Jeffrey Walton 5603661eec
Add ChaChaTLS implementation (GH #265)
We tweaked ChaCha to arrive at the IETF's implementation specified by RFC 7539. We are not sure how to handle block counter wrap. At the moment the caller is responsible for managing it. We were not able to find a reference implementation so we disable SIMD implementations like SSE, AVX, NEON and Power4. We need the wide block tests for corner cases to ensure our implementation is correct.
2019-01-24 09:36:05 -05:00

1806 lines
74 KiB

// validat4.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
// CryptoPP::Test namespace added by JW in February 2017.
// Source files split in July 2018 to expedite compiles.
#include "pch.h"
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "hex.h"
#include "base32.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "rc2.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "des.h"
#include "rc5.h"
#include "rc6.h"
#include "3way.h"
#include "aria.h"
#include "cast.h"
#include "mars.h"
#include "idea.h"
#include "gost.h"
#include "seal.h"
#include "seed.h"
#include "safer.h"
#include "shark.h"
#include "square.h"
#include "serpent.h"
#include "shacal2.h"
#include "twofish.h"
#include "blowfish.h"
#include "camellia.h"
#include "skipjack.h"
#include "arc4.h"
#include "salsa.h"
#include "chacha.h"
#include "rabbit.h"
#include "sosemanuk.h"
#include "modes.h"
#include "cmac.h"
#include "dmac.h"
#include "hmac.h"
#include "drbg.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
// Aggressive stack checking with VS2005 SP1 and above.
#if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050727)
# pragma strict_gs_check (on)
# pragma warning(disable: 4505 4355)
bool ValidateHmacDRBG()
std::cout << "\nTesting NIST HMAC DRBGs...\n\n";
bool pass=true, fail;
// # CAVS 14.3
// # DRBG800-90A information for "drbg_pr"
// # Generated on Tue Apr 02 15:32:12 2013
// [SHA-1], [PredictionResistance = False], [EntropyInputLen = 128], [NonceLen = 64]
// [PersonalizationStringLen = 0], [AdditionalInputLen = 0], [ReturnedBitsLen = 640]
const byte entropy1[] = "\x79\x34\x9b\xbf\x7c\xdd\xa5\x79\x95\x57\x86\x66\x21\xc9\x13\x83";
const byte entropy2[] = "\xc7\x21\x5b\x5b\x96\xc4\x8e\x9b\x33\x8c\x74\xe3\xe9\x9d\xfe\xdf";
const byte nonce[] = "\x11\x46\x73\x3a\xbf\x8c\x35\xc8";
HMAC_DRBG<SHA1, 128/8, 440/8> drbg(entropy1, 16, nonce, 8);
drbg.IncorporateEntropy(entropy2, 16);
SecByteBlock result(80);
drbg.GenerateBlock(result, result.size());
drbg.GenerateBlock(result, result.size());
const byte expected[] = "\xc6\xa1\x6a\xb8\xd4\x20\x70\x6f\x0f\x34\xab\x7f\xec\x5a\xdc\xa9\xd8\xca\x3a\x13"
fail = !!memcmp(result, expected, 640/8);
pass = !fail && pass;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "HMAC_DRBG SHA1/128/440 (COUNT=0, E=16, N=8)\n";
// [SHA-1], [PredictionResistance = False], [EntropyInputLen = 128], [NonceLen = 64]
// [PersonalizationStringLen = 0], [AdditionalInputLen = 0], [ReturnedBitsLen = 640]
const byte entropy1[] = "\xee\x57\xfc\x23\x60\x0f\xb9\x02\x9a\x9e\xc6\xc8\x2e\x7b\x51\xe4";
const byte entropy2[] = "\x84\x1d\x27\x6c\xa9\x51\x90\x61\xd9\x2d\x7d\xdf\xa6\x62\x8c\xa3";
const byte nonce[] = "\x3e\x97\x21\xe4\x39\x3e\xf9\xad";
HMAC_DRBG<SHA1, 128/8, 440/8> drbg(entropy1, 16, nonce, 8);
drbg.IncorporateEntropy(entropy2, 16);
SecByteBlock result(80);
drbg.GenerateBlock(result, result.size());
drbg.GenerateBlock(result, result.size());
const byte expected[] = "\xee\x26\xa5\xc8\xef\x08\xa1\xca\x8f\x14\x15\x4d\x67\xc8\x8f\x5e\x7e\xd8\x21\x9d"
fail = !!memcmp(result, expected, 640/8);
pass = !fail && pass;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "HMAC_DRBG SHA1/128/440 (COUNT=1, E=16, N=8)\n";
// *****************************************************
// [SHA-1], [PredictionResistance = False], [EntropyInputLen = 128], [NonceLen = 64]
// [PersonalizationStringLen = 0], [AdditionalInputLen = 16], [ReturnedBitsLen = 640]
const byte entropy1[] = "\x7d\x70\x52\xa7\x76\xfd\x2f\xb3\xd7\x19\x1f\x73\x33\x04\xee\x8b";
const byte entropy2[] = "\x49\x04\x7e\x87\x9d\x61\x09\x55\xee\xd9\x16\xe4\x06\x0e\x00\xc9";
const byte nonce[] = "\xbe\x4a\x0c\xee\xdc\xa8\x02\x07";
const byte additional1[] = "\xfd\x8b\xb3\x3a\xab\x2f\x6c\xdf\xbc\x54\x18\x11\x86\x1d\x51\x8d";
const byte additional2[] = "\x99\xaf\xe3\x47\x54\x04\x61\xdd\xf6\xab\xeb\x49\x1e\x07\x15\xb4";
const byte additional3[] = "\x02\xf7\x73\x48\x2d\xd7\xae\x66\xf7\x6e\x38\x15\x98\xa6\x4e\xf0";
HMAC_DRBG<SHA1, 128/8, 440/8> drbg(entropy1, 16, nonce, 8);
drbg.IncorporateEntropy(entropy2, 16, additional1, 16);
SecByteBlock result(80);
drbg.GenerateBlock(additional2, 16, result, result.size());
drbg.GenerateBlock(additional3, 16, result, result.size());
const byte expected[] = "\xa7\x36\x34\x38\x44\xfc\x92\x51\x13\x91\xdb\x0a\xdd\xd9\x06\x4d\xbe\xe2\x4c\x89"
fail = !!memcmp(result, expected, 640/8);
pass = !fail && pass;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "HMAC_DRBG SHA1/128/440 (COUNT=0, E=16, N=8, A=16)\n";
// [SHA-1], [PredictionResistance = False], [EntropyInputLen = 128], [NonceLen = 64]
// [PersonalizationStringLen = 0], [AdditionalInputLen = 16], [ReturnedBitsLen = 640]
const byte entropy1[] = "\x29\xc6\x2a\xfa\x3c\x52\x20\x8a\x3f\xde\xcb\x43\xfa\x61\x3f\x15";
const byte entropy2[] = "\xbd\x87\xbe\x99\xd1\x84\x16\x54\x12\x31\x41\x40\xd4\x02\x71\x41";
const byte nonce[] = "\x6c\x9e\xb5\x9a\xc3\xc2\xd4\x8b";
const byte additional1[] = "\x43\x3d\xda\xf2\x59\xd1\x4b\xcf\x89\x76\x30\xcc\xaa\x27\x33\x8c";
const byte additional2[] = "\x14\x11\x46\xd4\x04\xf2\x84\xc2\xd0\x2b\x6a\x10\x15\x6e\x33\x82";
const byte additional3[] = "\xed\xc3\x43\xdb\xff\xe7\x1a\xb4\x11\x4a\xc3\x63\x9d\x44\x5b\x65";
HMAC_DRBG<SHA1, 128/8, 440/8> drbg(entropy1, 16, nonce, 8);
drbg.IncorporateEntropy(entropy2, 16, additional1, 16);
SecByteBlock result(80);
drbg.GenerateBlock(additional2, 16, result, result.size());
drbg.GenerateBlock(additional3, 16, result, result.size());
const byte expected[] = "\x8c\x73\x0f\x05\x26\x69\x4d\x5a\x9a\x45\xdb\xab\x05\x7a\x19\x75\x35\x7d\x65\xaf"
