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// secblock.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
//! \file secblock.h
//! \brief Classes and functions for secure memory allocations.
#include "config.h"
#include "stdcpp.h"
#include "misc.h"
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4700)
# pragma warning(disable: 6386)
# endif
// ************** secure memory allocation ***************
//! \class AllocatorBase
//! \brief Base class for all allocators used by SecBlock
//! \tparam T the class or type
template<class T>
class AllocatorBase
typedef T value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T * pointer;
typedef const T * const_pointer;
typedef T & reference;
typedef const T & const_reference;
pointer address(reference r) const {return (&r);}
const_pointer address(const_reference r) const {return (&r); }
void construct(pointer p, const T& val) {new (p) T(val);}
void destroy(pointer p) {CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(p); p->~T();}
//! \brief Returns the maximum number of elements the allocator can provide
//! \returns the maximum number of elements the allocator can provide
//! \details Internally, preprocessor macros are used rather than std::numeric_limits
//! because the latter is \a not a \a constexpr. Some compilers, like Clang, do not
//! optimize it well under all circumstances. Compilers like GCC, ICC and MSVC appear
//! to optimize it well in either form.
size_type max_size() const {return (SIZE_MAX/sizeof(T));}
//! \brief Constructs a new U using variadic arguments
//! \tparam U the type to be forwarded
//! \tparam Args the arguments to be forwarded
//! \param ptr pointer to type U
//! \param args variadic arguments
//! \details This is a C++11 feature. It is available when CRYPTOPP_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES
//! is defined. The define is controlled by compiler versions detected in config.h.
template<typename U, typename... Args>
void construct(U* ptr, Args&&... args) {::new ((void*)ptr) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...);}
//! \brief Destroys an U constructed with variadic arguments
//! \tparam U the type to be forwarded
//! \details This is a C++11 feature. It is available when CRYPTOPP_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES
//! is defined. The define is controlled by compiler versions detected in config.h.
template<typename U>
void destroy(U* ptr) {if(ptr) ptr->~U();}
//! \brief Verifies the allocator can satisfy a request based on size
//! \param size the number of elements
//! \throws InvalidArgument
//! \details CheckSize verifies the number of elements requested is valid.
//! \details If size is greater than max_size(), then InvalidArgument is thrown.
//! The library throws InvalidArgument if the size is too large to satisfy.
//! \details Internally, preprocessor macros are used rather than std::numeric_limits
//! because the latter is \a not a \a constexpr. Some compilers, like Clang, do not
//! optimize it well under all circumstances. Compilers like GCC, ICC and MSVC appear
//! to optimize it well in either form.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes
static void CheckSize(size_t size)
// C++ throws std::bad_alloc (C++03) or std::bad_array_new_length (C++11) here.
if (size > (SIZE_MAX/sizeof(T)))
throw InvalidArgument("AllocatorBase: requested size would cause integer overflow");
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::value_type value_type;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::size_type size_type;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::difference_type difference_type;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::pointer pointer;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::const_pointer const_pointer;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::reference reference;\
typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::const_reference const_reference;
//! \brief Reallocation function
//! \tparam T the class or type
//! \tparam A the class or type's allocator
//! \param alloc the allocator
//! \param oldPtr the previous allocation
//! \param oldSize the size of the previous allocation
//! \param newSize the new, requested size
//! \param preserve flag that indicates if the old allocation should be preserved
//! \note oldSize and newSize are the count of elements, and not the
//! number of bytes.
template <class T, class A>
typename A::pointer StandardReallocate(A& alloc, T *oldPtr, typename A::size_type oldSize, typename A::size_type newSize, bool preserve)
assert((oldPtr && oldSize) || !(oldPtr || oldSize));
if (oldSize == newSize)
return oldPtr;
if (preserve)
typename A::pointer newPointer = alloc.allocate(newSize, NULL);
const size_t copySize = STDMIN(oldSize, newSize) * sizeof(T);
if (oldPtr && newPointer) {memcpy_s(newPointer, copySize, oldPtr, copySize);}
alloc.deallocate(oldPtr, oldSize);
return newPointer;
alloc.deallocate(oldPtr, oldSize);
return alloc.allocate(newSize, NULL);
//! \class AllocatorWithCleanup
//! \brief Allocates a block of memory with cleanup
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \tparam T_Align16 boolean that determines whether allocations should be aligned on 16-byte boundaries
//! \details If T_Align16 is true, then AllocatorWithCleanup calls AlignedAllocate()
//! for memory allocations. If T_Align16 is false, then AllocatorWithCleanup() calls
//! UnalignedAllocate() for memory allocations.
