Running tor instances for integ tests

First draft for the startup/shutdown of integration tests. This...
- makes a test directory
- generates a torrc
- starts a tor instance, waiting until its bootstrap completes (timing out if
  it gets stuck)
- runs tests (not done yet - those are next)
- shuts down the tor instance

This'll certainly go through some refactoring to better modularize, but it's
functional as-is.
This commit is contained in:
Damian Johnson 2011-10-16 01:17:38 -07:00
parent a2fde9374e
commit bdbf352ad7

View File

@ -4,13 +4,18 @@
Runs unit and integration tests.
import os
import sys
import time
import getopt
import signal
import tempfile
import unittest
import subprocess
import test.unit.message
import test.unit.version
from stem.util import enum, term
from stem.util import enum, system, term
OPT = "uit:h"
OPT_EXPANDED = ["unit", "integ", "targets=", "help"]
@ -46,6 +51,57 @@ Runs tests for the stem library.
# Number of seconds before we time out our attempt to start a tor instance
def init_tor_process(torrc_dst):
Initializes and returns a tor process. This blocks until initialization
completes or we error out.
torrc_dst (str) - path for a torrc configuration to use
subprocess.Popen instance for the instantiated tor process
OSError if we either fail to create the tor process or reached a timeout without success
start_time = time.time()
# starts a tor subprocess, raising an OSError if it fails
tor_process = subprocess.Popen(["tor", "-f", torrc_dst], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
# time ourselves out if we reach TOR_INIT_TIMEOUT
def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
# terminates the uninitialized tor process and raise on timeout
raise OSError("unable to start tor: reached a %i second timeout without success" % TOR_INIT_TIMEOUT)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
print term.format("Starting tor...", term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
while True:
init_line = tor_process.stdout.readline().strip()
# this will provide empty results if the process is terminated
if not init_line:
tor_process.kill() # ... but best make sure
raise OSError("tor process terminated")
print term.format(" %s" % init_line, term.Color.BLUE)
# return the process if we're done with bootstrapping
if init_line.endswith("Bootstrapped 100%: Done."):
print term.format(" done (%i seconds)" % (time.time() - start_time), term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
return tor_process
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_unit_tests = False
run_integ_tests = False
@ -97,35 +153,82 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for name, test_class in UNIT_TESTS:
print "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (DIVIDER, name, DIVIDER)
#print name
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)
#import test.unit
#suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test.unit.version.TestVerionFunctions)
#suite = unittest.TestLoader().discover("test/unit/", "*.py")
#suite = unittest.TestLoader()
if run_integ_tests:
# TODO: check if there's already a tor instance running
print "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (DIVIDER, "INTEGRATION TESTS".center(70), DIVIDER)
for target in integ_targets:
runner, description = TARGET_ATTR[target]
print term.format("Setting up a test instance...", term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
# makes a temporary directory for the runtime resources of our integ test
test_dir = tempfile.mktemp("-stem-integ")
print term.format(" created test directory: %s" % test_dir, term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
except OSError, exc:
print term.format("Unable to make testing directory: %s" % exc, term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
# makes a basic torrc for the integration tests to run against
torrc_contents = """# basic integration testing configuration
DataDirectory %s
ControlPort 9051
""" % test_dir
# writes our testing torrc
torrc_dst = os.path.join(test_dir, "torrc")
torrc_file = open(torrc_dst, "w")
print "Configuration: %s - %s" % (target, description)
print term.format(" wrote torrc: %s" % torrc_dst, term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
if runner:
pass # TODO: implement
print " %s" % term.format("Unimplemented", term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
for line in torrc_contents.split("\n"):
print term.format(" %s" % line.strip(), term.Color.BLUE)
except Exception, exc:
print term.format("Unable to write testing torrc: %s" % exc, term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
# starts a tor instance
tor_process = init_tor_process(torrc_dst)
except OSError, exc:
print term.format("Unable to start a tor instance: %s" % exc, term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
print ""
print term.format("Running tests...", term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
# TODO: run tests
print term.format("Shutting down tor...", term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
print term.format(" done", term.Color.BLUE, term.Attr.BOLD)
# TODO: we might do target selection later but for now we should simply
# work with a single simple tor instance and see how it works out
#for target in integ_targets:
# runner, description = TARGET_ATTR[target]
# print "Configuration: %s - %s" % (target, description)
# if runner:
# pass # TODO: implement
# else:
# print " %s" % term.format("Unimplemented", term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
# print ""