fail = !!memcmp(result, expected, 640/8);
pass = !fail && pass;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "HMAC_DRBG SHA1/128/440 (COUNT=1, E=16, N=8, A=16)\n";
return pass;
class CipherFactory
virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const =0;
virtual unsigned int KeyLength() const =0;
virtual BlockTransformation* NewEncryption(const byte *keyStr) const =0;
virtual BlockTransformation* NewDecryption(const byte *keyStr) const =0;
template <class E, class D> class FixedRoundsCipherFactory : public CipherFactory
FixedRoundsCipherFactory(unsigned int keylen=0) :
m_keylen(keylen ? keylen : static_cast<unsigned int>(E::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH)) {}
unsigned int BlockSize() const {return E::BLOCKSIZE;}
unsigned int KeyLength() const {return m_keylen;}
BlockTransformation* NewEncryption(const byte *keyStr) const
{return new E(keyStr, m_keylen);}
BlockTransformation* NewDecryption(const byte *keyStr) const
{return new D(keyStr, m_keylen);}
unsigned int m_keylen;
template <class E, class D> class VariableRoundsCipherFactory : public CipherFactory
VariableRoundsCipherFactory(unsigned int keylen=0, unsigned int rounds=0) :
m_keylen(keylen ? keylen : static_cast<unsigned int>(E::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH)),
m_rounds(rounds ? rounds : static_cast<unsigned int>(E::DEFAULT_ROUNDS)) {}
unsigned int BlockSize() const {return static_cast<unsigned int>(E::BLOCKSIZE);}
unsigned int KeyLength() const {return m_keylen;}
BlockTransformation* NewEncryption(const byte *keyStr) const
{return new E(keyStr, m_keylen, m_rounds);}
BlockTransformation* NewDecryption(const byte *keyStr) const
{return new D(keyStr, m_keylen, m_rounds);}
unsigned int m_keylen, m_rounds;
bool BlockTransformationTest(const CipherFactory &cg, BufferedTransformation &valdata, unsigned int tuples = 0xffff)
HexEncoder output(new FileSink(std::cout));
SecByteBlock plain(cg.BlockSize()), cipher(cg.BlockSize()), out(cg.BlockSize()), outplain(cg.BlockSize());
SecByteBlock key(cg.KeyLength());
bool pass=true, fail;
while (valdata.MaxRetrievable() && tuples--)
(void)valdata.Get(key, cg.KeyLength());
(void)valdata.Get(plain, cg.BlockSize());
(void)valdata.Get(cipher, cg.BlockSize());
member_ptr<BlockTransformation> transE(cg.NewEncryption(key));
transE->ProcessBlock(plain, out);
fail = memcmp(out, cipher, cg.BlockSize()) != 0;
member_ptr<BlockTransformation> transD(cg.NewDecryption(key));
transD->ProcessBlock(out, outplain);
fail=fail || memcmp(outplain, plain, cg.BlockSize());
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ");
output.Put(key, cg.KeyLength());
std::cout << " ";
output.Put(outplain, cg.BlockSize());
std::cout << " ";
output.Put(out, cg.BlockSize());
std::cout << std::endl;
return pass;
class FilterTester : public Unflushable<Sink>
FilterTester(const byte *validOutput, size_t outputLen)
: validOutput(validOutput), outputLen(outputLen), counter(0), fail(false) {}
void PutByte(byte inByte)
if (counter >= outputLen || validOutput[counter] != inByte)
std::cerr << "incorrect output " << counter << ", " << (word16)validOutput[counter] << ", " << (word16)inByte << "\n";
fail = true;
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
while (length--)
if (messageEnd)
if (counter != outputLen)
fail = true;
return 0;
bool GetResult()
return !fail;
const byte *validOutput;
size_t outputLen, counter;
bool fail;
bool TestFilter(BufferedTransformation &bt, const byte *in, size_t inLen, const byte *out, size_t outLen)
FilterTester *ft;
bt.Attach(ft = new FilterTester(out, outLen));
while (inLen)
size_t randomLen = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, (word32)inLen);
bt.Put(in, randomLen);
in += randomLen;
inLen -= randomLen;
return ft->GetResult();
bool ValidateDES()
std::cout << "\nDES validation suite running...\n\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/descert.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
bool pass = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<DESEncryption, DESDecryption>(), valdata);
std::cout << "\nTesting EDE2, EDE3, and XEX3 variants...\n\n";
FileSource valdata1(DataDir("TestData/3desval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<DES_EDE2_Encryption, DES_EDE2_Decryption>(), valdata1, 1) && pass;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<DES_EDE3_Encryption, DES_EDE3_Decryption>(), valdata1, 1) && pass;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<DES_XEX3_Encryption, DES_XEX3_Decryption>(), valdata1, 1) && pass;
return pass;
bool TestModeIV(SymmetricCipher &e, SymmetricCipher &d)
SecByteBlock lastIV, iv(e.IVSize());
StreamTransformationFilter filter(e, new StreamTransformationFilter(d));
// Enterprise Analysis finding on the stack based array
const int BUF_SIZE=20480U;
AlignedSecByteBlock plaintext(BUF_SIZE);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<BUF_SIZE; i*=2)
e.GetNextIV(GlobalRNG(), iv);
if (iv == lastIV)
return false;
lastIV = iv;
unsigned int length = STDMAX(GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, i), (word32)e.MinLastBlockSize());
GlobalRNG().GenerateBlock(plaintext, length);
if (!TestFilter(filter, plaintext, length, plaintext, length))
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateCipherModes()
std::cout << "\nTesting DES modes...\n\n";
const byte key[] = {0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef};
const byte iv[] = {0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xcd,0xef};
const byte plain[] = { // "Now is the time for all " without tailing 0
DESEncryption desE(key);
DESDecryption desD(key);
bool pass=true, fail;
// from FIPS 81
const byte encrypted[] = {
0x3f, 0xa4, 0x0e, 0x8a, 0x98, 0x4d, 0x48, 0x15,
0x6a, 0x27, 0x17, 0x87, 0xab, 0x88, 0x83, 0xf9,
0x89, 0x3d, 0x51, 0xec, 0x4b, 0x56, 0x3b, 0x53};
ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "ECB encryption" << std::endl;
ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "ECB decryption" << std::endl;
