mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 20:57:39 +00:00
Winelib is no longer supported.
582 lines
30 KiB
582 lines
30 KiB
name user
type win16
heap 65520
file user.exe
owner user32
rsrc resources/version16.res
1 pascal16 MessageBox(word str str word) MessageBox16
2 stub OldExitWindows
3 stub EnableOEMLayer
4 stub DisableOEMLayer
5 pascal16 InitApp(word) InitApp16
6 pascal16 PostQuitMessage(word) PostQuitMessage16
7 pascal16 ExitWindows(long word) ExitWindows16
10 pascal16 SetTimer(word word word segptr) SetTimer16
11 pascal16 SetSystemTimer(word word word segptr) SetSystemTimer16 # BEAR11
12 pascal16 KillTimer(word word) KillTimer16
13 pascal GetTickCount() GetTickCount
14 pascal GetTimerResolution() GetTimerResolution16
# GetCurrentTime is effectively identical to GetTickCount
15 pascal GetCurrentTime() GetTickCount
16 pascal16 ClipCursor(ptr) ClipCursor16
17 pascal16 GetCursorPos(ptr) GetCursorPos16
18 pascal16 SetCapture(word) SetCapture16
19 pascal16 ReleaseCapture() ReleaseCapture16
20 pascal16 SetDoubleClickTime(word) SetDoubleClickTime16
21 pascal16 GetDoubleClickTime() GetDoubleClickTime16
22 pascal16 SetFocus(word) SetFocus16
23 pascal16 GetFocus() GetFocus16
24 pascal16 RemoveProp(word ptr) RemoveProp16
25 pascal16 GetProp(word str) GetProp16
26 pascal16 SetProp(word str word) SetProp16
27 pascal16 EnumProps(word segptr) EnumProps16
28 pascal16 ClientToScreen(word ptr) ClientToScreen16
29 pascal16 ScreenToClient(word ptr) ScreenToClient16
30 pascal16 WindowFromPoint(long) WindowFromPoint16
31 pascal16 IsIconic(word) IsIconic16
32 pascal16 GetWindowRect(word ptr) GetWindowRect16
33 pascal16 GetClientRect(word ptr) GetClientRect16
34 pascal16 EnableWindow(word word) EnableWindow16
35 pascal16 IsWindowEnabled(word) IsWindowEnabled16
36 pascal16 GetWindowText(word segptr word) GetWindowText16
37 pascal16 SetWindowText(word segstr) SetWindowText16
38 pascal16 GetWindowTextLength(word) GetWindowTextLength16
39 pascal16 BeginPaint(word ptr) BeginPaint16
40 pascal16 EndPaint(word ptr) EndPaint16
41 pascal16 CreateWindow(str str long s_word s_word s_word s_word
word word word segptr) CreateWindow16
42 pascal16 ShowWindow(word word) ShowWindow16
43 pascal16 CloseWindow(word) CloseWindow16
44 pascal16 OpenIcon(word) OpenIcon16
45 pascal16 BringWindowToTop(word) BringWindowToTop16
46 pascal16 GetParent(word) GetParent16
47 pascal16 IsWindow(word) IsWindow16
48 pascal16 IsChild(word word) IsChild16
49 pascal16 IsWindowVisible(word) IsWindowVisible16
50 pascal16 FindWindow(str str) FindWindow16
51 stub BEAR51 # IsTwoByteCharPrefix
52 pascal16 AnyPopup() AnyPopup16
53 pascal16 DestroyWindow(word) DestroyWindow16
54 pascal16 EnumWindows(segptr long) EnumWindows16
55 pascal16 EnumChildWindows(word segptr long) EnumChildWindows16
56 pascal16 MoveWindow(word word word word word word) MoveWindow16
57 pascal16 RegisterClass(ptr) RegisterClass16
58 pascal16 GetClassName(word ptr word) GetClassName16
59 pascal16 SetActiveWindow(word) SetActiveWindow16
60 pascal16 GetActiveWindow() GetActiveWindow16
61 pascal16 ScrollWindow(word s_word s_word ptr ptr) ScrollWindow16
62 pascal16 SetScrollPos(word word s_word word) SetScrollPos16
63 pascal16 GetScrollPos(word word) GetScrollPos16
64 pascal16 SetScrollRange(word word s_word s_word word) SetScrollRange16
65 pascal16 GetScrollRange(word word ptr ptr) GetScrollRange16
66 pascal16 GetDC(word) GetDC16
67 pascal16 GetWindowDC(word) GetWindowDC16
68 pascal16 ReleaseDC(word word) ReleaseDC16
69 pascal16 SetCursor(word) SetCursor16
70 pascal16 SetCursorPos(word word) SetCursorPos16
