, private FilterPutSpaceHelper
virtual ~HashFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a HashFilter
//! \param hm reference to a HashTransformation
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param putMessage flag indicating whether the original message should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \param truncatedDigestSize the size of the digest
//! \param messagePutChannel the channel on which the message should be output
//! \param hashPutChannel the channel on which the digest should be output
HashFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, bool putMessage=false, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, const std::string &messagePutChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, const std::string &hashPutChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashModule.AlgorithmName();}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) {return m_hashModule.CreateUpdateSpace(size);}
HashTransformation &m_hashModule;
bool m_putMessage;
unsigned int m_digestSize;
byte *m_space;
std::string m_messagePutChannel, m_hashPutChannel;
//! \class HashVerificationFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for HashTransformation
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL HashVerificationFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
virtual ~HashVerificationFilter() {}
//! \class HashVerificationFailed
//! \brief Exception thrown when a data integrity check failure is encountered
class HashVerificationFailed : public Exception
: Exception(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "HashVerificationFilter: message hash or MAC not valid") {}
//! \enum Flags
//! \brief Flags controlling filter behavior.
//! \details The flags are a bitmask and can be OR'd together.
enum Flags {
//! \brief Indicates the hash is at the end of the message (i.e., concatenation of message+hash)
//! \brief Indicates the hash is at the beginning of the message (i.e., concatenation of hash+message)
//! \brief Indicates the message should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the hash should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the result of the verification should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the filter should throw a HashVerificationFailed if a failure is encountered
//! \brief Default flags using \p HASH_AT_BEGIN and \p PUT_RESULT
//! \brief Construct a HashVerificationFilter
//! \param hm reference to a HashTransformation
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param flags flags indicating behaviors for the filter
//! \param truncatedDigestSize the size of the digest
//! \details truncatedDigestSize = -1 indicates \ref HashTransformation::DigestSize() "DigestSize" should be used.
HashVerificationFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS, int truncatedDigestSize=-1);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashModule.AlgorithmName();}
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_verified;}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
friend class AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter;
HashTransformation &m_hashModule;
word32 m_flags;
unsigned int m_digestSize;
bool m_verified;
SecByteBlock m_expectedHash;
//! \class AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for encrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \details AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter() is a wrapper for encrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher(),
//! optionally handling padding/unpadding when needed.
//! \sa AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter, EAX, CCM, GCM, AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter : public StreamTransformationFilter
virtual ~AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter
//! \param c reference to a AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param putAAD flag indicating whether the AAD should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \param truncatedDigestSize the size of the digest
//! \param macChannel the channel on which the MAC should be output
//! \param padding the \ref BlockPaddingSchemeDef "padding scheme"
//! \details truncatedDigestSize = -1 indicates \ref HashTransformation::DigestSize() "DigestSize" should be used.
//! \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, bool putAAD=false, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, const std::string &macChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, BlockPaddingScheme padding = DEFAULT_PADDING);
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
//! \brief Input the last block of data
//! \param inString the input byte buffer
//! \param length the size of the input buffer, in bytes
//! \details LastPut() processes the last block of data and signals attached filters to do the same.
//! LastPut() is always called. The pseudo algorithm for the logic is:
//! if totalLength < firstSize then length == totalLength
//! else if totalLength <= firstSize+lastSize then length == totalLength-firstSize
//! else lastSize <= length < lastSize+blockSize
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
HashFilter m_hf;
//! \class AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for decrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \details AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter() is a wrapper for decrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher(),
//! optionally handling padding/unpadding when needed.
//! \sa AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter, EAX, CCM, GCM, AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput, public BlockPaddingSchemeDef
//! \enum Flags
//! \brief Flags controlling filter behavior.