// from FIPS 81
const byte encrypted[] = {
0xE5, 0xC7, 0xCD, 0xDE, 0x87, 0x2B, 0xF2, 0x7C,
0x43, 0xE9, 0x34, 0x00, 0x8C, 0x38, 0x9C, 0x0F,
0x68, 0x37, 0x88, 0x49, 0x9A, 0x7C, 0x05, 0xF6};
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with no padding" << std::endl;
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with no padding" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC mode IV generation" << std::endl;
// generated with Crypto++, matches FIPS 81
// but has extra 8 bytes as result of padding
const byte encrypted[] = {
0xE5, 0xC7, 0xCD, 0xDE, 0x87, 0x2B, 0xF2, 0x7C,
0x43, 0xE9, 0x34, 0x00, 0x8C, 0x38, 0x9C, 0x0F,
0x68, 0x37, 0x88, 0x49, 0x9A, 0x7C, 0x05, 0xF6,
0x62, 0xC1, 0x6A, 0x27, 0xE4, 0xFC, 0xF2, 0x77};
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with PKCS #7 padding" << std::endl;
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with PKCS #7 padding" << std::endl;
// generated with Crypto++ 5.2, matches FIPS 81
// but has extra 8 bytes as result of padding
const byte encrypted[] = {
0xE5, 0xC7, 0xCD, 0xDE, 0x87, 0x2B, 0xF2, 0x7C,
0x43, 0xE9, 0x34, 0x00, 0x8C, 0x38, 0x9C, 0x0F,
0x68, 0x37, 0x88, 0x49, 0x9A, 0x7C, 0x05, 0xF6,
0xcf, 0xb7, 0xc7, 0x64, 0x0e, 0x7c, 0xd9, 0xa7};
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with one-and-zeros padding" << std::endl;
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with one-and-zeros padding" << std::endl;
const byte plain_1[] = {'a', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// generated with Crypto++
const byte encrypted[] = {
0x9B, 0x47, 0x57, 0x59, 0xD6, 0x9C, 0xF6, 0xD0};
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::ZEROS_PADDING).Ref(),
plain_1, 1, encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with zeros padding" << std::endl;
CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD, NULLPTR, StreamTransformationFilter::ZEROS_PADDING).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain_1, sizeof(plain_1));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with zeros padding" << std::endl;
// generated with Crypto++, matches FIPS 81
// but with last two blocks swapped as result of CTS
const byte encrypted[] = {
0xE5, 0xC7, 0xCD, 0xDE, 0x87, 0x2B, 0xF2, 0x7C,
0x68, 0x37, 0x88, 0x49, 0x9A, 0x7C, 0x05, 0xF6,
0x43, 0xE9, 0x34, 0x00, 0x8C, 0x38, 0x9C, 0x0F};
CBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with ciphertext stealing (CTS)" << std::endl;
CBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with ciphertext stealing (CTS)" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC CTS IV generation" << std::endl;
// generated with Crypto++
const byte decryptionIV[] = {0x4D, 0xD0, 0xAC, 0x8F, 0x47, 0xCF, 0x79, 0xCE};
const byte encrypted[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56};
byte stolenIV[8];
CBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, 3, encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
fail = memcmp(stolenIV, decryptionIV, 8) != 0 || fail;
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC encryption with ciphertext and IV stealing" << std::endl;
CBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desD, stolenIV);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, 3);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC decryption with ciphertext and IV stealing" << std::endl;
const byte encrypted[] = { // from FIPS 81
CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB encryption" << std::endl;
CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB decryption" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB mode IV generation" << std::endl;
const byte plain_2[] = { // "Now is the." without tailing 0
const byte encrypted[] = { // from FIPS 81
CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv, 1);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain_2, sizeof(plain_2), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB (8-bit feedback) encryption" << std::endl;
CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desE, iv, 1);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain_2, sizeof(plain_2));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB (8-bit feedback) decryption" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CFB (8-bit feedback) IV generation" << std::endl;
const byte encrypted[] = { // from Eric Young's libdes
OFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "OFB encryption" << std::endl;
OFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "OFB decryption" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "OFB IV generation" << std::endl;
const byte encrypted[] = { // generated with Crypto++
0xF3, 0x09, 0x62, 0x49, 0xC7, 0xF4, 0x6E, 0x51,
0x16, 0x3A, 0x8C, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xC9, 0x4C, 0x27,
0xFA, 0x2F, 0x80, 0xF4, 0x80, 0xB8, 0x6F, 0x75};
CTR_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption modeE(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeE).Ref(),
plain, sizeof(plain), encrypted, sizeof(encrypted));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "Counter Mode encryption" << std::endl;
CTR_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption modeD(desE, iv);
fail = !TestFilter(StreamTransformationFilter(modeD).Ref(),
encrypted, sizeof(encrypted), plain, sizeof(plain));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "Counter Mode decryption" << std::endl;
fail = !TestModeIV(modeE, modeD);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "Counter Mode IV generation" << std::endl;
const byte plain_3[] = { // "7654321 Now is the time for "
0x37, 0x36, 0x35, 0x34, 0x33, 0x32, 0x31, 0x20,
0x4e, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74,
0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20,
0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20};
const byte mac1[] = { // from FIPS 113
0xf1, 0xd3, 0x0f, 0x68, 0x49, 0x31, 0x2c, 0xa4};
const byte mac2[] = { // generated with Crypto++
0x35, 0x80, 0xC5, 0xC4, 0x6B, 0x81, 0x24, 0xE2};