71 pascal16 ShowCursor(word) ShowCursor16
72 pascal16 SetRect(ptr s_word s_word s_word s_word) SetRect16
73 pascal16 SetRectEmpty(ptr) SetRectEmpty16
74 pascal16 CopyRect(ptr ptr) CopyRect16
75 pascal16 IsRectEmpty(ptr) IsRectEmpty16
76 pascal16 PtInRect(ptr long) PtInRect16
77 pascal16 OffsetRect(ptr s_word s_word) OffsetRect16
78 pascal16 InflateRect(ptr s_word s_word) InflateRect16
79 pascal16 IntersectRect(ptr ptr ptr) IntersectRect16
80 pascal16 UnionRect(ptr ptr ptr) UnionRect16
81 pascal16 FillRect(word ptr word) FillRect16
82 pascal16 InvertRect(word ptr) InvertRect16
83 pascal16 FrameRect(word ptr word) FrameRect16
84 pascal16 DrawIcon(word s_word s_word word) DrawIcon16
85 pascal16 DrawText(word str s_word ptr word) DrawText16
86 pascal IconSize() IconSize16 # later versions: BEAR86
87 pascal16 DialogBox(word str word segptr) DialogBox16
88 pascal16 EndDialog(word s_word) EndDialog16
89 pascal16 CreateDialog(word str word segptr) CreateDialog16
90 pascal16 IsDialogMessage(word segptr) IsDialogMessage16
91 pascal16 GetDlgItem(word word) GetDlgItem16
92 pascal16 SetDlgItemText(word word segstr) SetDlgItemText16
93 pascal16 GetDlgItemText(word word segptr word) GetDlgItemText16
94 pascal16 SetDlgItemInt(word word word word) SetDlgItemInt16
95 pascal16 GetDlgItemInt(word s_word ptr word) GetDlgItemInt16
96 pascal16 CheckRadioButton(word word word word) CheckRadioButton16
97 pascal16 CheckDlgButton(word word word) CheckDlgButton16
98 pascal16 IsDlgButtonChecked(word word) IsDlgButtonChecked16
99 pascal16 DlgDirSelect(word ptr word) DlgDirSelect16
100 pascal16 DlgDirList(word str word word word) DlgDirList16
101 pascal SendDlgItemMessage(word word word word long) SendDlgItemMessage16
102 pascal16 AdjustWindowRect(ptr long word) AdjustWindowRect16
103 pascal16 MapDialogRect(word ptr) MapDialogRect16
104 pascal16 MessageBeep(word) MessageBeep16
105 pascal16 FlashWindow(word word) FlashWindow16
106 pascal16 GetKeyState(word) GetKeyState16
107 pascal DefWindowProc(word word word long) DefWindowProc16
108 pascal16 GetMessage(ptr word word word) GetMessage16
109 pascal16 PeekMessage(ptr word word word word) PeekMessage16
110 pascal16 PostMessage(word word word long) PostMessage16
111 pascal SendMessage(word word word long) SendMessage16
112 pascal16 WaitMessage() WaitMessage
113 pascal16 TranslateMessage(ptr) TranslateMessage16
114 pascal DispatchMessage(ptr) DispatchMessage16
115 pascal16 ReplyMessage(long) ReplyMessage16
116 pascal16 PostAppMessage(word word word long) PostAppMessage16
117 pascal16 WindowFromDC(word) WindowFromDC16 # not in W1.1, W2.0
118 pascal16 RegisterWindowMessage(str) RegisterWindowMessageA
119 pascal GetMessagePos() GetMessagePos
120 pascal GetMessageTime() GetMessageTime
121 pascal SetWindowsHook(s_word segptr) SetWindowsHook16
122 pascal CallWindowProc(segptr word word word long) CallWindowProc16
123 pascal16 CallMsgFilter(segptr s_word) CallMsgFilter16
124 pascal16 UpdateWindow(word) UpdateWindow16
125 pascal16 InvalidateRect(word ptr word) InvalidateRect16
126 pascal16 InvalidateRgn(word word word) InvalidateRgn16
127 pascal16 ValidateRect(word ptr) ValidateRect16
128 pascal16 ValidateRgn(word word) ValidateRgn16
129 pascal16 GetClassWord(word s_word) GetClassWord16
130 pascal16 SetClassWord(word s_word word) SetClassWord16
131 pascal GetClassLong(word s_word) GetClassLong16
132 pascal SetClassLong(word s_word long) SetClassLong16
133 pascal16 GetWindowWord(word s_word) GetWindowWord16
134 pascal16 SetWindowWord(word s_word word) SetWindowWord16
135 pascal GetWindowLong(word s_word) GetWindowLong16
