/* * COMPOBJ library * * Copyright 1995 Martin von Loewis */ #define INITGUID #include #include #include #include #include "ole.h" #include "ole2.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "debug.h" #include "file.h" #include "compobj.h" #include "heap.h" #include "ldt.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "ddraw.h" #include "dsound.h" #include "dinput.h" #include "d3d.h" LPMALLOC16 currentMalloc16=NULL; LPMALLOC32 currentMalloc32=NULL; /*********************************************************************** * CoBuildVersion [COMPOBJ.1] */ DWORD WINAPI CoBuildVersion() { TRACE(ole,"(void)\n"); return (rmm<<16)+rup; } /*********************************************************************** * CoInitialize [COMPOBJ.2] * lpReserved is an IMalloc pointer in 16bit OLE. */ HRESULT WINAPI CoInitialize16( LPMALLOC16 lpReserved /* [in] pointer to win16 malloc interface */ ) { currentMalloc16 = lpReserved; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoInitialize (OLE32.26) * lpReserved is an IMalloc pointer in 32bit OLE. */ HRESULT WINAPI CoInitialize32( LPMALLOC32 lpReserved /* [in] pointer to win32 malloc interface */ ) { currentMalloc32 = lpReserved; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoUnitialize [COMPOBJ.3] */ void WINAPI CoUnitialize() { TRACE(ole,"(void)\n"); } /*********************************************************************** * CoGetMalloc [COMPOBJ.4] */ HRESULT WINAPI CoGetMalloc16( DWORD dwMemContext, /* [in] unknown */ LPMALLOC16 * lpMalloc /* [out] current win16 malloc interface */ ) { if(!currentMalloc16) currentMalloc16 = IMalloc16_Constructor(); *lpMalloc = currentMalloc16; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoGetMalloc (OLE32.4] */ HRESULT WINAPI CoGetMalloc32( DWORD dwMemContext, /* [in] unknown */ LPMALLOC32 *lpMalloc /* [out] current win32 malloc interface */ ) { if(!currentMalloc32) currentMalloc32 = IMalloc32_Constructor(); *lpMalloc = currentMalloc32; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoDisconnectObject */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CoDisconnectObject( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk, DWORD reserved ) { TRACE(ole,"%p %lx\n",lpUnk,reserved); return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * IsEqualGUID [COMPOBJ.18] */ BOOL16 WINAPI IsEqualGUID(GUID* g1, GUID* g2) { return !memcmp( g1, g2, sizeof(GUID) ); } /*********************************************************************** * CLSIDFromString [COMPOBJ.20] */ /* Class id: DWORD-WORD-WORD-BYTES[2]-BYTES[6] */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CLSIDFromString16(const LPCOLESTR16 idstr, CLSID *id) { BYTE *s = (BYTE *) idstr; BYTE *p; int i; BYTE table[256]; TRACE(ole,"%s -> %p\n", idstr, id); /* quick lookup table */ memset(table, 0, 256); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { table['0' + i] = i; } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { table['A' + i] = i+10; table['a' + i] = i+10; } /* in form {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} */ if (strlen(idstr) != 38) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT; p = (BYTE *) id; s++; /* skip leading brace */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { p[3 - i] = table[*s]<<4 | table[*(s+1)]; s += 2; } p += 4; s++; /* skip - */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { p[1-i] = table[*s]<<4 | table[*(s+1)]; s += 2; } p += 2; s++; /* skip - */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { p[1-i] = table[*s]<<4 | table[*(s+1)]; s += 2; } p += 2; s++; /* skip - */ /* these are just sequential bytes */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { *p++ = table[*s]<<4 | table[*(s+1)]; s += 2; } s++; /* skip - */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { *p++ = table[*s]<<4 | table[*(s+1)]; s += 2; } return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CLSIDFromString (OLE32.3) */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CLSIDFromString32(const LPCOLESTR32 idstr, CLSID *id) { LPOLESTR16 xid = HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,idstr); OLESTATUS ret = CLSIDFromString16(xid,id); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,xid); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * StringFromCLSID [COMPOBJ.19] */ OLESTATUS WINAPI WINE_StringFromCLSID(const CLSID *id, LPSTR idstr) { static const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char *s; int i; sprintf(idstr, "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-", id->Data1, id->Data2, id->Data3, id->Data4[0], id->Data4[1]); s = &idstr[25]; /* 6 hex bytes */ for (i = 2; i < 8; i++) { *s++ = hex[id->Data4[i]>>4]; *s++ = hex[id->Data4[i] & 0xf]; } *s++ = '}'; *s++ = '\0'; for (i = strlen(idstr)-1; i >= 0; i--) { idstr[i] = toupper(idstr[i]); } TRACE(ole,"%p->%s\n", id, idstr); return OLE_OK; } OLESTATUS WINAPI StringFromCLSID16(const CLSID *id, LPOLESTR16 *idstr) { LPMALLOC16 mllc; OLESTATUS ret; DWORD args[2]; ret = CoGetMalloc16(0,&mllc); if (ret) return ret; args[0] = (DWORD)mllc; args[1] = 40; /* No need for a Callback entry, we have WOWCallback16Ex which does * everything we need. */ if (!WOWCallback16Ex( (FARPROC16)((LPMALLOC16_VTABLE)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN( ((LPMALLOC16)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(mllc))->lpvtbl) )->fnAlloc, WCB16_CDECL, 