CBC_MAC<DES> cbcmac(key);
HashFilter cbcmacFilter(cbcmac);
fail = !TestFilter(cbcmacFilter, plain_3, sizeof(plain_3), mac1, sizeof(mac1));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "CBC MAC" << std::endl;
DMAC<DES> dmac(key);
HashFilter dmacFilter(dmac);
fail = !TestFilter(dmacFilter, plain_3, sizeof(plain_3), mac2, sizeof(mac2));
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ") << "DMAC" << std::endl;
return pass;
bool ValidateIDEA()
std::cout << "\nIDEA validation suite running...\n\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/ideaval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<IDEAEncryption, IDEADecryption>(), valdata);
bool ValidateSAFER()
std::cout << "\nSAFER validation suite running...\n\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/saferval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
bool pass = true;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(VariableRoundsCipherFactory<SAFER_K_Encryption, SAFER_K_Decryption>(8,6), valdata, 4) && pass;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(VariableRoundsCipherFactory<SAFER_K_Encryption, SAFER_K_Decryption>(16,12), valdata, 4) && pass;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(VariableRoundsCipherFactory<SAFER_SK_Encryption, SAFER_SK_Decryption>(8,6), valdata, 4) && pass;
pass = BlockTransformationTest(VariableRoundsCipherFactory<SAFER_SK_Encryption, SAFER_SK_Decryption>(16,10), valdata, 4) && pass;
return pass;
bool ValidateRC2()
std::cout << "\nRC2 validation suite running...\n\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/rc2val.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
HexEncoder output(new FileSink(std::cout));
SecByteBlock plain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), cipher(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), out(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), outplain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
SecByteBlock key(128);
bool pass=true, fail;
while (valdata.MaxRetrievable())
byte keyLen, effectiveLen;
(void)valdata.Get(key, keyLen);
(void)valdata.Get(plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
(void)valdata.Get(cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
member_ptr<BlockTransformation> transE(new RC2Encryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen));
transE->ProcessBlock(plain, out);
fail = memcmp(out, cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE) != 0;
member_ptr<BlockTransformation> transD(new RC2Decryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen));
transD->ProcessBlock(out, outplain);
fail=fail || memcmp(outplain, plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
pass = pass && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ");
output.Put(key, keyLen);
std::cout << " ";
output.Put(outplain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
std::cout << " ";
output.Put(out, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE);
std::cout << std::endl;
return pass;
bool ValidateARC4()
unsigned char Key0[] = {0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef };
unsigned char Input0[]={0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef};
unsigned char Output0[] = {0x75,0xb7,0x87,0x80,0x99,0xe0,0xc5,0x96};
unsigned char Key1[]={0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef};
unsigned char Input1[]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char Output1[]={0x74,0x94,0xc2,0xe7,0x10,0x4b,0x08,0x79};
unsigned char Key2[]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char Input2[]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char Output2[]={0xde,0x18,0x89,0x41,0xa3,0x37,0x5d,0x3a};
unsigned char Key3[]={0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45};
unsigned char Input3[]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char Output3[]={0xd6,0xa1,0x41,0xa7,0xec,0x3c,0x38,0xdf,0xbd,0x61};
unsigned char Key4[]={ 0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab, 0xcd,0xef };
unsigned char Input4[] =
unsigned char Output4[]= {
member_ptr<Weak::ARC4> arc4;
bool pass=true, fail;
unsigned int i;
std::cout << "\nARC4 validation suite running...\n\n";
arc4.reset(new Weak::ARC4(Key0, sizeof(Key0)));
arc4->ProcessString(Input0, sizeof(Input0));
fail = memcmp(Input0, Output0, sizeof(Input0)) != 0;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " Test 0" << std::endl;
pass = pass && !fail;
arc4.reset(new Weak::ARC4(Key1, sizeof(Key1)));
arc4->ProcessString(Key1, Input1, sizeof(Key1));
fail = memcmp(Output1, Key1, sizeof(Key1)) != 0;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " Test 1" << std::endl;
pass = pass && !fail;
arc4.reset(new Weak::ARC4(Key2, sizeof(Key2)));
for (i=0, fail=false; i<sizeof(Input2); i++)
if (arc4->ProcessByte(Input2[i]) != Output2[i])
fail = true;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " Test 2" << std::endl;
pass = pass && !fail;
arc4.reset(new Weak::ARC4(Key3, sizeof(Key3)));
for (i=0, fail=false; i<sizeof(Input3); i++)
if (arc4->ProcessByte(Input3[i]) != Output3[i])
fail = true;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " Test 3" << std::endl;
pass = pass && !fail;
arc4.reset(new Weak::ARC4(Key4, sizeof(Key4)));
for (i=0, fail=false; i<sizeof(Input4); i++)
if (arc4->ProcessByte(Input4[i]) != Output4[i])
fail = true;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " Test 4" << std::endl;
pass = pass && !fail;
return pass;
bool ValidateRC5()
std::cout << "\nRC5 validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
RC5Encryption enc; // 0 to 2040-bits (255-bytes)
pass1 = RC5Encryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == 0 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(254) == 254 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(255) == 255 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(256) == 255 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
RC5Decryption dec;
