Sandy Carter 634f87f63b [threading linux] Implement Callback Queuing
Add thread local bool for alertable state.
Use real-time event interrupt to run callback.
Fix sleep duration from miliseconds (microseconds / 1000) to seconds in sleep
Add note for future implementation.

Ignore real-time event 37 in .gdbinit which is used to signal callback.

Test AlertableSleep
Test Thread QueueUserCallback.
TODO: Test alerted wait result when using IO functions.
2020-11-15 11:12:05 -06:00

11 lines
323 B

# Ignore HighResolutionTimer custom event
handle SIG34 nostop noprint
# Ignore PosixTimer custom event
handle SIG35 nostop noprint
# Ignore PosixThread exit event
handle SIG32 nostop noprint
# Ignore PosixThread suspend event
handle SIG36 nostop noprint
# Ignore PosixThread user callback event
handle SIG37 nostop noprint