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<a href="<page docs/running-a-mirror>">Running a Mirror</a>
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<h1>Tor: Running a Mirror</h1>
<p>Thank you for wanting to mirror the Tor website. All of
our mirrors are publicly listed on <a href="<page getinvolved/mirrors>">our mirrors
page</a>. We've included some sample commands and configuration below
to make the initial setup and ongoing maintenance a minimal effort.
The Tor website and distribution directory currently require 8.0 GB of
disk space.</p>
<h2><a class="anchor" href="#sysconfig">Configuring your System</a></h2>
If you would like to run a mirror, it's as easy as this command to download
everything a mirror should share with the world:
<br> <br>
rsync -av --delete rsync://rsync.torproject.org/website-mirror tor-mirror/
In order to assure we have reliable and up to date mirrors,
please ensure your mirror does at least the following:<br/><br/>
Updates <b>no less</b> than every six hours, but no more frequent than every
Allows "Directory Index / Indexes" (Index viewing) of the /dist
Have a valid contact email for administrative communications should your
server have issues.<br/><br/>
It is highly recommended for all mirror operators to subscribe to <A
href="https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-mirrors">tor-mirrors mailing
list</A> where all mirror listing modification requests should go (ADD,
CHANGE, DELETE, any other requests/notifications). Also, any technical
assistance in setting up your mirror may be found here as well.<br/><br/>
An example cronjob to update a full mirror once every 6 hours may look like so:
# m h dom mon dow command
0 */6 * * * rsync -aq --delete rsync://rsync.torproject.org/website-mirror/ /var/www/mirrors/torproject.org
For mirror operators that use Apache, we have created a sample virtual host
configuration file to use:
ServerAdmin youremail@example.com<br/>
ServerName ServerNameHere<br/>
DocumentRoot /var/www/mirrors/torproject.org<br/>
<Directory /var/www/mirrors/torproject.org/><br/>
Options MultiViews Indexes<br/>
DirectoryIndex index<br/>
AllowOverride None<br/>
For mirror operators that use nginx, we created a sample virtual host
configuration file to use:
server {
server_name your.example.com;
root /var/www/mirrors/torproject.org;
index index.html.en;
location ^~ /dist/ {
autoindex on;
If you use nginx, please ensure the text/html line in
<tt>/etc/nginx/mime.types</tt> matches:
text/html en html htm shtml;
Please ensure that you keep your mirror updated (we suggest automating this
task with something like '<tt>cron</tt>'). Our website, source code and
binary releases change often. An update frequency of six hours is recommended. Tor users everywhere will thank you.
<h2><a class="anchor" href="#mirrorops">Joining the mirror community</a></h2>
If you are running a mirror, please subscribe to the <A
mailing list</A>, and introduce yourself there. Help for mirror
support and configuration issues may also be found on the list.
In order to add your mirror, please send a
single, comma delimited line of text based on <a
file</a> to the mirrors list. Your mirror will then be added manually
if it passes availability testing and your provided information is
confirmed. Some general pointers on mirrors are:
<ol><li> Try not run your mirror behind a content delivery network
(such as Akamai, Cloudflare, Fastly, etc), as most of them block
access from countries where the mirror is needed the most.</li>
<li> Try not to redirect http to https. Many places in the world
cannot use https due to local or national firewalls.</li>
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