2007-05-05 02:15:11 +00:00

385 lines
14 KiB

// bench.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
#include "bench.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "adler32.h"
#include "idea.h"
#include "des.h"
#include "rc5.h"
#include "blowfish.h"
#include "wake.h"
#include "cast.h"
#include "seal.h"
#include "rc6.h"
#include "mars.h"
#include "twofish.h"
#include "serpent.h"
#include "skipjack.h"
#include "cbcmac.h"
#include "dmac.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "blumshub.h"
#include "rng.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "hex.h"
#include "modes.h"
#include "factory.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#elif defined(CLK_TCK)
const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = (double)CLK_TCK;
const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = 1000000.0;
double logtotal = 0, g_allocatedTime, g_hertz;
unsigned int logcount = 0;
static const byte *const key=(byte *)"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
void OutputResultBytes(const char *name, double length, double timeTaken)
double mbs = length / timeTaken / (1024*1024);
cout << "\n<TR><TH>" << name;
// cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << length / (1024*1024);
cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
// cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << timeTaken;
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(0) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << mbs;
if (g_hertz)
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(1) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << timeTaken * g_hertz / length;
cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed);
logtotal += log(mbs);
void OutputResultKeying(double iterations, double timeTaken)
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << (1000*1000*timeTaken/iterations);
if (g_hertz)
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(0) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << timeTaken * g_hertz / iterations;
void OutputResultOperations(const char *name, const char *operation, bool pc, unsigned long iterations, double timeTaken)
cout << "\n<TR><TH>" << name << " " << operation << (pc ? " with precomputation" : "");
// cout << "<TD>" << iterations;
// cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
// cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << timeTaken;
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << (1000*timeTaken/iterations);
if (g_hertz)
cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << timeTaken * g_hertz / iterations / 1000000;
cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed);
logtotal += log(iterations/timeTaken);
void BenchMark(const char *name, BlockTransformation &cipher, double timeTotal)
const int BUF_SIZE = RoundUpToMultipleOf(2048U, cipher.OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() * cipher.BlockSize());
AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
const int nBlocks = BUF_SIZE / cipher.BlockSize();
clock_t start = clock();
unsigned long i=0, blocks=1;
double timeTaken;
blocks *= 2;
for (; i<blocks; i++)
cipher.ProcessAndXorMultipleBlocks(buf, NULL, buf, nBlocks);
timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken);
void BenchMark(const char *name, StreamTransformation &cipher, double timeTotal)
const int BUF_SIZE=RoundUpToMultipleOf(2048U, cipher.OptimalBlockSize());
AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
clock_t start = clock();
unsigned long i=0, blocks=1;
double timeTaken;
blocks *= 2;
for (; i<blocks; i++)
cipher.ProcessString(buf, BUF_SIZE);
timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken);
void BenchMark(const char *name, HashTransformation &ht, double timeTotal)
const int BUF_SIZE=2048U;
AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL));
rng.GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE);
clock_t start = clock();
unsigned long i=0, blocks=1;
double timeTaken;
blocks *= 2;
for (; i<blocks; i++)
ht.Update(buf, BUF_SIZE);
timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken);
void BenchMark(const char *name, BufferedTransformation &bt, double timeTotal)
const int BUF_SIZE=2048U;
AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL));
rng.GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE);
clock_t start = clock();
unsigned long i=0, blocks=1;
double timeTaken;
blocks *= 2;
for (; i<blocks; i++)
bt.Put(buf, BUF_SIZE);
timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken);
void BenchMarkKeying(SimpleKeyingInterface &c, size_t keyLength, const NameValuePairs &params)
unsigned long iterations = 0;
clock_t start = clock();
double timeTaken;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<1024; i++)
c.SetKey(key, keyLength, params);
timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
iterations += 1024;
while (timeTaken < g_allocatedTime);
OutputResultKeying(iterations, timeTaken);
//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
template <class T>
void BenchMarkKeyed(const char *name, double timeTotal, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs, T *x=NULL)
T c;
c.SetKey(key, c.DefaultKeyLength(), CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
BenchMarkKeying(c, c.DefaultKeyLength(), CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
template <class T>
void BenchMarkKeyedVariable(const char *name, double timeTotal, unsigned int keyLength, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs, T *x=NULL)
T c;
c.SetKey(key, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
BenchMarkKeying(c, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
template <class T>
void BenchMarkKeyless(const char *name, double timeTotal, T *x=NULL)
T c;
BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
template <class T>