pass2 = RC5Decryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == 0 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(254) == 254 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(255) == 255 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(256) == 255 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/rc5val.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(VariableRoundsCipherFactory<RC5Encryption, RC5Decryption>(16, 12), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateRC6()
std::cout << "\nRC6 validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
RC6Encryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
RC6Decryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/rc6val.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RC6Encryption, RC6Decryption>(16), valdata, 2) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RC6Encryption, RC6Decryption>(24), valdata, 2) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RC6Encryption, RC6Decryption>(32), valdata, 2) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateMARS()
std::cout << "\nMARS validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
MARSEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
MARSDecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/marsval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<MARSEncryption, MARSDecryption>(16), valdata, 4) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<MARSEncryption, MARSDecryption>(24), valdata, 3) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<MARSEncryption, MARSDecryption>(32), valdata, 2) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateRijndael()
std::cout << "\nRijndael (AES) validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
RijndaelEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
RijndaelDecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/rijndael.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RijndaelEncryption, RijndaelDecryption>(16), valdata, 4) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RijndaelEncryption, RijndaelDecryption>(24), valdata, 3) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<RijndaelEncryption, RijndaelDecryption>(32), valdata, 2) && pass3;
pass3 = RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/aes.txt") && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateTwofish()
std::cout << "\nTwofish validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
TwofishEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
TwofishDecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/twofishv.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<TwofishEncryption, TwofishDecryption>(16), valdata, 4) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<TwofishEncryption, TwofishDecryption>(24), valdata, 3) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<TwofishEncryption, TwofishDecryption>(32), valdata, 2) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateSerpent()
std::cout << "\nSerpent validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
SerpentEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
SerpentDecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/serpentv.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SerpentEncryption, SerpentDecryption>(16), valdata, 5) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SerpentEncryption, SerpentDecryption>(24), valdata, 4) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SerpentEncryption, SerpentDecryption>(32), valdata, 3) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateBlowfish()
std::cout << "\nBlowfish validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true, fail;
BlowfishEncryption enc1; // 32 to 448-bits (4 to 56-bytes)
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(3) == 4 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(4) == 4 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(5) == 5 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 8 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(56) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(57) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(60) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 56 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 56 && pass1;
BlowfishDecryption dec1; // 32 to 448-bits (4 to 56-bytes)
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(3) == 4 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(4) == 4 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(5) == 5 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 8 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(56) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(57) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(60) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 56 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 56 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
HexEncoder output(new FileSink(std::cout));
const char *key[]={"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "Who is John Galt?"};
byte *plain[]={(byte *)"BLOWFISH", (byte *)"\xfe\xdc\xba\x98\x76\x54\x32\x10"};
byte *cipher[]={(byte *)"\x32\x4e\xd0\xfe\xf4\x13\xa2\x03", (byte *)"\xcc\x91\x73\x2b\x80\x22\xf6\x84"};
byte out[8], outplain[8];
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
ECB_Mode<Blowfish>::Encryption enc2((byte *)key[i], strlen(key[i]));
enc2.ProcessData(out, plain[i], 8);
fail = memcmp(out, cipher[i], 8) != 0;
ECB_Mode<Blowfish>::Decryption dec2((byte *)key[i], strlen(key[i]));
dec2.ProcessData(outplain, cipher[i], 8);
fail = fail || memcmp(outplain, plain[i], 8);
pass3 = pass3 && !fail;
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed ");
std::cout << '\"' << key[i] << '\"';
for (int j=0; j<(signed int)(30-strlen(key[i])); j++)
std::cout << ' ';
output.Put(outplain, 8);
std::cout << " ";
output.Put(out, 8);
std::cout << std::endl;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateThreeWay()
std::cout << "\n3-WAY validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
