTypeLevelMemory(t, l, m) \ (((m) << tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM ) | \ ((l) << tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL) | \ ( t )) #define LZXCompressionWindowFromTCOMP(tc) \ (((tc) & tcompMASK_LZX_WINDOW) >> tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW) #define TCOMPfromLZXWindow(w) \ (((w) << tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW) | \ ( tcompTYPE_LZX )) #endif /* !defined(INCLUDED_TYPES_FCI_FDI) */ /*********************************************************************** * FCI declarations */ typedef enum { FCIERR_NONE, FCIERR_OPEN_SRC, FCIERR_READ_SRC, FCIERR_ALLOC_FAIL, FCIERR_TEMP_FILE, FCIERR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE, FCIERR_CAB_FILE, FCIERR_USER_ABORT, FCIERR_MCI_FAIL, } FCIERROR; /**********************************************************************/ #ifndef _A_NAME_IS_UTF #define _A_NAME_IS_UTF 0x80 #endif #ifndef _A_EXEC #define _A_EXEC 0x40 #endif /**********************************************************************/ typedef void *HFCI; /**********************************************************************/ typedef struct { ULONG cb; /* Size available for cabinet on this media */ ULONG cbFolderThresh; /* Threshold for forcing a new Folder */ UINT cbReserveCFHeader; /* Space to reserve in CFHEADER */ UINT cbReserveCFFolder; /* Space to reserve in CFFOLDER */ UINT cbReserveCFData; /* Space to reserve in CFDATA */ int iCab; /* Sequential numbers for cabinets */ int iDisk; /* Disk number */ #ifndef REMOVE_CHICAGO_M6_HACK int fFailOnIncompressible; /* TRUE => Fail if a block is incompressible */ #endif USHORT setID; /* Cabinet set ID */ char szDisk[CB_MAX_DISK_NAME]; /* Current disk name */ char szCab[CB_MAX_CABINET_NAME]; /* Current cabinet name */ char szCabPath[CB_MAX_CAB_PATH]; /* Path for creating cabinet */ } CCAB, *PCCAB; /**********************************************************************/ typedef void * (__cdecl __WINE_ALLOC_SIZE(1) *PFNFCIALLOC)(ULONG cb); #define FNFCIALLOC(fn) void * __cdecl fn(ULONG cb) typedef void (__cdecl *PFNFCIFREE)(void *memory); #define FNFCIFREE(fn) void __cdecl fn(void *memory) typedef INT_PTR (__cdecl *PFNFCIOPEN) (char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCIOPEN(fn) INT_PTR __cdecl fn(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode, int *err, void *pv) typedef UINT (__cdecl *PFNFCIREAD) (INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCIREAD(fn) UINT __cdecl fn(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) typedef UINT (__cdecl *PFNFCIWRITE)(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCIWRITE(fn) UINT __cdecl fn(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) typedef int (__cdecl *PFNFCICLOSE)(INT_PTR hf, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCICLOSE(fn) int __cdecl fn(INT_PTR hf, int *err, void *pv) typedef LONG (__cdecl *PFNFCISEEK) (INT_PTR hf, LONG dist, int seektype, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCISEEK(fn) LONG __cdecl fn(INT_PTR hf, LONG dist, int seektype, int *err, void *pv) typedef int (__cdecl *PFNFCIDELETE) (char *pszFile, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCIDELETE(fn) int __cdecl fn(char *pszFile, int *err, void *pv) typedef BOOL (__cdecl *PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET)(PCCAB pccab, ULONG cbPrevCab, void *pv); #define FNFCIGETNEXTCABINET(fn) BOOL __cdecl fn(PCCAB pccab, \ ULONG cbPrevCab, \ void *pv) typedef int (__cdecl *PFNFCIFILEPLACED)(PCCAB pccab, char *pszFile, LONG cbFile, BOOL fContinuation, void *pv); #define FNFCIFILEPLACED(fn) int __cdecl fn(PCCAB pccab, \ char *pszFile, \ LONG cbFile, \ BOOL fContinuation, \ void *pv) typedef INT_PTR (__cdecl *PFNFCIGETOPENINFO)(char *pszName, USHORT *pdate, USHORT *ptime, USHORT *pattribs, int *err, void *pv); #define FNFCIGETOPENINFO(fn) INT_PTR __cdecl fn(char *pszName, \ USHORT *pdate, \ USHORT *ptime, \ USHORT *pattribs, \ int *err, \ void *pv) #define statusFile 0 /* Add File to Folder callback */ #define statusFolder 1 /* Add Folder to Cabinet callback */ #define statusCabinet 2 /* Write out a completed cabinet callback */ typedef LONG (__cdecl *PFNFCISTATUS)(UINT typeStatus, ULONG cb1, ULONG cb2, void *pv); #define FNFCISTATUS(fn) LONG __cdecl fn(UINT typeStatus, \ ULONG cb1, \ ULONG cb2, \ void *pv) typedef BOOL (__cdecl *PFNFCIGETTEMPFILE)(char *pszTempName, int cbTempName, void *pv); #define FNFCIGETTEMPFILE(fn) BOOL __cdecl fn(char *pszTempName, \ int cbTempName, \ void *pv) /**********************************************************************/ HFCI __cdecl FCICreate(PERF, PFNFCIFILEPLACED, PFNFCIALLOC, PFNFCIFREE, PFNFCIOPEN, PFNFCIREAD, PFNFCIWRITE, PFNFCICLOSE, PFNFCISEEK, PFNFCIDELETE, PFNFCIGETTEMPFILE, PCCAB, void *); BOOL __cdecl FCIAddFile(HFCI, char *, char *, BOOL, PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET, PFNFCISTATUS, PFNFCIGETOPENINFO, TCOMP); BOOL __cdecl FCIFlushCabinet(HFCI, BOOL, PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET, PFNFCISTATUS); BOOL __cdecl FCIFlushFolder(HFCI, PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET, PFNFCISTATUS); BOOL __cdecl FCIDestroy(HFCI hfci); /**********************************************************************/ #include <poppack.h> #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #endif /* __WINE_FCI_H */