//! \details The flags are a bitmask and can be OR'd together.
enum Flags {
//! \brief Indicates the MAC is at the end of the message (i.e., concatenation of message+mac)
//! \brief Indicates the MAC is at the beginning of the message (i.e., concatenation of mac+message)
//! \brief Indicates the filter should throw a HashVerificationFailed if a failure is encountered
//! \brief Default flags using \p THROW_EXCEPTION
virtual ~AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter
//! \param c reference to a AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param flags flags indicating behaviors for the filter
//! \param truncatedDigestSize the size of the digest
//! \param padding the \ref BlockPaddingSchemeDef "padding scheme"
//! \details Additional authenticated data should be given in channel "AAD".
//! \details truncatedDigestSize = -1 indicates \ref HashTransformation::DigestSize() "DigestSize" should be used.
//! \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, BlockPaddingScheme padding = DEFAULT_PADDING);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashVerifier.AlgorithmName();}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_hashVerifier.GetLastResult();}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
//! \brief Input the last block of data
//! \param inString the input byte buffer
//! \param length the size of the input buffer, in bytes
//! \details LastPut() processes the last block of data and signals attached filters to do the same.
//! LastPut() is always called. The pseudo algorithm for the logic is:
//! if totalLength < firstSize then length == totalLength
//! else if totalLength <= firstSize+lastSize then length == totalLength-firstSize
//! else lastSize <= length < lastSize+blockSize
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
HashVerificationFilter m_hashVerifier;
StreamTransformationFilter m_streamFilter;
//! \class SignerFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for PK_Signer
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SignerFilter : public Unflushable
virtual ~SignerFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a SignerFilter
//! \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
//! \param signer a PK_Signer derived class
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param putMessage flag indicating whether the original message should be passed to an attached transformation
SignerFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Signer &signer, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, bool putMessage=false)
: m_rng(rng), m_signer(signer), m_messageAccumulator(signer.NewSignatureAccumulator(rng)), m_putMessage(putMessage) {Detach(attachment);}
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_signer.AlgorithmName();}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
RandomNumberGenerator &m_rng;
const PK_Signer &m_signer;
member_ptr m_messageAccumulator;
bool m_putMessage;
SecByteBlock m_buf;
//! \class SignatureVerificationFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for PK_Verifier
//! \details This filter was formerly named VerifierFilter. The name changed at Crypto++ 5.0.
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SignatureVerificationFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
//! \brief Exception thrown when an invalid signature is encountered
class SignatureVerificationFailed : public Exception
: Exception(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "VerifierFilter: digital signature not valid") {}
//! \enum Flags
//! \brief Flags controlling filter behavior.
//! \details The flags are a bitmask and can be OR'd together.
enum Flags {
//! \brief Indicates the signature is at the end of the message (i.e., concatenation of message+signature)
//! \brief Indicates the signature is at the beginning of the message (i.e., concatenation of signature+message)
//! \brief Indicates the message should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the signature should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the result of the verification should be passed to an attached transformation
//! \brief Indicates the filter should throw a HashVerificationFailed if a failure is encountered
//! \brief Default flags using \p SIGNATURE_AT_BEGIN and \p PUT_RESULT
virtual ~SignatureVerificationFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a SignatureVerificationFilter
//! \param verifier a PK_Verifier derived class
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
//! \param flags flags indicating behaviors for the filter
SignatureVerificationFilter(const PK_Verifier &verifier, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_verifier.AlgorithmName();}
//! \brief Retrieves the result of the last verification
//! \returns true if the signature on the previosus message was valid, false otherwise
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_verified;}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
const PK_Verifier &m_verifier;
member_ptr m_messageAccumulator;
word32 m_flags;
SecByteBlock m_signature;
bool m_verified;
//! \class Redirector
//! \brief Redirect input to another BufferedTransformation without owning it
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL Redirector : public CustomSignalPropagation
//! \enum Behavior
//! \brief Controls signal propagation behavior
enum Behavior
//! \brief Pass data only
DATA_ONLY = 0x00,
//! \brief Pass signals
//! \brief Pass wait events
//! \brief Pass everything
//! \details PASS_EVERYTHING is default
virtual ~Redirector() {}
//! \brief Construct a Redirector
Redirector() : m_target(NULLPTR), m_behavior(PASS_EVERYTHING) {}
//! \brief Construct a Redirector
//! \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
//! \param behavior Behavior "flags" specifying signal propagation
Redirector(BufferedTransformation &target, Behavior behavior=PASS_EVERYTHING)