ThreeWayEncryption enc; // 96-bit only
pass1 = ThreeWayEncryption::KEYLENGTH == 12 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 12 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(12) == 12 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 12 && pass1;
ThreeWayDecryption dec; // 96-bit only
pass2 = ThreeWayDecryption::KEYLENGTH == 12 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 12 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(12) == 12 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 12 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/3wayval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<ThreeWayEncryption, ThreeWayDecryption>(), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateGOST()
std::cout << "\nGOST validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
GOSTEncryption enc; // 256-bit only
pass1 = GOSTEncryption::KEYLENGTH == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(40) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
GOSTDecryption dec; // 256-bit only
pass2 = GOSTDecryption::KEYLENGTH == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(40) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/gostval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<GOSTEncryption, GOSTDecryption>(), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateSHARK()
std::cout << "\nSHARK validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
SHARKEncryption enc; // 128-bit only
pass1 = SHARKEncryption::KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 16 && pass1;
SHARKDecryption dec; // 128-bit only
pass2 = SHARKDecryption::KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 16 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/sharkval.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SHARKEncryption, SHARKDecryption>(), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateCAST()
std::cout << "\nCAST-128 validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
CAST128Encryption enc1; // 40 to 128-bits (5 to 16-bytes)
pass1 = CAST128Encryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(4) == 5 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(5) == 5 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 15 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass1;
CAST128Decryption dec1; // 40 to 128-bits (5 to 16-bytes)
pass2 = CAST128Decryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(4) == 5 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(5) == 5 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 15 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec1.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource val128(DataDir("TestData/cast128v.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST128Encryption, CAST128Decryption>(16), val128, 1) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST128Encryption, CAST128Decryption>(10), val128, 1) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST128Encryption, CAST128Decryption>(5), val128, 1) && pass3;
std::cout << "\nCAST-256 validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass4 = true, pass5 = true, pass6 = true;
CAST256Encryption enc2; // 128, 160, 192, 224, or 256-bits (16 to 32-bytes, step 4)
pass1 = CAST128Encryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass1;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 20 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(20) == 20 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(28) == 28 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(31) == 32 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass4;
pass4 = enc2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(33) == 32 && pass4;
CAST256Decryption dec2; // 128, 160, 192, 224, or 256-bits (16 to 32-bytes, step 4)
pass2 = CAST256Decryption::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH == 16 && pass2;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 20 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(20) == 20 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(28) == 28 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(31) == 32 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass5;
pass5 = dec2.StaticGetValidKeyLength(33) == 32 && pass5;
std::cout << (pass4 && pass5 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource val256(DataDir("TestData/cast256v.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass6 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST256Encryption, CAST256Decryption>(16), val256, 1) && pass6;
pass6 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST256Encryption, CAST256Decryption>(24), val256, 1) && pass6;
pass6 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CAST256Encryption, CAST256Decryption>(32), val256, 1) && pass6;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3 && pass4 && pass5 && pass6;
bool ValidateSquare()
std::cout << "\nSquare validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
SquareEncryption enc; // 128-bits only
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass1;
SquareDecryption dec; // 128-bits only
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(17) == 16 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/squareva.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SquareEncryption, SquareDecryption>(), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateSKIPJACK()
std::cout << "\nSKIPJACK validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true;
SKIPJACKEncryption enc; // 80-bits only
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 10 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(9) == 10 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(10) == 10 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 10 && pass1;
SKIPJACKDecryption dec; // 80-bits only
