## translation metadata # Revision: $Revision$ # Translation-Priority: 4-optional #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: obfsproxy" CHARSET="UTF-8"


obfsproxy diagram

obfsproxy is a tool that attempts to circumvent censorship, by transforming the Tor traffic between the client and the bridge. This way, censors, who usually monitor traffic between the client and the bridge, will see innocent-looking transformed traffic instead of the actual Tor traffic.

obfsproxy supports multiple protocols, called pluggable transports, which specify how the traffic is transformed. For example, there might be a HTTP transport which transforms Tor traffic to look like regular HTTP traffic. See the pluggable transports page for more information.

Even though obfsproxy is a separate application, completely independent from tor, it speaks to tor using an internal protocol to minimize necessary end-user configuration.

Please open a ticket on our bug tracker for any bugs you find or features you would like to see added in future releases.
Also feel free to look or poke at the source code and send us back any improvements you make.

Looking for obfsproxy bridges?

You can use BridgeDB to get obfsproxy bridges.

Download Tor Browser with obfsproxy

obfsproxy is included in the official Tor Browser packages.

Installation Instructions

To set up an obfsproxy bridge on a Debian/Ubuntu machine, see the separate Obfsproxy Debian/Ubuntu Installation Instructions page.

To set up obfsproxy from source, see the separate Obfsproxy Installation Instructions page.

#include "side.wmi" #include "info.wmi"