tweak dhcp service example - add ntp configuration

Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <>
This commit is contained in:
Denys Vlasenko 2009-11-09 09:39:50 +01:00
parent c3896850f7
commit 391dd92ce2
3 changed files with 85 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -19,24 +19,12 @@
#let cfg=cfg+1
#if[$cfg]=...; ip[$cfg]=...; ipmask[$cfg]=.../...; gw[$cfg]=...; net[$cfg]=... dns[$cfg]=...
exec >"$0.out" 2>&1
exec >/dev/null
#exec >"$0.out" # debug
exec 2>&1
test "$interface" || exit 1
test -f "$1" || exit 1
# Unsafe, and does not handle values with spaces:
#. "./$1" || exit 1
# Safe(r) parsing:
while read line; do
#echo "line: $line"
# Skip empty lines and lines with single quotes
test "${line##*$sq*}" || continue
#echo "var:$var val:'$val'"
eval "$var='$val'"
done <"$1"
test "$ip" || exit 1
echo "let cfg=cfg+1"
@ -50,4 +38,4 @@ test "$dns" && echo "dns[\$cfg]='$dns'"
# which subnet(s) is/are available thru advertised router
# Assume 0/0
echo "net[\$cfg]='0/0'"
} >"$2"
} >"$1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# convert:
# dhcptype=5
# serverid=
# lease=97200
# interface=eth0
# ip=
# subnet=
# mask=24
# broadcast=
# router=
# dns=
# ntpsrv=
# into:
#let cfg=cfg+1
exec >/dev/null
#exec >"$0.out" # debug
exec 2>&1
test "$interface" || exit 1
test "$ip" || exit 1
for n in $ntpsrv; do
echo "let cfg=cfg+1"
echo "ntpip[\$cfg]='$n'";
} >"$1"

View File

@ -3,17 +3,29 @@
# parameters: $1 and environment
# $1 is:
# deconfig: This argument is used when udhcpc starts, and
# when a lease is lost. The script should put the interface in an
# when a leases is lost. The script should put the interface in an
# up, but deconfigured state, ie: ifconfig $interface
# Environment: interface=ethN
# bound: This argument is used when udhcpc moves from an
# unbound, to a bound state. All of the paramaters are set in
# enviromental variables, The script should configure the interface,
# and set any other relavent parameters (default gateway, dns server, etc).
# Environment:
# and set any other relavent parameters (default gateway, dns server,
# etc).
# renew: This argument is used when a DHCP lease is renewed. All of
# the paramaters are set in enviromental variables. This argument is
# used when the interface is already configured, so the IP address,
# will not change, however, the other DHCP paramaters, such as the
# default gateway, subnet mask, and dns server may change.
# nak: This argument is used with udhcpc receives a NAK message.
# The script with the deconfig argument will be called directly
# afterwards, so no changes to the network interface are neccessary.
# This hook is provided for purely informational purposes (the
# message option may contain a reason for the NAK).
# env shows something like:
# dhcptype=5
# serverid=
# lease=97200
@ -26,33 +38,19 @@
# dns=
# ntpsrv=
# renew: This argument is used when a DHCP lease is renewed. All of
# the paramaters are set in enviromental variables. This argument is
# used when the interface is already configured, so the IP address,
# will not change, however, the other DHCP paramaters, such as the
# default gateway, subnet mask, and dns server may change.
# Environment: same as for "bound".
# nak: This argument is used with udhcpc receives a NAK message.
# The script with the deconfig argument will be called directly
# afterwards, so no changes to the network interface are neccessary.
# This hook is provided for purely informational purposes (the
# message option may contain a reason for the NAK).
# Environment: interface=ethN, serverid=IP_ADDR
# leasefail: called when lease cannot be obtained
# (for example, when DHCP server is down).
# Environment: interface=ethN
# TODO: put domain into /etc/resolv.conf (thru /var/service/fw)
# TODO: feed ntp IPs to /var/service/ntp
service=`basename $PWD`
exec >>"$0.out" 2>&1
exec >/dev/null
#exec >>"$0.out" #debug
exec 2>&1
echo "`date`: Params: $*"
@ -60,23 +58,34 @@ if test x"$1" != x"bound" && test x"$1" != x"renew" ; then
# Reconfigure network with this interface disabled
echo "Deconfiguring"
rm "$service.out"
rm "$outfile"
rm "$dir/$outfile"
rm "$file_ipconf"
rm "$file_ntpconf"
rm "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf"
rm "$dir_ntpconf/$file_ntpconf"
sv u /var/service/fw
# Bound: we've got the lease
#env >"$service.out" # debug
# Process params
env >"$service.out"
./convert2ipconf "$service.out" "$outfile"
./convert2ipconf "$file_ipconf"
# Reconfigure routing and firewall if needed
diff --brief "$outfile" "$dir/$outfile" >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --brief "$file_ipconf" "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf" >/dev/null 2>&1
if test "$?" != "0"; then
echo "Reconfiguring"
mkdir -p "$dir" 2>/dev/null
cp "$outfile" "$dir/$outfile"
echo "Reconfiguring fw"
mkdir -p "$dir_ipconf" 2>/dev/null
cp "$file_ipconf" "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf"
sv u /var/service/fw
./convert2ntpconf "$file_ntpconf"
# Reconfigure ntp server addresses if needed
diff --brief "$file_ntpconf" "$dir_ntpconf/$file_ntpconf" >/dev/null 2>&1
if test "$?" != "0"; then
echo "Reconfiguring ntp"
mkdir -p "$dir_ntpconf" 2>/dev/null
cp "$file_ntpconf" "$dir_ntpconf/$file_ntpconf"
sv t /var/service/ntp
sv u /var/service/ntp