: m_target(&target), m_behavior(behavior) {}
//! \brief Redirect input to another BufferedTransformation
//! \param target the destination BufferedTransformation
void Redirect(BufferedTransformation &target) {m_target = ⌖}
//! \brief Stop redirecting input
void StopRedirection() {m_target = NULLPTR;}
Behavior GetBehavior() {return (Behavior) m_behavior;}
void SetBehavior(Behavior behavior) {m_behavior=behavior;}
bool GetPassSignals() const {return (m_behavior & PASS_SIGNALS) != 0;}
void SetPassSignals(bool pass) { if (pass) m_behavior |= PASS_SIGNALS; else m_behavior &= ~(word32) PASS_SIGNALS; }
bool GetPassWaitObjects() const {return (m_behavior & PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS) != 0;}
void SetPassWaitObjects(bool pass) { if (pass) m_behavior |= PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS; else m_behavior &= ~(word32) PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS; }
bool CanModifyInput() const
{return m_target ? m_target->CanModifyInput() : false;}
void Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
if (m_target)
return m_target->CreatePutSpace(size);
size = 0;
return NULLPTR;
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->Put2(inString, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->Flush(hardFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->MessageSeriesEnd(propagation, blocking) : false;}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size)
if (m_target)
return m_target->ChannelCreatePutSpace(channel, size);
size = 0;
return NULLPTR;
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->ChannelPut2(channel, begin, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, begin, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool completeFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->ChannelFlush(channel, completeFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(channel, propagation, blocking) : false;}
unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const
{ return m_target && GetPassWaitObjects() ? m_target->GetMaxWaitObjectCount() : 0; }
void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack)
{ if (m_target && GetPassWaitObjects()) m_target->GetWaitObjects(container, callStack); }
BufferedTransformation *m_target;
word32 m_behavior;
//! \class OutputProxy
//! \brief Filter class that is a proxy for a sink
//! \details Used By ProxyFilter
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL OutputProxy : public CustomSignalPropagation
virtual ~OutputProxy() {}
//! \brief Construct an OutputProxy
//! \param owner the owning transformation
//! \param passSignal flag indicating if signals should be passed
OutputProxy(BufferedTransformation &owner, bool passSignal) : m_owner(owner), m_passSignal(passSignal) {}
//! \brief Retrieve passSignal flag
//! \returns flag indicating if signals should be passed
bool GetPassSignal() const {return m_passSignal;}
//! \brief Set passSignal flag
//! \param passSignal flag indicating if signals should be passed
void SetPassSignal(bool passSignal) {m_passSignal = passSignal;}
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->CreatePutSpace(size);}
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Put2(inString, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
size_t PutModifiable2(byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->PutModifiable2(begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
void Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1)
{if (m_passSignal) m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Initialize(parameters, propagation);}
bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Flush(hardFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->MessageSeriesEnd(propagation, blocking) : false;}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelCreatePutSpace(channel, size);}
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPut2(channel, begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool completeFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelFlush(channel, completeFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(channel, propagation, blocking) : false;}
BufferedTransformation &m_owner;
bool m_passSignal;
//! \class ProxyFilter
//! \brief Base class for Filter classes that are proxies for a chain of other filters
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ProxyFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
virtual ~ProxyFilter() {}
//! \brief Construct a ProxyFilter
//! \param filter an output filter
//! \param firstSize the first Put size
//! \param lastSize the last Put size
//! \param attachment an attached transformation
ProxyFilter(BufferedTransformation *filter, size_t firstSize, size_t lastSize, BufferedTransformation *attachment);
bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking);
//! \brief Sets the OutputProxy filter
//! \param filter an OutputProxy filter
void SetFilter(Filter *filter);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *s, size_t len);
void NextPutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length);
member_ptr m_filter;
//! \class SimpleProxyFilter
//! \brief Proxy filter that doesn't modify the underlying filter's input or output
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SimpleProxyFilter : public ProxyFilter
//! \brief Construct a SimpleProxyFilter
//! \param filter an output filter
//! \param attachment an attached transformation
SimpleProxyFilter(BufferedTransformation *filter, BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: ProxyFilter(filter, 0, 0, attachment) {}
void FirstPut(const byte * inString)
//! \brief Input the last block of data
//! \param inString the input byte buffer
//! \param length the size of the input buffer, in bytes
//! \details LastPut() processes the last block of data and signals attached filters to do the same.
