This should lead the way for more modern block ciphers like Threefish and Kalyna. It tested well with both regular cipher modes (the mode has an instance of the cipher) and external cipher modes (the cipher and mode are distinct objects, and the mode holds a reference to the cipher).
We still have to work out the details of naming a cipher. For example, Kalyna with a 128-bit key can use a 128-bit or 256-bit block size. Kalyna-128 is not enough to describe the algorithm and locate it in the object registry. Kalyna-128-128 looks kind of weird; maybe Kalyna-128(128) or Kalyna-128(256) would be better.
Here are the initial test cases to verify functionality:
byte key[64] = {}, iv[32] = {};
ECB_Mode<Kalyna>::Encryption enc1;
enc1.SetKey(key, 16);
CBC_Mode<Kalyna>::Encryption enc2;
enc2.SetKeyWithIV(key, 16, iv);
AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters
(Name::BlockSize(), 32)
(Name::IV(), ConstByteArrayParameter(iv, 32));
CTR_Mode<Kalyna>::Encryption enc3;
enc3.SetKey(key, 16, params);
CBC_Mode<Kalyna>::Encryption enc4;
enc4.SetKey(key, 32, params);
Kalyna::Encryption enc5;
ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption ecb(enc5);
ecb.SetKey(key, 16, params);
Kalyna::Encryption enc6;
ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption cbc(enc6);
cbc.SetKey(key, 32, params);
trap.h and CRYPTOPP_ASSERT has existed for over a year in Master. We deferred on the cut-over waiting for a minor version bump (5.7). We have to use it now due to CVE-2016-7420
- added AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface class and Filter wrappers
- added CCM, GCM (with SSE2 assembly), CMAC, and SEED
- improved AES speed on x86 and x64
- removed WORD64_AVAILABLE; compiler 64-bit int support is now required