#ifndef __WINESCSI_H__ #define __WINESCSI_H__ #ifdef linux /* Copy of info from 2.2.x kernel */ #define SG_MAX_SENSE 16 /* too little, unlikely to change in 2.2.x */ struct sg_header { int pack_len; /* [o] reply_len (ie useless), ignored as input */ int reply_len; /* [i] max length of expected reply (inc. sg_header) */ int pack_id; /* [io] id number of packet (use ints >= 0) */ int result; /* [o] 0==ok, else (+ve) Unix errno (best ignored) */ unsigned int twelve_byte:1; /* [i] Force 12 byte command length for group 6 & 7 commands */ unsigned int target_status:5; /* [o] scsi status from target */ unsigned int host_status:8; /* [o] host status (see "DID" codes) */ unsigned int driver_status:8; /* [o] driver status+suggestion */ unsigned int other_flags:10; /* unused */ unsigned char sense_buffer[SG_MAX_SENSE]; /* [o] Output in 3 cases: when target_status is CHECK_CONDITION or when target_status is COMMAND_TERMINATED or when (driver_status & DRIVER_SENSE) is true. */ }; /* This structure is 36 bytes long on i386 */ #define SCSI_OFF sizeof(struct sg_header) #define SG_SET_TIMEOUT 0x2201 #define SG_GET_TIMEOUT 0x2202 #define SCSI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 6000*5 /* 5 minutes */ #endif /* RegKey used for SCSI info under HKEY_DYN_DATA */ #define KEYNAME_SCSI "WineScsi" #define KEYNAME_SCSI_CONTROLLERMAP "ControllerMap" /* Function prototypes from dlls/wnaspi32/aspi.c */ void SCSI_Init(); int ASPI_GetNumControllers(); int SCSI_OpenDevice( int h, int c, int t, int d ); int SCSI_LinuxSetTimeout( int fd, int timeout ); #ifdef linux BOOL SCSI_LinuxDeviceIo( int fd, struct sg_header * lpvInBuffer, DWORD cbInBuffer, struct sg_header * lpvOutBuffer, DWORD cbOutBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbBytesReturned ); #endif BOOL SCSI_GetDeviceName(int h, int c, int t, int d, LPSTR devstr, LPDWORD lpcbData); DWORD ASPI_GetHCforController( int controller ); /*** This is where we throw some miscellaneous crap ***/ #define ASPI_POSTING(prb) (prb->SRB_Flags & 0x1) /* WNASPI32/WINASPI defs */ #define HOST_TO_TARGET(prb) (((prb->SRB_Flags>>3) & 0x3) == 0x2) #define TARGET_TO_HOST(prb) (((prb->SRB_Flags>>3) & 0x3) == 0x1) #define NO_DATA_TRANSFERED(prb) (((prb->SRB_Flags>>3) & 0x3) == 0x3) #define INQUIRY_VENDOR 8 #define MUSTEK_SCSI_AREA_AND_WINDOWS 0x04 #define MUSTEK_SCSI_READ_SCANNED_DATA 0x08 #define MUSTEK_SCSI_GET_IMAGE_STATUS 0x0f #define MUSTEK_SCSI_ADF_AND_BACKTRACE 0x10 #define MUSTEK_SCSI_CCD_DISTANCE 0x11 #define MUSTEK_SCSI_START_STOP 0x1b #define INQURIY_CMDLEN 6 #define INQURIY_REPLY_LEN 96 #define INQUIRY_VENDOR 8 #define SENSE_BUFFER(prb) (&prb->CDBByte[prb->SRB_CDBLen]) /* Just a container for seeing what devices are open */ struct ASPI_DEVICE_INFO { struct ASPI_DEVICE_INFO * next; int fd; int hostId; int target; int lun; }; typedef struct ASPI_DEVICE_INFO ASPI_DEVICE_INFO; /*** End Miscellaneous crap ***/ #endif /* #ifndef __WINESCSI_H */