//! LastPut() is always called. The pseudo algorithm for the logic is:
//! if totalLength < firstSize then length == totalLength
//! else if totalLength <= firstSize+lastSize then length == totalLength-firstSize
//! else lastSize <= length < lastSize+blockSize
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length)
{CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(inString), CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(length); m_filter->MessageEnd();}
//! \class PK_EncryptorFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for PK_Encryptor
//! \details PK_DecryptorFilter is a proxy for the filter created by PK_Encryptor::CreateEncryptionFilter.
//! This class provides symmetry with VerifierFilter.
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL PK_EncryptorFilter : public SimpleProxyFilter
//! \brief Construct a PK_EncryptorFilter
//! \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
//! \param encryptor a PK_Encryptor derived class
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
PK_EncryptorFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Encryptor &encryptor, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SimpleProxyFilter(encryptor.CreateEncryptionFilter(rng), attachment) {}
//! \class PK_DecryptorFilter
//! \brief Filter wrapper for PK_Decryptor
//! \details PK_DecryptorFilter is a proxy for the filter created by PK_Decryptor::CreateDecryptionFilter.
//! This class provides symmetry with SignerFilter.
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL PK_DecryptorFilter : public SimpleProxyFilter
//! \brief Construct a PK_DecryptorFilter
//! \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
//! \param decryptor a PK_Decryptor derived class
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
PK_DecryptorFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Decryptor &decryptor, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SimpleProxyFilter(decryptor.CreateDecryptionFilter(rng), attachment) {}
//! \class StringSinkTemplate
//! \brief Append input to a string object
//! \tparam T std::basic_string type
//! \details StringSinkTemplate is a StringSinkTemplate typedef
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class StringSinkTemplate : public Bufferless
virtual ~StringSinkTemplate() {}
//! \brief Construct a StringSinkTemplate
//! \param output std::basic_string type
StringSinkTemplate(T &output)
: m_output(&output) {CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(sizeof(output[0])==1);}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters)
{if (!parameters.GetValue("OutputStringPointer", m_output)) throw InvalidArgument("StringSink: OutputStringPointer not specified");}
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
typedef typename T::traits_type::char_type char_type;
if (length > 0)
typename T::size_type size = m_output->size();
if (length < size && size + length > m_output->capacity())
m_output->append((const char_type *)inString, (const char_type *)inString+length);
return 0;
T *m_output;
//! \class StringSink
//! \brief Append input to a string object
//! \details StringSink is a typedef for StringSinkTemplate.
//! \sa ArraySink, ArrayXorSink
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
DOCUMENTED_TYPEDEF(StringSinkTemplate, StringSink)
//! \class RandomNumberSink
//! \brief Incorporates input into RNG as additional entropy
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class RandomNumberSink : public Bufferless
virtual ~RandomNumberSink() {}
//! \brief Construct a RandomNumberSink
: m_rng(NULLPTR) {}
//! \brief Construct a RandomNumberSink
//! \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
RandomNumberSink(RandomNumberGenerator &rng)
: m_rng(&rng) {}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
//! \class ArraySink
//! \brief Copy input to a memory buffer
//! \details ArraySink wraps a fixed size buffer. The buffer is full once Put returns non-0.
//! When used in a pipleline, ArraySink silently discards input if the buffer is full.
//! AvailableSize() can be used to determine how much space remains in the buffer.
//! TotalPutLength() can be used to determine how many bytes were processed.
//! \sa StringSink, ArrayXorSink
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ArraySink : public Bufferless
virtual ~ArraySink() {}
//! \brief Construct an ArraySink
//! \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs to initialize this object
//! \details Name::OutputBuffer() is a mandatory parameter using this constructor.
