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<div id="content" class="clearfix">
<div id="breadcrumbs">
<a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
<a href="<page docs/documentation>">Documentation</a>
<div id="maincol">
<a id="RunningTor"></a>
<a id="Support"></a>
<a id="UpToSpeed"></a>
<h1><a class="anchor" href="#UpToSpeed">Getting up to speed on Tor's past,
present, and future</a></h1>
First, read the <a href="<page about/overview>">overview page</a> to get a
basic idea of how Tor works, what it's for, and who uses it.
<a href="<page download/download>">Install Tor Browser</a> and try it out.
Be sure to read the
<a href="<page download/download>#Warning">list of warnings</a> about ways you
can screw up your anonymity. Look through the <a
Browser Design Document</a>.
Our <a
href="<page docs/faq>">FAQ</a>
covers all sorts of topics, including questions about setting up a client
or relay, concerns about anonymity attacks, why we didn't build Tor in
other ways, etc.
There's a separate <a href="<page docs/faq-abuse>">Abuse FAQ</a> to answer
common questions from or for relay operators.
The <a href="<page eff/tor-legal-faq>">Tor Legal FAQ</a> is written by
EFF lawyers, and aims to give you an overview of some of the legal issues
that arise from The Tor Project in the US.
<li>Check out the <a href="https://tor.stackexchange.com/">Tor
Stack Exchange Q&A Site</a>, and help us make the questions and
answers better.</li>
<li>The <a href="<page docs/tor-manual>">manual</a>
lists all the possible entries you can put in your <a
href="<page docs/faq>#torrc">torrc
file</a>. We also provide a <a href="<page docs/tor-manual-dev>">manual for
the development version of Tor</a>.</li>
<li>If you have questions, we have an IRC channel (for users, relay
operators, and developers)
at <a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/tor">#tor on irc.oftc.net</a>. If
you have a bug, especially a crash bug, read <a
to report a Tor bug</a> first and then tell us as much information
about it as you can in
<a href="https://bugs.torproject.org/tor">our bugtracker</a>.
(If your bug is
with your browser or some other application, please don't put
it in our bugtracker.) The
<a href="#MailingLists">tor-talk mailing list</a> can also be useful.
<a href="<blog>">Tor has a blog</a>.
We try to keep it updated every week or two with the latest news.
Download and watch Roger's Tor
overview talk from Internet Days in Sweden (<a
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35l56KjTCb8">youtube</a>),
which provides good background on how Tor works and what it's for.
Learn about our censorship circumvention side: watch our 28C3
talk in December 2011 on how governments have tried to block Tor (<a
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwMr8Xl7JMQ">youtube</a>, <a
an <a
of what to look for in a circumvention tool</a>,
and the original "blocking-resistance and
circumvention" talk from 23C3 in December 2006 (<a
<a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-23c3.pdf">slides</a>, <a
<a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">design
<li>Learn about the wide diversity of <a
href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>#Projects">projects in
the Tor ecosystem</a> that need your help. Watch the <a
video on the Tor software ecosystem</a> to learn more.
Look through Tor's <a href="#DesignDoc">Design
Documents</a>. Notice that we have RFC-style specs to tell you exactly
how Tor is built.
Learn about the <a
proposal process for changing our design</a>, and look over the <a
href="<spectree>proposals">existing proposals</a>.
Our <a
href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors">sponsor TODO list</a> starts with a
timeline for external promises &mdash; things <a href="<page about/sponsors>">our
sponsors</a> have paid to see done. It also lists many other tasks
and topics we'd like to tackle next.
Once you're up to speed, things will continue to change surprisingly fast.
The <a href="#MailingLists">tor-dev mailing list</a> is where the complex
discussion happens, and the #tor and #tor-dev IRC channels
are where the rest of the discussion happens.
<a id="MailingLists"></a>
<h1><a class="anchor" href="#MailingLists">Mailing List Information</a></h1>
<p>Tor runs <a
mailing lists</a>. New users will be most interested in:</p>
is a low volume list for announcements of new releases and critical
security updates. Everybody should be on this list. There is also
an <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.tor.announce">RSS
is where a lot of discussion happens, and is where we send
notifications of prerelease versions and release candidates.</li>
list</a> is for discussions about running, configuring, and handling
your tor relay or bridge. If you currently run a relay or bridge,
or are thinking about doing so, this is the list for you.</li>
is like tor-relays but for <a
is for posting by developers only, and is very low traffic.</li>
<a id="DesignDoc"></a>
<h1><a class="anchor" href="#DesignDoc">Design Documents</a></h1>
<li>The <b>design document</b> (published at Usenix Security 2004)
gives our justifications and security analysis for the Tor design:
<a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.pdf">PDF</a> and
<a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.html">HTML</a>
versions available.</li>
<li>Eight key design changes since the original 2004 paper:
<a href="https://blog.torproject.org/blog/top-changes-tor-2004-design-paper-part-1">part one</a>,
<a href="https://blog.torproject.org/blog/top-changes-tor-2004-design-paper-part-2">part two</a>.
<li>Our preliminary design to make it harder for large firewalls to
prevent access to the Tor network is described in
<b>design of a blocking-resistant anonymity system</b>:
<a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.pdf">PDF draft</a> and
<a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">HTML draft</a>.
Want to <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>#Coding">help us build it</a>?</li>
<li>The <b>specifications</b> aim to give
developers enough information to build a compatible version of Tor:
<li><a href="<specblob>tor-spec.txt">Main Tor specification</a></li>
<li><a href="<specblob>dir-spec.txt">Tor
version 3 directory server specification</a> (and older <a
href="<specblob>dir-spec-v2.txt">version 2</a> directory
<li><a href="<specblob>control-spec.txt">Tor control protocol
<li><a href="<specblob>rend-spec.txt">Tor rendezvous
<li><a href="<specblob>path-spec.txt">Tor path selection
<li><a href="<specblob>address-spec.txt">Special hostnames in
<li><a href="<specblob>socks-extensions.txt">Tor's SOCKS support
and extensions</a></li>
<li><a href="<specblob>version-spec.txt">How Tor version numbers
<li><a href="<spectree>proposals">In-progress drafts of
new specifications and proposed changes</a></li>
<a id="NeatLinks"></a>
<h1><a class="anchor" href="#NeatLinks">Neat Links</a></h1>
<li>The <a href="<wiki>">Tor
wiki</a> provides a plethora of helpful contributions from Tor
users. Check it out!</li>
list of supporting programs you might want to use in association with
<li><a href="https://check.torproject.org/">The
Tor detector</a> tries to guess if you're using Tor or not.</li>
<li>Check out one of the Tor status pages, such as the <a
href="https://atlas.torproject.org/">Atlas</a> and <a href="https://compass.torproject.org/">Compass</a> pages.
Remember that these lists may not be as accurate as what your Tor
client uses, because your client fetches its own directory information and
examines it locally.</li>
<li>Read <a
papers</a> (especially the ones in boxes) to get up to speed on the field
of anonymous communication systems.</li>
<a id="Developers"></a>
<h1><a class="anchor" href="#Developers">For Developers</a></h1>
Browse the Tor <b>source repository</b>:
<li><a href="<gitrepo>">Browse the repository's source tree directly</a></li>
<li>Git and SVN access:
<li><kbd>git clone https://git.torproject.org/git/tor</kbd></li>
<li><kbd>svn checkout https://svn.torproject.org/svn/website/trunk website</kbd></li>
<li><a href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/githax.git?a=blob;f=doc/Howto.txt;hb=HEAD">Basic instructions for using Git to contribute to Tor software.</a></li>
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