Richard Musil 3b2fc033d1 Making CUDA test work with CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
CMake 3.15 introduced a new way of handling MSVC CRT type definition for
the build: CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY variable.

This is supposed to be the way to go with MSVC CRT selection in new
projects. Using this method however breaks the current CMake script for
CUDA test. The reason is the CUDA test uses "FindCUDA" CMake module to
detect and set up CUDA support in CMake, which is deprecated since CMake
version 3.10, and which does not support CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
selector correctly (i.e. it does not propagate the compiler option
related to the CRT).

I did not find a way to "patch" in the correct compiler options, so
(while knowing this feature is only available from CMake 3.15 on) I
decided to change also the way CUDA is handled and instead of using
FindCUDA, used enable_language. Apart from having some nice additional
side-effects, it also fixed the problem with CRT selection.

However, the propagation of the compiler options (and in particular the
options related to C++ standard selection) is still a bit flaky on
Windows+MSVC platform, so it had to be done manually.

The patch makes two things in parallel:

1) Introduces MSVC_BUILD_STATIC, which, together with CMake version >=
3.15, allows building static version of the 'fmt' lib (and all the

2) At the same time, for CMake >= 3.15 it switches handling of CUDA
support from (old) FindCUDA to (new) enable_language, to fix the
problems which the old method has with the new CRT selector for MSVC in
a new CMake.

Added a check for CUDA before enabling it.


Since apparently VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL exists only from CMake 3.7, while
Android is using CMake 3.6.

Removed MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY logic from the CMake file.

The static build can be set on the command line with CMake >= 3.15
by defining the policy and the CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBARY this way:

cmake -G <gen> <options>

When MSVC_BUILD_DEBUG is set the test 'posix-mock-test' is skipped as it
does not build with the static runtime.
2019-09-25 06:46:11 -07:00

74 lines
3.3 KiB

# We can find some usecases which follow the guide of CMake which uses
# `enable_language(CUDA)` instead of `find_package(CUDA)` and let the CMake
# built-in functions use NVCC.
# See: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindCUDA.html#replacement
# However, this requires CMake version 3.10 or higher and we can't be sure most
# of the CUDA projects are using those.
# This test relies on `find_package(CUDA)` in the parent CMake config.
# These can be updated when NVCC becomes ready for C++ 17 features
# https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#cpp14-language-features
# In this test, we assume that the user is going to compile CUDA source code
# with some libraries (fmt in this case).
# In addition to that, this test invokes both the C++ host compiler and NVCC
# by providing another (non-CUDA) C++ source code.
# https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-compiler-driver-nvcc/index.html
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-std=c++14")
if (MSVC)
# This is the solution of pytorch:
# https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/7118
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-Xcompiler" "/std:c++14")
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-Xcompiler" "/Zc:__cplusplus")
# for the reason of this -Xcompiler options, see below.
endif ()
cuda_add_executable(fmt-in-cuda-test cuda-cpp14.cu cpp14.cc)
target_compile_features(fmt-in-cuda-test PRIVATE cxx_std_14)
if (MSVC)
# This part is for (non-CUDA) C++ code. MSVC can define incorrect
# `__cplusplus` macro. Fix for the issue is to use additional compiler flag.
# See Also:
# https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/msvc-now-correctly-reports-__cplusplus/
# https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/2595
target_compile_options(fmt-in-cuda-test PRIVATE /Zc:__cplusplus /permissive-)
endif ()
# now using a "new" way of handling CUDA
add_executable(fmt-in-cuda-test cuda-cpp14.cu cpp14.cc)
set_target_properties(fmt-in-cuda-test PROPERTIES CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON)
target_compile_features(fmt-in-cuda-test PRIVATE cxx_std_14)
if (MSVC)
# with MSVC, 'cxx_std_14' will only propagate to the host code (MSVC), but will
# not set __cplusplus correctly anyway, while nvcc will ignore it.
# If specified for nvcc on the command line as '-std=c++14' nvcc will emit this
# message instead:
# nvcc warning : The -std=c++14 flag is not supported with the configured host
# compiler. Flag will be ignored.
set_property(SOURCE cuda-cpp14.cu APPEND PROPERTY
COMPILE_OPTIONS -Xcompiler /std:c++14 -Xcompiler /Zc:__cplusplus)
set_property(SOURCE cpp14.cc APPEND PROPERTY
COMPILE_OPTIONS /std:c++14 /Zc:__cplusplus)
get_target_property(IN_USE_CUDA_STANDARD fmt-in-cuda-test CUDA_STANDARD)
message(STATUS "cuda_standard: ${IN_USE_CUDA_STANDARD}")
fmt-in-cuda-test CUDA_STANDARD_REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "cuda_standard_required: ${IN_USE_CUDA_STANDARD_REQUIRED}")
# We don't use PUBLIC or other keyword for reasons explained in the
# https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindCUDA.html
target_link_libraries(fmt-in-cuda-test fmt::fmt)