ArraySink(const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs)
: m_buf(NULLPTR), m_size(0), m_total(0) {IsolatedInitialize(parameters);}
//! \brief Construct an ArraySink
//! \param buf pointer to a memory buffer
//! \param size length of the memory buffer
ArraySink(byte *buf, size_t size)
: m_buf(buf), m_size(size), m_total(0) {}
//! \brief Provides the size remaining in the Sink
//! \returns size remaining in the Sink, in bytes
size_t AvailableSize() {return SaturatingSubtract(m_size, m_total);}
//! \brief Provides the number of bytes written to the Sink
//! \returns number of bytes written to the Sink, in bytes
lword TotalPutLength() {return m_total;}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size);
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte *m_buf;
size_t m_size;
lword m_total;
//! \class ArrayXorSink
//! \brief Xor input to a memory buffer
//! \details ArrayXorSink wraps a fixed size buffer. The buffer is full once Put returns non-0.
//! When used in a pipleline, ArrayXorSink silently discards input if the buffer is full.
//! AvailableSize() can be used to determine how much space remains in the buffer.
//! TotalPutLength() can be used to determine how many bytes were processed.
//! \sa StringSink, ArraySink
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ArrayXorSink : public ArraySink
virtual ~ArrayXorSink() {}
//! \brief Construct an ArrayXorSink
//! \param buf pointer to a memory buffer
//! \param size length of the memory buffer
ArrayXorSink(byte *buf, size_t size)
: ArraySink(buf, size) {}
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) {return BufferedTransformation::CreatePutSpace(size);}
//! \class StringStore
//! \brief String-based implementation of Store interface
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class StringStore : public Store
//! \brief Construct a StringStore
//! \param string pointer to a C-String
StringStore(const char *string = NULLPTR)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
//! \brief Construct a StringStore
//! \param string pointer to a memory buffer
//! \param length size of the memory buffer
StringStore(const byte *string, size_t length)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string, length)));}
//! \brief Construct a StringStore
//! \tparam T std::basic_string type
//! \param string reference to a std::basic_string type
template StringStore(const T &string)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
CRYPTOPP_DLL void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
const byte *m_store;
size_t m_length, m_count;
//! \class RandomNumberStore
//! \brief RNG-based implementation of Source interface
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberStore : public Store
virtual ~RandomNumberStore() {}
: m_rng(NULLPTR), m_length(0), m_count(0) {}
RandomNumberStore(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, lword length)
: m_rng(&rng), m_length(length), m_count(0) {}
bool AnyRetrievable() const {return MaxRetrievable() != 0;}
lword MaxRetrievable() const {return m_length-m_count;}
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const
throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberStore: CopyRangeTo2() is not supported by this store");
void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters);
RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
lword m_length, m_count;
//! \brief Empty store
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL NullStore : public Store
NullStore(lword size = ULONG_MAX) : m_size(size) {}
void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters)
lword MaxRetrievable() const {return m_size;}
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
lword m_size;
//! \class Source
//! \brief Implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
//! \details Source is a cornerstone of the Pipeline trinitiy. Data flows from
//! Sources, through Filters, and then terminates in Sinks. The difference
//! between a Source and Filter is a Source \a pumps data, while a Filter does
//! not. The difference between a Filter and a Sink is a Filter allows an
//! attached transformation, while a Sink does not.
//! \details See the discussion of BufferedTransformation in cryptlib.h for
//! more details.
//! \sa Store and SourceTemplate
//! \since Crypto++ 1.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Source : public InputRejecting
virtual ~Source() {}
//! \brief Construct a Source
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
Source(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
//! \name PIPELINE
//! \brief Pump data to attached transformation
//! \param pumpMax the maximpum number of bytes to pump
//! \returns the number of bytes that remain in the block (i.e., bytes not processed)
//! \details Internally, Pump() calls Pump2().
