mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 14:47:43 +00:00
1033 lines
32 KiB
1033 lines
32 KiB
use crate::gen::out::OutFile;
use crate::gen::{include, Opt};
use crate::syntax::atom::Atom::{self, *};
use crate::syntax::namespace::Namespace;
use crate::syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use crate::syntax::{mangle, Api, ExternFn, ExternType, Signature, Struct, Type, Types, Var};
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub(super) fn gen(
namespace: Namespace,
apis: &[Api],
types: &Types,
opt: Opt,
header: bool,
) -> OutFile {
let mut out_file = OutFile::new(namespace.clone(), header);
let out = &mut out_file;
if header {
writeln!(out, "#pragma once");
for api in apis {
if let Api::Include(include) = api {
write_includes(out, types);
write_include_cxxbridge(out, apis, types);
for name in &namespace {
writeln!(out, "namespace {} {{", name);
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::Struct(strct) => write_struct_decl(out, &strct.ident),
Api::CxxType(ety) => write_struct_using(out, &ety.ident),
Api::RustType(ety) => write_struct_decl(out, &ety.ident),
_ => {}
let mut methods_for_type = HashMap::new();
for api in apis {
if let Api::RustFunction(efn) = api {
if let Some(receiver) = &efn.sig.receiver {
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::Struct(strct) => {
write_struct(out, strct);
Api::RustType(ety) => {
if let Some(methods) = methods_for_type.get(&ety.ident) {
write_struct_with_methods(out, ety, methods);
_ => {}
if !header {
out.begin_block("extern \"C\"");
write_exception_glue(out, apis);
for api in apis {
let (efn, write): (_, fn(_, _, _)) = match api {
Api::CxxFunction(efn) => (efn, write_cxx_function_shim),
Api::RustFunction(efn) => (efn, write_rust_function_decl),
_ => continue,
write(out, efn, types);
out.end_block("extern \"C\"");
for api in apis {
if let Api::RustFunction(efn) = api {
write_rust_function_shim(out, efn, types);
for name in namespace.iter().rev() {
writeln!(out, "}} // namespace {}", name);
if !header {
write_generic_instantiations(out, types);
fn write_includes(out: &mut OutFile, types: &Types) {
for ty in types {
match ty {
Type::Ident(ident) => match Atom::from(ident) {
Some(U8) | Some(U16) | Some(U32) | Some(U64) | Some(I8) | Some(I16) | Some(I32)
| Some(I64) => out.include.cstdint = true,
Some(Usize) => out.include.cstddef = true,
Some(CxxString) => out.include.string = true,
Some(Bool) | Some(Isize) | Some(F32) | Some(F64) | Some(RustString) | None => {}
Type::RustBox(_) => out.include.type_traits = true,
Type::UniquePtr(_) => out.include.memory = true,
Type::SliceRefU8(_) => out.include.cstdint = true,
_ => {}
fn write_include_cxxbridge(out: &mut OutFile, apis: &[Api], types: &Types) {
let mut needs_rust_string = false;
let mut needs_rust_str = false;
let mut needs_rust_slice = false;
let mut needs_rust_box = false;
let mut needs_rust_fn = false;
let mut needs_rust_isize = false;
for ty in types {
match ty {
Type::RustBox(_) => {
out.include.type_traits = true;
needs_rust_box = true;
Type::Str(_) => {
out.include.cstdint = true;
out.include.string = true;
needs_rust_str = true;
Type::Fn(_) => {
needs_rust_fn = true;
Type::Slice(_) | Type::SliceRefU8(_) => {
needs_rust_slice = true;
ty if ty == Isize => {
out.include.base_tsd = true;
needs_rust_isize = true;
ty if ty == RustString => {
out.include.array = true;
out.include.cstdint = true;
out.include.string = true;
needs_rust_string = true;
_ => {}
let mut needs_rust_error = false;
let mut needs_unsafe_bitcopy = false;
let mut needs_manually_drop = false;
let mut needs_maybe_uninit = false;
let mut needs_trycatch = false;
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::CxxFunction(efn) if !out.header => {
if efn.throws {
needs_trycatch = true;
for arg in &efn.args {
if arg.ty == RustString {
needs_unsafe_bitcopy = true;
Api::RustFunction(efn) if !out.header => {
if efn.throws {
out.include.exception = true;
needs_rust_error = true;
for arg in &efn.args {
if arg.ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
needs_manually_drop = true;
if let Some(ret) = &efn.ret {
if types.needs_indirect_abi(ret) {
needs_maybe_uninit = true;
_ => {}
