
377 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "sceFont.h"
#include "base/timeutil.h"
#include "HLE.h"
#include "../MIPS/MIPS.h"
#include "sceFont.h"
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
typedef u32 FontLibraryHandle;
typedef u32 FontHandle;
typedef struct {
u32* userDataAddr;
u32 numFonts;
u32* cacheDataAddr;
// Driver callbacks.
void *(*allocFuncAddr)(void *, u32);
void (*freeFuncAddr )(void *, void *);
u32* openFuncAddr;
u32* closeFuncAddr;
u32* readFuncAddr;
u32* seekFuncAddr;
u32* errorFuncAddr;
u32* ioFinishFuncAddr;
} FontNewLibParams;
typedef enum {
} Family;
typedef enum {
FONT_STYLE_DB = 103, // Demi-Bold / semi-bold
} Style;
typedef enum {
} Language;
typedef struct {
float fontH;
float fontV;
float fontHRes;
float fontVRes;
float fontWeight;
u16 fontFamily;
u16 fontStyle;
// Check.
u16 fontStyleSub;
u16 fontLanguage;
u16 fontRegion;
u16 fontCountry;
char fontName[64];
char fontFileName[64];
u32 fontAttributes;
u32 fontExpire;
} FontStyle;
typedef struct {
// Glyph metrics (in 26.6 signed fixed-point).
u32 maxGlyphWidthI;
u32 maxGlyphHeightI;
u32 maxGlyphAscenderI;
u32 maxGlyphDescenderI;
u32 maxGlyphLeftXI;
u32 maxGlyphBaseYI;
u32 minGlyphCenterXI;
u32 maxGlyphTopYI;
u32 maxGlyphAdvanceXI;
u32 maxGlyphAdvanceYI;
// Glyph metrics (replicated as float).
float maxGlyphWidthF;
float maxGlyphHeightF;
float maxGlyphAscenderF;
float maxGlyphDescenderF;
float maxGlyphLeftXF;
float maxGlyphBaseYF;
float minGlyphCenterXF;
float maxGlyphTopYF;
float maxGlyphAdvanceXF;
float maxGlyphAdvanceYF;
// Bitmap dimensions.
short maxGlyphWidth;
short maxGlyphHeight;
u32 charMapLength; // Number of elements in the font's charmap.
u32 shadowMapLength; // Number of elements in the font's shadow charmap.
// Font style (used by font comparison functions).
FontStyle fontStyle;
u8 BPP; // Font's BPP.
u8 pad[3];
} FontInfo;
typedef struct {
u32 bitmapWidth;
u32 bitmapHeight;
u32 bitmapLeft;
u32 bitmapTop;
// Glyph metrics (in 26.6 signed fixed-point).
u32 spf26Width;
u32 spf26Height;
s32 spf26Ascender;
s32 spf26Descender;
s32 spf26BearingHX;
s32 spf26BearingHY;
s32 spf26BearingVX;
s32 spf26BearingVY;
s32 spf26AdvanceH;
s32 spf26AdvanceV;
u8 pad[4];
} CharInfo;
typedef enum {
} FontPixelFormat;
typedef struct {
FontPixelFormat pixelFormat;
s32 xPos64;
s32 yPos64;
u16 bufWidth;
u16 bufHeight;
u16 bytesPerLine;
u16 pad;
void *buffer;
} GlyphImage;
FontNewLibParams fontLib;
u32 sceFontNewLib(u32 FontNewLibParamsPtr, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontNewLib %x, %x", FontNewLibParamsPtr, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(FontNewLibParamsPtr)&&Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
Memory::ReadStruct(FontNewLibParamsPtr, &fontLib);
return 1;
int sceFontDoneLib(u32 FontLibraryHandlePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontDoneLib %x", FontLibraryHandlePtr);
return 0;
u32 sceFontOpen(u32 libHandle, u32 index, u32 mode, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontDoneLib %x, %x, %x, %x", libHandle, index, mode, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
return 1;
u32 sceFontOpenUserMemory(u32 libHandle, u32 memoryFontAddrPtr, u32 memoryFontLength, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontOpenUserMemory %x, %x, %x, %x", libHandle, memoryFontAddrPtr, memoryFontLength, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
return 1;
u32 sceFontOpenUserFile(u32 libHandle, u32 fileNamePtr, u32 mode, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontOpenUserFile %x, %x, %x, %x", libHandle, fileNamePtr, mode, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