136 pascal SetWindowLong(word s_word long) SetWindowLong16
137 pascal16 OpenClipboard(word) OpenClipboard16
138 pascal16 CloseClipboard() CloseClipboard16
139 pascal16 EmptyClipboard() EmptyClipboard16
140 pascal16 GetClipboardOwner() GetClipboardOwner16
141 pascal16 SetClipboardData(word word) SetClipboardData16
142 pascal16 GetClipboardData(word) GetClipboardData16
143 pascal16 CountClipboardFormats() CountClipboardFormats16
144 pascal16 EnumClipboardFormats(word) EnumClipboardFormats16
145 pascal16 RegisterClipboardFormat(ptr) RegisterClipboardFormat16
146 pascal16 GetClipboardFormatName(word ptr s_word) GetClipboardFormatName16
147 pascal16 SetClipboardViewer(word) SetClipboardViewer16
148 pascal16 GetClipboardViewer() GetClipboardViewer16
149 pascal16 ChangeClipboardChain(word word) ChangeClipboardChain16
150 pascal16 LoadMenu(word str) LoadMenu16
151 pascal16 CreateMenu() CreateMenu16
152 pascal16 DestroyMenu(word) DestroyMenu16
153 pascal16 ChangeMenu(word word segstr word word) ChangeMenu16
154 pascal16 CheckMenuItem(word word word) CheckMenuItem16
155 pascal16 EnableMenuItem(word word word) EnableMenuItem16
156 pascal16 GetSystemMenu(word word) GetSystemMenu16
157 pascal16 GetMenu(word) GetMenu16
158 pascal16 SetMenu(word word) SetMenu16
159 pascal16 GetSubMenu(word word) GetSubMenu16
160 pascal16 DrawMenuBar(word) DrawMenuBar16
161 pascal16 GetMenuString(word word ptr s_word word) GetMenuString16
162 pascal16 HiliteMenuItem(word word word word) HiliteMenuItem16
163 pascal16 CreateCaret(word word word word) CreateCaret16
164 pascal16 DestroyCaret() DestroyCaret16
165 pascal16 SetCaretPos(word word) SetCaretPos16
166 pascal16 HideCaret(word) HideCaret16
167 pascal16 ShowCaret(word) ShowCaret16
168 pascal16 SetCaretBlinkTime(word) SetCaretBlinkTime16
169 pascal16 GetCaretBlinkTime() GetCaretBlinkTime16
170 pascal16 ArrangeIconicWindows(word) ArrangeIconicWindows16 # W1.1: CREATECONVERTWINDOW, W2.0: nothing !
171 pascal16 WinHelp(word str word long) WinHelp16 # W1.1: SHOWCONVERTWINDOW, W2.0: nothing !
172 pascal16 SwitchToThisWindow(word word) SwitchToThisWindow16 # W1.1: SETCONVERTWINDOWHEIGHT, W2.0: nothing !
173 pascal16 LoadCursor(word str) LoadCursor16
174 pascal16 LoadIcon(word str) LoadIcon16
175 pascal16 LoadBitmap(word str) LoadBitmap16
176 pascal16 LoadString(word word ptr s_word) LoadString16
177 pascal16 LoadAccelerators(word str) LoadAccelerators16
178 pascal16 TranslateAccelerator(word word ptr) TranslateAccelerator16
179 pascal16 GetSystemMetrics(s_word) GetSystemMetrics16
180 pascal GetSysColor(word) GetSysColor16
181 pascal16 SetSysColors(word ptr ptr) SetSysColors16
182 pascal16 KillSystemTimer(word word) KillSystemTimer16 # BEAR182
183 pascal16 GetCaretPos(ptr) GetCaretPos16
184 stub QuerySendMessage # W1.1, W2.0: SYSHASKANJI
185 pascal16 GrayString(word word segptr segptr s_word s_word s_word s_word s_word) GrayString16
186 pascal16 SwapMouseButton(word) SwapMouseButton16
187 pascal16 EndMenu() EndMenu
188 pascal16 SetSysModalWindow(word) SetSysModalWindow16
189 pascal16 GetSysModalWindow() GetSysModalWindow16
190 pascal16 GetUpdateRect(word ptr word) GetUpdateRect16
191 pascal16 ChildWindowFromPoint(word long) ChildWindowFromPoint16
192 pascal16 InSendMessage() InSendMessage16
193 pascal16 IsClipboardFormatAvailable(word) IsClipboardFormatAvailable16
194 pascal16 DlgDirSelectComboBox(word ptr word) DlgDirSelectComboBox16
195 pascal16 DlgDirListComboBox(word ptr word word word) DlgDirListComboBox16
196 pascal TabbedTextOut(word s_word s_word ptr s_word s_word ptr s_word)