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 10 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(9) == 10 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(10) == 10 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 10 && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/skipjack.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
return BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SKIPJACKEncryption, SKIPJACKDecryption>(), valdata) && pass1 && pass2;
bool ValidateSEAL()
const byte input[] = {0x37,0xa0,0x05,0x95,0x9b,0x84,0xc4,0x9c,0xa4,0xbe,0x1e,0x05,0x06,0x73,0x53,0x0f,0x5f,0xb0,0x97,0xfd,0xf6,0xa1,0x3f,0xbd,0x6c,0x2c,0xde,0xcd,0x81,0xfd,0xee,0x7c};
const byte key[] = {0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01, 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x98, 0xba, 0xdc, 0xfe, 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76, 0xc3, 0xd2, 0xe1, 0xf0};
const byte iv[] = {0x01, 0x35, 0x77, 0xaf};
byte output[32];
std::cout << "\nSEAL validation suite running...\n\n";
SEAL<>::Encryption seal(key, sizeof(key), iv);
unsigned int size = sizeof(input);
bool pass = true;
memset(output, 1, size);
seal.ProcessString(output, input, size);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (output[i] != 0)
pass = false;
output[1] = seal.ProcessByte(output[1]);
seal.ProcessString(output+2, size-2);
pass = pass && memcmp(output+1, input+1, size-1) == 0;
std::cout << (pass ? "passed" : "FAILED") << std::endl;
return pass;
bool ValidateBaseCode()
bool pass = true, fail;
byte data[255];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<255; i++)
data[i] = byte(i);
const char hexEncoded[] =
const char base32Encoded[] =
const char base64AndHexEncoded[] =
const char base64URLAndHexEncoded[] =
std::cout << "\nBase64, Base64URL, Base32 and Base16 coding validation suite running...\n\n";
fail = !TestFilter(HexEncoder().Ref(), data, 255, (const byte *)hexEncoded, strlen(hexEncoded));
try {HexEncoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Hex Encoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(HexDecoder().Ref(), (const byte *)hexEncoded, strlen(hexEncoded), data, 255);
try {HexDecoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Hex Decoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(Base32Encoder().Ref(), data, 255, (const byte *)base32Encoded, strlen(base32Encoded));
try {Base32Encoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base32 Encoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(Base32Decoder().Ref(), (const byte *)base32Encoded, strlen(base32Encoded), data, 255);
try {Base32Decoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base32 Decoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(Base64Encoder(new HexEncoder).Ref(), data, 255, (const byte *)base64AndHexEncoded, strlen(base64AndHexEncoded));
try {Base64Encoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base64 Encoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(HexDecoder(new Base64Decoder).Ref(), (const byte *)base64AndHexEncoded, strlen(base64AndHexEncoded), data, 255);
try {Base64Decoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base64 Decoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(Base64URLEncoder(new HexEncoder).Ref(), data, 255, (const byte *)base64URLAndHexEncoded, strlen(base64URLAndHexEncoded));
try {Base64URLEncoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base64 URL Encoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
fail = !TestFilter(HexDecoder(new Base64URLDecoder).Ref(), (const byte *)base64URLAndHexEncoded, strlen(base64URLAndHexEncoded), data, 255);
try {Base64URLDecoder().IsolatedInitialize(g_nullNameValuePairs);}
catch (const Exception&) {fail=true;}
std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:");
std::cout << " Base64 URL Decoding\n";
pass = pass && !fail;
return pass;
class MyEncoder : public SimpleProxyFilter
MyEncoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR);
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &params);
MyEncoder::MyEncoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: SimpleProxyFilter(new BaseN_Encoder(new Grouper), attachment)
IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), true)(Name::MaxLineLength(), 72));
void MyEncoder::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
bool insertLineBreaks = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), true);
int maxLineLength = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault(Name::MaxLineLength(), 72);
const byte padding = '=';
const char *lineBreak = insertLineBreaks ? "\n" : "";
char stars[64];
memset(stars, '*', 64);
MakeParameters(Name::EncodingLookupArray(), (const byte *)&stars[0], false)
(Name::PaddingByte(), padding)
(Name::GroupSize(), insertLineBreaks ? maxLineLength : 0)
(Name::Separator(), ConstByteArrayParameter(lineBreak))
(Name::Terminator(), ConstByteArrayParameter(lineBreak))
(Name::Log2Base(), 6, true)));
class MyDecoder : public BaseN_Decoder
MyDecoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR);
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &params);
static const int * CRYPTOPP_API GetDecodingLookupArray();
MyDecoder::MyDecoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: BaseN_Decoder(GetDecodingLookupArray(), 6, attachment)
void MyDecoder::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
MakeParameters(Name::DecodingLookupArray(), GetDecodingLookupArray(), false)(Name::Log2Base(), 6, true)));
struct MyDecoderAlphabet
MyDecoderAlphabet() {
std::fill(tab, tab+COUNTOF(tab), '*');
byte tab[64];
struct MyDecoderArray
MyDecoderArray() {
std::fill(tab, tab+COUNTOF(tab), -1);
int tab[256];
const int * MyDecoder::GetDecodingLookupArray()
static bool s_initialized = false;
static MyDecoderAlphabet s_alpha;
static MyDecoderArray s_array;
if (!s_initialized)
InitializeDecodingLookupArray(s_array.tab, s_alpha.tab, COUNTOF(s_alpha.tab), false);
s_initialized = true;
return s_array.tab;
bool ValidateEncoder()
// The default encoder and decoder alphabet are bogus. They are a
// string of '*'. To round trip a string both IsolatedInitialize
// must be called and work correctly.
