Alexandre Julliard a011f0cd5b widl: Move determination of the exact type of structures and array to the code generation phase.
The exact type can depend on the size of the type in memory, and that
can vary depending on whether we are generating 32-bit or 64-bit code.
2008-12-26 17:16:06 +01:00

2772 lines
86 KiB

* IDL Compiler
* Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven
* Copyright 2006-2008 Robert Shearman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include "widl.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "typelib.h"
#include "typegen.h"
#include "expr.h"
#if defined(YYBYACC)
/* Berkeley yacc (byacc) doesn't seem to know about these */
/* Some *BSD supplied versions do define these though */
# ifndef YYEMPTY
# define YYEMPTY (-1) /* Empty lookahead value of yychar */
# endif
# ifndef YYLEX
# define YYLEX yylex()
# endif
#elif defined(YYBISON)
/* Bison was used for original development */
/* #define YYEMPTY -2 */
/* #define YYLEX yylex() */
/* No yacc we know yet */
# if !defined(YYEMPTY) || !defined(YYLEX)
# error Yacc version/type unknown. This version needs to be verified for settings of YYEMPTY and YYLEX.
# elif defined(__GNUC__) /* gcc defines the #warning directive */
# warning Yacc version/type unknown. It defines YYEMPTY and YYLEX, but is not tested
/* #else we just take a chance that it works... */
# endif
unsigned char pointer_default = RPC_FC_UP;
static int is_in_interface = FALSE;
static int is_object_interface = FALSE;
/* are we inside a library block? */
static int is_inside_library = FALSE;
typedef struct list typelist_t;
struct typenode {
type_t *type;
struct list entry;
struct _import_t
char *name;
int import_performed;
typedef struct _decl_spec_t
type_t *type;
attr_list_t *attrs;
enum storage_class stgclass;
} decl_spec_t;
typelist_t incomplete_types = LIST_INIT(incomplete_types);
static void add_incomplete(type_t *t);
static void fix_incomplete(void);
static str_list_t *append_str(str_list_t *list, char *str);
static attr_list_t *append_attr(attr_list_t *list, attr_t *attr);
static attr_list_t *append_attr_list(attr_list_t *new_list, attr_list_t *old_list);
static decl_spec_t *make_decl_spec(type_t *type, decl_spec_t *left, decl_spec_t *right, attr_t *attr, enum storage_class stgclass);
static attr_t *make_attr(enum attr_type type);
static attr_t *make_attrv(enum attr_type type, unsigned long val);
static attr_t *make_attrp(enum attr_type type, void *val);
static expr_list_t *append_expr(expr_list_t *list, expr_t *expr);
static array_dims_t *append_array(array_dims_t *list, expr_t *expr);
static void set_type(var_t *v, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, const declarator_t *decl, int top);
static var_list_t *set_var_types(attr_list_t *attrs, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls);
static ifref_list_t *append_ifref(ifref_list_t *list, ifref_t *iface);
static ifref_t *make_ifref(type_t *iface);
static var_list_t *append_var(var_list_t *list, var_t *var);
static var_list_t *append_var_list(var_list_t *list, var_list_t *vars);
static var_t *make_var(char *name);
static declarator_list_t *append_declarator(declarator_list_t *list, declarator_t *p);
static declarator_t *make_declarator(var_t *var);
static func_list_t *append_func(func_list_t *list, func_t *func);
static func_t *make_func(var_t *def);
static type_t *make_class(char *name);
static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type);
static type_t *make_builtin(char *name);
static type_t *make_int(int sign);
static typelib_t *make_library(const char *name, const attr_list_t *attrs);
static type_t *make_func_type(var_list_t *args);
static type_t *make_pointer_type(type_t *ref, attr_list_t *attrs);
static type_t *append_ptrchain_type(type_t *ptrchain, type_t *type);
static type_t *reg_type(type_t *type, const char *name, int t);
static type_t *reg_typedefs(decl_spec_t *decl_spec, var_list_t *names, attr_list_t *attrs);
static type_t *find_type_or_error(const char *name, int t);
static type_t *find_type_or_error2(char *name, int t);
static type_t *get_type(unsigned char type, char *name, int t);
static type_t *get_typev(unsigned char type, var_t *name, int t);
static var_t *reg_const(var_t *var);
static void write_libid(const typelib_t *typelib);
static void write_clsid(type_t *cls);
static void write_diid(type_t *iface);
static void write_iid(type_t *iface);
static int compute_method_indexes(type_t *iface);
static char *gen_name(void);
static statement_t *process_typedefs(var_list_t *names);
static void check_arg(var_t *arg);
static void check_functions(const type_t *iface);
static void check_all_user_types(const statement_list_t *stmts);
static attr_list_t *check_iface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_function_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_typedef_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_enum_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_struct_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_union_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_field_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_library_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_dispiface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_module_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_coclass_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
const char *get_attr_display_name(enum attr_type type);
static void add_explicit_handle_if_necessary(func_t *func);
static void check_def(const type_t *t);
static statement_t *make_statement(enum statement_type type);
static statement_t *make_statement_type_decl(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_reference(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_declaration(var_t *var);
static statement_t *make_statement_library(typelib_t *typelib);
static statement_t *make_statement_cppquote(const char *str);
static statement_t *make_statement_importlib(const char *str);
static statement_t *make_statement_module(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_import(const char *str);
static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt);
static func_list_t *append_func_from_statement(func_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt);
#define tsENUM 1
#define tsSTRUCT 2
#define tsUNION 3
%union {
attr_t *attr;
attr_list_t *attr_list;
str_list_t *str_list;
expr_t *expr;
expr_list_t *expr_list;
array_dims_t *array_dims;
type_t *type;
var_t *var;
var_list_t *var_list;
declarator_t *declarator;
declarator_list_t *declarator_list;
func_t *func;
func_list_t *func_list;
statement_t *statement;
statement_list_t *stmt_list;
ifref_t *ifref;
ifref_list_t *ifref_list;
char *str;
UUID *uuid;
unsigned int num;
double dbl;
interface_info_t ifinfo;
typelib_t *typelib;
struct _import_t *import;
struct _decl_spec_t *declspec;
enum storage_class stgclass;
%token <str> aIDENTIFIER
%token <str> aKNOWNTYPE
%token <num> aNUM aHEXNUM
%token <dbl> aDOUBLE
%token <str> aSTRING aWSTRING
%token <uuid> aUUID
%token aEOF
%token SHL SHR
%token tDEFAULT
%token tENDPOINT
%token tFALSE
%token tFASTCALL
%token tFLOAT
%token tHANDLE
%token tHANDLET
%token tHIDDEN
%token tIIDIS
%token tINT tINT64
%token tLCID
%token tLOCAL
%token tLONG
%token tMETHODS
%token tMODULE
%token tNULL
%token tOPTIONAL
%token tOUT
%token tPASCAL
%token tPTR
%token tPUBLIC
%token tRANGE
%token tREGISTER
%token tRETVAL
%token tSHORT
%token tSIGNED
%token tSINGLE
%token tSMALL
%token tSOURCE
%token tSTATIC
%token tSTDCALL
%token tTRUE
%token tTYPEDEF
%token tUNION
%token tUNIQUE
%token tUNSIGNED
%token tUUID
%token tV1ENUM
%token tVARARG
%token tVERSION
%token tVOID
%type <attr> attribute type_qualifier function_specifier
%type <attr_list> m_attributes attributes attrib_list m_type_qual_list
%type <str_list> str_list
%type <expr> m_expr expr expr_const expr_int_const array
%type <expr_list> m_exprs /* exprs expr_list */ expr_list_int_const
%type <ifinfo> interfacehdr
%type <stgclass> storage_cls_spec
%type <declspec> decl_spec decl_spec_no_type m_decl_spec_no_type
%type <type> inherit interface interfacedef interfacedec
%type <type> dispinterface dispinterfacehdr dispinterfacedef
%type <type> module modulehdr moduledef
%type <type> base_type int_std
%type <type> enumdef structdef uniondef typedecl
%type <type> type
%type <ifref> coclass_int
%type <ifref_list> coclass_ints
%type <var> arg ne_union_field union_field s_field case enum declaration