197 pascal GetTabbedTextExtent(word ptr word word ptr) GetTabbedTextExtent16
198 pascal16 CascadeChildWindows(word word) CascadeChildWindows16
199 pascal16 TileChildWindows(word word) TileChildWindows16
200 pascal16 OpenComm(str word word) OpenComm16
201 pascal16 SetCommState(ptr) SetCommState16
202 pascal16 GetCommState(word ptr) GetCommState16
203 pascal16 GetCommError(word ptr) GetCommError16
204 pascal16 ReadComm(word ptr word) ReadComm16
205 pascal16 WriteComm(word ptr word) WriteComm16
206 pascal16 TransmitCommChar(word word) TransmitCommChar16
207 pascal16 CloseComm(word) CloseComm16
208 pascal SetCommEventMask(word word) SetCommEventMask16
209 pascal16 GetCommEventMask(word word) GetCommEventMask16
210 pascal16 SetCommBreak(word) SetCommBreak16
211 pascal16 ClearCommBreak(word) ClearCommBreak16
212 pascal16 UngetCommChar(word word) UngetCommChar16
213 pascal16 BuildCommDCB(ptr ptr) BuildCommDCB16
214 pascal EscapeCommFunction(word word) EscapeCommFunction16
215 pascal16 FlushComm(word word) FlushComm16
216 pascal UserSeeUserDo(word word word word) UserSeeUserDo16 # W1.1, W2.0: MYOPENCOMM
#217-299 not in W1.1
217 pascal16 LookupMenuHandle(word s_word) LookupMenuHandle16
218 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirect(word word word segptr) DialogBoxIndirect16
219 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirect(word ptr word segptr) CreateDialogIndirect16
220 pascal16 LoadMenuIndirect(ptr) LoadMenuIndirect16
221 pascal16 ScrollDC(word s_word s_word ptr ptr word ptr) ScrollDC16
222 pascal16 GetKeyboardState(ptr) GetKeyboardState
223 pascal16 SetKeyboardState(ptr) SetKeyboardState
224 pascal16 GetWindowTask(word) GetWindowTask16
225 pascal16 EnumTaskWindows(word segptr long) EnumTaskWindows16
226 stub LockInput # not in W2.0
227 pascal16 GetNextDlgGroupItem(word word word) GetNextDlgGroupItem16
228 pascal16 GetNextDlgTabItem(word word word) GetNextDlgTabItem16
229 pascal16 GetTopWindow(word) GetTopWindow16
230 pascal16 GetNextWindow(word word) GetNextWindow16
231 pascal16 GetSystemDebugState() GetSystemDebugState16
232 pascal16 SetWindowPos(word word word word word word word) SetWindowPos16
233 pascal16 SetParent(word word) SetParent16
234 pascal16 UnhookWindowsHook(s_word segptr) UnhookWindowsHook16
235 pascal DefHookProc(s_word word long ptr) DefHookProc16
236 pascal16 GetCapture() GetCapture16
237 pascal16 GetUpdateRgn(word word word) GetUpdateRgn16
238 pascal16 ExcludeUpdateRgn(word word) ExcludeUpdateRgn16
239 pascal16 DialogBoxParam(word str word segptr long) DialogBoxParam16
240 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirectParam(word word word segptr long)
241 pascal16 CreateDialogParam(word str word segptr long) CreateDialogParam16
242 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirectParam(word ptr word segptr long)
243 pascal GetDialogBaseUnits() GetDialogBaseUnits
244 pascal16 EqualRect(ptr ptr) EqualRect16
245 pascal16 EnableCommNotification(s_word word s_word s_word) EnableCommNotification16
246 pascal16 ExitWindowsExec(str str) ExitWindowsExec16
247 pascal16 GetCursor() GetCursor16
248 pascal16 GetOpenClipboardWindow() GetOpenClipboardWindow16
249 pascal16 GetAsyncKeyState(word) GetAsyncKeyState16
250 pascal16 GetMenuState(word word word) GetMenuState16
251 pascal SendDriverMessage(word word long long) SendDriverMessage16
252 pascal16 OpenDriver(str str long) OpenDriver16
253 pascal CloseDriver(word long long) CloseDriver16
254 pascal16 GetDriverModuleHandle(word) GetDriverModuleHandle16
255 pascal DefDriverProc(long word word long long) DefDriverProc16
