David Tolnay 8e0866125c
Verify that header sections are found even if not used
This prevents typos in the endif part of the section even when test
coverage is not perfect.
2020-04-10 12:20:49 -07:00

914 lines
28 KiB

use crate::gen::namespace::Namespace;
use crate::gen::out::OutFile;
use crate::gen::{include, Opt};
use crate::syntax::atom::Atom::{self, *};
use crate::syntax::{Api, ExternFn, Signature, Struct, Type, Types, Var};
use proc_macro2::Ident;
pub(super) fn gen(
namespace: Namespace,
apis: &[Api],
types: &Types,
opt: Opt,
header: bool,
) -> OutFile {
let mut out_file = OutFile::new(namespace.clone(), header);
let out = &mut out_file;
if header {
writeln!(out, "#pragma once");
for api in apis {
if let Api::Include(include) = api {
write_includes(out, types);
write_include_cxxbridge(out, apis, types);
for name in &namespace {
writeln!(out, "namespace {} {{", name);
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::Struct(strct) => write_struct_decl(out, &strct.ident),
Api::CxxType(ety) => write_struct_using(out, &ety.ident),
Api::RustType(ety) => write_struct_decl(out, &ety.ident),
_ => {}
for api in apis {
if let Api::Struct(strct) = api {
write_struct(out, strct);
if !header {
out.begin_block("extern \"C\"");
write_exception_glue(out, apis);
for api in apis {
let (efn, write): (_, fn(_, _, _)) = match api {
Api::CxxFunction(efn) => (efn, write_cxx_function_shim),
Api::RustFunction(efn) => (efn, write_rust_function_decl),
_ => continue,
write(out, efn, types);
out.end_block("extern \"C\"");
for api in apis {
if let Api::RustFunction(efn) = api {
write_rust_function_shim(out, efn, types);
for name in namespace.iter().rev() {
writeln!(out, "}} // namespace {}", name);
if !header {
write_generic_instantiations(out, types);
fn write_includes(out: &mut OutFile, types: &Types) {
for ty in types {
match ty {
Type::Ident(ident) => match Atom::from(ident) {
Some(U8) | Some(U16) | Some(U32) | Some(U64) | Some(I8) | Some(I16) | Some(I32)
| Some(I64) => out.include.cstdint = true,
Some(Usize) => out.include.cstddef = true,
Some(CxxString) => out.include.string = true,
Some(Bool) | Some(Isize) | Some(F32) | Some(F64) | Some(RustString) | None => {}
Type::RustBox(_) => out.include.type_traits = true,
Type::UniquePtr(_) => out.include.memory = true,
_ => {}
fn write_include_cxxbridge(out: &mut OutFile, apis: &[Api], types: &Types) {
let mut needs_rust_string = false;
let mut needs_rust_str = false;
let mut needs_rust_box = false;
let mut needs_rust_fn = false;
let mut needs_rust_isize = false;
for ty in types {
match ty {
Type::RustBox(_) => {
out.include.type_traits = true;
needs_rust_box = true;
Type::Str(_) => {
out.include.cstdint = true;
out.include.string = true;
needs_rust_str = true;
Type::Fn(_) => {
needs_rust_fn = true;
ty if ty == Isize => {
out.include.base_tsd = true;
needs_rust_isize = true;
ty if ty == RustString => {
out.include.array = true;
out.include.cstdint = true;
out.include.string = true;
needs_rust_string = true;
_ => {}
let mut needs_rust_error = false;
let mut needs_unsafe_bitcopy = false;
let mut needs_manually_drop = false;
let mut needs_maybe_uninit = false;
let mut needs_trycatch = false;
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::CxxFunction(efn) if !out.header => {
if efn.throws {
needs_trycatch = true;
for arg in &efn.args {
if arg.ty == RustString {
needs_unsafe_bitcopy = true;
Api::RustFunction(efn) if !out.header => {
if efn.throws {
out.include.exception = true;
needs_rust_error = true;
for arg in &efn.args {
if arg.ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
needs_manually_drop = true;
if let Some(ret) = &efn.ret {
if types.needs_indirect_abi(ret) {
needs_maybe_uninit = true;
_ => {}
out.begin_block("namespace rust");
out.begin_block("inline namespace cxxbridge02");
if needs_rust_string
|| needs_rust_str
|| needs_rust_box
|| needs_rust_fn
|| needs_rust_error
|| needs_rust_isize
|| needs_unsafe_bitcopy
|| needs_manually_drop
|| needs_maybe_uninit
|| needs_trycatch
writeln!(out, "// #include \"rust/cxx.h\"");
if needs_rust_string {