//! \note pumpMax is a \p lword, which is a 64-bit value that typically uses \p LWORD_MAX. The default
//! argument is a \p size_t that uses \p SIZE_MAX, and it can be 32-bits or 64-bits.
lword Pump(lword pumpMax=(size_t)SIZE_MAX)
{Pump2(pumpMax); return pumpMax;}
//! \brief Pump messages to attached transformation
//! \param count the maximpum number of messages to pump
//! \returns TODO
//! \details Internally, PumpMessages() calls PumpMessages2().
unsigned int PumpMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX)
{PumpMessages2(count); return count;}
//! \brief Pump all data to attached transformation
//! \details Internally, PumpAll() calls PumpAll2().
void PumpAll()
//! \brief Pump data to attached transformation
//! \param byteCount the maximpum number of bytes to pump
//! \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
//! \returns the number of bytes that remain in the block (i.e., bytes not processed)
//! \details byteCount is an \a IN and \a OUT parameter. When the call is made, byteCount is the
//! requested size of the pump. When the call returns, byteCount is the number of bytes that
//! were pumped.
virtual size_t Pump2(lword &byteCount, bool blocking=true) =0;
//! \brief Pump messages to attached transformation
//! \param messageCount the maximpum number of messages to pump
//! \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
//! \details messageCount is an IN and OUT parameter.
virtual size_t PumpMessages2(unsigned int &messageCount, bool blocking=true) =0;
//! \brief Pump all data to attached transformation
//! \param blocking specifies whether the object should block when processing input
//! \returns the number of bytes that remain in the block (i.e., bytes not processed)
virtual size_t PumpAll2(bool blocking=true);
//! \brief Determines if the Source is exhausted
//! \returns true if the source has been exhausted
virtual bool SourceExhausted() const =0;
void SourceInitialize(bool pumpAll, const NameValuePairs ¶meters)
if (pumpAll)
//! \class SourceTemplate
//! \brief Transform a Store into a Source
//! \tparam T the class or type
//! \since Crypto++ 5.0
class SourceTemplate : public Source
virtual ~SourceTemplate() {}
//! \brief Construct a SourceTemplate
//! \param attachment an attached transformation
SourceTemplate(BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: Source(attachment) {}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters)
size_t Pump2(lword &byteCount, bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), byteCount, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
size_t PumpMessages2(unsigned int &messageCount, bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferMessagesTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), messageCount, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
size_t PumpAll2(bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferAllTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
bool SourceExhausted() const
{return !m_store.AnyRetrievable() && !m_store.AnyMessages();}
void SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation)
int GetAutoSignalPropagation() const
{return m_store.GetAutoSignalPropagation();}
T m_store;
//! \class SourceTemplate
//! \brief String-based implementation of the Source interface
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL StringSource : public SourceTemplate
//! \brief Construct a StringSource
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
StringSource(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SourceTemplate(attachment) {}
//! \brief Construct a StringSource
//! \param string C-String
//! \param pumpAll flag indicating if source data should be pumped to its attached transformation
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
StringSource(const char *string, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SourceTemplate(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
//! \brief Construct a StringSource
//! \param string binary byte array
//! \param length size of the byte array
//! \param pumpAll flag indicating if source data should be pumped to its attached transformation
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
StringSource(const byte *string, size_t length, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SourceTemplate(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string, length)));}
//! \brief Construct a StringSource
//! \param string std::string
//! \param pumpAll flag indicating if source data should be pumped to its attached transformation
//! \param attachment an optional attached transformation
StringSource(const std::string &string, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SourceTemplate(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
//! \class ArraySource
//! \brief Pointer-based implementation of the Source interface
//! \details ArraySource is a typedef for StringSource. Use the third constructor for an array source.
//! The third constructor takes a pointer and length.
//! \since Crypto++ 5.6.0
DOCUMENTED_TYPEDEF(StringSource, ArraySource)
//! \brief RNG-based implementation of Source interface
//! \since Crypto++ 4.0
class CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberSource : public SourceTemplate
RandomNumberSource(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, int length, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR)
: SourceTemplate(attachment)
{SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("RandomNumberGeneratorPointer", &rng)("RandomNumberStoreSize", length));}
# pragma warning(pop)