256 pascal16 GetDriverInfo(word ptr) GetDriverInfo16
257 pascal16 GetNextDriver(word long) GetNextDriver16
258 pascal16 MapWindowPoints(word word ptr word) MapWindowPoints16
259 pascal16 BeginDeferWindowPos(s_word) BeginDeferWindowPos16
260 pascal16 DeferWindowPos(word word word s_word s_word s_word s_word word)
261 pascal16 EndDeferWindowPos(word) EndDeferWindowPos16
262 pascal16 GetWindow(word word) GetWindow16
263 pascal16 GetMenuItemCount(word) GetMenuItemCount16
264 pascal16 GetMenuItemID(word word) GetMenuItemID16
265 pascal16 ShowOwnedPopups(word word) ShowOwnedPopups16
266 pascal16 SetMessageQueue(word) SetMessageQueue16
267 pascal16 ShowScrollBar(word word word) ShowScrollBar16
268 pascal16 GlobalAddAtom(str) GlobalAddAtomA
269 pascal16 GlobalDeleteAtom(word) GlobalDeleteAtom
270 pascal16 GlobalFindAtom(str) GlobalFindAtomA
271 pascal16 GlobalGetAtomName(word ptr s_word) GlobalGetAtomNameA
272 pascal16 IsZoomed(word) IsZoomed16
273 pascal16 ControlPanelInfo(word word str) ControlPanelInfo16
274 stub GetNextQueueWindow
275 stub RepaintScreen
276 stub LockMyTask
277 pascal16 GetDlgCtrlID(word) GetDlgCtrlID16
278 pascal16 GetDesktopHwnd() GetDesktopHwnd16
279 pascal16 OldSetDeskPattern() SetDeskPattern
280 pascal16 SetSystemMenu(word word) SetSystemMenu16
281 pascal16 GetSysColorBrush(word) GetSysColorBrush16
282 pascal16 SelectPalette(word word word) SelectPalette16
283 pascal16 RealizePalette(word) RealizePalette16
284 pascal16 GetFreeSystemResources(word) GetFreeSystemResources16
285 pascal16 SetDeskWallPaper(ptr) SetDeskWallPaper16 # BEAR285
286 pascal16 GetDesktopWindow() GetDesktopWindow16
287 pascal16 GetLastActivePopup(word) GetLastActivePopup16
288 pascal GetMessageExtraInfo() GetMessageExtraInfo
289 pascal -register keybd_event() keybd_event16
290 pascal16 RedrawWindow(word ptr word word) RedrawWindow16
291 pascal SetWindowsHookEx(s_word segptr word word) SetWindowsHookEx16
292 pascal16 UnhookWindowsHookEx(segptr) UnhookWindowsHookEx16
293 pascal CallNextHookEx(segptr s_word word long) CallNextHookEx16
294 pascal16 LockWindowUpdate(word) LockWindowUpdate16
299 pascal -register mouse_event() mouse_event16
300 stub UnloadInstalledDrivers # W1.1: USER_FARFRAME
304 stub SBWNDPROC
306 stub MENUWNDPROC # BEAR306
308 pascal DefDlgProc(word word word long) DefDlgProc16 # W1.1, W2.0: DLGWNDPROC
309 pascal16 GetClipCursor(ptr) GetClipCursor16 # W1.1, W2.0: MESSAGEBOXWNDPROC
#310 ContScroll
#311 CaretBlinkProc # W1.1
#312 SendMessage2
#313 PostMessage2
314 pascal16 SignalProc(word word word word word) USER_SignalProc
#315 XCStoDS
#316 CompUpdateRect
#317 CompUpdateRgn
#318 GetWC2
319 pascal16 ScrollWindowEx(word s_word s_word ptr ptr word ptr word) ScrollWindowEx16 # W1.1, W2.0: SETWC2
320 stub SysErrorBox # W1.1: ICONNAMEWNDPROC, W2.0: nothing !
321 pascal SetEventHook(segptr) SetEventHook16 # W1.1, W2.0: DESTROYTASKWINDOWS2
322 stub WinOldAppHackOMatic # W1.1, W2.0: POSTSYSERROR
323 stub GetMessage2
324 pascal16 FillWindow(word word word word) FillWindow16
325 pascal16 PaintRect(word word word word ptr) PaintRect16
326 pascal16 GetControlBrush(word word word) GetControlBrush16
#327 KillTimer2
#328 SetTimer2
#329 MenuItemState # W1.1
#330 SetGetKbdState
331 pascal16 EnableHardwareInput(word) EnableHardwareInput16
332 pascal16 UserYield() UserYield16
333 pascal16 IsUserIdle() IsUserIdle16
334 pascal GetQueueStatus(word) GetQueueStatus16
335 pascal16 GetInputState() GetInputState16
336 pascal16 LoadCursorIconHandler(word word word) LoadCursorIconHandler16
337 pascal GetMouseEventProc() GetMouseEventProc16
338 stub ECGETDS # W2.0 (only ?)