%type <var_list> m_args no_args args fields ne_union_fields cases enums enum_list dispint_props field
%type <var> m_ident t_ident ident
%type <declarator> declarator direct_declarator init_declarator
%type <declarator_list> declarator_list
%type <func> funcdef
%type <func_list> int_statements dispint_meths
%type <type> coclass coclasshdr coclassdef
%type <num> pointer_type version
%type <str> libraryhdr callconv cppquote importlib import
%type <uuid> uuid_string
%type <import> import_start
%type <typelib> library_start librarydef
%type <statement> statement typedef
%type <stmt_list> gbl_statements imp_statements
%left ','
%right '?' ':'
%left '|'
%left '^'
%left '&'
%left SHL SHR
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left '.' MEMBERPTR '[' ']'
input: gbl_statements { fix_incomplete();
gbl_statements: { $$ = NULL; }
| gbl_statements interfacedec { $$ = $1; }
| gbl_statements interfacedef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2)); }
| gbl_statements coclass ';' { $$ = $1;
reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_coclass_forward($2);
| gbl_statements coclassdef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2));
reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_coclass_forward($2);
| gbl_statements moduledef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_module($2));
| gbl_statements librarydef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_library($2)); }
| gbl_statements statement { $$ = append_statement($1, $2); }
imp_statements: { $$ = NULL; }
| imp_statements interfacedec { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_reference($2)); if (!parse_only) add_typelib_entry($2); }
| imp_statements interfacedef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2)); if (!parse_only) add_typelib_entry($2); }
| imp_statements coclass ';' { $$ = $1; reg_type($2, $2->name, 0); if (!parse_only && do_header) write_coclass_forward($2); }
| imp_statements coclassdef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2));
if (!parse_only) add_typelib_entry($2);
reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_coclass_forward($2);
| imp_statements moduledef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_module($2)); if (!parse_only) add_typelib_entry($2); }
| imp_statements statement { $$ = append_statement($1, $2); }
| imp_statements importlib { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_importlib($2)); }
| imp_statements librarydef { $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_library($2)); }
int_statements: { $$ = NULL; }
| int_statements statement { $$ = append_func_from_statement( $1, $2 ); }
| ';'
cppquote { $$ = make_statement_cppquote($1); }
| typedecl ';' { $$ = make_statement_type_decl($1);
if (!parse_only && do_header) {
write_type_def_or_decl(header, $1, FALSE, NULL);
fprintf(header, ";\n\n");
| declaration ';' { $$ = make_statement_declaration($1);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_declaration($1, is_in_interface);
| import { $$ = make_statement_import($1); }
| typedef ';' { $$ = $1; }
| structdef
| uniondef
| attributes enumdef { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_enum_attrs($1); }
| attributes structdef { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_struct_attrs($1); }
| attributes uniondef { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_union_attrs($1); }
cppquote: tCPPQUOTE '(' aSTRING ')' { $$ = $3; if (!parse_only && do_header) fprintf(header, "%s\n", $3); }
import_start: tIMPORT aSTRING ';' { assert(yychar == YYEMPTY);
$$ = xmalloc(sizeof(struct _import_t));
$$->name = $2;
$$->import_performed = do_import($2);
if (!$$->import_performed) yychar = aEOF;
import: import_start imp_statements aEOF { $$ = $1->name;
if ($1->import_performed) pop_import();
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_import($$);
importlib: tIMPORTLIB '(' aSTRING ')'
semicolon_opt { $$ = $3; if(!parse_only) add_importlib($3); }
libraryhdr: tLIBRARY aIDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; }
library_start: attributes libraryhdr '{' { $$ = make_library($2, check_library_attrs($2, $1));
if (!parse_only) start_typelib($$);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_library($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_libid($$);
is_inside_library = TRUE;
librarydef: library_start imp_statements '}'
semicolon_opt { $$ = $1;
$$->stmts = $2;
if (!parse_only) end_typelib();
is_inside_library = FALSE;
m_args: { $$ = NULL; }
| args
no_args: tVOID { $$ = NULL; }
args: arg { check_arg($1); $$ = append_var( NULL, $1 ); }
| args ',' arg { check_arg($3); $$ = append_var( $1, $3); }
| no_args
/* split into two rules to get bison to resolve a tVOID conflict */
arg: attributes decl_spec declarator { $$ = $3->var;
$$->attrs = $1;
if ($2->stgclass != STG_NONE && $2->stgclass != STG_REGISTER)
error_loc("invalid storage class for function parameter\n");
set_type($$, $2, $3, TRUE);
| decl_spec declarator { $$ = $2->var;
if ($1->stgclass != STG_NONE && $1->stgclass != STG_REGISTER)
error_loc("invalid storage class for function parameter\n");
set_type($$, $1, $2, TRUE);
array: '[' m_expr ']' { $$ = $2; }
| '[' '*' ']' { $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }
m_attributes: { $$ = NULL; }
| attributes
'[' attrib_list ']' { $$ = $2; }
attrib_list: attribute { $$ = append_attr( NULL, $1 ); }
| attrib_list ',' attribute { $$ = append_attr( $1, $3 ); }
| attrib_list ']' '[' attribute { $$ = append_attr( $1, $4 ); }
str_list: aSTRING { $$ = append_str( NULL, $1 ); }
| str_list ',' aSTRING { $$ = append_str( $1, $3 ); }
attribute: { $$ = NULL; }
| tAPPOBJECT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_APPOBJECT); }
| tASYNC { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_ASYNC); }
| tAUTOHANDLE { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_AUTO_HANDLE); }
| tBINDABLE { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_BINDABLE); }
| tBROADCAST { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_BROADCAST); }
| tCALLAS '(' ident ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_CALLAS, $3); }
| tCASE '(' expr_list_int_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_CASE, $3); }
| tCONTEXTHANDLE { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE, 0); }
| tCONTROL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_CONTROL); }
| tDEFAULT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DEFAULT); }
| tDEFAULTVALUE '(' expr_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_DEFAULTVALUE, $3); }
| tDISPLAYBIND { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DISPLAYBIND); }
| tDLLNAME '(' aSTRING ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_DLLNAME, $3); }
| tDUAL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DUAL); }
| tENDPOINT '(' str_list ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ENDPOINT, $3); }
| tENTRY '(' expr_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ENTRY, $3); }
| tHANDLE { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_HANDLE); }
| tHELPCONTEXT '(' expr_int_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPCONTEXT, $3); }
| tHELPFILE '(' aSTRING ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPFILE, $3); }
| tHELPSTRING '(' aSTRING ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRING, $3); }
| tHELPSTRINGCONTEXT '(' expr_int_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT, $3); }
| tHELPSTRINGDLL '(' aSTRING ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRINGDLL, $3); }
| tHIDDEN { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_HIDDEN); }
| tID '(' expr_int_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ID, $3); }
| tIDEMPOTENT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_IDEMPOTENT); }
| tIIDIS '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_IIDIS, $3); }
| tIN { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_IN); }
| tINPUTSYNC { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_INPUTSYNC); }
| tLENGTHIS '(' m_exprs ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_LENGTHIS, $3); }
| tLCID '(' expr_int_const ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_LIBLCID, $3); }
| tLOCAL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_LOCAL); }
| tOBJECT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OBJECT); }
| tODL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_ODL); }
| tOPTIONAL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OPTIONAL); }
