mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:26:21 +00:00
Use Metadata instead of direct stat syscall
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::os::android::fs::MetadataExt;
use std::os::fd::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, IntoRawFd};
use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, OwnedFd, RawFd};
use std::{io, mem, ptr, slice};
@ -422,10 +424,10 @@ impl Drop for Directory {
pub fn rm_rf(path: &Utf8CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
unsafe {
let mut stat: libc::stat = mem::zeroed();
libc::lstat(path.as_ptr(), &mut stat).check_os_err()?;
if stat.is_dir() {
let mut dir = Directory::open(path)?;
let f = File::from(open_fd!(path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)?);
let st = f.metadata()?;
if st.is_dir() {
let mut dir = Directory::try_from(OwnedFd::from(f))?;
@ -433,60 +435,6 @@ pub fn rm_rf(path: &Utf8CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
pub trait StatExt {
fn get_mode(&self) -> u32;
fn get_type(&self) -> u32;
fn is_dir(&self) -> bool;
fn is_blk(&self) -> bool;
impl StatExt for libc::stat {
fn get_mode(&self) -> u32 {
self.st_mode & libc::S_IFMT as u32
fn get_type(&self) -> u32 {
self.st_mode & !(libc::S_IFMT as u32)
fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
self.get_type() == libc::S_IFDIR as u32
fn is_blk(&self) -> bool {
self.get_type() == libc::S_IFBLK as u32
pub trait FdExt {
fn size(&self) -> io::Result<usize>;
const BLKGETSIZE64: u32 = 0x80081272;
impl<T: AsRawFd> FdExt for T {
fn size(&self) -> io::Result<usize> {
unsafe fn inner(fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<usize> {
extern "C" {
// Don't use the declaration from the libc crate as request should be u32 not i32
fn ioctl(fd: RawFd, request: u32, ...) -> i32;
let mut stat: libc::stat = mem::zeroed();
libc::fstat(fd, &mut stat).check_os_err()?;
if stat.is_blk() {
let mut sz = 0_u64;
ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, &mut sz).check_os_err()?;
Ok(sz as usize)
} else {
Ok(stat.st_size as usize)
unsafe { inner(self.as_raw_fd()) }
pub struct MappedFile(&'static mut [u8]);
impl MappedFile {
@ -525,9 +473,26 @@ impl Drop for MappedFile {
// We mark the returned slice static because it is valid until explicitly unmapped
pub(crate) fn map_file(path: &Utf8CStr, rw: bool) -> io::Result<&'static mut [u8]> {
extern "C" {
// Don't use the declaration from the libc crate as request should be u32 not i32
fn ioctl(fd: RawFd, request: u32, ...) -> i32;
const BLKGETSIZE64: u32 = 0x80081272;
let flag = if rw { O_RDWR } else { O_RDONLY };
let fd = open_fd!(path, flag | O_CLOEXEC)?;
map_fd(fd.as_fd(), fd.size()?, rw)
let f = File::from(open_fd!(path, flag | O_CLOEXEC)?);
let st = f.metadata()?;
let sz = if st.file_type().is_block_device() {
let mut sz = 0_u64;
unsafe { ioctl(f.as_raw_fd(), BLKGETSIZE64, &mut sz) }.check_os_err()?;
} else {
map_fd(f.as_fd(), sz as usize, rw)
pub(crate) fn map_fd(fd: BorrowedFd, sz: usize, rw: bool) -> io::Result<&'static mut [u8]> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user