#340 WinFarFrame
343 stub GetFilePortName
345 stub BEAR345
#354 TabTheTextOutForWimps
#355 BroadcastMessage
356 pascal16 LoadDIBCursorHandler(word word word) LoadDIBCursorHandler16
357 pascal16 LoadDIBIconHandler(word word word) LoadDIBIconHandler16
358 pascal16 IsMenu(word) IsMenu16
359 pascal16 GetDCEx(word word long) GetDCEx16
362 pascal16 DCHook(word word long long) DCHook16
364 pascal16 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(ptr word word word word) LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx16
368 pascal16 CopyIcon(word word) CopyIcon16
369 pascal16 CopyCursor(word word) CopyCursor16
370 pascal16 GetWindowPlacement(word ptr) GetWindowPlacement16
371 pascal16 SetWindowPlacement(word ptr) SetWindowPlacement16
372 stub GetInternalIconHeader
373 pascal16 SubtractRect(ptr ptr ptr) SubtractRect16
#374 DllEntryPoint
375 stub DrawTextEx
376 stub SetMessageExtraInfo
378 stub SetPropEx
379 stub GetPropEx
380 stub RemovePropEx
381 stub UsrMPR_ThunkData16
382 stub SetWindowContextHelpID
383 stub GetWindowContextHelpID
384 pascal16 SetMenuContextHelpId(word word) SetMenuContextHelpId16
385 pascal16 GetMenuContextHelpId(word) GetMenuContextHelpId16
389 pascal LoadImage(word str word word word word) LoadImage16
390 pascal16 CopyImage(word word word word word) CopyImage16
391 pascal16 SignalProc32(long long long word) UserSignalProc
394 pascal16 DrawIconEx(word word word word word word word word word) DrawIconEx16
395 pascal16 GetIconInfo(word ptr) GetIconInfo16
397 pascal16 RegisterClassEx(ptr) RegisterClassEx16
398 pascal16 GetClassInfoEx(word segstr ptr) GetClassInfoEx16
399 pascal16 ChildWindowFromPointEx(word long word) ChildWindowFromPointEx16
400 pascal16 FinalUserInit() FinalUserInit16
402 pascal16 GetPriorityClipboardFormat(ptr s_word) GetPriorityClipboardFormat16
403 pascal16 UnregisterClass(str word) UnregisterClass16
404 pascal16 GetClassInfo(word segstr ptr) GetClassInfo16
406 pascal16 CreateCursor(word word word word word ptr ptr) CreateCursor16
407 pascal16 CreateIcon(word word word word word ptr ptr) CreateIcon16
408 pascal16 CreateCursorIconIndirect(word ptr ptr ptr)
409 pascal16 InitThreadInput(word word) InitThreadInput16
410 pascal16 InsertMenu(word word word word segptr) InsertMenu16
411 pascal16 AppendMenu(word word word segptr) AppendMenu16
412 pascal16 RemoveMenu(word word word) RemoveMenu16
413 pascal16 DeleteMenu(word word word) DeleteMenu16
414 pascal16 ModifyMenu(word word word word segptr) ModifyMenu16
415 pascal16 CreatePopupMenu() CreatePopupMenu16
416 pascal16 TrackPopupMenu(word word s_word s_word s_word word ptr) TrackPopupMenu16
417 pascal GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions() GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
418 pascal16 SetMenuItemBitmaps(word word word word word) SetMenuItemBitmaps16
420 pascal16 _wsprintf() wsprintf16
421 pascal16 wvsprintf(ptr str ptr) wvsprintf16
422 pascal16 DlgDirSelectEx(word ptr word word) DlgDirSelectEx16
423 pascal16 DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(word ptr word word) DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx16
427 pascal16 FindWindowEx(word word str str) FindWindowEx16
428 stub TileWindows
429 stub CascadeWindows
430 pascal16 lstrcmp(str str) lstrcmp16
431 pascal AnsiUpper(segstr) AnsiUpper16
432 pascal AnsiLower(segstr) AnsiLower16
433 pascal16 IsCharAlpha(word) IsCharAlphaA
434 pascal16 IsCharAlphaNumeric(word) IsCharAlphaNumericA
435 pascal16 IsCharUpper(word) IsCharUpperA
436 pascal16 IsCharLower(word) IsCharLowerA
437 pascal16 AnsiUpperBuff(str word) AnsiUpperBuff16
438 pascal16 AnsiLowerBuff(str word) AnsiLowerBuff16
441 pascal16 InsertMenuItem(word word word ptr) InsertMenuItem16
443 stub GetMenuItemInfo
445 pascal DefFrameProc(word word word word long) DefFrameProc16
446 stub SetMenuItemInfo
447 pascal DefMDIChildProc(word word word long) DefMDIChildProc16
448 pascal16 DrawAnimatedRects(word word ptr ptr) DrawAnimatedRects16