out.begin_block("namespace rust");
out.begin_block("inline namespace cxxbridge02");
if needs_rust_string
|| needs_rust_str
|| needs_rust_slice
|| needs_rust_box
|| needs_rust_fn
|| needs_rust_error
|| needs_rust_isize
|| needs_unsafe_bitcopy
|| needs_manually_drop
|| needs_maybe_uninit
|| needs_trycatch
writeln!(out, "// #include \"rust/cxx.h\"");
if needs_rust_string {
writeln!(out, "struct unsafe_bitcopy_t;");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_string, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_STRING");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_str, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_STR");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_slice, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_SLICE");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_box, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_fn, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_FN");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_error, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_ERROR");
write_header_section(out, needs_rust_isize, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_ISIZE");
write_header_section(out, needs_unsafe_bitcopy, "CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BITCOPY");
if needs_manually_drop {
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, "template <typename T>");
writeln!(out, "union ManuallyDrop {{");
writeln!(out, " T value;");
" ManuallyDrop(T &&value) : value(::std::move(value)) {{}}",
writeln!(out, " ~ManuallyDrop() {{}}");
writeln!(out, "}};");
if needs_maybe_uninit {
writeln!(out, "template <typename T>");
writeln!(out, "union MaybeUninit {{");
writeln!(out, " T value;");
writeln!(out, " MaybeUninit() {{}}");
writeln!(out, " ~MaybeUninit() {{}}");
writeln!(out, "}};");
out.end_block("namespace cxxbridge02");
if needs_trycatch {
out.begin_block("namespace behavior");
out.include.exception = true;
out.include.type_traits = true;
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, "class missing {{}};");
writeln!(out, "missing trycatch(...);");
writeln!(out, "template <typename Try, typename Fail>");
writeln!(out, "static typename std::enable_if<");
" std::is_same<decltype(trycatch(std::declval<Try>(), std::declval<Fail>())),",
writeln!(out, " missing>::value>::type");
writeln!(out, "trycatch(Try &&func, Fail &&fail) noexcept try {{");
writeln!(out, " func();");
writeln!(out, "}} catch (const ::std::exception &e) {{");
writeln!(out, " fail(e.what());");
writeln!(out, "}}");
out.end_block("namespace behavior");
out.end_block("namespace rust");
fn write_header_section(out: &mut OutFile, needed: bool, section: &str) {
let section = include::get(section);
if needed {
for line in section.lines() {
if !line.trim_start().starts_with("//") {
writeln!(out, "{}", line);
fn write_struct(out: &mut OutFile, strct: &Struct) {
for line in strct.doc.to_string().lines() {
writeln!(out, "//{}", line);
writeln!(out, "struct {} final {{", strct.ident);
for field in &strct.fields {
write!(out, " ");
write_type_space(out, &field.ty);
writeln!(out, "{};", field.ident);
writeln!(out, "}};");
fn write_struct_decl(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
writeln!(out, "struct {};", ident);
fn write_struct_using(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
writeln!(out, "using {} = {};", ident, ident);
fn write_struct_with_methods(out: &mut OutFile, ety: &ExternType, methods: &[&ExternFn]) {
for line in ety.doc.to_string().lines() {
writeln!(out, "//{}", line);
writeln!(out, "struct {} final {{", ety.ident);
writeln!(out, " {}() = delete;", ety.ident);
writeln!(out, " {}(const {} &) = delete;", ety.ident, ety.ident);
for method in methods {
write!(out, " ");
let sig = &method.sig;
let local_name = method.ident.to_string();
write_rust_function_shim_decl(out, &local_name, sig, false);
writeln!(out, ";");
writeln!(out, "}};");
fn write_exception_glue(out: &mut OutFile, apis: &[Api]) {
let mut has_cxx_throws = false;
for api in apis {
if let Api::CxxFunction(efn) = api {
if efn.throws {
has_cxx_throws = true;
if has_cxx_throws {
"const char *cxxbridge02$exception(const char *, size_t);",
