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* DC device-independent Get/SetXXX functions
* Copyright 1993 Alexandre Julliard
#include "gdi.h"
#include "dc.h"
#define DC_GET_VAL_16( func_type, func_name, dc_field ) \
func_type WINAPI func_name( HDC16 hdc ) \
{ \
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); \
if (!dc) return 0; \
return dc->dc_field; \
#define DC_GET_VAL_32( func_type, func_name, dc_field ) \
func_type WINAPI func_name( HDC hdc ) \
{ \
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); \
if (!dc) return 0; \
return dc->dc_field; \
#define DC_GET_X_Y( func_type, func_name, ret_x, ret_y ) \
func_type WINAPI func_name( HDC16 hdc ) \
{ \
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); \
if (!dc) return 0; \
return MAKELONG( dc->ret_x, dc->ret_y ); \
/* DC_GET_VAL_EX is used to define functions returning a POINT or a SIZE. It is
* important that the function has the right signature, for the implementation
* we can do whatever we want.
#define DC_GET_VAL_EX( func_name, ret_x, ret_y, type ) \
BOOL16 WINAPI func_name##16( HDC16 hdc, LP##type##16 pt ) \
{ \
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); \
if (!dc) return FALSE; \
((LPPOINT16)pt)->x = dc->ret_x; \
((LPPOINT16)pt)->y = dc->ret_y; \
return TRUE; \
} \
BOOL WINAPI func_name( HDC hdc, LP##type pt ) \
{ \
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( (HDC16)hdc, DC_MAGIC ); \
if (!dc) return FALSE; \
((LPPOINT)pt)->x = dc->ret_x; \
((LPPOINT)pt)->y = dc->ret_y; \
return TRUE; \
#define DC_SET_MODE( func_name, dc_field, min_val, max_val ) \
INT16 WINAPI func_name##16( HDC16 hdc, INT16 mode ) \
{ \
return func_name( hdc, mode ); \
} \
INT WINAPI func_name( HDC hdc, INT mode ) \
{ \
INT prevMode; \
DC *dc = DC_GetDCPtr( hdc ); \
if(!dc) return 0; \
if ((mode < min_val) || (mode > max_val)) return 0; \
if (dc->funcs->p##func_name) { \
prevMode = dc->funcs->p##func_name( dc, mode ); \
} else { \
prevMode = dc->dc_field; \
dc->dc_field = mode; \
} \
return prevMode; \
* SetBkMode (GDI.2) (GDI32.306)
DC_SET_MODE( SetBkMode, w.backgroundMode, TRANSPARENT, OPAQUE )
* SetROP2 (GDI.4) (GDI32.331)
* SetRelAbs (GDI.5) (GDI32.333)
* SetPolyFillMode (GDI.6) (GDI32.330)
DC_SET_MODE( SetPolyFillMode, w.polyFillMode, ALTERNATE, WINDING )
* SetStretchBltMode (GDI.7) (GDI32.334)
DC_SET_MODE( SetStretchBltMode, w.stretchBltMode, BLACKONWHITE, HALFTONE )
* GetBkColor16 (GDI.75)
DC_GET_VAL_16( COLORREF, GetBkColor16, w.backgroundColor )
* GetBkColor (GDI32.145)
DC_GET_VAL_32( COLORREF, GetBkColor, w.backgroundColor )
* GetBkMode16 (GDI.76)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetBkMode16, w.backgroundMode )
* GetBkMode (GDI32.146)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetBkMode, w.backgroundMode )
* GetCurrentPosition16 (GDI.78)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetCurrentPosition16, w.CursPosX, w.CursPosY )
* GetMapMode16 (GDI.81)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetMapMode16, w.MapMode )
* GetMapMode (GDI32.196)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetMapMode, w.MapMode )
* GetPolyFillMode16 (GDI.84)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetPolyFillMode16, w.polyFillMode )
* GetPolyFillMode (GDI32.213)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetPolyFillMode, w.polyFillMode )
* GetROP216 (GDI.85)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetROP216, w.ROPmode )
* GetROP2 (GDI32.214)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetROP2, w.ROPmode )
* GetRelAbs16 (GDI.86)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetRelAbs16, w.relAbsMode )
* GetRelAbs (GDI32.218)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetRelAbs, w.relAbsMode )
* GetStretchBltMode16 (GDI.88)
DC_GET_VAL_16( INT16, GetStretchBltMode16, w.stretchBltMode )
* GetStretchBltMode (GDI32.221)
DC_GET_VAL_32( INT, GetStretchBltMode, w.stretchBltMode )
* GetTextColor16 (GDI.90)
DC_GET_VAL_16( COLORREF, GetTextColor16, w.textColor )
* GetTextColor (GDI32.227)
DC_GET_VAL_32( COLORREF, GetTextColor, w.textColor )
* GetViewportExt16 (GDI.94)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetViewportExt16, vportExtX, vportExtY )
* GetViewportOrg16 (GDI.95)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetViewportOrg16, vportOrgX, vportOrgY )
* GetWindowExt16 (GDI.96)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetWindowExt16, wndExtX, wndExtY )
* GetWindowOrg16 (GDI.97)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetWindowOrg16, wndOrgX, wndOrgY )
* InquireVisRgn16 (GDI.131)
DC_GET_VAL_16( HRGN16, InquireVisRgn16, w.hVisRgn )
* GetClipRgn16 (GDI.173)
DC_GET_VAL_16( HRGN16, GetClipRgn16, w.hClipRgn )
* GetBrushOrg16 (GDI.149)
DC_GET_X_Y( DWORD, GetBrushOrg16, w.brushOrgX, w.brushOrgY )
* GetTextAlign16 (GDI.345)
DC_GET_VAL_16( UINT16, GetTextAlign16, w.textAlign )
* GetTextAlign (GDI32.224)
DC_GET_VAL_32( UINT, GetTextAlign, w.textAlign )
* GetCurLogFont16 (GDI.411)
DC_GET_VAL_16( HFONT16, GetCurLogFont16, w.hFont )
* GetBrushOrgEx (GDI.469) (GDI32.148)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetBrushOrgEx, w.brushOrgX, w.brushOrgY, POINT ) /* */
* GetCurrentPositionEx (GDI.470) (GDI32.167)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetCurrentPositionEx, w.CursPosX, w.CursPosY, POINT )
* GetViewportExtEx (GDI.472 GDI32.239)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetViewportExtEx, vportExtX, vportExtY, SIZE )
* GetViewportOrgEx (GDI.473) (GDI32.240)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetViewportOrgEx, vportOrgX, vportOrgY, POINT )
* GetWindowExtEx (GDI.474) (GDI32.242)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetWindowExtEx, wndExtX, wndExtY, SIZE )
* GetWindowOrgEx (GDI.475) (GDI32.243)
DC_GET_VAL_EX( GetWindowOrgEx, wndOrgX, wndOrgY, POINT )