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synced 2025-03-02 01:35:31 +00:00
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The Wine development release 1.7.19 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- New JSProxy DLL for automatic proxy configuration.
- More OLE Accessible Object support.
- Improvements to the XML writer.
- Fixes for various memory issues found by Valgrind.
- Initial headers for Direct2D support.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation
You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.7.19 (total 99):
4264 Multiple apps refuse to install, complain about registry security (The 4th coming, Google Pack Installer expect a non-null DACL)
10202 Battery visualization not working in WMP9
12326 SHELL_FindExecutable breaks "mailto:" URL
14222 RpcBindingSetAuthInfo(Ex) fails with RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE (Outlook 2007 connecting to Exchange server)
14690 Winamp Equalizer and playlist keeps always on top
15841 Counter-Strike: Source (Steam) crashes when joining game
16484 Dramatica Demo 4.0 file open dialog has the file name text box cursor in an incorrect position
16503 Gears of War fails on startup
17004 C&C Red Alert 3: black screen when Shadow Quality > Low
17083 Counter-Strike: Source (Steam): background artefacts
17798 Deus Ex: Invisible War crashed upon loading the main menu.
18447 fr-minus-012 hangs without doing seemingly anything
18592 ICQ 6.x fail to load
19427 Radio Manager 1.4 (.NET 2.0 app) fails on startup
19841 Wolfenstein (2009)(Steam): mouse cursor remains onscreen during FPS gameplay even after all menus are closed.
20126 HuluDesktop 0.9.x fails to start
21239 Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam) crashes trying to join a multiplayer game
22999 Lord of the Rings online: keyboard input doesn't work after the window was restored
23593 Supreme Commander 2 Demo (Steam) has some rendering artifacts
23988 Alt + Tab woes on Ubuntu and Debian.
24901 Sky Track: Crashes unexpectedly
25036 Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II (Steam) starts to load gives no error and stops
25245 Gears of War fails on startup (ICustomDoc::SetUIHandler is a stub)
25343 mstsc fails when using rdp 7 client protocol
25479 Fussball Manager 11 crashes after showing the EA Logo
25595 Source engine games don't even launch
26016 Multiple Microsoft installers crash with heap corruption (StringTableXXX: binary compatible string table helps to reduce crash frequency)(XmlLite, XPSEP, IE7)
26296 Future Pinball could not load more than two or three different table in a row
26396 Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 has no audio without native quartz
26487 Game menu items installed by steam don't work
26717 Minitroid tech demo shows animation then stops
27963 Multiple games fail to start due to unimplemented function USER32.dll.RegisterTouchWindow (Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Shadowrun Returns)
27976 Software Astronav Crash
27992 Pazera Free Audio Extractor - Shift problem
27993 Pazera Free Audio Extractor - Directory problem
28439 Panzer Corps: fonts barely readable
28473 uTorrent 3.x hangs randomly
28496 From Dust (Steam) crashes after loading screen
29534 RIFF File Viewer crashes on choosing an item in a context menu
29906 wine build broken on clang from trunk
30450 Restarting a mission in Urban Chaos causes a crash
30565 monogame drawing flickers
30694 Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition (Steam): game launcher crashes instantly
30743 hydorah is unbelievable slow
31362 Grand Theft Auto IV (Steam) fails to start, reportings 'DD3D20: reinstall the game and/or DirectX'
32177 Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam): can't enable multicore rendering option