| tOUT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OUT); }
| tPOINTERDEFAULT '(' pointer_type ')' { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT, $3); }
| tPROPGET { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPGET); }
| tPROPPUT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPPUT); }
| tPROPPUTREF { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPPUTREF); }
| tPUBLIC { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC); }
| tRANGE '(' expr_int_const ',' expr_int_const ')'
{ expr_list_t *list = append_expr( NULL, $3 );
list = append_expr( list, $5 );
$$ = make_attrp(ATTR_RANGE, list); }
| tREADONLY { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_READONLY); }
| tREQUESTEDIT { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_REQUESTEDIT); }
| tRESTRICTED { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_RESTRICTED); }
| tRETVAL { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_RETVAL); }
| tSIZEIS '(' m_exprs ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SIZEIS, $3); }
| tSOURCE { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_SOURCE); }
| tSTRING { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_STRING); }
| tSWITCHIS '(' expr ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHIS, $3); }
| tSWITCHTYPE '(' type ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHTYPE, $3); }
| tTRANSMITAS '(' type ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_TRANSMITAS, $3); }
| tUUID '(' uuid_string ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_UUID, $3); }
| tV1ENUM { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_V1ENUM); }
| tVARARG { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_VARARG); }
| tVERSION '(' version ')' { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_VERSION, $3); }
| tWIREMARSHAL '(' type ')' { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_WIREMARSHAL, $3); }
| pointer_type { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERTYPE, $1); }
| aSTRING { if (!is_valid_uuid($1))
error_loc("invalid UUID: %s\n", $1);
$$ = parse_uuid($1); }
callconv: tCDECL { $$ = $<str>1; }
| tFASTCALL { $$ = $<str>1; }
| tPASCAL { $$ = $<str>1; }
| tSTDCALL { $$ = $<str>1; }
cases: { $$ = NULL; }
| cases case { $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }
case: tCASE expr_int_const ':' union_field { attr_t *a = make_attrp(ATTR_CASE, append_expr( NULL, $2 ));
$$ = $4; if (!$$) $$ = make_var(NULL);
$$->attrs = append_attr( $$->attrs, a );
| tDEFAULT ':' union_field { attr_t *a = make_attr(ATTR_DEFAULT);
$$ = $3; if (!$$) $$ = make_var(NULL);
$$->attrs = append_attr( $$->attrs, a );
enums: { $$ = NULL; }
| enum_list ',' { $$ = $1; }
| enum_list
enum_list: enum { if (!$1->eval)
$1->eval = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, 0 /* default for first enum entry */);
$$ = append_var( NULL, $1 );
| enum_list ',' enum { if (!$3->eval)
var_t *last = LIST_ENTRY( list_tail($$), var_t, entry );
$3->eval = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, last->eval->cval + 1);
$$ = append_var( $1, $3 );
enum: ident '=' expr_int_const { $$ = reg_const($1);
$$->eval = $3;
$$->type = make_int(0);
| ident { $$ = reg_const($1);
$$->type = make_int(0);
enumdef: tENUM t_ident '{' enums '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_ENUM16, $2, tsENUM);
$$->kind = TKIND_ENUM;
$$->fields_or_args = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
m_exprs: m_expr { $$ = append_expr( NULL, $1 ); }
| m_exprs ',' m_expr { $$ = append_expr( $1, $3 ); }
exprs: { $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }
| expr_list
expr_list: expr
| expr_list ',' expr { LINK($3, $1); $$ = $3; }
m_expr: { $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }
| expr
expr: aNUM { $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, $1); }
| aHEXNUM { $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_HEXNUM, $1); }
| aDOUBLE { $$ = make_exprd(EXPR_DOUBLE, $1); }
| tFALSE { $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_TRUEFALSE, 0); }
| tNULL { $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, 0); }
| tTRUE { $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_TRUEFALSE, 1); }
| aSTRING { $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_STRLIT, $1); }
| aWSTRING { $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_WSTRLIT, $1); }
| aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $1); }
| expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = make_expr3(EXPR_COND, $1, $3, $5); }
| expr LOGICALOR expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LOGOR, $1, $3); }
| expr LOGICALAND expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LOGAND, $1, $3); }
| expr '|' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_OR , $1, $3); }
| expr '^' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_XOR, $1, $3); }
| expr '&' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_AND, $1, $3); }
| expr EQUALITY expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_EQUALITY, $1, $3); }
| expr INEQUALITY expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_INEQUALITY, $1, $3); }
| expr '>' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_GTR, $1, $3); }
| expr '<' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LESS, $1, $3); }
| expr GREATEREQUAL expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_GTREQL, $1, $3); }
| expr LESSEQUAL expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LESSEQL, $1, $3); }
| expr SHL expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SHL, $1, $3); }
| expr SHR expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SHR, $1, $3); }
| expr '+' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_ADD, $1, $3); }
| expr '-' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SUB, $1, $3); }
| expr '%' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MOD, $1, $3); }
| expr '*' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MUL, $1, $3); }
| expr '/' expr { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_DIV, $1, $3); }
| '!' expr { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_LOGNOT, $2); }
| '~' expr { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_NOT, $2); }
| '+' expr %prec POS { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_POS, $2); }
| '-' expr %prec NEG { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_NEG, $2); }
| '&' expr %prec ADDRESSOF { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_ADDRESSOF, $2); }
| '*' expr %prec PPTR { $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_PPTR, $2); }
| expr MEMBERPTR aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MEMBER, make_expr1(EXPR_PPTR, $1), make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $3)); }
| expr '.' aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MEMBER, $1, make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $3)); }
| '(' type ')' expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_exprt(EXPR_CAST, $2, $4); }
| tSIZEOF '(' type ')' { $$ = make_exprt(EXPR_SIZEOF, $3, NULL); }
| expr '[' expr ']' { $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_ARRAY, $1, $3); }
| '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
expr_list_int_const: expr_int_const { $$ = append_expr( NULL, $1 ); }
| expr_list_int_const ',' expr_int_const { $$ = append_expr( $1, $3 ); }
expr_int_const: expr { $$ = $1;
if (!$$->is_const)
error_loc("expression is not an integer constant\n");
expr_const: expr { $$ = $1;
if (!$$->is_const && $$->type != EXPR_STRLIT && $$->type != EXPR_WSTRLIT)
error_loc("expression is not constant\n");
fields: { $$ = NULL; }
| fields field { $$ = append_var_list($1, $2); }
field: m_attributes decl_spec declarator_list ';'
{ const char *first = LIST_ENTRY(list_head($3), declarator_t, entry)->var->name;
check_field_attrs(first, $1);
$$ = set_var_types($1, $2, $3);
| m_attributes uniondef ';' { var_t *v = make_var(NULL);
v->type = $2; v->attrs = $1;
$$ = append_var(NULL, v);
s_field ';' { $$ = $1; }
| attributes ';' { $$ = make_var(NULL); $$->attrs = $1; }
ne_union_fields: { $$ = NULL; }
| ne_union_fields ne_union_field { $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }
s_field ';' { $$ = $1; }
| ';' { $$ = NULL; }
s_field: m_attributes decl_spec declarator { $$ = $3->var;
$$->attrs = check_field_attrs($$->name, $1);
set_type($$, $2, $3, FALSE);
m_attributes decl_spec declarator { var_t *v = $3->var;
v->attrs = check_function_attrs(v->name, $1);
set_type(v, $2, $3, FALSE);
