This is using commit b6e6c3235806c9d1521dbc2c08cecee626466928 of atlas.git.
* Removes submodule for RS.
* Move two license files to basedirectory; these should be merged.
* Move atlas.css into css folder
* Fonts in both were identical
* Changes all findable paths to the new setting
* js libs were simply copied; these should be sorted out more
* Merged rs/img and rs/images folder into images
Thanks to iwakeh for the bulk of the work in this commit.
Move related sources to main src tree,
delete old build.xml and shell script.
Update .gitignore to ignore legacy.config.
The psql executions can contain all command line parameters of psql, i.e.,
it is also possible to add username and more. Currently, only the db name is
set. This situation could be made easier/more consistent, but this is a new task
not part of the current.
In particular, we shouldn't edit any files in war/WEB-INF/ directly, which
then gets deployed on the server. Move all source files to their own
directory and use Ant's <war/> target to generate the web archive file.
Also remove unused commons-compress-1.0.jar.