32190 Forex Strategy Builder Professional(.NET app) fails to start
32472 Sonic CD (Steam) crashes with invalid parameters received
32511 BioShock 2 (Steam): Bioshock2.exe cannot be launched directly, please launch using Bioshock2Launcher.exe
32595 Guild Wars 2: mini map is rendered incorrectly
32784 Open Morrowind fails to start without native d3dx9
33114 Bioshock (Steam) crashes on exit
33797 DigiCel FlipBook crashes when attempting to load the main UI.
34100 Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator (demo version 1.66) crashes on startup
34371 Batman: Arkham City launcher needs native dotnet20
34448 League Of Legends v3.11: crash before game start since last patch
34659 Bioshock 2 (Steam): mouse can't be moved in main menu
34670 ManiaPlanet thinks it's not connected to the internet
34881 32-bit Python 3.3.2 fails to install
34999 Huawei HedEx Lite V2.0 fails to start
35079 DisplayFusion v5.1.1 (.NET 2.0 app) fails to run
35177 A Vampyre Story crashes
35335 MSVC 2013 C compiler (cl.exe) fails/crashes
35389 64-bit Newsbin Pro 6.50 crashes on startup
35468 Telepone (MTSP FIM) needs msvcr100.dll.__AdjustPointer
36003 mshtml/htmldoc tests crash with WINEDEBUG=warn+heap
36049 Marangatu (VB6 app) reports 'Run-time error -2147467259 (80004005)' when clicking 'about...' menu
36067 Fallout 3: semi-random crashes
36108 Chantelise crashes on start
36118 kernel32/actctx tests have a couple leaks
36119 valgrind shows leaks in ntdll/tests/file.c
36120 valgrind shows a leak in d3d9/vertextdeclaration test
36125 valgrind shows a leak in oleaut32/tests/olefont.c
36140 Dungeons & Dragons Online crashes upon login (needs msvcp100.dll.?uncaught_exception@std@@YA_NXZ)
36144 Airport Tycoon 2 demo needs msvcp70.dll.??0?$basic_fstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PBDH@Z
36178 HearthStone fails to start (Failed to load asset PlayErrors32)
36204 TrySim v5.0 demo has problem displaying the help window
36206 Wine Not lietening on UDP Port 9998 while running odindiet.exe application
36209 Sybase PowerDesigner 16.5 'pdshell16.exe' (.NET 4.x WPF app) wants non-blocking wait behaviour for ntdll.LdrLockLoaderLock (flag 0x02)
36215 Inspect tool (Microsoft Active Accessibility inspector), part of Windows 7 SDK needs oleacc.dll.GetProcessHandleFromHwnd
36227 Salammbo: invisible mouse pointer in the menus
36228 Lotus Notes 8.x installer aborts with SAX parser exception (XSL pattern syntax error)
36250 valgrind shows an uninitialized value in ddraw/tests/ddraw{1,2}.c
36253 Add Nvidia gtx 750 support to the device list
36277 valgrind shows a leak in fusion/tests/asm.c
36293 valgrind shows some unitialized memory in msvcp60/tests/ios.c
36294 valgrind shows some uninitialized memory in msvcp60/tests/string.c
36296 valgrind shows a potential leak in msvcp90/tests/ios.c
36307 valgrind shows a possible leak in netcfg/tests/netcfgx.c
36311 valgrind shows some leaks in oledb32/tests/database.c
36329 valgrind shows an invalid read in sccrun/tests/filesystem.c
36358 valgrind shows some uninitialized memory used in dplayx/tests/dplayx.c
36372 Inspect tool (Microsoft Active Accessibility inspector), part of Windows 7 SDK needs oleacc.dll.GetStateTextW
36376 eRacer demo doesn't start, fails to create d3d object
36387 Multiple Microsoft installers crash or hang with heap corruption (XmlLite, XPSEP, IE7)
36409 valgrind shows a couple leaks in netcfgx/tests/netcfgx.c
36444 ICQ 7.x crashes during post-install step
36458 wine tries to run all 16 bit programs with dosbox
36470 Inspect tool (Microsoft Active Accessibility inspector), part of Windows 7 SDK needs oleacc.dll.WindowFromAccessibleObject
Changes since 1.7.18:
Akihiro Sagawa (1):
taskmgr: Show whether the process is running under WOW64.
Alex Henrie (2):
gdi32: Simplify family_matches and face_matches.
gdi32/tests: Add MS Shell Dlg tests.