fn write_cxx_function_shim(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
if efn.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr ");
} else {
write_extern_return_type_space(out, &efn.ret, types);
let mangled = mangle::extern_fn(&out.namespace, efn);
write!(out, "{}(", mangled);
if let Some(receiver) = &efn.receiver {
if receiver.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write!(out, "{} &self", receiver.ident);
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 || efn.receiver.is_some() {
write!(out, ", ");
if arg.ty == RustString {
write!(out, "const ");
write_extern_arg(out, arg, types);
let indirect_return = indirect_return(efn, types);
if indirect_return {
if !efn.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write_indirect_return_type_space(out, efn.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
write!(out, "*return$");
writeln!(out, ") noexcept {{");
write!(out, " ");
write_return_type(out, &efn.ret);
match &efn.receiver {
None => write!(out, "(*{}$)(", efn.ident),
Some(receiver) => write!(out, "({}::*{}$)(", receiver.ident, efn.ident),
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, ")");
if let Some(receiver) = &efn.receiver {
if receiver.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, " const");
write!(out, " = ");
match &efn.receiver {
None => write!(out, "{}", efn.ident),
Some(receiver) => write!(out, "&{}::{}", receiver.ident, efn.ident),
writeln!(out, ";");
write!(out, " ");
if efn.throws {
writeln!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr throw$;");
writeln!(out, " ::rust::behavior::trycatch(");
writeln!(out, " [&] {{");
write!(out, " ");
if indirect_return {
write!(out, "new (return$) ");
write_indirect_return_type(out, efn.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
write!(out, "(");
} else if efn.ret.is_some() {
write!(out, "return ");
match &efn.ret {
Some(Type::Ref(_)) => write!(out, "&"),
Some(Type::Str(_)) if !indirect_return => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr("),
Some(Type::SliceRefU8(_)) if !indirect_return => {
write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>::Repr(")
_ => {}
match &efn.receiver {
None => write!(out, "{}$(", efn.ident),
Some(_) => write!(out, "(self.*{}$)(", efn.ident),
for (i, arg) in efn.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
if let Type::RustBox(_) = &arg.ty {
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "::from_raw({})", arg.ident);
} else if let Type::UniquePtr(_) = &arg.ty {
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "({})", arg.ident);
} else if arg.ty == RustString {
"::rust::String(::rust::unsafe_bitcopy, *{})",
} else if types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
out.include.utility = true;
write!(out, "::std::move(*{})", arg.ident);
} else {
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
write!(out, ")");
match &efn.ret {
Some(Type::RustBox(_)) => write!(out, ".into_raw()"),
Some(Type::UniquePtr(_)) => write!(out, ".release()"),
Some(Type::Str(_)) | Some(Type::SliceRefU8(_)) if !indirect_return => write!(out, ")"),
_ => {}
if indirect_return {
write!(out, ")");
writeln!(out, ";");
if efn.throws {
out.include.cstring = true;
writeln!(out, " throw$.ptr = nullptr;");
writeln!(out, " }},");
writeln!(out, " [&](const char *catch$) noexcept {{");
writeln!(out, " throw$.len = ::std::strlen(catch$);");
" throw$.ptr = cxxbridge02$exception(catch$, throw$.len);",
writeln!(out, " }});");
writeln!(out, " return throw$;");
writeln!(out, "}}");
for arg in &efn.args {
if let Type::Fn(f) = &arg.ty {
let var = &arg.ident;
write_function_pointer_trampoline(out, efn, var, f, types);
fn write_function_pointer_trampoline(
out: &mut OutFile,
efn: &ExternFn,
var: &Ident,
f: &Signature,
types: &Types,
) {
let r_trampoline = mangle::r_trampoline(&out.namespace, efn, var);
let indirect_call = true;
write_rust_function_decl_impl(out, &r_trampoline, f, types, indirect_call);
let c_trampoline = mangle::c_trampoline(&out.namespace, efn, var).to_string();
write_rust_function_shim_impl(out, &c_trampoline, f, types, &r_trampoline, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_decl(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