return 1;
int sceFontClose(u32 fontHandle)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontClose %x", fontHandle);
return 0;
int sceFontGetNumFontList(u32 libHandle, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetNumFontList %x, %x", libHandle, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
return 1;
int sceFontFindOptimumFont(u32 libHandlePtr, u32 fontStylePtr, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontFindOptimumFont %x, %x, %x", libHandlePtr, fontStylePtr, errorCodePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorCodePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(0, errorCodePtr);
return 1;
int sceFontFindFont(u32 libHandlePtr, u32 fontStylePtr, u32 errorCodePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontFindFont %x, %x, %x", libHandlePtr, fontStylePtr, errorCodePtr);
return 1;
int sceFontGetFontInfo(u32 fontHandle, u32 fontInfoPtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetFontInfo %x, %x", fontHandle, fontInfoPtr);
FontInfo fi;
memset (&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(fontInfoPtr))
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.BPP = 4;
fi.charMapLength = 255;
fi.maxGlyphAdvanceXF = 2.0;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphAdvanceXI = 2;
fi.maxGlyphAdvanceYF = 2.0;
fi.maxGlyphAdvanceYI = 32 << 6;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphAscenderF = 32 << 6;
fi.maxGlyphAscenderI = 32 << 6;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphBaseYF = 0.0;
fi.maxGlyphBaseYI = 0;
fi.maxGlyphDescenderF = 0;
fi.maxGlyphDescenderI = 0;
fi.maxGlyphHeight = 32;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphHeightF = 32;
fi.maxGlyphHeightI = 32;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphLeftXF = 0;
fi.maxGlyphLeftXI = 0;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphTopYF = 0;
fi.maxGlyphTopYI = 0;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphWidth = 32;
fi.maxGlyphWidthF = 32;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.maxGlyphWidthI = 32;
fi.minGlyphCenterXF = 16;
2012-12-21 15:41:09 -08:00
fi.minGlyphCenterXI = 16;
fi.shadowMapLength = 0;
Memory::WriteStruct(fontInfoPtr, &fi);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
return 0;
int sceFontGetFontInfoByIndexNumber(u32 libHandle, u32 fontInfoPtr, u32 unknown, u32 fontIndex)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetFontInfoByIndexNumber %x, %x, %x, %x", libHandle, fontInfoPtr, unknown, fontIndex);
// clearly wrong..
return sceFontGetFontInfo(libHandle, fontInfoPtr);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
int sceFontGetCharInfo(u32 libHandler, u32 charCode, u32 charInfoPtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetCharInfo %x, %x, %x", libHandler, charCode, charInfoPtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(charInfoPtr))
CharInfo pspCharInfo;
memset(&pspCharInfo, 0, sizeof(pspCharInfo));
pspCharInfo.bitmapWidth = 32;
pspCharInfo.bitmapHeight = 32;
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
pspCharInfo.spf26Width = pspCharInfo.bitmapWidth << 6;
pspCharInfo.spf26Height = pspCharInfo.bitmapHeight << 6;
pspCharInfo.spf26AdvanceH = pspCharInfo.bitmapWidth << 6;
pspCharInfo.spf26AdvanceV = pspCharInfo.bitmapHeight << 6;
Memory::WriteStruct(charInfoPtr, &pspCharInfo);
return 0;