//! \details Template parameter T_Align16 is effectively controlled by cryptlib.h and mirrors
//! CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16. CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16 is often used as the template parameter.
template <class T, bool T_Align16 = false>
class AllocatorWithCleanup : public AllocatorBase<T>
//! \brief Allocates a block of memory
//! \param ptr the size of the allocation
//! \param size the size of the allocation
//! \returns a memory block
//! \throws InvalidArgument
//! \details allocate() first checks the size of the request. If it is non-0
//! and less than max_size(), then an attempt is made to fulfill the request using either
//! AlignedAllocate() or UnalignedAllocate().
//! \details AlignedAllocate() is used if T_Align16 is true.
//! UnalignedAllocate() used if T_Align16 is false.
//! \details This is the C++ *Placement New* operator. ptr is not used, and the function
//! asserts in Debug builds if ptr is non-NULL.
//! \sa CallNewHandler() for the methods used to recover from a failed
//! allocation attempt.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes
pointer allocate(size_type size, const void *ptr = NULL)
CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(ptr); assert(ptr == NULL);
if (size == 0)
return NULL;
// TODO: should this need the test 'size*sizeof(T) >= 16'?
if (T_Align16 && size*sizeof(T) >= 16)
return (pointer)AlignedAllocate(size*sizeof(T));
return (pointer)UnalignedAllocate(size*sizeof(T));
//! \brief Deallocates a block of memory
//! \param ptr the size of the allocation
//! \param size the size of the allocation
//! \details Internally, SecureWipeArray() is called before deallocating the memory.
//! Once the memory block is wiped or zeroized, AlignedDeallocate() or
//! UnalignedDeallocate() is called.
//! \details AlignedDeallocate() is used if T_Align16 is true.
//! UnalignedDeallocate() used if T_Align16 is false.
void deallocate(void *ptr, size_type size)
assert((ptr && size) || !(ptr || size));
SecureWipeArray((pointer)ptr, size);
if (T_Align16 && size*sizeof(T) >= 16)
return AlignedDeallocate(ptr);
//! \brief Reallocates a block of memory
//! \param oldPtr the previous allocation
//! \param oldSize the size of the previous allocation
//! \param newSize the new, requested size
//! \param preserve flag that indicates if the old allocation should be preserved
//! \returns pointer to the new memory block
//! \details Internally, reallocate() calls StandardReallocate().
//! \details If preserve is true, then index 0 is used to begin copying the
//! old memory block to the new one. If the block grows, then the old array
//! is copied in its entirety. If the block shrinks, then only newSize
//! elements are copied from the old block to the new one.
//! \note oldSize and newSize are the count of elements, and not the
//! number of bytes.
pointer reallocate(T *oldPtr, size_type oldSize, size_type newSize, bool preserve)
assert((oldPtr && oldSize) || !(oldPtr || oldSize));
return StandardReallocate(*this, oldPtr, oldSize, newSize, preserve);
// VS.NET STL enforces the policy of "All STL-compliant allocators have to provide a
// template class member called rebind".
template <class U> struct rebind { typedef AllocatorWithCleanup<U, T_Align16> other; };
#if _MSC_VER >= 1500
AllocatorWithCleanup() {}
template <class U, bool A> AllocatorWithCleanup(const AllocatorWithCleanup<U, A> &) {}
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<byte>;
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word16>;
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word32>;
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word64>;
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word, true>; // for Integer
//! \class NullAllocator
//! \brief NULL allocator
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \details A NullAllocator is useful for fixed-size, stack based allocations
//! (i.e., static arrays used by FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup).
//! \details A NullAllocator always returns 0 for max_size(), and always returns
//! NULL for allocation requests. Though the allocator does not allocate at
//! runtime, it does perform a secure wipe or zeroization during cleanup.
template <class T>
class NullAllocator : public AllocatorBase<T>
// TODO: should this return NULL or throw bad_alloc? Non-Windows C++ standard
// libraries always throw. And late mode Windows throws. Early model Windows
// (circa VC++ 6.0) returned NULL.
pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* unused = NULL)
assert(false); return NULL;
void deallocate(void *p, size_type n)
size_type max_size() const {return 0;}
//! \class FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup
//! \brief Static secure memory block with cleanup
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \tparam S fixed-size of the stack-based memory block
//! \tparam A AllocatorBase derived class for allocation and cleanup
//! \details FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup provides a fixed-size, stack-
//! based allocation at compile time. The class can grow its memory
//! block at runtime if a suitable allocator is available. If size
//! grows beyond S and a suitable allocator is available, then the
//! statically allocated array is obsoleted.