$$ = make_func(v);
attributes decl_spec init_declarator
{ $$ = $3->var;
$$->attrs = $1;
set_type($$, $2, $3, FALSE);
| decl_spec init_declarator { $$ = $2->var;
set_type($$, $1, $2, FALSE);
m_ident: { $$ = NULL; }
| ident
t_ident: { $$ = NULL; }
| aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_var($1); }
| aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = make_var($1); }
ident: aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_var($1); }
/* some "reserved words" used in attributes are also used as field names in some MS IDL files */
| aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = make_var($<str>1); }
base_type: tBYTE { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tWCHAR { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| int_std
| tSIGNED int_std { $$ = $2; $$->sign = 1; }
| tUNSIGNED int_std { $$ = $2; $$->sign = -1;
switch ($$->type) {
case RPC_FC_CHAR: break;
case RPC_FC_SMALL: $$->type = RPC_FC_USMALL; break;
case RPC_FC_SHORT: $$->type = RPC_FC_USHORT; break;
case RPC_FC_LONG: $$->type = RPC_FC_ULONG; break;
if ($$->name[0] == 'h') /* hyper, as opposed to __int64 */
$$ = alias($$, "MIDL_uhyper");
$$->sign = 0;
default: break;
| tUNSIGNED { $$ = make_int(-1); }
| tFLOAT { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tSINGLE { $$ = find_type("float", 0); }
| tDOUBLE { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tBOOLEAN { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tERRORSTATUST { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tHANDLET { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tINT
int_std: tINT { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tSHORT m_int { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tSMALL { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tLONG m_int { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tHYPER m_int { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tINT64 { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
| tCHAR { $$ = make_builtin($<str>1); }
coclass: tCOCLASS aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_class($2); }
| tCOCLASS aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = find_type($2, 0);
if ($$->kind != TKIND_COCLASS)
error_loc("%s was not declared a coclass at %s:%d\n",
$2, $$->loc_info.input_name,
coclasshdr: attributes coclass { $$ = $2;
$$->attrs = check_coclass_attrs($2->name, $1);
if (!parse_only && do_header)
if (!parse_only && do_idfile)
coclassdef: coclasshdr '{' coclass_ints '}' semicolon_opt
{ $$ = $1;
$$->ifaces = $3;
$$->defined = TRUE;
coclass_ints: { $$ = NULL; }
| coclass_ints coclass_int { $$ = append_ifref( $1, $2 ); }
m_attributes interfacedec { $$ = make_ifref($2); $$->attrs = $1; }
dispinterface: tDISPINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_DISPATCH; }
| tDISPINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_DISPATCH; }
dispinterfacehdr: attributes dispinterface { attr_t *attrs;
is_in_interface = TRUE;
is_object_interface = TRUE;
$$ = $2;
attrs = make_attr(ATTR_DISPINTERFACE);
$$->attrs = append_attr( check_dispiface_attrs($2->name, $1), attrs );
$$->ref = find_type("IDispatch", 0);
if (!$$->ref) error_loc("IDispatch is undefined\n");
$$->defined = TRUE;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_forward($$);
dispint_props: tPROPERTIES ':' { $$ = NULL; }
| dispint_props s_field ';' { $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }
dispint_meths: tMETHODS ':' { $$ = NULL; }
| dispint_meths funcdef ';' { $$ = append_func( $1, $2 ); }
dispinterfacedef: dispinterfacehdr '{'
'}' { $$ = $1;
$$->fields_or_args = $3;
$$->funcs = $4;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_diid($$);
is_in_interface = FALSE;
| dispinterfacehdr
'{' interface ';' '}' { $$ = $1;
$$->fields_or_args = $3->fields_or_args;
$$->funcs = $3->funcs;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_diid($$);
is_in_interface = FALSE;
inherit: { $$ = NULL; }
| ':' aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = find_type_or_error2($2, 0); }
interface: tINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_INTERFACE; }
| tINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_INTERFACE; }
interfacehdr: attributes interface { $$.interface = $2;
$$.old_pointer_default = pointer_default;
if (is_attr($1, ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT))
pointer_default = get_attrv($1, ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT);
is_object_interface = is_object($1);
is_in_interface = TRUE;
$2->attrs = check_iface_attrs($2->name, $1);
$2->defined = TRUE;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_forward($2);
interfacedef: interfacehdr inherit
'{' int_statements '}' semicolon_opt { $$ = $1.interface;
$$->ref = $2;
$$->funcs = $4;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && local_stubs) write_locals(local_stubs, $$, TRUE);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_iid($$);
pointer_default = $1.old_pointer_default;
is_in_interface = FALSE;
/* MIDL is able to import the definition of a base class from inside the
* definition of a derived class, I'll try to support it with this rule */
| interfacehdr ':' aIDENTIFIER
'{' import int_statements '}'
semicolon_opt { $$ = $1.interface;
$$->ref = find_type_or_error2($3, 0);
if (!$$->ref) error_loc("base class '%s' not found in import\n", $3);
$$->funcs = $6;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && local_stubs) write_locals(local_stubs, $$, TRUE);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_iid($$);
pointer_default = $1.old_pointer_default;
is_in_interface = FALSE;
| dispinterfacedef semicolon_opt { $$ = $1; }
interface ';' { $$ = $1; if (!parse_only && do_header) write_forward($$); }
| dispinterface ';' { $$ = $1; if (!parse_only && do_header) write_forward($$); }
module: tMODULE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; $$->kind = TKIND_MODULE; }
| tMODULE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; $$->kind = TKIND_MODULE; }
modulehdr: attributes module { $$ = $2;
$$->attrs = check_module_attrs($2->name, $1);
moduledef: modulehdr '{' int_statements '}'
semicolon_opt { $$ = $1;
$$->funcs = $3;
/* FIXME: if (!parse_only && do_header) write_module($$); */
| tSTATIC { $$ = STG_STATIC; }
tINLINE { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_INLINE); }
tCONST { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_CONST); }
m_type_qual_list: { $$ = NULL; }
| m_type_qual_list type_qualifier { $$ = append_attr($1, $2); }
decl_spec: type m_decl_spec_no_type { $$ = make_decl_spec($1, $2, NULL, NULL, STG_NONE); }
| decl_spec_no_type type m_decl_spec_no_type
{ $$ = make_decl_spec($2, $1, $3, NULL, STG_NONE); }
m_decl_spec_no_type: { $$ = NULL; }
| decl_spec_no_type
type_qualifier m_decl_spec_no_type { $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, $1, STG_NONE); }
| function_specifier m_decl_spec_no_type { $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, $1, STG_NONE); }
| storage_cls_spec m_decl_spec_no_type { $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, NULL, $1); }
'*' m_type_qual_list declarator %prec PPTR
{ $$ = $3; $$->type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, make_pointer_type(NULL, $2)); }
| callconv declarator { $$ = $2; $$->type->attrs = append_attr($$->type->attrs, make_attrp(ATTR_CALLCONV, $1)); }
| direct_declarator
ident { $$ = make_declarator($1); }
| '(' declarator ')' { $$ = $2; }
| direct_declarator array { $$ = $1; $$->array = append_array($$->array, $2); }
| direct_declarator '(' m_args ')' { $$ = $1;
$$->func_type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, make_func_type($3));
$$->type = NULL;
declarator { $$ = append_declarator( NULL, $1 ); }
| declarator_list ',' declarator { $$ = append_declarator( $1, $3 ); }
declarator { $$ = $1; }
| declarator '=' expr_const { $$ = $1; $1->var->eval = $3; }
tREF { $$ = RPC_FC_RP; }
| tUNIQUE { $$ = RPC_FC_UP; }
| tPTR { $$ = RPC_FC_FP; }
structdef: tSTRUCT t_ident '{' fields '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, tsSTRUCT);
$$->kind = TKIND_RECORD;
$$->fields_or_args = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
type: tVOID { $$ = find_type_or_error("void", 0); }
| aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = find_type_or_error($1, 0); }
| base_type { $$ = $1; }
| enumdef { $$ = $1; }
| tENUM aIDENTIFIER { $$ = find_type_or_error2($2, tsENUM); }
| structdef { $$ = $1; }
| tSTRUCT aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, tsSTRUCT); }