void BenchMarkByName(const char *factoryName, size_t keyLength = 0, const char *displayName=NULL, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs, T *x=NULL)
std::string name = factoryName;
if (displayName)
name = displayName;
else if (keyLength)
name += " (" + IntToString(keyLength * 8) + "-bit key)";
std::auto_ptr<T> obj(ObjectFactoryRegistry<T>::Registry().CreateObject(factoryName));
if (!keyLength)
keyLength = obj->DefaultKeyLength();
obj->SetKey(key, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
BenchMark(name.c_str(), *obj, g_allocatedTime);
BenchMarkKeying(*obj, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), key, false)));
template <class T>
void BenchMarkByNameKeyLess(const char *factoryName, const char *displayName=NULL, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs, T *x=NULL)
std::string name = factoryName;
if (displayName)
name = displayName;
std::auto_ptr<T> obj(ObjectFactoryRegistry<T>::Registry().CreateObject(factoryName));
BenchMark(name.c_str(), *obj, g_allocatedTime);
void BenchmarkAll(double t, double hertz)
#if 1
logtotal = 0;
logcount = 0;
g_allocatedTime = t;
g_hertz = hertz;
const char *cpb, *cpk;
if (g_hertz)
cpb = "<TH>Cycles Per Byte";
cpk = "<TH>Cycles Per Key and IV Setup";
cout << "CPU frequency of the test platform is " << g_hertz << " Hz.\n";
cpb = cpk = "";
cout << "CPU frequency of the test platform was not provided.\n";
cout << "<TABLE border=1><COLGROUP><COL align=left><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right>" << endl;
cout << "<THEAD><TR><TH>Algorithm<TH>MiB/Second" << cpb << "<TH>Microseconds Per Key and IV Setup" << cpk << endl;
cout << "\n<TBODY style=\"background: white\">";
BenchMarkKeyed<CBC_MAC<AES> >("CBC-MAC/AES", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<DMAC<AES> >("DMAC/AES", t);
cout << "\n<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">";
BenchMarkKeyless<CRC32>("CRC-32", t);
BenchMarkKeyless<Adler32>("Adler-32", t);
BenchMarkByNameKeyLess<HashTransformation>("MD5", "MD5 (weak)");
cout << "\n<TBODY style=\"background: white\">";
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("Salsa20", 0, "Salsa20/12", MakeParameters(Name::Rounds(), 12));
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("Salsa20", 0, "Salsa20/8", MakeParameters(Name::Rounds(), 8));
BenchMarkKeyed<SEAL<BigEndian>::Encryption>("SEAL-3.0-BE", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<SEAL<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("SEAL-3.0-LE", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_OFB<BigEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-OFB-BE", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_OFB<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-OFB-LE", t);
cout << "\n<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">";
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/ECB", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/ECB", 24);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/ECB", 32);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/CTR", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/OFB", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/CFB", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("AES/CBC", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("Camellia/ECB", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("Camellia/ECB", 32);
BenchMarkKeyed<Twofish::Encryption>("Twofish", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<Serpent::Encryption>("Serpent", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<CAST256::Encryption>("CAST-256", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<RC6::Encryption>("RC6", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<MARS::Encryption>("MARS", t);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("SHACAL-2/ECB", 16);
BenchMarkByName<SymmetricCipher>("SHACAL-2/ECB", 64);
BenchMarkKeyed<DES::Encryption>("DES", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<DES_XEX3::Encryption>("DES-XEX3", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<DES_EDE3::Encryption>("DES-EDE3", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<IDEA::Encryption>("IDEA", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<RC5::Encryption>("RC5 (r=16)", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<Blowfish::Encryption>("Blowfish", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<CAST128::Encryption>("CAST-128", t);
BenchMarkKeyed<SKIPJACK::Encryption>("SKIPJACK", t);
Integer p("CB6C,B8CE,6351,164F,5D0C,0C9E,9E31,E231,CF4E,D551,CBD0,E671,5D6A,7B06,D8DF,C4A7h");
Integer q("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,A2AFh");
Integer s("63239752671357255800299643604761065219897634268887145610573595874544114193025997412441121667211431");
BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 512", c, t);
Integer p("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,9E2C,"
Integer q("C8B9,5797,B349,6BA3,FD72,F2C0,A796,8A65,EE0F,B4BA,272F,4FEE,4DB1,06D5,ECEB,7142,"
Integer s("3578,8F00,2965,71A4,4382,699F,45FD,3922,8238,241B,CEBA,0543,3443,E8D9,12FB,AC46,"
BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 1024", c, t);
Integer p("EB56,978A,7BA7,B5D9,1383,4611,94F5,4766,FCEF,CF41,958A,FC41,43D0,839F,C56B,B568,"
Integer q("EB6B,3645,4591,8343,7331,7CAC,B02E,4BB9,DEF5,8EDC,1772,DB9B,9571,5FAB,1CDD,4FB1,"
Integer s("C75A,8A0D,E231,295F,C08A,1716,8611,D5EC,E9EF,B565,90EC,58C0,57D0,DA7D,C6E6,DB00,"
BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 2048", c, t);
cout << "</TABLE>" << endl;
BenchmarkAll2(t, hertz);
cout << "Throughput Geometric Average: " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << exp(logtotal/logcount) << endl;
time_t endTime = time(NULL);
cout << "\nTest ended at " << asctime(localtime(&endTime));