//! \note This allocator can't be used with standard collections because
//! they require that all objects of the same allocator type are equivalent.
template <class T, size_t S, class A = NullAllocator<T>, bool T_Align16 = false>
class FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup : public AllocatorBase<T>
//! \brief Constructs a FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup
FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup() : m_allocated(false) {}
//! \brief Allocates a block of memory
//! \param size size of the memory block
//! \details FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup provides a fixed-size, stack-
//! based allocation at compile time. If size is less than or equal to
//! S, then a pointer to the static array is returned.
//! \details The class can grow its memory block at runtime if a suitable
//! allocator is available. If size grows beyond S and a suitable
//! allocator is available, then the statically allocated array is
//! obsoleted. If a suitable allocator is \a not available, as with a
//! NullAllocator, then the function returns NULL and a runtime error
//! eventually occurs.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes.
//! \sa reallocate(), SecBlockWithHint
pointer allocate(size_type size)
assert(IsAlignedOn(m_array, 8));
if (size <= S && !m_allocated)
m_allocated = true;
return GetAlignedArray();
return m_fallbackAllocator.allocate(size);
//! \brief Allocates a block of memory
//! \param size size of the memory block
//! \param hint an unused hint
//! \details FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup provides a fixed-size, stack-
//! based allocation at compile time. If size is less than or equal to
//! S, then a pointer to the static array is returned.
//! \details The class can grow its memory block at runtime if a suitable
//! allocator is available. If size grows beyond S and a suitable
//! allocator is available, then the statically allocated array is
//! obsoleted. If a suitable allocator is \a not available, as with a
//! NullAllocator, then the function returns NULL and a runtime error
//! eventually occurs.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes.
//! \sa reallocate(), SecBlockWithHint
pointer allocate(size_type size, const void *hint)
if (size <= S && !m_allocated)
m_allocated = true;
return GetAlignedArray();
return m_fallbackAllocator.allocate(size, hint);
//! \brief Deallocates a block of memory
//! \param ptr a pointer to the memory block to deallocate
//! \param size size of the memory block
//! \details The memory block is wiped or zeroized before deallocation.
//! If the statically allocated memory block is active, then no
//! additional actions are taken after the wipe.
//! \details If a dynamic memory block is active, then the pointer and
//! size are passed to the allocator for deallocation.
void deallocate(void *ptr, size_type size)
if (ptr == GetAlignedArray())
assert(size <= S);
m_allocated = false;
SecureWipeArray((pointer)ptr, size);
m_fallbackAllocator.deallocate(ptr, size);
//! \brief Reallocates a block of memory
//! \param oldPtr the previous allocation
//! \param oldSize the size of the previous allocation
//! \param newSize the new, requested size
//! \param preserve flag that indicates if the old allocation should be preserved
//! \returns pointer to the new memory block
//! \details FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup provides a fixed-size, stack-
//! based allocation at compile time. If size is less than or equal to
//! S, then a pointer to the static array is returned.
//! \details The class can grow its memory block at runtime if a suitable
//! allocator is available. If size grows beyond S and a suitable
//! allocator is available, then the statically allocated array is
//! obsoleted. If a suitable allocator is \a not available, as with a
//! NullAllocator, then the function returns NULL and a runtime error
//! eventually occurs.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes.