| uniondef { $$ = $1; }
| tUNION aIDENTIFIER { $$ = find_type_or_error2($2, tsUNION); }
| tSAFEARRAY '(' type ')' { $$ = make_safearray($3); }
typedef: tTYPEDEF m_attributes decl_spec declarator_list
{ reg_typedefs($3, $4, check_typedef_attrs($2));
$$ = process_typedefs($4);
uniondef: tUNION t_ident '{' ne_union_fields '}'
{ $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION, $2, tsUNION);
$$->kind = TKIND_UNION;
$$->fields_or_args = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
| tUNION t_ident
tSWITCH '(' s_field ')'
m_ident '{' cases '}' { var_t *u = $7;
$$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_ENCAPSULATED_UNION, $2, tsUNION);
$$->kind = TKIND_UNION;
if (!u) u = make_var( xstrdup("tagged_union") );
u->type->kind = TKIND_UNION;
u->type->fields_or_args = $9;
u->type->defined = TRUE;
$$->fields_or_args = append_var( $$->fields_or_args, $5 );
$$->fields_or_args = append_var( $$->fields_or_args, u );
$$->defined = TRUE;
aNUM { $$ = MAKEVERSION($1, 0); }
| aNUM '.' aNUM { $$ = MAKEVERSION($1, $3); }
static void decl_builtin(const char *name, unsigned char type)
type_t *t = make_type(type, NULL);
t->name = xstrdup(name);
reg_type(t, name, 0);
static type_t *make_builtin(char *name)
/* NAME is strdup'd in the lexer */
type_t *t = duptype(find_type_or_error(name, 0), 0);
t->name = name;
return t;
static type_t *make_int(int sign)
type_t *t = duptype(find_type_or_error("int", 0), 1);
t->sign = sign;
if (sign < 0)
t->type = t->type == RPC_FC_LONG ? RPC_FC_ULONG : RPC_FC_USHORT;
return t;
void init_types(void)
decl_builtin("void", 0);
decl_builtin("byte", RPC_FC_BYTE);
decl_builtin("wchar_t", RPC_FC_WCHAR);
decl_builtin("int", RPC_FC_LONG); /* win32 */
decl_builtin("short", RPC_FC_SHORT);
decl_builtin("small", RPC_FC_SMALL);
decl_builtin("long", RPC_FC_LONG);
decl_builtin("hyper", RPC_FC_HYPER);
decl_builtin("__int64", RPC_FC_HYPER);
decl_builtin("char", RPC_FC_CHAR);
decl_builtin("float", RPC_FC_FLOAT);
decl_builtin("double", RPC_FC_DOUBLE);
decl_builtin("boolean", RPC_FC_BYTE);
decl_builtin("error_status_t", RPC_FC_ERROR_STATUS_T);
decl_builtin("handle_t", RPC_FC_BIND_PRIMITIVE);
static str_list_t *append_str(str_list_t *list, char *str)
struct str_list_entry_t *entry;
if (!str) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
entry = xmalloc( sizeof(*entry) );
entry->str = str;
list_add_tail( list, &entry->entry );
return list;
static attr_list_t *append_attr(attr_list_t *list, attr_t *attr)
attr_t *attr_existing;
if (!attr) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr_existing, list, attr_t, entry)
if (attr_existing->type == attr->type)
parser_warning("duplicate attribute %s\n", get_attr_display_name(attr->type));
/* use the last attribute, like MIDL does */
list_add_tail( list, &attr->entry );
return list;
static attr_list_t *move_attr(attr_list_t *dst, attr_list_t *src, enum attr_type type)
attr_t *attr;
if (!src) return dst;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, src, attr_t, entry)
if (attr->type == type)
return append_attr(dst, attr);
return dst;
static attr_list_t *append_attr_list(attr_list_t *new_list, attr_list_t *old_list)
struct list *entry;
if (!old_list) return new_list;
while ((entry = list_head(old_list)))
attr_t *attr = LIST_ENTRY(entry, attr_t, entry);
new_list = append_attr(new_list, attr);
return new_list;
static attr_list_t *dupattrs(const attr_list_t *list)
attr_list_t *new_list;
const attr_t *attr;
if (!list) return NULL;
new_list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( new_list );
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, list, const attr_t, entry)
attr_t *new_attr = xmalloc(sizeof(*new_attr));
*new_attr = *attr;
list_add_tail(new_list, &new_attr->entry);
return new_list;
static decl_spec_t *make_decl_spec(type_t *type, decl_spec_t *left, decl_spec_t *right, attr_t *attr, enum storage_class stgclass)
decl_spec_t *declspec = left ? left : right;
if (!declspec)
declspec = xmalloc(sizeof(*declspec));
declspec->type = NULL;
declspec->attrs = NULL;
declspec->stgclass = STG_NONE;
declspec->type = type;
if (left && declspec != left)
declspec->attrs = append_attr_list(declspec->attrs, left->attrs);
if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
declspec->stgclass = left->stgclass;
else if (left->stgclass != STG_NONE)
error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");
if (right && declspec != right)
declspec->attrs = append_attr_list(declspec->attrs, right->attrs);
if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
declspec->stgclass = right->stgclass;
else if (right->stgclass != STG_NONE)
error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");
declspec->attrs = append_attr(declspec->attrs, attr);
if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
declspec->stgclass = stgclass;
else if (stgclass != STG_NONE)
error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");
/* apply attributes to type */
if (type && declspec->attrs)
attr_list_t *attrs;
declspec->type = duptype(type, 1);
attrs = dupattrs(type->attrs);
declspec->type->attrs = append_attr_list(attrs, declspec->attrs);
declspec->attrs = NULL;
return declspec;
static attr_t *make_attr(enum attr_type type)
attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
a->type = type;
a->u.ival = 0;
return a;
static attr_t *make_attrv(enum attr_type type, unsigned long val)
attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
a->type = type;
a->u.ival = val;
return a;
static attr_t *make_attrp(enum attr_type type, void *val)
attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
a->type = type;
a->u.pval = val;
return a;
static expr_list_t *append_expr(expr_list_t *list, expr_t *expr)
if (!expr) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &expr->entry );
return list;
static array_dims_t *append_array(array_dims_t *list, expr_t *expr)
if (!expr) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &expr->entry );
return list;
static struct list type_pool = LIST_INIT(type_pool);
typedef struct
type_t data;
struct list link;
} type_pool_node_t;
type_t *alloc_type(void)
type_pool_node_t *node = xmalloc(sizeof *node);
list_add_tail(&type_pool, &node->link);
return &node->data;
void set_all_tfswrite(int val)
type_pool_node_t *node;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(node, &type_pool, type_pool_node_t, link)
node->data.tfswrite = val;
type_t *make_type(unsigned char type, type_t *ref)
type_t *t = alloc_type();
t->name = NULL;
t->type = type;
t->ref = ref;
t->attrs = NULL;
t->orig = NULL;
t->funcs = NULL;
t->fields_or_args = NULL;
t->ifaces = NULL;
t->dim = 0;
t->size_is = NULL;
t->length_is = NULL;
t->typestring_offset = 0;
t->ptrdesc = 0;
t->declarray = FALSE;
t->ignore = (parse_only != 0);
t->sign = 0;
t->defined = FALSE;
t->written = FALSE;
t->user_types_registered = FALSE;
t->tfswrite = FALSE;
t->checked = FALSE;
t->typelib_idx = -1;
return t;
static type_t *make_func_type(var_list_t *args)
type_t *t = make_type(RPC_FC_FUNCTION, NULL);
t->fields_or_args = args;
return t;
static type_t *make_pointer_type(type_t *ref, attr_list_t *attrs)
type_t *t = make_type(pointer_default, ref);
t->attrs = attrs;
return t;
static type_t *append_ptrchain_type(type_t *ptrchain, type_t *type)
type_t *ptrchain_type;
if (!ptrchain)
return type;
for (ptrchain_type = ptrchain; ptrchain_type->ref; ptrchain_type = ptrchain_type->ref)
ptrchain_type->ref = type;
return ptrchain;
static void set_type(var_t *v, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, const declarator_t *decl,
int top)
expr_list_t *sizes = get_attrp(v->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS);
expr_list_t *lengs = get_attrp(v->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS);
int sizeless, has_varconf;
expr_t *dim;
type_t *atype, **ptype;
array_dims_t *arr = decl ? decl->array : NULL;
type_t *func_type = decl ? decl->func_type : NULL;
type_t *type = decl_spec->type;
if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_INLINE))
if (!func_type)
error_loc("inline attribute applied to non-function type\n");
type_t *t;
/* move inline attribute from return type node to function node */
for (t = func_type; is_ptr(t); t = t->ref)
t->attrs = move_attr(t->attrs, type->attrs, ATTR_INLINE);
/* add type onto the end of the pointers in pident->type */
v->type = append_ptrchain_type(decl ? decl->type : NULL, type);
v->stgclass = decl_spec->stgclass;
/* the highest level of pointer specified should default to the var's ptr attr