writeln!(out, "struct unsafe_bitcopy_t;");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_string, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_STRING");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_str, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_STR");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_box, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_fn, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_FN");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_error, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_ERROR");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_isize, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_ISIZE");
write_header_section(out, needs_unsafe_bitcopy, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BITCOPY");
if needs_manually_drop {
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, "template <typename T>");
writeln!(out, "union ManuallyDrop {{");
writeln!(out, " T value;");
" ManuallyDrop(T &&value) : value(::std::move(value)) {{}}",
writeln!(out, " ~ManuallyDrop() {{}}");
writeln!(out, "}};");
if needs_maybe_uninit {
writeln!(out, "template <typename T>");
writeln!(out, "union MaybeUninit {{");
writeln!(out, " T value;");
writeln!(out, " MaybeUninit() {{}}");
writeln!(out, " ~MaybeUninit() {{}}");
writeln!(out, "}};");
out.end_block("namespace cxxbridge02");
if needs_trycatch {
out.begin_block("namespace behavior");
out.include.exception = true;
out.include.type_traits = true;
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, "class missing {{}};");
writeln!(out, "missing trycatch(...);");
writeln!(out, "template <typename Try, typename Fail>");
writeln!(out, "static typename std::enable_if<");
" std::is_same<decltype(trycatch(std::declval<Try>(), std::declval<Fail>())),",
writeln!(out, " missing>::value>::type");
writeln!(out, "trycatch(Try &&func, Fail &&fail) noexcept try {{");
writeln!(out, " func();");
writeln!(out, "}} catch (const ::std::exception &e) {{");
writeln!(out, " fail(e.what());");
writeln!(out, "}}");
out.end_block("namespace behavior");
out.end_block("namespace rust");
fn write_header_section(out: &mut OutFile, needed: bool, section: &str) {
let section = include::get(section);
if needed {
for line in section.lines() {
if !line.trim_start().starts_with("//") {
writeln!(out, "{}", line);
fn write_struct(out: &mut OutFile, strct: &Struct) {
for line in strct.doc.to_string().lines() {
writeln!(out, "//{}", line);
writeln!(out, "struct {} final {{", strct.ident);
for field in &strct.fields {
write!(out, " ");
write_type_space(out, &field.ty);
writeln!(out, "{};", field.ident);
writeln!(out, "}};");
fn write_struct_decl(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
writeln!(out, "struct {};", ident);
fn write_struct_using(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
writeln!(out, "using {} = {};", ident, ident);
fn write_exception_glue(out: &mut OutFile, apis: &[Api]) {
let mut has_cxx_throws = false;
for api in apis {
if let Api::CxxFunction(efn) = api {
if efn.throws {
has_cxx_throws = true;
if has_cxx_throws {
"const char *cxxbridge02$exception(const char *, size_t);",
fn write_cxx_function_shim(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
if efn.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr ");
} else {
write_extern_return_type_space(out, &efn.ret, types);
write!(out, "{}cxxbridge02${}(", out.namespace, efn.ident);
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
if arg.ty == RustString {
write!(out, "const ");
write_extern_arg(out, arg, types);
let indirect_return = indirect_return(efn, types);
if indirect_return {
if !efn.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write_indirect_return_type_space(out, efn.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
write!(out, "*return$");
writeln!(out, ") noexcept {{");
write!(out, " ");
write_return_type(out, &efn.ret);
write!(out, "(*{}$)(", efn.ident);
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
writeln!(out, ") = {};", efn.ident);
write!(out, " ");
if efn.throws {
writeln!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr throw$;");
writeln!(out, " ::rust::behavior::trycatch(");
writeln!(out, " [&] {{");
write!(out, " ");
if indirect_return {
write!(out, "new (return$) ");
write_indirect_return_type(out, efn.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
write!(out, "(");
} else if efn.ret.is_some() {
write!(out, "return ");
match &efn.ret {
Some(Type::Ref(_)) => write!(out, "&"),
Some(Type::Str(_)) if !indirect_return => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr("),
_ => {}
write!(out, "{}$(", efn.ident);