//! \sa reallocate(), SecBlockWithHint
pointer reallocate(pointer oldPtr, size_type oldSize, size_type newSize, bool preserve)
if (oldPtr == GetAlignedArray() && newSize <= S)
assert(oldSize <= S);
if (oldSize > newSize)
SecureWipeArray(oldPtr+newSize, oldSize-newSize);
return oldPtr;
pointer newPointer = allocate(newSize, NULL);
if (preserve && newSize)
const size_t copySize = STDMIN(oldSize, newSize);
memcpy_s(newPointer, sizeof(T)*newSize, oldPtr, sizeof(T)*copySize);
deallocate(oldPtr, oldSize);
return newPointer;
size_type max_size() const {return STDMAX(m_fallbackAllocator.max_size(), S);}
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
T* GetAlignedArray() {return m_array;}
T m_array[S];
T* GetAlignedArray() {return (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16 && T_Align16) ? (T*)(((byte *)m_array) + (0-(size_t)m_array)%16) : m_array;}
CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(8) T m_array[(CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16 && T_Align16) ? S+8/sizeof(T) : S];
A m_fallbackAllocator;
bool m_allocated;
//! \class SecBlock
//! \brief Secure memory block with allocator and cleanup
//! \tparam T a class or type
//! \tparam A AllocatorWithCleanup derived class for allocation and cleanup
template <class T, class A = AllocatorWithCleanup<T> >
class SecBlock
typedef typename A::value_type value_type;
typedef typename A::pointer iterator;
typedef typename A::const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef typename A::size_type size_type;
//! \brief Construct a SecBlock with space for size elements.
//! \param size the number of elements in the allocation
//! \throws std::bad_alloc
//! \details The elements are not initialized.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes
explicit SecBlock(size_type size=0)
: m_size(size), m_ptr(m_alloc.allocate(size, NULL)) { }
//! \brief Copy construct a SecBlock from another SecBlock
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \throws std::bad_alloc
SecBlock(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
: m_size(t.m_size), m_ptr(m_alloc.allocate(t.m_size, NULL)) {
assert((!t.m_ptr && !m_size) || (t.m_ptr && m_size));
if (t.m_ptr) {memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, t.m_size*sizeof(T));}
//! \brief Construct a SecBlock from an array of elements.
//! \param ptr a pointer to an array of T
//! \param len the number of elements in the memory block
//! \throws std::bad_alloc
//! \details If <tt>ptr!=NULL</tt> and <tt>len!=0</tt>, then the block is initialized from the pointer ptr.
//! If <tt>ptr==NULL</tt> and <tt>len!=0</tt>, then the block is initialized to 0.
//! Otherwise, the block is empty and \a not initialized.
//! \note size is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes
SecBlock(const T *ptr, size_type len)
: m_size(len), m_ptr(m_alloc.allocate(len, NULL)) {
assert((!m_ptr && !m_size) || (m_ptr && m_size));
if (ptr && m_ptr)
memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), ptr, len*sizeof(T));
else if (m_size)
memset(m_ptr, 0, m_size*sizeof(T));
{m_alloc.deallocate(m_ptr, m_size);}
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
operator T *() const
{return (T*)m_ptr;}
operator const void *() const
{return m_ptr;}
operator void *()
{return m_ptr;}
operator const T *() const
{return m_ptr;}
operator T *()
{return m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides an iterator pointing to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns iterator pointing to the first element in the memory block
iterator begin()
{return m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides a constant iterator pointing to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns constant iterator pointing to the first element in the memory block
const_iterator begin() const
{return m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides an iterator pointing beyond the last element in the memory block
//! \returns iterator pointing beyond the last element in the memory block
iterator end()
{return m_ptr+m_size;}
//! \brief Provides a constant iterator pointing beyond the last element in the memory block
//! \returns constant iterator pointing beyond the last element in the memory block
const_iterator end() const
{return m_ptr+m_size;}
//! \brief Provides a pointer to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns pointer to the first element in the memory block
typename A::pointer data() {return m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides a pointer to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns constant pointer to the first element in the memory block
typename A::const_pointer data() const {return m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides the count of elements in the SecBlock
//! \returns number of elements in the memory block
//! \note the return value is the count of elements, and not the number of bytes
size_type size() const {return m_size;}
//! \brief Determines if the SecBlock is empty
//! \returns true if number of elements in the memory block is 0, false otherwise
bool empty() const {return m_size == 0;}
//! \brief Provides a byte pointer to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns byte pointer to the first element in the memory block
byte * BytePtr() {return (byte *)m_ptr;}
//! \brief Return a byte pointer to the first element in the memory block
//! \returns constant byte pointer to the first element in the memory block
const byte * BytePtr() const {return (const byte *)m_ptr;}
//! \brief Provides the number of bytes in the SecBlock
//! \return the number of bytes in the memory block
//! \note the return value is the number of bytes, and not count of elements.
size_type SizeInBytes() const {return m_size*sizeof(T);}
//! \brief Set contents and size from an array
//! \param ptr a pointer to an array of T
//! \param len the number of elements in the memory block
//! \details If the memory block is reduced in size, then the reclaimed memory is set to 0.
void Assign(const T *ptr, size_type len)
if (m_ptr && ptr && len)
{memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), ptr, len*sizeof(T));}
//! \brief Copy contents from another SecBlock
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \details Assign checks for self assignment.