* or (RPC_FC_RP if not specified and it's a top level ptr), not
* pointer_default so we need to fix that up here */
if (!arr)
int ptr_attr = get_attrv(v->attrs, ATTR_POINTERTYPE);
const type_t *ptr = NULL;
/* pointer attributes on the left side of the type belong to the function
* pointer, if one is being declared */
type_t **pt = func_type ? &func_type : &v->type;
for (ptr = *pt; ptr && !ptr_attr; )
ptr_attr = get_attrv(ptr->attrs, ATTR_POINTERTYPE);
if (!ptr_attr && ptr->kind == TKIND_ALIAS)
ptr = ptr->orig;
if (ptr && is_ptr(ptr) && (ptr_attr || top))
/* duplicate type to avoid changing original type */
*pt = duptype(*pt, 1);
(*pt)->type = ptr_attr ? ptr_attr : RPC_FC_RP;
else if (ptr_attr)
error_loc("%s: pointer attribute applied to non-pointer type\n", v->name);
if (is_attr(v->attrs, ATTR_STRING) && !is_ptr(v->type) && !arr)
error_loc("'%s': [string] attribute applied to non-pointer, non-array type\n",
if (is_attr(v->attrs, ATTR_V1ENUM))
if (v->type->type == RPC_FC_ENUM16)
v->type->type = RPC_FC_ENUM32;
error_loc("'%s': [v1_enum] attribute applied to non-enum type\n", v->name);
sizeless = FALSE;
if (arr) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_REV(dim, arr, expr_t, entry)
if (sizeless)
error_loc("%s: only the first array dimension can be unspecified\n", v->name);
if (dim->is_const)
v->type = make_type(RPC_FC_LGFARRAY, v->type);
sizeless = TRUE;
v->type = make_type(RPC_FC_CARRAY, v->type);
v->type->declarray = TRUE;
v->type->dim = dim->cval;
ptype = &v->type;
has_varconf = FALSE;
if (sizes) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, sizes, expr_t, entry)
if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
has_varconf = TRUE;
atype = *ptype = duptype(*ptype, 0);
if (atype->type == RPC_FC_SMFARRAY || atype->type == RPC_FC_LGFARRAY)
error_loc("%s: cannot specify size_is for a fixed sized array\n", v->name);
if (atype->type != RPC_FC_CARRAY && !is_ptr(atype))
error_loc("%s: size_is attribute applied to illegal type\n", v->name);
atype->type = RPC_FC_CARRAY;
atype->size_is = dim;
ptype = &(*ptype)->ref;
if (*ptype == NULL)
error_loc("%s: too many expressions in size_is attribute\n", v->name);
ptype = &v->type;
if (lengs) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, lengs, expr_t, entry)
if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
has_varconf = TRUE;
atype = *ptype = duptype(*ptype, 0);
if (atype->type == RPC_FC_SMFARRAY)
atype->type = RPC_FC_SMVARRAY;
else if (atype->type == RPC_FC_LGFARRAY)
atype->type = RPC_FC_LGVARRAY;
else if (atype->type == RPC_FC_CARRAY)
atype->type = RPC_FC_CVARRAY;
error_loc("%s: length_is attribute applied to illegal type\n", v->name);
atype->length_is = dim;
ptype = &(*ptype)->ref;
if (*ptype == NULL)
error_loc("%s: too many expressions in length_is attribute\n", v->name);
if (has_varconf && !last_array(v->type))
ptype = &v->type;
for (ptype = &v->type; is_array(*ptype); ptype = &(*ptype)->ref)
*ptype = duptype(*ptype, 0);
(*ptype)->type = RPC_FC_BOGUS_ARRAY;
/* v->type is currently pointing to the type on the left-side of the
* declaration, so we need to fix this up so that it is the return type of the
* function and make v->type point to the function side of the declaration */
if (func_type)
type_t *ft, *t;
type_t *return_type = v->type;
v->type = func_type;
for (ft = v->type; is_ptr(ft); ft = ft->ref)
assert(ft->type == RPC_FC_FUNCTION);
ft->ref = return_type;
/* move calling convention attribute, if present, from pointer nodes to
* function node */
for (t = v->type; is_ptr(t); t = t->ref)
ft->attrs = move_attr(ft->attrs, t->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV);
if (is_object_interface && !is_attr(ft->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV))
static char *stdmethodcalltype;
if (!stdmethodcalltype) stdmethodcalltype = strdup("STDMETHODCALLTYPE");
ft->attrs = append_attr(NULL, make_attrp(ATTR_CALLCONV, stdmethodcalltype));
type_t *t;
for (t = v->type; is_ptr(t); t = t->ref)
if (is_attr(t->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV))
error_loc("calling convention applied to non-function-pointer type\n");
static var_list_t *set_var_types(attr_list_t *attrs, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls)
declarator_t *decl, *next;
var_list_t *var_list = NULL;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( decl, next, decls, declarator_t, entry )
var_t *var = decl->var;
var->attrs = attrs;
set_type(var, decl_spec, decl, 0);
var_list = append_var(var_list, var);
return var_list;
static ifref_list_t *append_ifref(ifref_list_t *list, ifref_t *iface)
if (!iface) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &iface->entry );
return list;
static ifref_t *make_ifref(type_t *iface)
ifref_t *l = xmalloc(sizeof(ifref_t));
l->iface = iface;
l->attrs = NULL;
return l;
static var_list_t *append_var(var_list_t *list, var_t *var)
if (!var) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &var->entry );
return list;
static var_list_t *append_var_list(var_list_t *list, var_list_t *vars)
if (!vars) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_move_tail( list, vars );
return list;
static var_t *make_var(char *name)
var_t *v = xmalloc(sizeof(var_t));
v->name = name;
v->type = NULL;
v->attrs = NULL;
v->eval = NULL;
v->stgclass = STG_NONE;
return v;
static declarator_list_t *append_declarator(declarator_list_t *list, declarator_t *d)
if (!d) return list;
if (!list) {
list = xmalloc(sizeof(*list));
list_add_tail(list, &d->entry);
return list;
static declarator_t *make_declarator(var_t *var)
declarator_t *d = xmalloc(sizeof(*d));
d->var = var;
d->type = NULL;
d->func_type = NULL;
d->array = NULL;
return d;
static func_list_t *append_func(func_list_t *list, func_t *func)
if (!func) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &func->entry );
return list;
static func_t *make_func(var_t *def)
func_t *f = xmalloc(sizeof(func_t));
f->def = def;
f->args = def->type->fields_or_args;
f->ignore = parse_only;
f->idx = -1;
return f;
static type_t *make_class(char *name)
type_t *c = make_type(RPC_FC_COCLASS, NULL);
c->name = name;
c->kind = TKIND_COCLASS;
return c;
static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type)
type_t *sa = find_type_or_error("SAFEARRAY", 0);
sa->ref = type;
return make_type(pointer_default, sa);
static typelib_t *make_library(const char *name, const attr_list_t *attrs)
typelib_t *typelib = xmalloc(sizeof(*typelib));
typelib->name = xstrdup(name);
typelib->filename = NULL;
typelib->attrs = attrs;
list_init( &typelib->entries );
list_init( &typelib->importlibs );
return typelib;
#define HASHMAX 64
static int hash_ident(const char *name)
const char *p = name;
int sum = 0;
/* a simple sum hash is probably good enough */
while (*p) {
sum += *p;
return sum & (HASHMAX-1);
/***** type repository *****/
struct rtype {
const char *name;
type_t *type;
int t;
struct rtype *next;
struct rtype *type_hash[HASHMAX];
static type_t *reg_type(type_t *type, const char *name, int t)
struct rtype *nt;
int hash;
if (!name) {
error_loc("registering named type without name\n");
return type;
hash = hash_ident(name);
nt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct rtype));
nt->name = name;
nt->type = type;
nt->t = t;
nt->next = type_hash[hash];
type_hash[hash] = nt;
return type;
static int is_incomplete(const type_t *t)
return !t->defined && (is_struct(t->type) || is_union(t->type));
static void add_incomplete(type_t *t)
struct typenode *tn = xmalloc(sizeof *tn);
tn->type = t;
list_add_tail(&incomplete_types, &tn->entry);
static void fix_type(type_t *t)
if (t->kind == TKIND_ALIAS && is_incomplete(t)) {
type_t *ot = t->orig;
t->fields_or_args = ot->fields_or_args;
t->defined = ot->defined;
static void fix_incomplete(void)
struct typenode *tn, *next;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tn, next, &incomplete_types, struct typenode, entry) {
static type_t *reg_typedefs(decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls, attr_list_t *attrs)
const declarator_t *decl;
int is_str = is_attr(attrs, ATTR_STRING);
type_t *type = decl_spec->type;
if (is_str)
type_t *t = decl_spec->type;
unsigned char c;
while (is_ptr(t))
t = t->ref;
c = t->type;
if (c != RPC_FC_CHAR && c != RPC_FC_BYTE && c != RPC_FC_WCHAR)
decl = LIST_ENTRY( list_head( decls ), const declarator_t, entry );
error_loc("'%s': [string] attribute is only valid on 'char', 'byte', or 'wchar_t' pointers and arrays\n",
/* We must generate names for tagless enum, struct or union.
