#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ xemu.app Static Site Generator """ import codecs import json import os import re import requests from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import reduce from github import Github from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from tqdm import tqdm from minify_html import minify as minify_html gh_token = os.getenv('GH_TOKEN') output_dir = 'dist' xdb_repo_url_base = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xemu-project/xdb/master/' compatibility_reports_url = 'https://reports.xemu.app/compatibility' compatibility_reports_url_verify_certs = True main_url_base = os.environ.get('BASE_URL', 'https://xemu.app') # compatibility_reports_url = '' # compatibility_reports_url_verify_certs = False develop_mode = os.environ.get('DEV', 0) == '1' disable_load_issues = develop_mode disable_load_reports = develop_mode disable_load_version = develop_mode title_status_descriptions = { 'Unknown' : 'A compatibility test has not been recorded for this title.', 'Broken' : 'This title crashes very soon after launching, or displays nothing at all.', 'Intro' : 'This title displays an intro sequence, but fails to make it to gameplay.', 'Starts' : 'This title starts, but may crash or have significant issues.', 'Playable' : 'This title is playable, with minor issues.', 'Perfect' : 'This title is playable from start to finish with no noticable issues.' } def get_field(s,x): return s[x] if x in s else '' class Issue: issues_by_title = defaultdict(list) all_issues = [] def __init__(self, number, url, title, affected_titles, created_at, updated_at, closed_at, state): self.number = number self.url = url self.title = title self.affected_titles = affected_titles self.created_at = created_at self.updated_at = updated_at self.closed_at = closed_at self.state = state def __repr__(self): return self.title @classmethod def load_issues(cls, title_alias_map, title_lookup): """ Search through all GitHub issues for any title tags to construct a list of titles and their associated issues """ if disable_load_issues: return titles_re = re.compile(r'Titles?[:/]\s*([a-fA-f0-9,\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE) title_id_re = re.compile(r'([a-fA-f0-9]{8})') for issue in Github(gh_token).get_user('xemu-project').get_repo('xemu').get_issues(state='all'): # Look for a titles sequence and pull out anything that looks like # an id references = ' '.join(titles_re.findall(issue.body or '')) affected_titles = set() for title_id in title_id_re.findall(references): if title_id not in title_alias_map: print('Warning: Issue %s references unknown title id "%s"' % (issue.url, title_id)) continue affected_titles.add(title_lookup[title_alias_map[title_id]]) issue = cls( issue.number, issue.html_url, issue.title, affected_titles, issue.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc), issue.updated_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc), issue.closed_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if issue.state == 'closed' else None, issue.state) cls.all_issues.append(issue) for title in issue.affected_titles: if issue not in cls.issues_by_title[title.tid]: cls.issues_by_title[title.tid].append(issue) @property def blocked_titles(self): return {t for t in self.affected_titles if t.status in {'Broken', 'Intro', 'Starts'}} class CompatibilityReport: all_reports = [] reports_by_title = defaultdict(list) def __init__(self, info): self.info = info @property def created_at(self): return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.info['created_at'], timezone.utc) @classmethod def load_reports(cls, title_alias_map, url, verify): # FIXME: Ideally shouldn't load this all into memory. Instead, save to # disk and load on demand. But this works for now. if disable_load_reports: return cls.all_reports = [CompatibilityReport(i) for i in json.loads(requests.get(url, verify=verify).text)] for report in cls.all_reports: title_id = '%08x' % report.info['xbe_cert_title_id'] if title_id not in title_alias_map: print('Warning: Compatibility report %s references unknown title "%s"' % (report.info['_id'], title_id)) continue cls.reports_by_title[title_alias_map[title_id]].append(report) class Title: def __init__(self, info_path): with open(info_path) as f: self.info = json.load(f) self.pubid = codecs.decode(self.info['title_id'][0:4], 'hex').decode('ascii') self.tid = '%03d' % (int(self.info['title_id'][4:], 16)) self.title_name = self.info['name'] anchor_text = ''.join([c if c.isalnum() else '-' for c in self.title_name]) anchor_text = reduce(lambda s, c: s if (s.endswith('-') and c == '-') else s+c, anchor_text) anchor_text = anchor_text.lstrip('-').rstrip('-') self.title_url = f"/titles/{self.info['title_id']}#{anchor_text}" self.title_path = os.path.dirname(info_path) self.title_xdb_path = self.title_path[4:] self.full_title_id_text = '%s-%s' % (self.pubid, self.tid) self.full_title_id_hex = self.info['title_id'] self.full_title_id_num = int(self.info['title_id'], 16) # Determine cover paths self.have_cover = True self.cover_path = f'cover_front.jpg' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.title_path, self.cover_path)): # Try .png extension self.cover_path = f'cover_front.png' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.title_path, self.cover_path)): self.have_cover = False self.cover_back_path = None self.cover_back_url = None self.disc_path = None self.disc_path_url = None for attr, filename in [ ('cover_back_path', 'cover_back.jpg'), ('cover_back_path', 'cover_back.png'), ('disc_path', 'media.jpg'), ('disc_path', 'media.png'), ]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.title_path, filename)): setattr(self, attr, filename) if self.cover_back_path: self.cover_back_url = xdb_repo_url_base + self.title_xdb_path + '/' + self.cover_back_path if self.disc_path: self.disc_url = xdb_repo_url_base + self.title_xdb_path + '/' + self.disc_path self.have_thumbnail = True self.cover_thumbnail_path = 'cover_front_thumbnail.jpg' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.title_path, self.cover_thumbnail_path)): assert not self.have_cover, "Please create thumbnail for %s" % self.title_name self.have_thumbnail = False if self.have_cover: self.cover_url = xdb_repo_url_base + self.title_xdb_path + '/' + self.cover_path else: print('Note: Missing artwork for %s' % self.title_name) self.cover_url = xdb_repo_url_base + '/resources/cover_front_defxdb_ault.png' if self.have_thumbnail: self.cover_thumbnail_url = xdb_repo_url_base + self.title_xdb_path + '/' + self.cover_thumbnail_path else: if self.have_cover: print('Note: Missing thumbnail for %s' % self.title_name) self.cover_thumbnail_url = self.cover_url xtimage_path = os.path.join(self.title_path, 'xtimage.png') if os.path.exists(xtimage_path): self.xtimage_url = xdb_repo_url_base + self.title_xdb_path + '/xtimage.png' else: self.xtimage_url = None def process_compatibility(self): self.compatibility_tests = CompatibilityReport.reports_by_title[self.full_title_id_hex] if len(self.compatibility_tests) > 0: self.most_recent_test = sorted(self.compatibility_tests, key=lambda x:x.info['created_at'])[-1] self.status = self.most_recent_test.info['compat_rating'] assert(self.status in title_status_descriptions) else: self.most_recent_test = None self.status = 'Unknown' assert(self.status in title_status_descriptions) @property def issues(self): """ Open issues affecting this title. """ return [i for i in Issue.issues_by_title[self.info['title_id']] if i.state == 'open'] @property def recently_closed_issues(self): """ Issues affecting this game that were closed recently (since last report) and may impact playability status. """ if self.most_recent_test is None: return [] return [i for i in Issue.issues_by_title[self.info['title_id']] if i.state != 'open' and self.most_recent_test.created_at < i.closed_at] def main(): env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(searchpath='templates')) game_status_counts = { 'Unknown' : 0, 'Broken' : 0, 'Intro' : 0, 'Starts' : 0, 'Playable' : 0, 'Perfect' : 0, } print('Gathering info.json files...') titles = [] title_alias_map = {} title_lookup = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk('xdb/titles', topdown=True): for name in files: if name != 'info.json': continue title = Title(os.path.join(root,name)) titles.append(title) assert(title.full_title_id_hex not in title_lookup), "Title %s defined in multiple places" % title.full_title_id_hex title_lookup[title.full_title_id_hex] = title for release in title.info['releases']: title_alias_map[release['title_id']] = title.info['title_id'] print(' - Found %d' % (len(titles))) print('Getting GitHub Issues List...') Issue.load_issues(title_alias_map, title_lookup) print(' - Ok. %d issues total' % len(Issue.all_issues)) print('Getting