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
if let Type::RustBox(_) = &arg.ty {
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "::from_raw({})", arg.ident);
} else if let Type::UniquePtr(_) = &arg.ty {
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "({})", arg.ident);
} else if arg.ty == RustString {
"::rust::String(::rust::unsafe_bitcopy, *{})",
} else if types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
out.include.utility = true;
write!(out, "::std::move(*{})", arg.ident);
} else {
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
write!(out, ")");
match &efn.ret {
Some(Type::RustBox(_)) => write!(out, ".into_raw()"),
Some(Type::UniquePtr(_)) => write!(out, ".release()"),
Some(Type::Str(_)) if !indirect_return => write!(out, ")"),
_ => {}
if indirect_return {
write!(out, ")");
writeln!(out, ";");
if efn.throws {
out.include.cstring = true;
writeln!(out, " throw$.ptr = nullptr;");
writeln!(out, " }},");
writeln!(out, " [&](const char *catch$) noexcept {{");
writeln!(out, " throw$.len = ::std::strlen(catch$);");
" throw$.ptr = cxxbridge02$exception(catch$, throw$.len);",
writeln!(out, " }});");
writeln!(out, " return throw$;");
writeln!(out, "}}");
for arg in &efn.args {
if let Type::Fn(f) = &arg.ty {
let var = &arg.ident;
write_function_pointer_trampoline(out, efn, var, f, types);
fn write_function_pointer_trampoline(
out: &mut OutFile,
efn: &ExternFn,
var: &Ident,
f: &Signature,
types: &Types,
) {
let r_trampoline = format!("{}cxxbridge02${}${}$1", out.namespace, efn.ident, var);
let indirect_call = true;
write_rust_function_decl_impl(out, &r_trampoline, f, types, indirect_call);
let c_trampoline = format!("{}cxxbridge02${}${}$0", out.namespace, efn.ident, var);
write_rust_function_shim_impl(out, &c_trampoline, f, types, &r_trampoline, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_decl(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
let link_name = format!("{}cxxbridge02${}", out.namespace, efn.ident);
let indirect_call = false;
write_rust_function_decl_impl(out, &link_name, efn, types, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_decl_impl(
out: &mut OutFile,
link_name: &str,
sig: &Signature,
types: &Types,
indirect_call: bool,
) {
if sig.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr ");
} else {
write_extern_return_type_space(out, &sig.ret, types);
write!(out, "{}(", link_name);
let mut needs_comma = false;
for arg in &sig.args {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write_extern_arg(out, arg, types);
needs_comma = true;
if indirect_return(sig, types) {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write_return_type(out, &sig.ret);
write!(out, "*return$");
needs_comma = true;
if indirect_call {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "void *");
writeln!(out, ") noexcept;");
fn write_rust_function_shim(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
for line in efn.doc.to_string().lines() {
writeln!(out, "//{}", line);
let local_name = efn.ident.to_string();
let invoke = format!("{}cxxbridge02${}", out.namespace, efn.ident);
let indirect_call = false;
write_rust_function_shim_impl(out, &local_name, efn, types, &invoke, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_shim_impl(
out: &mut OutFile,
local_name: &str,
sig: &Signature,
types: &Types,
invoke: &str,
indirect_call: bool,
) {
write_return_type(out, &sig.ret);
write!(out, "{}(", local_name);
for (i, arg) in sig.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type_space(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
if indirect_call {
if !sig.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "void *extern$");
write!(out, ")");
if !sig.throws {
write!(out, " noexcept");
if out.header {
writeln!(out, ";");
} else {
writeln!(out, " {{");
for arg in &sig.args {
if arg.ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
out.include.utility = true;
write!(out, " ::rust::ManuallyDrop<");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
writeln!(out, "> {}$(::std::move({0}));", arg.ident);
write!(out, " ");
let indirect_return = indirect_return(sig, types);
if indirect_return {
write!(out, "::rust::MaybeUninit<");
write_type(out, sig.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
writeln!(out, "> return$;");
write!(out, " ");
} else if let Some(ret) = &sig.ret {
write!(out, "return ");
match ret {
Type::RustBox(_) => {