let link_name = mangle::extern_fn(&out.namespace, efn);
let indirect_call = false;
write_rust_function_decl_impl(out, &link_name, efn, types, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_decl_impl(
out: &mut OutFile,
link_name: &Symbol,
sig: &Signature,
types: &Types,
indirect_call: bool,
) {
if sig.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr ");
} else {
write_extern_return_type_space(out, &sig.ret, types);
write!(out, "{}(", link_name);
let mut needs_comma = false;
if let Some(receiver) = &sig.receiver {
if receiver.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write!(out, "{} &self", receiver.ident);
needs_comma = true;
for arg in &sig.args {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write_extern_arg(out, arg, types);
needs_comma = true;
if indirect_return(sig, types) {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write_return_type(out, &sig.ret);
write!(out, "*return$");
needs_comma = true;
if indirect_call {
if needs_comma {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "void *");
writeln!(out, ") noexcept;");
fn write_rust_function_shim(out: &mut OutFile, efn: &ExternFn, types: &Types) {
for line in efn.doc.to_string().lines() {
writeln!(out, "//{}", line);
let local_name = match &efn.sig.receiver {
None => efn.ident.to_string(),
Some(receiver) => format!("{}::{}", receiver.ident, efn.ident),
let invoke = mangle::extern_fn(&out.namespace, efn);
let indirect_call = false;
write_rust_function_shim_impl(out, &local_name, efn, types, &invoke, indirect_call);
fn write_rust_function_shim_decl(
out: &mut OutFile,
local_name: &str,
sig: &Signature,
indirect_call: bool,
) {
write_return_type(out, &sig.ret);
write!(out, "{}(", local_name);
for (i, arg) in sig.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type_space(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
if indirect_call {
if !sig.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "void *extern$");
write!(out, ")");
if let Some(receiver) = &sig.receiver {
if receiver.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, " const");
if !sig.throws {
write!(out, " noexcept");
fn write_rust_function_shim_impl(
out: &mut OutFile,
local_name: &str,
sig: &Signature,
types: &Types,
invoke: &Symbol,
indirect_call: bool,
) {
if out.header && sig.receiver.is_some() {
// We've already defined this inside the struct.
write_rust_function_shim_decl(out, local_name, sig, indirect_call);
if out.header {
writeln!(out, ";");
writeln!(out, " {{");
for arg in &sig.args {
if arg.ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
out.include.utility = true;
write!(out, " ::rust::ManuallyDrop<");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
writeln!(out, "> {}$(::std::move({0}));", arg.ident);
write!(out, " ");
let indirect_return = indirect_return(sig, types);
if indirect_return {
write!(out, "::rust::MaybeUninit<");
write_type(out, sig.ret.as_ref().unwrap());
writeln!(out, "> return$;");
write!(out, " ");
} else if let Some(ret) = &sig.ret {
write!(out, "return ");
match ret {
Type::RustBox(_) => {
write_type(out, ret);
write!(out, "::from_raw(");
Type::UniquePtr(_) => {
write_type(out, ret);
write!(out, "(");
Type::Ref(_) => write!(out, "*"),
_ => {}
if sig.throws {
write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr error$ = ");
write!(out, "{}(", invoke);
if sig.receiver.is_some() {
write!(out, "*this");
for (i, arg) in sig.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 || sig.receiver.is_some() {
write!(out, ", ");
match &arg.ty {
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr("),
Type::SliceRefU8(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>::Repr("),
ty if types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "&"),
_ => {}
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
match &arg.ty {
Type::RustBox(_) => write!(out, ".into_raw()"),
Type::UniquePtr(_) => write!(out, ".release()"),
Type::Str(_) | Type::SliceRefU8(_) => write!(out, ")"),
ty if ty != RustString && types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "$.value"),
_ => {}
if indirect_return {
if !sig.args.is_empty() {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "&return$.value");