Alexandre Julliard (16):
include: Add some more media type uuids.
ntdll: Determine the mapping type automatically from the WRITECOPY flag.
advpack: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
dciman32: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
msimg32: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
wintrust: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d3d8: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d3d9: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d3d10: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d3d10_1: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
bcrypt: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d2d1: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
d3d10core: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
winemapi: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation.
sane.ds: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation when SANE is missing.
wnaspi32: Remove unnecessary DllMain implementation on non-Linux.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (8):
dplayx: Initial msgtid variable (Valgrind).
netcfgx: Fix memory leak (valgrind).
dpnet/tests: Add IDirectPlay8Client tests.
dpnet: Implement IDirectPlay8Client Initialize.
dpnet: Store DPN_SP_CAPS as part of the object.
dpnet: Implement IDirectPlay8Client GetSPCaps.
dxguid: Include dplobby8.h.
dpnet: Implement IDirectPlay8LobbiedApplication Initialize.
Aric Stewart (1):
user32: Pass WM_IME_CONTROL messages to the IME.
Aurimas Fišeras (1):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
Austin English (1):
user32: Add a stub for RegisterTouchWindow.
Bruno Jesus (4):
ws2_32/tests: Test more the behavior of SO_REUSEADDR.
ws2_32: Avoid using WS_ prefix on unix sockaddr struct.
ws2_32: Return the correct error if SO_REUSEADDR is set in bind error.
ws2_32: Avoid magic numbers in shutdown() function.
Christoph von Wittich (1):
comctl32/treeview: Notify the parent on a return key press.
Damjan Jovanovic (1):
winex11: Fix a WM_DROPFILES memory ownership ambiguity.
Erich Hoover (1):
hhctrl.ocx: Fix an off by one mistake in searching for the node endpoint.
François Gouget (1):
ddraw/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions.
Frédéric Delanoy (3):
usp10: Silence a noisy fixme in ScriptPlaceOpenType.
user32/tests: Constify some arrays.
oleacc: Add message context for object state string resources.
Hans Leidekker (17):
wininet: Use a semicolon to delimit registered proxy servers.
wininet: Fix a couple of memory leaks.
wininet: Only parse proxy URLs taken from the environment.
wininet: Handle secure proxy connections inside the main loop.
wininet: Add support for retrieving the proxy automatic configuration URL on Mac OS X.
wbemprox: Use a separate index variable to build the safearray in get_properties.
wbemprox: No longer prefer native.
wmiutils: Always null-terminate the server string in build_server (valgrind).
fusion: Fix a couple of memory leaks (valgrind).
wininet: Fix a memory leak (valgrind).
winhttp: Fix a couple of memory leaks (valgrind).
include: Add missing proxy definitions.
jsproxy: New dll.
jsproxy: Implement InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll and InternetDeinitializeAutoProxyDll.
jsproxy: Implement InternetGetProxyInfo.
winhttp: Reimplement WinHttpGetProxyForUrl on top of jsproxy.
winhttp: Add support for retrieving the proxy automatic configuration URL on Mac OS X.
Henri Verbeet (26):
gdi32: Use FIELD_OFFSET to calculate the structure size in GetRegionData().
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Resource interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1StrokeStyle interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1TessellationSink interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Geometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1RectangleGeometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1EllipseGeometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1GeometryGroup interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1TransformedGeometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1GeometrySink interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1PathGeometry interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1DrawingStateBlock interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Image interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Bitmap interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Brush interface.
d2d1: Get rid of "optional" attributes.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1BitmapBrush interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1SolidColorBrush interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1GradientStopCollection interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1LinearGradientBrush interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1RadialGradientBrush interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Layer interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1Mesh interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1RenderTarget interface.
d2d1: Add the ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget interface.
Huw D. M. Davies (14):
usp10/tests: Mark two failing Hebrew strings as broken under win8.
wintrust/tests: Fix failing test on win8.
include: Add a couple of new win 8 access rights.
advapi32/tests: Fix access rights tests in win 8.
gdi32: In a Hebrew locale the last char of a symbol font is reported as 0xf896 rather than 0xf0ff.
msxml3/tests: Don't overwrite a variant which is later used in a QueryInterface call.
imagehlp/tests: Don't assume the certificate chain is originally empty.
msxml3/tests: Don't test the values of alignment holes in the variant structure.
msxml3/tests: Fix a failing test on win 8.
msxml3/tests: Don't test the variant payload for the VT_EMPTY type.
msxml3/tests: Fix test on win 8.
shell32/tests: Fix the tests when run from the top directory.
shell32/tests: Fix tests on win 8.
wininet/tests: Don't test GetLastError() on success.