//! \details If the memory block is reduced in size, then the reclaimed memory is set to 0.
void Assign(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
if (this != &t)
if (m_ptr && t.m_ptr && t.m_size)
{memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), t, t.m_size*sizeof(T));}
//! \brief Assign contents from another SecBlock
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \details Internally, operator=() calls Assign().
//! \details If the memory block is reduced in size, then the reclaimed memory is set to 0.
SecBlock<T, A>& operator=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
// Assign guards for self-assignment
return *this;
//! \brief Append contents from another SecBlock
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls Grow and then appends t.
SecBlock<T, A>& operator+=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
assert((!t.m_ptr && !t.m_size) || (t.m_ptr && t.m_size));
const size_type oldSize = m_size;
if(this != &t) // s += t
memcpy_s(m_ptr+oldSize, (m_size-oldSize)*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, t.m_size*sizeof(T));
else // t += t
memcpy_s(m_ptr+oldSize, (m_size-oldSize)*sizeof(T), m_ptr, oldSize*sizeof(T));
return *this;
//! \brief Construct a SecBlock from this and another SecBlock
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \returns a newly constructed SecBlock that is a conacentation of this and t
//! \details Internally, a new SecBlock is created from this and a concatenation of t.
SecBlock<T, A> operator+(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
assert((!m_ptr && !m_size) || (m_ptr && m_size));
assert((!t.m_ptr && !t.m_size) || (t.m_ptr && t.m_size));
if(!t.m_size) return SecBlock(*this);
SecBlock<T, A> result(m_size+t.m_size);
if(m_size) {memcpy_s(result.m_ptr, result.m_size*sizeof(T), m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T));}
memcpy_s(result.m_ptr+m_size, (result.m_size-m_size)*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, t.m_size*sizeof(T));
return result;
//! \brief Bitwise compare two SecBlocks
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \returns true if the size and bits are equal, false otherwise
//! \details Uses a constant time compare if the arrays are equal size. The constant time
//! compare is VerifyBufsEqual() found in misc.h.
//! \sa operator!=()
bool operator==(const SecBlock<T, A> &t) const
return m_size == t.m_size &&
VerifyBufsEqual(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(m_ptr), reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(t.m_ptr), m_size*sizeof(T));
//! \brief Bitwise compare two SecBlocks
//! \param t the other SecBlock
//! \returns true if the size and bits are equal, false otherwise
//! \details Uses a constant time compare if the arrays are equal size. The constant time
//! compare is VerifyBufsEqual() found in misc.h.
//! \details Internally, operator!=() returns the inverse of operator==().
//! \sa operator==()
bool operator!=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t) const
return !operator==(t);
//! \brief Change size without preserving contents
//! \param newSize the new size of the memory block
//! \details Old content is \a not preserved. If the memory block is reduced in size,
//! then the reclaimed memory is set to 0. If the memory block grows in size, then
//! the new memory is \a not initialized.
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls reallocate().
//! \sa New(), CleanNew(), Grow(), CleanGrow(), resize()
void New(size_type newSize)
m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, false);
m_size = newSize;
//! \brief Change size without preserving contents
//! \param newSize the new size of the memory block
//! \details Old content is \a not preserved. If the memory block is reduced in size,
//! then the reclaimed content is set to 0. If the memory block grows in size, then
//! the new memory is initialized to 0.
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls New().
//! \sa New(), CleanNew(), Grow(), CleanGrow(), resize()
void CleanNew(size_type newSize)
if (m_ptr) {memset_z(m_ptr, 0, m_size*sizeof(T));}
//! \brief Change size and preserve contents
//! \param newSize the new size of the memory block
//! \details Old content is preserved. New content is not initialized.
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls reallocate() when size must increase. If the
//! size does not increase, then Grow() does not take action. If the size must
//! change, then use resize().