write_type(out, ret);
write!(out, "::from_raw(");
Type::UniquePtr(_) => {
write_type(out, ret);
write!(out, "(");
Type::Ref(_) => write!(out, "*"),
_ => {}
if sig.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr error$ = ");
write!(out, "{}(", invoke);
for (i, arg) in sig.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
match &arg.ty {
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr("),
ty if types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "&"),
_ => {}
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
match &arg.ty {
Type::RustBox(_) => write!(out, ".into_raw()"),
Type::UniquePtr(_) => write!(out, ".release()"),
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, ")"),
ty if ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "$.value"),
_ => {}
if indirect_return {
if !sig.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "&return$.value");
if indirect_call {
if !sig.args.is_empty() || indirect_return {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "extern$");
write!(out, ")");
if let Some(ret) = &sig.ret {
if let Type::RustBox(_) | Type::UniquePtr(_) = ret {
write!(out, ")");
writeln!(out, ";");
if sig.throws {
writeln!(out, " if (error$.ptr) {{");
writeln!(out, " throw ::rust::Error(error$);");
writeln!(out, " }}");
if indirect_return {
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, " return ::std::move(return$.value);");
writeln!(out, "}}");
fn write_return_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Option<Type>) {
match ty {
None => write!(out, "void "),
Some(ty) => write_type_space(out, ty),
fn indirect_return(sig: &Signature, types: &Types) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |ret| sig.throws || types.needs_indirect_abi(ret))
fn write_indirect_return_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
Type::RustBox(ty) | Type::UniquePtr(ty) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Type::Ref(ty) => {
if ty.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, " *");
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr"),
_ => write_type(out, ty),
fn write_indirect_return_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
write_indirect_return_type(out, ty);
match ty {
Type::RustBox(_) | Type::UniquePtr(_) | Type::Ref(_) => {}
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, " "),
_ => write_space_after_type(out, ty),
fn write_extern_return_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Option<Type>, types: &Types) {
match ty {
Some(Type::RustBox(ty)) | Some(Type::UniquePtr(ty)) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Some(Type::Ref(ty)) => {
if ty.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, " *");
Some(Type::Str(_)) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr "),
Some(ty) if types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "void "),
_ => write_return_type(out, ty),
fn write_extern_arg(out: &mut OutFile, arg: &Var, types: &Types) {
match &arg.ty {
Type::RustBox(ty) | Type::UniquePtr(ty) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr "),
_ => write_type_space(out, &arg.ty),
if types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
write!(out, "*");
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
fn write_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
Type::Ident(ident) => match Atom::from(ident) {
Some(Bool) => write!(out, "bool"),
Some(U8) => write!(out, "uint8_t"),
Some(U16) => write!(out, "uint16_t"),
Some(U32) => write!(out, "uint32_t"),
Some(U64) => write!(out, "uint64_t"),
Some(Usize) => write!(out, "size_t"),
Some(I8) => write!(out, "int8_t"),
Some(I16) => write!(out, "int16_t"),
Some(I32) => write!(out, "int32_t"),
Some(I64) => write!(out, "int64_t"),
Some(Isize) => write!(out, "::rust::isize"),
Some(F32) => write!(out, "float"),
Some(F64) => write!(out, "double"),
Some(CxxString) => write!(out, "::std::string"),
Some(RustString) => write!(out, "::rust::String"),
None => write!(out, "{}", ident),
Type::RustBox(ty) => {
write!(out, "::rust::Box<");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, ">");
Type::UniquePtr(ptr) => {
write!(out, "::std::unique_ptr<");
write_type(out, &ptr.inner);
write!(out, ">");
Type::Ref(r) => {
if r.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &r.inner);
write!(out, " &");
Type::Str(_) => {
write!(out, "::rust::Str");
Type::Fn(f) => {