int sceFontGetCharGlyphImage(u32 libHandler, u32 charCode, u32 glyphImagePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetCharGlyphImage %x, %x, %x (%c)", libHandler, charCode, glyphImagePtr, charCode);
int pixelFormat = Memory::Read_U32(glyphImagePtr);
int xPos64 = Memory::Read_U32(glyphImagePtr+4);
int yPos64 = Memory::Read_U32(glyphImagePtr+8);
int bufWidth = Memory::Read_U16(glyphImagePtr+12);
int bufHeight = Memory::Read_U16(glyphImagePtr+14);
int bytesPerLine = Memory::Read_U16(glyphImagePtr+16);
int buffer =Memory::Read_U32(glyphImagePtr+20);
Memory::Memset(buffer, 0x7F, bytesPerLine*bufHeight*pixelFormat);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
return 0;
int sceFontGetCharGlyphImage_Clip(u32 libHandler, u32 charCode, u32 glyphImagePtr, int clipXPos, int clipYPos, int clipWidth, int clipHeight)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetCharGlyphImage_Clip %x, %x, %x (%c)", libHandler, charCode, glyphImagePtr, charCode);
//sceFontGetCharGlyphImage(libHandler, charCode, glyphImagePtr);
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
return 0;
2012-12-17 23:57:40 +00:00
int sceFontGetFontList(u32 fontLibHandle, u32 fontStylePtr, u32 numFonts)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceFontGetFontList %x, %x, %x", fontLibHandle, fontStylePtr, numFonts);
FontStyle style;
memset(&style, 0, sizeof (style));
style.fontH = 20 / 64.f;
style.fontV = 20 / 64.f;
style.fontHRes = 20 / 64.f;
style.fontVRes = 20 / 64.f;
style.fontStyle = 1;
for (u32 i = 0; i < numFonts; i++)
Memory::WriteStruct(fontStylePtr+ (sizeof(style)), &style);
2012-12-17 23:57:40 +00:00
return 0;
const HLEFunction sceLibFont[] =
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
{0x67f17ed7, WrapU_UU<sceFontNewLib>, "sceFontNewLib"},
{0x574b6fbc, WrapI_U<sceFontDoneLib>, "sceFontDoneLib"},
{0x48293280, 0, "sceFontSetResolution"},
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
{0x27f6e642, WrapI_UU<sceFontGetNumFontList>, "sceFontGetNumFontList"},
{0xbc75d85b, WrapI_UUU<sceFontGetFontList>, "sceFontGetFontList"},
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
{0x099ef33c, WrapI_UUU<sceFontFindOptimumFont>, "sceFontFindOptimumFont"},
{0x681e61a7, WrapI_UUU<sceFontFindFont>, "sceFontFindFont"},
{0x2f67356a, 0, "sceFontCalcMemorySize"},
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
{0x5333322d, WrapI_UUUU<sceFontGetFontInfoByIndexNumber>, "sceFontGetFontInfoByIndexNumber"},
{0xa834319d, WrapU_UUUU<sceFontOpen>, "sceFontOpen"},
{0x57fcb733, WrapU_UUUU<sceFontOpenUserFile>, "sceFontOpenUserFile"},
{0xbb8e7fe6, WrapU_UUUU<sceFontOpenUserMemory>, "sceFontOpenUserMemory"},
{0x3aea8cb6, WrapI_U<sceFontClose>, "sceFontClose"},
{0x0da7535e, WrapI_UU<sceFontGetFontInfo>, "sceFontGetFontInfo"},
{0xdcc80c2f, WrapI_UUU<sceFontGetCharInfo>, "sceFontGetCharInfo"},
{0x5c3e4a9e, 0, "sceFontGetCharImageRect"},
2012-12-08 19:53:15 +00:00
{0x980f4895, WrapI_UUU<sceFontGetCharGlyphImage>, "sceFontGetCharGlyphImage"},
{0xca1e6945, WrapI_UUUIIII<sceFontGetCharGlyphImage_Clip>, "sceFontGetCharGlyphImage_Clip"},
{0x74b21701, 0, "sceFontPixelToPointH"},
{0xf8f0752e, 0, "sceFontPixelToPointV"},
{0x472694cd, 0, "sceFontPointToPixelH"},
{0x3c4b7e82, 0, "sceFontPointToPixelV"},
{0xee232411, 0, "sceFontSetAltCharacterCode"},
{0xaa3de7b5, 0, "sceFontGetShadowInfo"},
{0x48b06520, 0, "sceFontGetShadowImageRect"},
{0x568be516, 0, "sceFontGetShadowGlyphImage"},
{0x5dcf6858, 0, "sceFontGetShadowGlyphImage_Clip"},
{0x02d7f94b, 0, "sceFontFlush"},
void Register_sceFont()
RegisterModule("sceLibFont", ARRAY_SIZE(sceLibFont), sceLibFont);