Jacek Caban (20):
mshtml: Use debugstr_mshtml_guid in a few more places.
mshtml: Use debugmsg_mshtml_guid in a few more places.
mshtml: Forward IHTMLImageElementFactory IDispatch functions to IDispatchEx implementation.
ntdll: Always use MAP_SHARED in NtMapViewOfSection.
kernel32/tests: Added more shared memory tests, exposing MAP_PRIVATE mapping for read only mapping problem.
mshtml: Use debugmsg_mshtml_guid in a few more places.
mshtml: Added IDispatchEx support to HTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection object.
mshtml: Fixed leaks in IHTMLStyleSheet::Release and IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection::Release implementations.
mshtml: Use debugmsg_mshtml_guid in a few more places.
mshtml: Added IDispatchEx support to HTMLOptionElementFactory object.
mshtml: Forward IHTMLScreen's IDispatch methods to IDispatchEx.
ntdll: Use MAP_PRIVATE for copy on write mappings.
mshtml: Use debugstr_mshtml_guid in a few more places.
oleaut32: Added debugstr_variant helper for better debug traces.
wmvcore: Added IWMReader interface stub implementation.
oleaut32: Use debugstr_variant in variant.c where appropriate.
msctf: Added IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles interface stub implementation.
ieframe/tests: Fixed tests on IE11.
mshtml/tests: Fixed a few more IE11 test failures.
urlmon: Avoid ProtocolHandler being destroyed in Terminate call.
Joachim Priesner (1):
wined3d: Clear active lights when cleaning up a D3D stateblock.
Ken Thomases (4):
winex11: Consolidate duplicate code from glxdrv_wglSetPixelFormat() and X11DRV_wglSetPixelFormatWINE().
winemac: Don't bring owned windows to the front when they're clicked.
winemac: Fix a memory leak if posting WM_DROPFILES fails.
winemac: Add the ability to disable high-resolution scrolling.
Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Marcus Meissner (1):
ver.dll16: filelen is an in/out parameter (Coverity).
Mark Harmstone (1):
setupapi: Add CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property wrapper around CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex.
Martin Storsjo (2):
ntdll: Don't write uninitialized bytes at the end of filenames.
ntdll: Align FILE_*_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION structs to 8 bytes.
Michael Stefaniuc (1):
dmusic: Move a struct to the .c file it is used.
Nikolay Sivov (30):
ntdll: Fix a 'tlbid' string value leak (Valgrind).
msxml3/tests: Fix a BSTR leak (Valgrind).
msxml3/tests: Null-terminate a string before A->W conversion (Valgrind).
msxml3/tests: Fix some stream instance leaks (Valgrind).
msxml3: Fix a string leak in msxml6 mode (Valgrind).
oledb32: Fix IDBInitialize instance leak on error path (Valgrind).
oledb32/tests: Simplify IMalloc handling.
dmime: Fix handling of NULL out pointer in QI.
scrrun: Fix use-after-free of version info (Valgrind).
scrrun: Fix invalid read/write access to path buffer (Valgrind).
msxml3: Fix some string leaks (Valgrind).
oleaut32/tests: Fixed a couple of string leaks (Valgrind).
ntdll/tests: Fix some string leaks (Valgrind).
setupapi: Implement a binary compatible string table.
setupapi: Make default context structure layout compatible.
comctl32/listview: Fix custom draw stage sequence.
comctl32/treeview: Added a test for NM_RETURN.
msxml3: Support 'any attribute' selection [@*] in XSLPattern predicates.
msxml3: Implement empty tagname case of getElementsByTagName() for document.
xmllite: Support external IMalloc for writer.
xmllite/writer: Implement SetOutput() for writer.
xmllite/writer: Implement GetProperty().
msxml3: Remove no longer used helper.
xmllite/reader: Create reader input with same IMalloc as reader.
xmllite/writer: Initial support of output buffer creation.
xmllite/writer: Initial support for starting a document.
xmllite/writer: Implement Flush() method.
ntdll: Implement non-blocking mode for LdrLockLoaderLock().
po: Update Russian translation.
xmllite/writer: Fix Flush() behaviour on partial writes.