if indirect_call {
if !sig.args.is_empty() || indirect_return {
write!(out, ", ");
write!(out, "extern$");
write!(out, ")");
if let Some(ret) = &sig.ret {
if let Type::RustBox(_) | Type::UniquePtr(_) = ret {
write!(out, ")");
writeln!(out, ";");
if sig.throws {
writeln!(out, " if (error$.ptr) {{");
writeln!(out, " throw ::rust::Error(error$);");
writeln!(out, " }}");
if indirect_return {
out.include.utility = true;
writeln!(out, " return ::std::move(return$.value);");
writeln!(out, "}}");
fn write_return_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Option<Type>) {
match ty {
None => write!(out, "void "),
Some(ty) => write_type_space(out, ty),
fn indirect_return(sig: &Signature, types: &Types) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |ret| sig.throws || types.needs_indirect_abi(ret))
fn write_indirect_return_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
Type::RustBox(ty) | Type::UniquePtr(ty) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Type::Ref(ty) => {
if ty.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, " *");
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr"),
Type::SliceRefU8(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>::Repr"),
_ => write_type(out, ty),
fn write_indirect_return_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
write_indirect_return_type(out, ty);
match ty {
Type::RustBox(_) | Type::UniquePtr(_) | Type::Ref(_) => {}
Type::Str(_) | Type::SliceRefU8(_) => write!(out, " "),
_ => write_space_after_type(out, ty),
fn write_extern_return_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Option<Type>, types: &Types) {
match ty {
Some(Type::RustBox(ty)) | Some(Type::UniquePtr(ty)) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Some(Type::Ref(ty)) => {
if ty.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, " *");
Some(Type::Str(_)) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr "),
Some(Type::SliceRefU8(_)) => write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>::Repr "),
Some(ty) if types.needs_indirect_abi(ty) => write!(out, "void "),
_ => write_return_type(out, ty),
fn write_extern_arg(out: &mut OutFile, arg: &Var, types: &Types) {
match &arg.ty {
Type::RustBox(ty) | Type::UniquePtr(ty) => {
write_type_space(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, "*");
Type::Str(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Str::Repr "),
Type::SliceRefU8(_) => write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>::Repr "),
_ => write_type_space(out, &arg.ty),
if types.needs_indirect_abi(&arg.ty) {
write!(out, "*");
write!(out, "{}", arg.ident);
fn write_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
Type::Ident(ident) => match Atom::from(ident) {
Some(Bool) => write!(out, "bool"),
Some(U8) => write!(out, "uint8_t"),
Some(U16) => write!(out, "uint16_t"),
Some(U32) => write!(out, "uint32_t"),
Some(U64) => write!(out, "uint64_t"),
Some(Usize) => write!(out, "size_t"),
Some(I8) => write!(out, "int8_t"),
Some(I16) => write!(out, "int16_t"),
Some(I32) => write!(out, "int32_t"),
Some(I64) => write!(out, "int64_t"),
Some(Isize) => write!(out, "::rust::isize"),
Some(F32) => write!(out, "float"),
Some(F64) => write!(out, "double"),
Some(CxxString) => write!(out, "::std::string"),
Some(RustString) => write!(out, "::rust::String"),
None => write!(out, "{}", ident),
Type::RustBox(ty) => {
write!(out, "::rust::Box<");
write_type(out, &ty.inner);
write!(out, ">");
Type::UniquePtr(ptr) => {
write!(out, "::std::unique_ptr<");
write_type(out, &ptr.inner);
write!(out, ">");
Type::Ref(r) => {
if r.mutability.is_none() {
write!(out, "const ");
write_type(out, &r.inner);
write!(out, " &");
Type::Slice(_) => {
// For now, only U8 slices are supported, which are covered separately below
Type::Str(_) => {
write!(out, "::rust::Str");
Type::SliceRefU8(_) => {
write!(out, "::rust::Slice<uint8_t>");
Type::Fn(f) => {
write!(out, "::rust::{}<", if f.throws { "TryFn" } else { "Fn" });
match &f.ret {
Some(ret) => write_type(out, ret),
None => write!(out, "void"),
write!(out, "(");
for (i, arg) in f.args.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(out, ", ");
write_type(out, &arg.ty);
write!(out, ")>");
