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* Copyright 1994 Erik Bos
* Copyright 1999 Ove Kaaven
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __WINE_MSDOS_H
#define __WINE_MSDOS_H
#include "wine/windef16.h"
#include "pshpack1.h"
struct fcb {
BYTE drive;
char name[8];
char extension[3];
BYTE dummy1[4];
int filesize;
WORD date_write;
WORD time_write;
struct dosdirent *directory;
BYTE dummy2[9];
/* DTA layout for FindFirst/FindNext */
typedef struct
BYTE drive; /* 00 drive letter */
char mask[11]; /* 01 search template */
BYTE search_attr; /* 0c search attributes */
WORD count; /* 0d entry count within directory */
WORD cluster; /* 0f cluster of parent directory */
char *unixPath; /* 11 unix path (was: reserved) */
BYTE fileattr; /* 15 file attributes */
WORD filetime; /* 16 file time */
WORD filedate; /* 18 file date */
DWORD filesize; /* 1a file size */
char filename[13]; /* 1e file name + extension */
/* FCB layout for FindFirstFCB/FindNextFCB */
typedef struct
BYTE drive; /* 00 drive letter */
char filename[11]; /* 01 filename 8+3 format */
int count; /* 0c entry count (was: reserved) */
char *unixPath; /* 10 unix path (was: reserved) */
/* DOS directory entry for FindFirstFCB/FindNextFCB */
typedef struct
char filename[11]; /* 00 filename 8+3 format */
BYTE fileattr; /* 0b file attributes */
BYTE reserved[10]; /* 0c reserved */
WORD filetime; /* 16 file time */
WORD filedate; /* 18 file date */
WORD cluster; /* 1a file first cluster */
DWORD filesize; /* 1c file size */
typedef struct
DWORD next_dev;
WORD attr;
WORD strategy;
WORD interrupt;
char name[8];
/* Warning: need to return LOL ptr w/ offset 0 (&ptr_first_DPB) to programs ! */
typedef struct _DOS_LISTOFLISTS
WORD CX_Int21_5e01; /* -24d contents of CX from INT 21/AX=5E01h */
WORD LRU_count_FCB_cache; /* -22d */
WORD LRU_count_FCB_open; /* -20d */
DWORD OEM_func_handler; /* -18d OEM function of INT 21/AH=F8h */
WORD INT21_offset; /* -14d offset in DOS CS of code to return from INT 21 call */
WORD sharing_retry_count; /* -12d */
WORD sharing_retry_delay; /* -10d */
DWORD ptr_disk_buf; /* -8d ptr to current disk buf */
WORD offs_unread_CON; /* -4d pointer in DOS data segment of unread CON input */
WORD seg_first_MCB; /* -2d */
DWORD ptr_first_DPB; /* 00 */
DWORD ptr_first_SysFileTable; /* 04 */
DWORD ptr_clock_dev_hdr; /* 08 */
DWORD ptr_CON_dev_hdr; /* 0C */
WORD max_byte_per_sec; /* 10 maximum bytes per sector of any block device */
DWORD ptr_disk_buf_info; /* 12 */
DWORD ptr_array_CDS; /* 16 current directory structure */
DWORD ptr_sys_FCB; /* 1A */
WORD nr_protect_FCB; /* 1E */
BYTE nr_block_dev; /* 20 */
BYTE nr_avail_drive_letters; /* 21 */
BYTE nr_drives_JOINed; /* 34 */
WORD ptr_spec_prg_names; /* 35 */
DWORD ptr_SETVER_prg_list; /* 37 */
WORD DOS_HIGH_A20_func_offs;/* 3B */
WORD PSP_last_exec; /* 3D if DOS in HMA: PSP of program executed last; if DOS low: 0000h */
WORD BUFFERS_val; /* 3F */
WORD BUFFERS_nr_lookahead; /* 41 */
BYTE boot_drive; /* 43 */
BYTE flag_DWORD_moves; /* 44 01h for 386+, 00h otherwise */
WORD size_extended_mem; /* 45 size of extended mem in KB */
SEGPTR wine_rm_lol; /* -- wine: Real mode pointer to LOL */
SEGPTR wine_pm_lol; /* -- wine: Protected mode pointer to LOL */
#include "poppack.h"
#define MAX_DOS_DRIVES 26
#define setword(a,b) do { *(BYTE*)(a) = (b) & 0xff; \
*((BYTE*)((a)+1)) = ((b)>>8) & 0xff;\
} while(0)
/* dos file attributes */
#define FA_NORMAL 0x00 /* Normal file, no attributes */
#define FA_RDONLY 0x01 /* Read only attribute */
#define FA_HIDDEN 0x02 /* Hidden file */
#define FA_SYSTEM 0x04 /* System file */
#define FA_LABEL 0x08 /* Volume label */
#define FA_DIRECTORY 0x10 /* Directory */
#define FA_ARCHIVE 0x20 /* Archive */
#define FA_UNUSED 0x40 /* Unused */
/* Error codes */
#define ER_NoError 0x00
#define ER_InvalidFunction 0x01
#define ER_FileNotFound 0x02
#define ER_PathNotFound 0x03
#define ER_TooManyOpenFiles 0x04
#define ER_AccessDenied 0x05
#define ER_InvalidHandle 0x06
#define ER_MCBDestroyed 0x07
#define ER_OutOfMemory 0x08
#define ER_MCBInvalid 0x09
#define ER_EnvironInvalid 0x0a
#define ER_FormatInvalid 0x0b
#define ER_AccessCodeInvalid 0x0c
#define ER_DataInvalid 0x0d
#define ER_InvalidDrive 0x0f
#define ER_CanNotRemoveCwd 0x10
#define ER_NotSameDevice 0x11
#define ER_NoMoreFiles 0x12
#define ER_WriteProtected 0x13
#define ER_UnknownUnit 0x14
#define ER_DriveNotReady 0x15
#define ER_UnknownCommand 0x16
#define ER_CRCError 0x17
#define ER_BadRqLength 0x18
#define ER_SeekError 0x19
#define ER_UnknownMedia 0x1a
#define ER_SectorNotFound 0x1b
#define ER_OutOfPaper 0x1c
#define ER_WriteFault 0x1d
#define ER_ReadFault 0x1e
#define ER_GeneralFailure 0x1f
#define ER_ShareViolation 0x20
#define ER_LockViolation 0x21
#define ER_DiskFull 0x27
#define ER_NoNetwork 0x49
#define ER_FileExists 0x50
#define ER_CanNotMakeDir 0x52
/* Error classes */
#define EC_OutOfResource 0x01
#define EC_Temporary 0x02
#define EC_AccessDenied 0x03
#define EC_InternalError 0x04
#define EC_HardwareFailure 0x05
#define EC_SystemFailure 0x06
#define EC_ProgramError 0x07
#define EC_NotFound 0x08
#define EC_MediaError 0x0b
#define EC_Exists 0x0c
#define EC_Unknown 0x0d
/* Suggested actions */
#define SA_Retry 0x01
#define SA_DelayedRetry 0x02
#define SA_Abort 0x04
#define SA_Ignore 0x06
#define SA_Ask4Retry 0x07
/* Error locus */
#define EL_Unknown 0x01
#define EL_Disk 0x02
#define EL_Network 0x03
#define EL_Serial 0x04
#define EL_Memory 0x05
#endif /* __WINE_MSDOS_H */