Piotr Caban (26):
oleacc: Add GetProcessHandleFromHwnd implementation.
msvcr80: Update exceptions RTTI data to reflect it's part of std namespace.
msvcrt: Add __ExceptionPtr* functions implementation.
msvcrt: Fix ioinfo structure size.
msvcp70: Add basic_fstream(const char*, int) constructor implementation.
msvcr80: Add __AdjustPointer implementation.
msvcp60: Fix uninitialized variable access in basic_string::_Tidy.
msvcp: Fix global_locale leak.
msvcp/tests: Force dll cleanup code to get executed (for valgrind).
oleacc: Add default window accessible object stub.
oleacc: Add Client_accHitTest implementation.
oleacc: Add Client_get_accParent implementation.
oleacc: Add Client_accLocation implementation.
msvcrt: Don't crash on NULL struct _tm in asctime.
user32: Fix LoadStringA behavior on 1-character long buffer.
include: Add STATE_SYSTEM_* definition to oleacc.idl.
oleacc: Add GetStateText implementation.
oleacc: Modify output buffer on incorrect role in GetRoleTextA.
oleacc: Don't return partial data in GetRoleTextA if buffer is too small.
oleacc: Disable tests on old oleacc.
oleacc: Add IOleWindow interface stub to default client accessible object.
oleacc: Add IOleWindow interface stub to default window accessible object.
oleacc: Add IOleWindow::GetWindow implementation in default client accessible object.
oleacc: Add WindowFromAccessibleObject implementation.
oleacc: Add IID_IAccessible, IID_IAccessibleHandler and LIBID_Accessibility exports.
oleacc: Prepare CreateStdAccessibleObject to support class specific accessibility objects.
Qian Hong (2):
include: Added atlcom.h.
atl: Include atlcom.h for ATL_PROPMAP_ENTRY.
Shuai Meng (2):
vbscript: Fixed CBool handling.
vbscript: Implemented CByte.
Stefan Dösinger (14):
gdi32/tests: Test RGBQUAD.rgbReserved in SetDIBColorTable.
wined3d: Copy the DIB to sysmem when PIN_SYSMEM is set.
wined3d: Store RGBQUADs in palettes.
ddraw: Alpha palettes can only be attached to textures.
ddraw/tests: Test palette alpha behavior.
wined3d: Implement DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN for DXT2.
wined3d: Remove wined3d_surface_get_palette.
wined3d: Always store the palette index in the alpha component.
wined3d: Remove WINED3D_CT_PALETTED_CK.
wined3d: Always provide P8 GL texture information.
wined3d: Use GL_ALPHA8 for WINED3DFMT_P8_UINT surfaces.
wined3d: Don't update the color table on palette changes.
wined3d: Move get_dc palette updates to ddraw.
wined3d: Fix indentation in d3dfmt_p8_init_palette.
Victor Martinez Calvo (4):
ieframe: Compare against the correct IID in ShellUIHelper.
quartz: Check correct dwReserved item before tracing.
msdmo: Actually copy output string in IEnumDMO_fnNext.
shlwapi: Check correct attributes in PathRelativePath.
Vijay Kiran Kamuju (1):
usp10: Show fixme once in ScriptShapeOpenType.
Vincent Povirk (10):
ole32: Use symbolic names for range lock offsets.
ole32: Use share modes when creating storage files.
ole32: Accept STGM_TRANSACTED with no share mode specified.
ole32: Initial implementation of transaction locking.
shell32/tests: Use SW_HIDE with ShellExecuteA in tests.
ole32: Warn in cases where we might corrupt storage files.
ole32: Use real blocking operations for storage locking when possible.
server: Try to get a read lock if we can't get a write lock.
ole32: STGM_NOSNAPSHOT implies deny write.
Zhenbo Li (2):
mshtml: Removed invalid nsAString_InitDepend from HTMLTableRow_put_bgColor and fixed error handling.
mshtml: Added IHTMLSelectElement::remove method implementation.
Alexandre Julliard