449 pascal16 DrawState(word word segptr long word s_word s_word s_word s_word word) DrawState16
450 pascal16 CreateIconFromResourceEx(ptr long word long word word word) CreateIconFromResourceEx16
451 pascal16 TranslateMDISysAccel(word ptr) TranslateMDISysAccel16
452 pascal16 CreateWindowEx(long str str long s_word s_word s_word s_word
word word word segptr) CreateWindowEx16
454 pascal16 AdjustWindowRectEx(ptr long word long) AdjustWindowRectEx16
455 pascal16 GetIconID(word long) GetIconID16
456 pascal16 LoadIconHandler(word word) LoadIconHandler16
457 pascal16 DestroyIcon(word) DestroyIcon16
458 pascal16 DestroyCursor(word) DestroyCursor16
459 pascal DumpIcon(segptr ptr ptr ptr) DumpIcon16
460 pascal16 GetInternalWindowPos(word ptr ptr) GetInternalWindowPos16
461 pascal16 SetInternalWindowPos(word word ptr ptr) SetInternalWindowPos16
462 pascal16 CalcChildScroll(word word) CalcChildScroll16
463 pascal16 ScrollChildren(word word word long) ScrollChildren16
464 pascal DragObject(word word word word word word) DragObject16
465 pascal16 DragDetect(word long) DragDetect16
466 pascal16 DrawFocusRect(word ptr) DrawFocusRect16
470 stub StringFunc
471 pascal16 lstrcmpi(str str) lstrcmpiA
472 pascal AnsiNext(segptr) AnsiNext16
473 pascal AnsiPrev(str segptr) AnsiPrev16
475 pascal16 SetScrollInfo(word s_word ptr word) SetScrollInfo16
476 pascal16 GetScrollInfo(word s_word ptr) GetScrollInfo16
477 pascal16 GetKeyboardLayoutName(ptr) GetKeyboardLayoutName16
478 stub LoadKeyboardLayout
479 stub MenuItemFromPoint
480 stub GetUserLocalObjType
482 pascal16 EnableScrollBar(word word word) EnableScrollBar16
483 pascal16 SystemParametersInfo(word word ptr word) SystemParametersInfo16
#484 __GP
# Stubs for Hebrew version
489 pascal16 USER_489() stub_USER_489
490 pascal16 USER_490() stub_USER_490
492 pascal16 USER_492() stub_USER_492
496 pascal16 USER_496() stub_USER_496
498 stub BEAR498
499 pascal16 WNetErrorText(word ptr word) WNetErrorText16
500 stub FARCALLNETDRIVER # Undocumented Windows
501 pascal16 WNetOpenJob(ptr ptr word ptr) WNetOpenJob16
502 pascal16 WNetCloseJob(word ptr ptr) WNetCloseJob16
503 pascal16 WNetAbortJob(ptr word) WNetAbortJob16
504 pascal16 WNetHoldJob(ptr word) WNetHoldJob16
505 pascal16 WNetReleaseJob(ptr word) WNetReleaseJob16
506 pascal16 WNetCancelJob(ptr word) WNetCancelJob16
507 pascal16 WNetSetJobCopies(ptr word word) WNetSetJobCopies16
508 pascal16 WNetWatchQueue(word ptr ptr word) WNetWatchQueue16
509 pascal16 WNetUnwatchQueue(str) WNetUnwatchQueue16
510 pascal16 WNetLockQueueData(ptr ptr ptr) WNetLockQueueData16
511 pascal16 WNetUnlockQueueData(ptr) WNetUnlockQueueData16
512 pascal16 WNetGetConnection(ptr ptr ptr) WNetGetConnection16
513 pascal16 WNetGetCaps(word) WNetGetCaps16
514 pascal16 WNetDeviceMode(word) WNetDeviceMode16
515 pascal16 WNetBrowseDialog(word word ptr) WNetBrowseDialog16
516 pascal16 WNetGetUser(ptr ptr ptr) WNetGetUser16
517 pascal16 WNetAddConnection(str str str) WNetAddConnection16
518 pascal16 WNetCancelConnection(str word) WNetCancelConnection16
519 pascal16 WNetGetError(ptr) WNetGetError16
520 pascal16 WNetGetErrorText(word ptr ptr) WNetGetErrorText16
521 stub WNetEnable
522 stub WNetDisable
523 pascal16 WNetRestoreConnection(word ptr) WNetRestoreConnection16
524 pascal16 WNetWriteJob(word ptr ptr) WNetWriteJob16
525 pascal16 WNetConnectDialog(word word) WNetConnectDialog
526 pascal16 WNetDisconnectDialog(word word) WNetDisconnectDialog16
527 pascal16 WNetConnectionDialog(word word) WNetConnectionDialog16
528 pascal16 WNetViewQueueDialog(word ptr) WNetViewQueueDialog16
529 pascal16 WNetPropertyDialog(word word word str word) WNetPropertyDialog16
530 pascal16 WNetGetDirectoryType(ptr ptr) WNetGetDirectoryType16
531 pascal16 WNetDirectoryNotify(word ptr word) WNetDirectoryNotify16
532 pascal16 WNetGetPropertyText(word word str str word word) WNetGetPropertyText16
533 stub WNetInitialize
#533 stub NOTIFYWOW # ordinal conflict with WNetInitialize !!