std::cout << "\nCustom encoder validation running...\n\n";
bool pass = true;
int lookup[256];
const char alphabet[64+1] =
const char expected[] =
MyEncoder encoder;
std::string str1;
AlgorithmParameters eparams = MakeParameters(Name::EncodingLookupArray(),(const byte*)alphabet)
(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), false);
encoder.Detach(new StringSink(str1));
encoder.Put((const byte*) alphabet, 64);
MyDecoder decoder;
std::string str2;
MyDecoder::InitializeDecodingLookupArray(lookup, (const byte*) alphabet, 64, false);
AlgorithmParameters dparams = MakeParameters(Name::DecodingLookupArray(),(const int*)lookup);
decoder.Detach(new StringSink(str2));
decoder.Put((const byte*) str1.data(), str1.size());
pass = (str1 == std::string(expected)) && pass;
pass = (str2 == std::string(alphabet, 64)) && pass;
std::cout << (pass ? "passed:" : "FAILED:");
std::cout << " Encode and decode\n";
// Try forcing an empty message. This is the Monero bug
// at https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/562.
MyDecoder decoder2;
SecByteBlock empty;
AlgorithmParameters dparams2 = MakeParameters(Name::DecodingLookupArray(),(const int*)lookup);
decoder2.Detach(new Redirector(TheBitBucket()));
decoder2.Put(empty.BytePtr(), empty.SizeInBytes());
// Tame the optimizer
volatile lword size = decoder2.MaxRetrievable();
lword shadow = size;
std::cout << "passed: 0-length message\n";
return pass;
bool ValidateSHACAL2()
std::cout << "\nSHACAL-2 validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
SHACAL2Encryption enc; // 128 to 512-bits (16 to 64-bytes)
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 64 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(65) == 64 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 64 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
SHACAL2Decryption dec; // 128 to 512-bits (16 to 64-bytes)
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(15) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 64 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(65) == 64 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 64 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/shacal2v.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SHACAL2Encryption, SHACAL2Decryption>(16), valdata, 4) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<SHACAL2Encryption, SHACAL2Decryption>(64), valdata, 10) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateARIA()
std::cout << "\nARIA validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
ARIAEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
ARIADecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/aria.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<ARIAEncryption, ARIADecryption>(16), valdata, 15) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<ARIAEncryption, ARIADecryption>(24), valdata, 15) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<ARIAEncryption, ARIADecryption>(32), valdata, 15) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateSIMECK()
std::cout << "\nSIMECK validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/simeck.txt");
bool ValidateCHAM()
std::cout << "\nCHAM validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/cham.txt");
bool ValidateHIGHT()
std::cout << "\nHIGHT validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/hight.txt");
bool ValidateLEA()
std::cout << "\nLEA validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/lea.txt");
bool ValidateSIMON()
std::cout << "\nSIMON validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/simon.txt");
bool ValidateSPECK()
std::cout << "\nSPECK validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/speck.txt");
bool ValidateCamellia()
std::cout << "\nCamellia validation suite running...\n\n";
bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;
CamelliaEncryption enc;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == enc.MinKeyLength() && pass1;
pass1 = enc.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == enc.MaxKeyLength() && pass1;
CamelliaDecryption dec;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(8) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(16) == 16 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(24) == 24 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(32) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(64) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(128) == 32 && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(0) == dec.MinKeyLength() && pass2;
pass2 = dec.StaticGetValidKeyLength(SIZE_MAX) == dec.MaxKeyLength() && pass2;
std::cout << (pass1 && pass2 ? "passed:" : "FAILED:") << " Algorithm key lengths\n";
FileSource valdata(DataDir("TestData/camellia.dat").c_str(), true, new HexDecoder);
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CamelliaEncryption, CamelliaDecryption>(16), valdata, 15) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CamelliaEncryption, CamelliaDecryption>(24), valdata, 15) && pass3;
pass3 = BlockTransformationTest(FixedRoundsCipherFactory<CamelliaEncryption, CamelliaDecryption>(32), valdata, 15) && pass3;
return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;
bool ValidateSalsa()
std::cout << "\nSalsa validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/salsa.txt");
bool ValidateChaCha()
std::cout << "\nChaCha validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/chacha.txt");
bool ValidateChaChaTLS()
std::cout << "\nChaCha-TLS validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/chacha_tls.txt");
bool ValidateSosemanuk()
std::cout << "\nSosemanuk validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/sosemanuk.txt");
bool ValidateRabbit()
std::cout << "\nRabbit validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/rabbit.txt");
bool ValidateHC128()
std::cout << "\nHC-128 validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/hc128.txt");
bool ValidateHC256()
std::cout << "\nHC-256 validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/hc256.txt");
bool ValidateVMAC()
std::cout << "\nVMAC validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/vmac.txt");
bool ValidateCCM()
std::cout << "\nAES/CCM validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/ccm.txt");
bool ValidateGCM()
std::cout << "\nAES/GCM validation suite running...\n";
std::cout << "\n2K tables:";
bool pass = RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/gcm.txt", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), (int)2048));
std::cout << "\n64K tables:";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/gcm.txt", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), (int)64*1024)) && pass;
bool ValidateCMAC()
std::cout << "\nCMAC validation suite running...\n";
return RunTestDataFile("TestVectors/cmac.txt");