2, (LPVOID)args, (LPDWORD)idstr )) { fprintf(stderr,"CallTo16 IMalloc16 failed\n"); return E_FAIL; } return WINE_StringFromCLSID(id,PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(*idstr)); } OLESTATUS WINAPI StringFromCLSID32(const CLSID *id, LPOLESTR32 *idstr) { char buf[80]; OLESTATUS ret; LPMALLOC32 mllc; if ((ret=CoGetMalloc32(0,&mllc))) return ret; ret=WINE_StringFromCLSID(id,buf); if (!ret) { *idstr = mllc->lpvtbl->fnAlloc(mllc,strlen(buf)*2+2); lstrcpyAtoW(*idstr,buf); } return ret; } OLESTATUS WINAPI StringFromGUID2( const CLSID *id, LPOLESTR16 idstr, INT16 max ) { char buf[80]; OLESTATUS ret = WINE_StringFromCLSID(id,buf); if (!ret) lstrcpyn32A(idstr,buf,max); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * CLSIDFromProgID [COMPOBJ.61] */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CLSIDFromProgID16(LPCSTR progid,LPCLSID riid) { char *buf,buf2[80]; DWORD buf2len; HRESULT err; HKEY xhkey; buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(progid)+8); sprintf(buf,"%s\\CLSID",progid); if ((err=RegOpenKey32A(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,buf,&xhkey))) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,buf); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,buf); buf2len = sizeof(buf2); if ((err=RegQueryValue32A(xhkey,NULL,buf2,&buf2len))) { RegCloseKey(xhkey); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } RegCloseKey(xhkey); return CLSIDFromString16(buf2,riid); } /*********************************************************************** * CLSIDFromProgID (OLE32.2) */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CLSIDFromProgID32(LPCOLESTR32 progid,LPCLSID riid) { LPOLESTR16 pid = HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,progid); OLESTATUS ret = CLSIDFromProgID16(pid,riid); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pid); return ret; } OLESTATUS WINAPI LookupETask(LPVOID p1,LPVOID p2) { fprintf(stderr,"LookupETask(%p,%p),stub!\n",p1,p2); return 0; } OLESTATUS WINAPI CallObjectInWOW(LPVOID p1,LPVOID p2) { fprintf(stderr,"CallObjectInWOW(%p,%p),stub!\n",p1,p2); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * CoRegisterClassObject [COMPOBJ.5] */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CoRegisterClassObject16( REFCLSID rclsid, LPUNKNOWN pUnk,DWORD dwClsContext,DWORD flags, LPDWORD lpdwRegister ) { char buf[80]; WINE_StringFromCLSID(rclsid,buf); fprintf(stderr,"CoRegisterClassObject(%s,%p,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,%p),stub\n", buf,pUnk,dwClsContext,flags,lpdwRegister ); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * CoRegisterClassObject (OLE32.36) */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CoRegisterClassObject32( REFCLSID rclsid, LPUNKNOWN pUnk,DWORD dwClsContext,DWORD flags, LPDWORD lpdwRegister ) { char buf[80]; WINE_StringFromCLSID(rclsid,buf); fprintf(stderr,"CoRegisterClassObject(%s,%p,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,%p),stub\n", buf,pUnk,dwClsContext,flags,lpdwRegister ); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * CoRegisterMessageFilter [COMPOBJ.27] */ OLESTATUS WINAPI CoRegisterMessageFilter16( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpMessageFilter,LPMESSAGEFILTER *lplpMessageFilter ) { fprintf(stderr,"CoRegisterMessageFilter(%p,%p),stub!\n", lpMessageFilter,lplpMessageFilter ); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * CoCreateInstance [COMPOBJ.13, OLE32.7] */ HRESULT WINAPI CoCreateInstance(REFCLSID rclsid, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, DWORD dwClsContext, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { fprintf(stderr, "CoCreateInstance(): stub !\n"); *ppv = NULL; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoFreeUnusedLibraries [COMPOBJ.17] */ void WINAPI CoFreeUnusedLibraries() { fprintf(stderr, "CoFreeUnusedLibraries(): stub !\n"); } /*********************************************************************** * CoFileTimeNow [COMPOBJ.82, OLE32.10] * * stores the current system time in lpFileTime */ HRESULT WINAPI CoFileTimeNow(FILETIME *lpFileTime) { DOSFS_UnixTimeToFileTime(time(NULL), lpFileTime, 0); return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * CoTaskMemAlloc (OLE32.43) * RETURNS * pointer to newly allocated block */ LPVOID WINAPI CoTaskMemAlloc( ULONG size /* [in] size of memoryblock to be allocated */ ) { LPMALLOC32 lpmalloc; HRESULT ret = CoGetMalloc32(0,&lpmalloc); if (ret) return NULL; return lpmalloc->lpvtbl->fnAlloc(lpmalloc,size); } /*********************************************************************** * CoTaskMemFree (OLE32.44) */ VOID WINAPI CoTaskMemFree( LPVOID ptr /* [in] pointer to be freed */ ) { LPMALLOC32 lpmalloc; HRESULT ret = CoGetMalloc32(0,&lpmalloc); if (ret) return; return lpmalloc->lpvtbl->fnFree(lpmalloc,ptr); } /*********************************************************************** * CoInitializeWOW (OLE32.27) */ HRESULT WINAPI CoInitializeWOW(DWORD x,DWORD y) { fprintf(stderr,"CoInitializeWOW(0x%08lx,0x%08lx),stub!\n",x,y); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * CoLockObjectExternal (COMPOBJ.63) */ HRESULT WINAPI CoLockObjectExternal16( LPUNKNOWN pUnk, /* [in] object to be locked */ BOOL16 fLock, /* [in] do lock */ BOOL16 fLastUnlockReleases /* [in] ? */ ) { fprintf(stderr,"CoLockObjectExternal(%p,%d,%d),stub!\n",pUnk,fLock,fLastUnlockReleases); return S_OK; }