534 stub WNetLogon
#534 stub DEFDLGPROCTHUNK # ordinal conflict with WNetLogon !!
600 pascal16 GetShellWindow() GetShellWindow16
601 stub DoHotkeyStuff
602 stub SetCheckCursorTimer
604 stub BroadcastSystemMessage
605 stub HackTaskMonitor
606 pascal16 FormatMessage(long segptr word word ptr word ptr) FormatMessage16
608 pascal16 GetForegroundWindow() GetForegroundWindow16
609 pascal16 SetForegroundWindow(word) SetForegroundWindow16
610 pascal16 DestroyIcon32(word word) DestroyIcon32
620 pascal ChangeDisplaySettings(ptr long) ChangeDisplaySettings16
621 pascal16 EnumDisplaySettings(str long ptr) EnumDisplaySettings16
640 pascal MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(long ptr long long long) MsgWaitForMultipleObjects16
650 stub ActivateKeyboardLayout
651 stub GetKeyboardLayout
652 stub GetKeyboardLayoutList
654 stub UnloadKeyboardLayout
655 stub PostPostedMessages
656 pascal16 DrawFrameControl(word ptr word word) DrawFrameControl16
657 pascal16 DrawCaptionTemp(word word ptr word word ptr word) DrawCaptionTemp16
658 stub DispatchInput
659 pascal16 DrawEdge(word ptr word word) DrawEdge16
660 pascal16 DrawCaption(word word ptr word) DrawCaption16
661 stub SetSysColorsTemp
662 stub DrawMenubarTemp
663 stub GetMenuDefaultItem
664 stub SetMenuDefaultItem
665 pascal16 GetMenuItemRect(word word word ptr) GetMenuItemRect16
666 pascal16 CheckMenuRadioItem(word word word word word) CheckMenuRadioItem16
667 stub TrackPopupMenuEx
668 pascal16 SetWindowRgn(word word word) SetWindowRgn16
669 stub GetWindowRgn
819 pascal16 PeekMessage32(ptr word word word word word) PeekMessage32_16
820 pascal GetMessage32(ptr word word word word) GetMessage32_16
821 pascal16 TranslateMessage32(ptr word) TranslateMessage32_16
#821 stub IsDialogMessage32 # FIXME: two ordinal 821???
822 pascal DispatchMessage32(ptr word) DispatchMessage32_16
823 pascal16 CallMsgFilter32(segptr word word) CallMsgFilter32_16
825 stub PostMessage32
826 stub PostThreadMessage32
827 pascal16 MessageBoxIndirect(ptr) MessageBoxIndirect16
851 stub MsgThkConnectionDataLS
855 stub Usr32ThkConnectionDataSL
890 stub InstallIMT
891 stub UninstallIMT
# API for Hebrew version
902 pascal16 LoadSystemLanguageString(word word ptr word word) LoadSystemLanguageString16
905 pascal16 ChangeDialogTemplate() ChangeDialogTemplate16
906 pascal16 GetNumLanguages() GetNumLanguages16
907 pascal16 GetLanguageName(word word ptr word) GetLanguageName16
909 pascal16 SetWindowTextEx(word str word) SetWindowTextEx16
910 pascal16 BiDiMessageBoxEx() BiDiMessageBoxEx16
911 pascal16 SetDlgItemTextEx(word word str word) SetDlgItemTextEx16
912 pascal ChangeKeyboardLanguage(word word) ChangeKeyboardLanguage16
913 pascal16 GetCodePageSystemFont(word word) GetCodePageSystemFont16
914 pascal16 QueryCodePage(word word word long) QueryCodePage16
915 pascal GetAppCodePage(word) GetAppCodePage16
916 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirectParamML(word ptr word ptr long word word str word) CreateDialogIndirectParamML16
918 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirectParamML(word word word ptr long word word str word) DialogBoxIndirectParamML16
919 pascal16 LoadLanguageString(word word word ptr word) LoadLanguageString16
920 pascal SetAppCodePage(word word word word) SetAppCodePage16
922 pascal GetBaseCodePage() GetBaseCodePage16
923 pascal16 FindLanguageResource(word str str word) FindLanguageResource16
924 pascal ChangeKeyboardCodePage(word word) ChangeKeyboardCodePage16
930 pascal16 MessageBoxEx(word str str word word) MessageBoxEx16
1000 pascal16 SetProcessDefaultLayout(long) SetProcessDefaultLayout16
1001 pascal16 GetProcessDefaultLayout(ptr) GetProcessDefaultLayout16
# Wine internal functions
1010 pascal __wine_call_wndproc_32A(word word word long long) __wine_call_wndproc_32A
1011 pascal __wine_call_wndproc_32W(word word word long long) __wine_call_wndproc_32W