Typedef-ing a tagless enum, struct or union means we want the typedef
to be included in a library hence the public attribute. */
if ((type->kind == TKIND_ENUM || type->kind == TKIND_RECORD
|| type->kind == TKIND_UNION) && ! type->name && ! parse_only)
if (! is_attr(attrs, ATTR_PUBLIC))
attrs = append_attr( attrs, make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC) );
type->name = gen_name();
else if (is_attr(attrs, ATTR_UUID) && !is_attr(attrs, ATTR_PUBLIC))
attrs = append_attr( attrs, make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC) );
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( decl, decls, const declarator_t, entry )
var_t *name = decl->var;
if (name->name) {
type_t *cur;
cur = find_type(name->name, 0);
if (cur)
error_loc("%s: redefinition error; original definition was at %s:%d\n",
cur->name, cur->loc_info.input_name,
/* set the attributes to allow set_type to do some checks on them */
name->attrs = attrs;
set_type(name, decl_spec, decl, 0);
cur = alias(name->type, name->name);
cur->attrs = attrs;
if (is_incomplete(cur))
reg_type(cur, cur->name, 0);
return type;
type_t *find_type(const char *name, int t)
struct rtype *cur = type_hash[hash_ident(name)];
while (cur && (cur->t != t || strcmp(cur->name, name)))
cur = cur->next;
return cur ? cur->type : NULL;
static type_t *find_type_or_error(const char *name, int t)
type_t *type = find_type(name, t);
if (!type) {
error_loc("type '%s' not found\n", name);
return NULL;
return type;
static type_t *find_type_or_error2(char *name, int t)
type_t *tp = find_type_or_error(name, t);
return tp;
int is_type(const char *name)
return find_type(name, 0) != NULL;
static type_t *get_type(unsigned char type, char *name, int t)
type_t *tp;
if (name) {
tp = find_type(name, t);
if (tp) {
return tp;
tp = make_type(type, NULL);
tp->name = name;
if (!name) return tp;
return reg_type(tp, name, t);
static type_t *get_typev(unsigned char type, var_t *name, int t)
char *sname = NULL;
if (name) {
sname = name->name;
return get_type(type, sname, t);
/***** constant repository *****/
struct rconst {
char *name;
var_t *var;
struct rconst *next;
struct rconst *const_hash[HASHMAX];
static var_t *reg_const(var_t *var)
struct rconst *nc;
int hash;
if (!var->name) {
error_loc("registering constant without name\n");
return var;
hash = hash_ident(var->name);
nc = xmalloc(sizeof(struct rconst));
nc->name = var->name;
nc->var = var;
nc->next = const_hash[hash];
const_hash[hash] = nc;
return var;
var_t *find_const(const char *name, int f)
struct rconst *cur = const_hash[hash_ident(name)];
while (cur && strcmp(cur->name, name))
cur = cur->next;
if (!cur) {
if (f) error_loc("constant '%s' not found\n", name);
return NULL;
return cur->var;
static void write_libid(const typelib_t *typelib)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(typelib->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "LIBID", typelib->name, uuid);
static void write_clsid(type_t *cls)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(cls->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "CLSID", cls->name, uuid);
static void write_diid(type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "DIID", iface->name, uuid);
static void write_iid(type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "IID", iface->name, uuid);
static int compute_method_indexes(type_t *iface)
int idx;
func_t *f;
if (iface->ref)
idx = compute_method_indexes(iface->ref);
idx = 0;
if (!iface->funcs)
return idx;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( f, iface->funcs, func_t, entry )
if (! is_callas(f->def->attrs))
f->idx = idx++;
return idx;
static char *gen_name(void)
static const char format[] = "__WIDL_%s_generated_name_%08lX";
static unsigned long n = 0;
static const char *file_id;
static size_t size;
char *name;
if (! file_id)
char *dst = dup_basename(input_name, ".idl");
file_id = dst;
for (; *dst; ++dst)
if (! isalnum((unsigned char) *dst))
*dst = '_';
size = sizeof format - 7 + strlen(file_id) + 8;
name = xmalloc(size);
sprintf(name, format, file_id, n++);
return name;
struct allowed_attr
unsigned int dce_compatible : 1;
unsigned int acf : 1;
unsigned int on_interface : 1;
unsigned int on_function : 1;
unsigned int on_arg : 1;
unsigned int on_type : 1;
unsigned int on_enum : 1;
unsigned int on_struct : 1;
unsigned int on_union : 1;
unsigned int on_field : 1;
unsigned int on_library : 1;
unsigned int on_dispinterface : 1;
unsigned int on_module : 1;
unsigned int on_coclass : 1;
const char *display_name;
struct allowed_attr allowed_attr[] =
/* attr { D ACF I Fn ARG T En St Un Fi L DI M C <display name> } */
/* ATTR_AGGREGATABLE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "aggregatable" },
/* ATTR_APPOBJECT */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "appobject" },
/* ATTR_ASYNC */ { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "async" },
/* ATTR_AUTO_HANDLE */ { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "auto_handle" },
/* ATTR_BINDABLE */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "bindable" },
/* ATTR_BROADCAST */ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "broadcast" },
/* ATTR_CALLAS */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "call_as" },
/* ATTR_CALLCONV */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL },
/* ATTR_CASE */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "case" },
/* ATTR_CONST */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "const" },
/* ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "context_handle" },
/* ATTR_CONTROL */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, "control" },
/* ATTR_DEFAULT */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, "default" },
/* ATTR_DEFAULTCOLLELEM */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "defaultcollelem" },
/* ATTR_DEFAULTVALUE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "defaultvalue" },
/* ATTR_DEFAULTVTABLE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "defaultvtable" },
/* ATTR_DISPINTERFACE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL },
/* ATTR_DISPLAYBIND */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "displaybind" },
/* ATTR_DLLNAME */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "dllname" },
/* ATTR_DUAL */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "dual" },
/* ATTR_ENDPOINT */ { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "endpoint" },
/* ATTR_ENTRY */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "entry" },
/* ATTR_EXPLICIT_HANDLE */ { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "explicit_handle" },
/* ATTR_HANDLE */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "handle" },
/* ATTR_HELPCONTEXT */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpcontext" },
/* ATTR_HELPFILE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "helpfile" },
/* ATTR_HELPSTRING */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpstring" },
/* ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpstringcontext" },
/* ATTR_HELPSTRINGDLL */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "helpstringdll" },
/* ATTR_HIDDEN */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, "hidden" },
/* ATTR_ID */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "id" },
/* ATTR_IDEMPOTENT */ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "idempotent" },
/* ATTR_IIDIS */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "iid_is" },
/* ATTR_IMMEDIATEBIND */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "immediatebind" },
/* ATTR_IMPLICIT_HANDLE */ { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "implicit_handle" },
/* ATTR_IN */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "in" },
/* ATTR_INLINE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "inline" },
/* ATTR_INPUTSYNC */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "inputsync" },
/* ATTR_LENGTHIS */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "length_is" },
/* ATTR_LIBLCID */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "lcid" },
/* ATTR_LOCAL */ { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "local" },
/* ATTR_NONBROWSABLE */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "nonbrowsable" },
/* ATTR_NONCREATABLE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "noncreatable" },
/* ATTR_NONEXTENSIBLE */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "nonextensible" },
/* ATTR_OBJECT */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "object" },
/* ATTR_ODL */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, "odl" },
/* ATTR_OLEAUTOMATION */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "oleautomation" },
/* ATTR_OPTIONAL */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "optional" },
/* ATTR_OUT */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "out" },
/* ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT */ { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "pointer_default" },
/* ATTR_POINTERTYPE */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ref, unique or ptr" },
/* ATTR_PROPGET */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propget" },
/* ATTR_PROPPUT */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propput" },
/* ATTR_PROPPUTREF */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propputref" },
/* ATTR_PUBLIC */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "public" },
/* ATTR_RANGE */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "range" },
/* ATTR_READONLY */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "readonly" },
/* ATTR_REQUESTEDIT */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "requestedit" },
/* ATTR_RESTRICTED */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "restricted" },
/* ATTR_RETVAL */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "retval" },
/* ATTR_SIZEIS */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "size_is" },
/* ATTR_SOURCE */ { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, "source" },
/* ATTR_STRICTCONTEXTHANDLE */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "strict_context_handle" },
/* ATTR_STRING */ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "string" },
/* ATTR_SWITCHIS */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "switch_is" },
/* ATTR_SWITCHTYPE */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "switch_type" },
/* ATTR_TRANSMITAS */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "transmit_as" },
/* ATTR_UUID */ { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "uuid" },
/* ATTR_V1ENUM */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "v1_enum" },
/* ATTR_VARARG */ { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "vararg" },
/* ATTR_VERSION */ { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "version" },
/* ATTR_WIREMARSHAL */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "wire_marshal" },
const char *get_attr_display_name(enum attr_type type)
return allowed_attr[type].display_name;
static attr_list_t *check_iface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_interface)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for interface %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_function_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_function)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for function %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static void check_arg(var_t *arg)
const type_t *t = arg->type;
const attr_t *attr;
if (t->type == 0 && ! is_var_ptr(arg))
error_loc("argument '%s' has void type\n", arg->name);
if (arg->attrs)
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, arg->attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_arg)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for argument %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, arg->name);
static attr_list_t *check_typedef_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_type)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for typedef\n",
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_enum_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_enum)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for enum\n",
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_struct_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_struct)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for struct\n",
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_union_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_union)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for union\n",