Type::Void(_) => unreachable!(),
fn write_type_space(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
write_type(out, ty);
write_space_after_type(out, ty);
fn write_space_after_type(out: &mut OutFile, ty: &Type) {
match ty {
| Type::RustBox(_)
| Type::UniquePtr(_)
| Type::Str(_)
| Type::SliceRefU8(_)
| Type::Fn(_) => write!(out, " "),
Type::Ref(_) => {}
Type::Void(_) | Type::Slice(_) => unreachable!(),
fn write_generic_instantiations(out: &mut OutFile, types: &Types) {
fn allow_unique_ptr(ident: &Ident) -> bool {
out.begin_block("extern \"C\"");
for ty in types {
if let Type::RustBox(ty) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ty.inner {
write_rust_box_extern(out, inner);
} else if let Type::UniquePtr(ptr) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ptr.inner {
if allow_unique_ptr(inner) {
write_unique_ptr(out, inner, types);
out.end_block("extern \"C\"");
out.begin_block("namespace rust");
out.begin_block("inline namespace cxxbridge02");
for ty in types {
if let Type::RustBox(ty) = ty {
if let Type::Ident(inner) = &ty.inner {
write_rust_box_impl(out, inner);
out.end_block("namespace cxxbridge02");
out.end_block("namespace rust");
fn write_rust_box_extern(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "#ifndef CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
writeln!(out, "#define CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
"void cxxbridge02$box${}$uninit(::rust::Box<{}> *ptr) noexcept;",
instance, inner,
"void cxxbridge02$box${}$drop(::rust::Box<{}> *ptr) noexcept;",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, "#endif // CXXBRIDGE02_RUST_BOX_{}", instance);
fn write_rust_box_impl(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident) {
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "template <>");
writeln!(out, "void Box<{}>::uninit() noexcept {{", inner);
writeln!(out, " cxxbridge02$box${}$uninit(this);", instance);
writeln!(out, "}}");
writeln!(out, "template <>");
writeln!(out, "void Box<{}>::drop() noexcept {{", inner);
writeln!(out, " cxxbridge02$box${}$drop(this);", instance);
writeln!(out, "}}");
fn write_unique_ptr(out: &mut OutFile, ident: &Ident, types: &Types) {
out.include.utility = true;
let mut inner = String::new();
for name in &out.namespace {
inner += name;
inner += "::";
inner += &ident.to_string();
let instance = inner.replace("::", "$");
writeln!(out, "#ifndef CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);
writeln!(out, "#define CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);
"static_assert(sizeof(::std::unique_ptr<{}>) == sizeof(void *), \"\");",
"static_assert(alignof(::std::unique_ptr<{}>) == alignof(void *), \"\");",
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$null(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr) noexcept {{",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>();", inner);
writeln!(out, "}}");
if types.structs.contains_key(ident) {
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$new(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr, {} *value) noexcept {{",
instance, inner, inner,
" new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>(new {}(::std::move(*value)));",
inner, inner,
writeln!(out, "}}");
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$raw(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr, {} *raw) noexcept {{",
instance, inner, inner,
writeln!(out, " new (ptr) ::std::unique_ptr<{}>(raw);", inner);
writeln!(out, "}}");
"const {} *cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$get(const ::std::unique_ptr<{}>& ptr) noexcept {{",
inner, instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " return ptr.get();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
"{} *cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$release(::std::unique_ptr<{}>& ptr) noexcept {{",
inner, instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " return ptr.release();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
"void cxxbridge02$unique_ptr${}$drop(::std::unique_ptr<{}> *ptr) noexcept {{",
instance, inner,
writeln!(out, " ptr->~unique_ptr();");
writeln!(out, "}}");
writeln!(out, "#endif // CXXBRIDGE02_UNIQUE_PTR_{}", instance);