//! \sa New(), CleanNew(), Grow(), CleanGrow(), resize()
void Grow(size_type newSize)
if (newSize > m_size)
m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
m_size = newSize;
//! \brief Change size and preserve contents
//! \param newSize the new size of the memory block
//! \details Old content is preserved. New content is initialized to 0.
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls reallocate() when size must increase. If the
//! size does not increase, then CleanGrow() does not take action. If the size must
//! change, then use resize().
//! \sa New(), CleanNew(), Grow(), CleanGrow(), resize()
void CleanGrow(size_type newSize)
if (newSize > m_size)
m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
memset_z(m_ptr+m_size, 0, (newSize-m_size)*sizeof(T));
m_size = newSize;
//! \brief Change size and preserve contents
//! \param newSize the new size of the memory block
//! \details Old content is preserved. If the memory block grows in size, then
//! new memory is \a not initialized.
//! \details Internally, this SecBlock calls reallocate().
//! \sa New(), CleanNew(), Grow(), CleanGrow(), resize()
void resize(size_type newSize)
m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
m_size = newSize;
//! \brief Swap contents with another SecBlock
//! \param b the other SecBlock
//! \details Internally, std::swap() is called on m_alloc, m_size and m_ptr.
void swap(SecBlock<T, A> &b)
// Swap must occur on the allocator in case its FixedSize that spilled into the heap.
std::swap(m_alloc, b.m_alloc);
std::swap(m_size, b.m_size);
std::swap(m_ptr, b.m_ptr);
// protected:
A m_alloc;
size_type m_size;
T *m_ptr;
//! \class SecByteBlock
//! \brief \ref SecBlock "SecBlock<byte>" typedef.
class SecByteBlock : public SecBlock<byte> {};
//! \class SecWordBlock
//! \brief \ref SecBlock "SecBlock<word>" typedef.
class SecWordBlock : public SecBlock<word> {};
//! \class AlignedSecByteBlock
//! \brief SecBlock using \ref AllocatorWithCleanup "AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true>" typedef
class AlignedSecByteBlock SecBlock<byte, AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true> > {};
typedef SecBlock<byte> SecByteBlock;
typedef SecBlock<word> SecWordBlock;
typedef SecBlock<byte, AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true> > AlignedSecByteBlock;
// No need for move semantics on derived class *if* the class does not add any
// data members; see http://stackoverflow.com/q/31755703, and Rule of {0|3|5}.
//! \class FixedSizeSecBlock
//! \brief Fixed size stack-based SecBlock
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \tparam S fixed-size of the stack-based memory block
//! \tparam A AllocatorBase derived class for allocation and cleanup
template <class T, unsigned int S, class A = FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S> >
class FixedSizeSecBlock : public SecBlock<T, A>
//! \brief Construct a FixedSizeSecBlock
explicit FixedSizeSecBlock() : SecBlock<T, A>(S) {}
//! \class FixedSizeAlignedSecBlock
//! \brief Fixed size stack-based SecBlock with 16-byte alignment
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \tparam S fixed-size of the stack-based memory block
//! \tparam A AllocatorBase derived class for allocation and cleanup
template <class T, unsigned int S, bool T_Align16 = true>
class FixedSizeAlignedSecBlock : public FixedSizeSecBlock<T, S, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S, NullAllocator<T>, T_Align16> >
//! \class SecBlockWithHint
//! \brief Stack-based SecBlock that grows into the heap
//! \tparam T class or type
//! \tparam S fixed-size of the stack-based memory block
//! \tparam A AllocatorBase derived class for allocation and cleanup
template <class T, unsigned int S, class A = FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S, AllocatorWithCleanup<T> > >
class SecBlockWithHint : public SecBlock<T, A>
//! construct a SecBlockWithHint with a count of elements
explicit SecBlockWithHint(size_t size) : SecBlock<T, A>(size) {}
template<class T, bool A, class U, bool B>
inline bool operator==(const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<T, A>&, const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<U, B>&) {return (true);}
template<class T, bool A, class U, bool B>
inline bool operator!=(const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<T, A>&, const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<U, B>&) {return (false);}
template <class T, class A>
inline void swap(CryptoPP::SecBlock<T, A> &a, CryptoPP::SecBlock<T, A> &b)
// working for STLport 5.1.3 and MSVC 6 SP5
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
inline CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp2>&
__stl_alloc_rebind(CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp1>& __a, const _Tp2*)
return (CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp2>&)(__a);
# pragma warning(pop)