write!(out, "::rust::{}<", if f.throws { "TryFn" } else { "Fn" });
match &f.ret {
Some(ret) => write_type(out, ret),
None => write!(out, "void"),
write!(out, "(");
for (i, arg) in f.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, ")>");
Type::Void(_) => unreachable!(),
fn write_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
write_type(out, ty);
write_space_after_type(out, ty);
fn write_space_after_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
Type::Ident(_) | Type::RustBox(_) | Type::UniquePtr(_) | Type::Str(_) | Type::Fn(_) => {
write!(out, " ")
Type::Ref(_) => {}
Type::Void(_) => unreachable!(),
fn write_generic_instantiations(out: &mut OutFile, types: &Types) {
fn allow_unique_ptr(ident: &Ident) -> bool {
out.begin_block("extern \"C\"");
for ty in types {
if let Type::RustBox(ty) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ty.inner {
write_rust_box_extern(out, inner);
} else if let Type::UniquePtr(ptr) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ptr.inner {
if allow_unique_ptr(inner) {
write_unique_ptr(out, inner, types);
out.end_block("extern \"C\"");
out.begin_block("namespace rust");
out.begin_block("inline namespace cxxbridge02");
for ty in types {
if let Type::RustBox(ty) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ty.inner {
write_rust_box_impl(out, inner);
out.end_block("namespace cxxbridge02");
out.end_block("namespace rust");
fn write_rust_box_extern(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "#ifndef CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
writeln!(out, "#define CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
"void cxxbridge02$box${}$uninit(::rust::Box<{}> *ptr) noexcept;",
instance, inner,
"void cxxbridge02$box${}$drop(::rust::Box<{}> *ptr) noexcept;",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, "#endif // CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
fn write_rust_box_impl(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "template <>");
writeln!(out, "void Box<{}>::uninit() noexcept {{", inner);
writeln!(out, " cxxbridge02$box${}$uninit(this);", instance);
writeln!(out, "}}");
writeln!(out, "template <>");
writeln!(out, "void Box<{}>::drop() noexcept {{", inner);
writeln!(out, " cxxbridge02$box${}$drop(this);", instance);
writeln!(out, "}}");
fn write_unique_ptr(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident, types: &Types) {
out.include.utility = true;
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "#ifndef CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);
writeln!(out, "#define CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);
"static_assert(sizeof(::std::unique_ptr<{}>) == sizeof(void *), \"\");",
"static_assert(alignof(::std::unique_ptr<{}>) == alignof(void *), \"\");",
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$null(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr) noexcept {{",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>();", inner);
writeln!(out, "}}");
if types.structs.contains_key(ident) {
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$new(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr, {} *value) noexcept {{",
instance, inner, inner,
" new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>(new {}(::std::move(*value)));",
inner, inner,
writeln!(out, "}}");
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$raw(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr, {} *raw) noexcept {{",
instance, inner, inner,
writeln!(out, " new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>(raw);", inner);
writeln!(out, "}}");
"const {} *cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$get(const ::std::unique_ptr<{}>& ptr) noexcept {{",
inner, instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " return ptr.get();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
"{} *cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$release(::std::unique_ptr<{}>& ptr) noexcept {{",
inner, instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " return ptr.release();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$drop(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr) noexcept {{",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " ptr->~unique_ptr();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
writeln!(out, "#endif // CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);