compatibility report list...') CompatibilityReport.load_reports( title_alias_map, compatibility_reports_url, compatibility_reports_url_verify_certs ) print(' - Ok. %d reports total' % len(CompatibilityReport.all_reports)) for title in titles: title.process_compatibility() game_status_counts[title.status] += 1 print('Rebuilding pages...') template = env.get_template('template_title.html') count = 0 for title_id in tqdm(title_lookup): title_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'titles', title_id) os.makedirs(title_dir, exist_ok=True) title = title_lookup[title_id] with open(os.path.join(title_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(minify_html(template.render( title=title, title_status_descriptions=title_status_descriptions, main_url_base=main_url_base ))) count += 1 print(' - Created %d title pages' % count) print('Generating alias redirects...') count = 0 for title_id in title_alias_map: if title_alias_map[title_id] != title_id: # This is an alias, create a redirect title_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'titles', title_id) os.makedirs(title_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(title_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: url=f"/titles/{title_alias_map[title_id]}" f.write(f'
') count += 1 print(' - Created %d redirect pages' % count) if disable_load_version: xemu_build_tag = 'build-202106041913' xemu_build_version = '0.7.55' xemu_build_date = datetime(2021, 6, 4, 19, 13, 6) else: xemu_build_version = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xemu-project/xemu/ppa-snapshot/XEMU_VERSION').text latest_release = Github(gh_token).get_user('xemu-project').get_repo('xemu').get_latest_release() xemu_build_date = latest_release.created_at print('Rebuilding index...') template = env.get_template('template_index.html') tmap = {t.full_title_id_num : t for t in titles} from rank import rank dorder = [tmap.pop(k) for k in rank] dorder.extend(sorted(tmap.values(),key=lambda title:title.title_name)) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(minify_html(template.render( titles=dorder, title_status_descriptions=title_status_descriptions, game_status_counts=game_status_counts, xemu_build_version=xemu_build_version, xemu_build_date=xemu_build_date, main_url_base=main_url_base ), minify_js=True, minify_css=True)) print(' - Ok') print('Building testing priority table') # Include titles that are either not Playable or have recently closed issues def filter_(t): if t.most_recent_test and t.most_recent_test.info['xemu_version'] == xemu_build_version: return False # Up to date if len(t.recently_closed_issues) > 0: return True # Make sure the issues described are fixed return t.status not in {'Playable', 'Perfect'} def rank(t): considered_playable = t.status in {'Playable', 'Perfect'} have_recently_closed_issues = len(t.recently_closed_issues) > 0 ts = t.most_recent_test.created_at if t.most_recent_test else datetime.fromtimestamp(0, timezone.utc) return (not have_recently_closed_issues, considered_playable, ts) template = env.get_template('testing_priority.html') with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'testing_priority.html'), 'w') as f: f.write( minify_html( template.render( titles=sorted([t for t in titles if filter_(t)], key=rank)), minify_js=True, minify_css=True)) print(' - Ok') print('Building top issues table') issues_by_num_affected = [i for i in Issue.all_issues if i.state != 'closed' and i.affected_titles] issues_by_num_affected.sort(key=lambda i: len(i.affected_titles), reverse=True) issues_by_num_blocking = [i for i in issues_by_num_affected if len(i.blocked_titles)] issues_by_num_blocking.sort(key=lambda i: len(i.blocked_titles), reverse=True) template = env.get_template('top_issues.html') with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'top_issues.html'), 'w') as f: f.write( minify_html( template.render(issues_by_num_affected=issues_by_num_affected, issues_by_num_blocking=issues_by_num_blocking), minify_js=True, minify_css=True)) print(' - Ok') print('Updating download.md with latest build version') with open('docs/docs/download.md', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: t = f.read() t = t.replace(r'{{xemu_version}}', xemu_build_version) with open('docs/docs/download.md', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(t) print(' - Ok') if __name__ == '__main__': main()