diff --git a/docs/en/faq.wml b/docs/en/faq.wml index 4cb564a0..b99c9058 100644 --- a/docs/en/faq.wml +++ b/docs/en/faq.wml @@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ the same geographic location.
  • If you're running a fast relay, meaning you have many TLS connections open, you are probably losing a lot of memory to OpenSSL's internal buffers (38KB+ per socket). We've patched OpenSSL to release + href="https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2008-June/001519.html">release unused buffer memory more aggressively. If you update to OpenSSL 1.0.0-beta5, Tor's build process will automatically recognize and use this feature.
  • diff --git a/eff/en/tor-legal-faq.wml b/eff/en/tor-legal-faq.wml index 6781aefe..33329918 100644 --- a/eff/en/tor-legal-faq.wml +++ b/eff/en/tor-legal-faq.wml @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ the United States too.

    and help set a clear legal precedent establishing that merely running a node does not create copyright liability for either node operators or their bandwidth providers. If you want to be the EFF's test case, -read +read more here.

    diff --git a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml index 04f3af9b..c8c5d37d 100644 --- a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml +++ b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml @@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ meetings around the world. addresses and algorithms for gathering and blocking them. See our blog post on the topic as an overview, and then look at Roger's - or-dev post from December for more recent thoughts — lots of + href="https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2009-December/000666.html">Roger's + or-dev post from December 2009 for more recent thoughts — lots of design work remains.

    If you want to get more into the guts of Tor itself (C), a more minor problem we should address is that current Tors can only listen on a single