{% set title_status_colors = {'Unknown' : '#595959', 'Broken' : '#D7263D', 'Intro' : '#F86624', 'Starts' : '#FF9800', 'Playable' : '#42e335', 'Perfect' : '#1bdeff'} %} {% extends "template_base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ title.title_name }} Compatibility{% endblock %} {% block append_head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ title_status_descriptions[title.status] }}
{% for k in title.most_recent_test.info %}{{ k }}: {{ title.most_recent_test.info[k]|e }} {% endfor %}
Issue last updated {{ issue.updated_at.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') }}.
{% endfor %} {% else %}Note: Title compatibility status is provided by volunteer reporters in the community, as the reporter experienced the title in the current version of xemu on their computer at time of reporting. As the project evolves, reports may need to be updated. You are invited to help improve the project by submitting an updated compatibility report. Join the Discord server to learn how to contribute!
{% endblock %} {% block append_foot %} {% endblock %}