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_field_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_field)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for field %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_library_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_library)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for library %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_dispiface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_dispinterface)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for dispinterface %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_module_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_module)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for module %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static attr_list_t *check_coclass_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
const attr_t *attr;
if (!attrs) return attrs;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_coclass)
error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for coclass %s\n",
allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
return attrs;
static int is_allowed_conf_type(const type_t *type)
switch (type->type)
case RPC_FC_ENUM16:
case RPC_FC_ENUM32:
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int is_ptr_guid_type(const type_t *type)
unsigned int align = 0;
for (;;)
if (type->kind == TKIND_ALIAS)
type = type->orig;
else if (is_ptr(type))
type = type->ref;
return FALSE;
return (type_memsize(type, &align) == 16);
static void check_conformance_expr_list(const char *attr_name, const var_t *arg, const type_t *container_type, expr_list_t *expr_list)
expr_t *dim;
struct expr_loc expr_loc;
expr_loc.v = arg;
expr_loc.attr = attr_name;
if (expr_list) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, expr_list, expr_t, entry)
if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
const type_t *expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, dim);
if (!is_allowed_conf_type(expr_type))
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to integral type <= 32bits for attribute %s\n",
static void check_remoting_fields(const var_t *var, type_t *type);
/* checks that properties common to fields and arguments are consistent */
static void check_field_common(const type_t *container_type,
const char *container_name, const var_t *arg)
type_t *type = arg->type;
int is_wire_marshal = 0;
int is_context_handle = 0;
const char *container_type_name = NULL;
if (is_struct(container_type->type))
container_type_name = "struct";
else if (is_union(container_type->type))
container_type_name = "union";
else if (container_type->type == RPC_FC_FUNCTION)
container_type_name = "function";
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS) &&
(is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_STRING) || is_aliaschain_attr(arg->type, ATTR_STRING)))
"string and length_is specified for argument %s are mutually exclusive attributes\n",
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS))
expr_list_t *size_is_exprs = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS);
check_conformance_expr_list("size_is", arg, container_type, size_is_exprs);
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS))
expr_list_t *length_is_exprs = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS);
check_conformance_expr_list("length_is", arg, container_type, length_is_exprs);
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_IIDIS))
struct expr_loc expr_loc;
expr_t *expr = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_IIDIS);
if (expr->type != EXPR_VOID)
const type_t *expr_type;
expr_loc.v = arg;
expr_loc.attr = "iid_is";
expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, expr);
if (!expr_type || !is_ptr_guid_type(expr_type))
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to pointer to GUID type for attribute iid_is\n");
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_SWITCHIS))
struct expr_loc expr_loc;
expr_t *expr = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_SWITCHIS);
if (expr->type != EXPR_VOID)
const type_t *expr_type;
expr_loc.v = arg;
expr_loc.attr = "switch_is";
expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, expr);
if (!expr_type || !is_allowed_conf_type(expr_type))
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to integral type <= 32bits for attribute %s\n",
/* get fundamental type for the argument */
for (;;)
if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_WIREMARSHAL))
is_wire_marshal = 1;
if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE))
is_context_handle = 1;
if (type->kind == TKIND_ALIAS)
type = type->orig;
else if (is_ptr(type) || is_array(type))
type = type->ref;
if (type->type == 0 && !is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_IIDIS) && !is_wire_marshal && !is_context_handle)
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "parameter \'%s\' of %s \'%s\' cannot derive from void *\n", arg->name, container_type_name, container_name);
else if (type->type == RPC_FC_FUNCTION)
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "parameter \'%s\' of %s \'%s\' cannot be a function pointer\n", arg->name, container_type_name, container_name);
else if (!is_wire_marshal && (is_struct(type->type) || is_union(type->type)))
check_remoting_fields(arg, type);
static void check_remoting_fields(const var_t *var, type_t *type)
const var_t *field;
const var_list_t *fields = NULL;
if (type->checked)
type->checked = TRUE;
if (is_struct(type->type))
if (type->defined)
fields = type->fields_or_args;
error_loc_info(&var->loc_info, "undefined type declaration %s\n", type->name);
else if (is_union(type->type))
if (type->type == RPC_FC_ENCAPSULATED_UNION)
const var_t *uv = LIST_ENTRY(list_tail(type->fields_or_args), const var_t, entry);
fields = uv->type->fields_or_args;
fields = type->fields_or_args;
if (fields) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( field, fields, const var_t, entry )
if (field->type) check_field_common(type, type->name, field);
/* checks that arguments for a function make sense for marshalling and unmarshalling */
static void check_remoting_args(const func_t *func)
const char *funcname = func->def->name;
const var_t *arg;
if (func->args) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, func->args, const var_t, entry )
int ptr_level = 0;
const type_t *type = arg->type;
/* get pointer level and fundamental type for the argument */
for (;;)
if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_WIREMARSHAL))
if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE))
if (type->kind == TKIND_ALIAS)
type = type->orig;
else if (is_ptr(type))
type = type->ref;
/* check that [out] parameters have enough pointer levels */
if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_OUT))
if (!is_array(type))
if (!ptr_level)
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "out parameter \'%s\' of function \'%s\' is not a pointer\n", arg->name, funcname);
if (type->type == RPC_FC_IP && ptr_level == 1)
error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "out interface pointer \'%s\' of function \'%s\' is not a double pointer\n", arg->name, funcname);
check_field_common(func->def->type, funcname, arg);
static void add_explicit_handle_if_necessary(func_t *func)
const var_t* explicit_handle_var;
const var_t* explicit_generic_handle_var = NULL;
const var_t* context_handle_var = NULL;
/* check for a defined binding handle */
explicit_handle_var = get_explicit_handle_var(func);
if (!explicit_handle_var)
explicit_generic_handle_var = get_explicit_generic_handle_var(func);
if (!explicit_generic_handle_var)
context_handle_var = get_context_handle_var(func);
if (!context_handle_var)
/* no explicit handle specified so add
* "[in] handle_t IDL_handle" as the first parameter to the
* function */
var_t *idl_handle = make_var(xstrdup("IDL_handle"));
idl_handle->attrs = append_attr(NULL, make_attr(ATTR_IN));
idl_handle->type = find_type_or_error("handle_t", 0);
if (!func->def->type->fields_or_args)
func->def->type->fields_or_args = xmalloc( sizeof(*func->def->type->fields_or_args) );
list_init( func->def->type->fields_or_args );
list_add_head( func->def->type->fields_or_args, &idl_handle->entry );
func->args = func->def->type->fields_or_args;
static void check_functions(const type_t *iface)
if (is_attr(iface->attrs, ATTR_EXPLICIT_HANDLE) && iface->funcs)
func_t *func;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( func, iface->funcs, func_t, entry )
if (!is_inside_library && !is_attr(iface->attrs, ATTR_LOCAL))
const func_t *func;
if (iface->funcs) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( func, iface->funcs, const func_t, entry )
if (!is_attr(func->def->attrs, ATTR_LOCAL))
static void check_all_user_types(const statement_list_t *stmts)
const statement_t *stmt;
if (stmts) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry)
if (stmt->type == STMT_LIBRARY)
else if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && stmt->u.type->type == RPC_FC_IP)
const func_t *f;
const func_list_t *fs = stmt->u.type->funcs;
if (fs) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(f, fs, const func_t, entry)
int is_valid_uuid(const char *s)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23)
if (s[i] != '-')
return FALSE;
if (!isxdigit(s[i]))
return FALSE;
return s[i] == '\0';
static statement_t *make_statement(enum statement_type type)
statement_t *stmt = xmalloc(sizeof(*stmt));
stmt->type = type;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_type_decl(type_t *type)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPE);
stmt->u.type = type;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_reference(type_t *type)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPEREF);
stmt->u.type = type;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_declaration(var_t *var)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_DECLARATION);
stmt->u.var = var;
if (var->stgclass == STG_EXTERN && var->eval)
warning("'%s' initialised and declared extern\n", var->name);
if (is_const_decl(var))
if (var->eval)
else if ((var->stgclass == STG_NONE || var->stgclass == STG_REGISTER) &&
var->type->type != RPC_FC_FUNCTION)
error_loc("instantiation of data is illegal\n");
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_library(typelib_t *typelib)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_LIBRARY);
stmt->u.lib = typelib;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_cppquote(const char *str)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_CPPQUOTE);
stmt->u.str = str;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_importlib(const char *str)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_IMPORTLIB);
stmt->u.str = str;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_import(const char *str)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_IMPORT);
stmt->u.str = str;
return stmt;
static statement_t *make_statement_module(type_t *type)
statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_MODULE);
stmt->u.type = type;
return stmt;
static statement_t *process_typedefs(declarator_list_t *decls)
declarator_t *decl, *next;
statement_t *stmt;
type_list_t **type_list;
if (!decls) return NULL;
stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPEDEF);
stmt->u.type_list = NULL;
type_list = &stmt->u.type_list;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( decl, next, decls, declarator_t, entry )
var_t *var = decl->var;
type_t *type = find_type_or_error(var->name, 0);
*type_list = xmalloc(sizeof(type_list_t));
(*type_list)->type = type;
(*type_list)->next = NULL;
if (! parse_only && do_header)
if (in_typelib && is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_PUBLIC))
type_list = &(*type_list)->next;
return stmt;
static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt)
if (!stmt) return list;
if (!list)
list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
list_init( list );
list_add_tail( list, &stmt->entry );
return list;
static func_list_t *append_func_from_statement(func_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt)
if (stmt->type == STMT_DECLARATION)
var_t *var = stmt->u.var;
if (var->stgclass == STG_NONE && var->type->type == RPC_FC_FUNCTION)
check_function_attrs(var->name, var->type->attrs);
return append_func(list, make_func(stmt->u.var));
return list;
void init_loc_info(loc_info_t *i)
i->input_name = input_name ? input_name : "stdin";
i->line_number = line_number;
i->near_text = parser_text;
static void check_def(const type_t *t)
if (t->defined)
error_loc("%s: redefinition error; original definition was at %s:%d\n",
t->name, t->loc_info.input_name, t->loc_info.line_number);