
322 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
// VulkanRenderManager takes the role that a GL driver does of sequencing and optimizing render passes.
// Only draws and binds are handled here, resource creation and allocations are handled as normal -
// that's the nice thing with Vulkan.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanContext.h"
#include "math/dataconv.h"
#include "math/math_util.h"
#include "thin3d/DataFormat.h"
#include "thin3d/VulkanQueueRunner.h"
// Simple independent framebuffer image. Gets its own allocation, we don't have that many framebuffers so it's fine
// to let them have individual non-pooled allocations. Until it's not fine. We'll see.
struct VKRImage {
VkImage image;
VkImageView imageView;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkImageLayout layout;
VkFormat format;
void CreateImage(VulkanContext *vulkan, VkCommandBuffer cmd, VKRImage &img, int width, int height, VkFormat format, VkImageLayout initialLayout, bool color);
class VKRFramebuffer {
VKRFramebuffer(VulkanContext *vk, VkCommandBuffer initCmd, VkRenderPass renderPass, int _width, int _height) : vulkan_(vk) {
width = _width;
height = _height;
CreateImage(vulkan_, initCmd, color, width, height, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, true);
CreateImage(vulkan_, initCmd, depth, width, height, vulkan_->GetDeviceInfo().preferredDepthStencilFormat, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, false);
VkImageView views[2]{};
fbci.renderPass = renderPass;
fbci.attachmentCount = 2;
fbci.pAttachments = views;
views[0] = color.imageView;
views[1] = depth.imageView;
fbci.width = width;
fbci.height = height;
fbci.layers = 1;
vkCreateFramebuffer(vulkan_->GetDevice(), &fbci, nullptr, &framebuf);
~VKRFramebuffer() {
if (color.image)
if (depth.image)
if (color.imageView)
if (depth.imageView)
if (color.memory)
if (depth.memory)
if (framebuf)
int numShadows = 1; // TODO: Support this.
VkFramebuffer framebuf = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VKRImage color{};
VKRImage depth{};
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
enum class VKRRunType {
class VulkanRenderManager {
VulkanRenderManager(VulkanContext *vulkan);
void ThreadFunc();
// Makes sure that the GPU has caught up enough that we can start writing buffers of this frame again.
void BeginFrame();
// Can run on a different thread!
void Finish();
void Run(int frame);
// Zaps queued up commands. Use if you know there's a risk you've queued up stuff that has already been deleted. Can happen during in-game shutdown.
void Wipe();
void BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(VKRFramebuffer *fb, VKRRenderPassAction color, VKRRenderPassAction depth, VKRRenderPassAction stencil, uint32_t clearColor, float clearDepth, uint8_t clearStencil);
VkImageView BindFramebufferAsTexture(VKRFramebuffer *fb, int binding, int aspectBit, int attachment);
bool CopyFramebufferToMemorySync(VKRFramebuffer *src, int aspectBits, int x, int y, int w, int h, Draw::DataFormat destFormat, uint8_t *pixels, int pixelStride);
void CopyImageToMemorySync(VkImage image, int mipLevel, int x, int y, int w, int h, Draw::DataFormat destFormat, uint8_t *pixels, int pixelStride);
void CopyFramebuffer(VKRFramebuffer *src, VkRect2D srcRect, VKRFramebuffer *dst, VkOffset2D dstPos, int aspectMask);
void BlitFramebuffer(VKRFramebuffer *src, VkRect2D srcRect, VKRFramebuffer *dst, VkRect2D dstRect, int aspectMask, VkFilter filter);
void BindPipeline(VkPipeline pipeline) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
_dbg_assert_(G3D, pipeline != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::BIND_PIPELINE };
data.pipeline.pipeline = pipeline;
void SetViewport(const VkViewport &vp) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::VIEWPORT };
data.viewport.vp.x = vp.x;
data.viewport.vp.y = vp.y;
data.viewport.vp.width = vp.width;
data.viewport.vp.height = vp.height;
// We can't allow values outside this range unless we use VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted.
// Sometimes state mapping produces 65536/65535 which is slightly outside.
data.viewport.vp.maxDepth = clamp_value(vp.maxDepth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
data.viewport.vp.minDepth = clamp_value(vp.minDepth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void SetScissor(const VkRect2D &rc) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::SCISSOR };
data.scissor.scissor = rc;
void SetStencilParams(uint8_t writeMask, uint8_t compareMask, uint8_t refValue) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::STENCIL };
data.stencil.stencilWriteMask = writeMask;
data.stencil.stencilCompareMask = compareMask;
data.stencil.stencilRef = refValue;
void SetBlendFactor(float color[4]) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::BLEND };
CopyFloat4(data.blendColor.color, color);
void PushConstants(VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout, VkShaderStageFlags stages, int offset, int size, void *constants) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
assert(size + offset < 40);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::PUSH_CONSTANTS };
data.push.pipelineLayout = pipelineLayout;
data.push.stages = stages;
data.push.offset = offset;
data.push.size = size;
memcpy(data.push.data, constants, size);
void Clear(uint32_t clearColor, float clearZ, int clearStencil, int clearMask);
void Draw(VkPipelineLayout layout, VkDescriptorSet descSet, int numUboOffsets, const uint32_t *uboOffsets, VkBuffer vbuffer, int voffset, int count) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::DRAW };
data.draw.count = count;
data.draw.pipelineLayout = layout;
data.draw.ds = descSet;
data.draw.vbuffer = vbuffer;
data.draw.voffset = voffset;
data.draw.numUboOffsets = numUboOffsets;
assert(numUboOffsets <= ARRAY_SIZE(data.drawIndexed.uboOffsets));
for (int i = 0; i < numUboOffsets; i++)
data.draw.uboOffsets[i] = uboOffsets[i];
void DrawIndexed(VkPipelineLayout layout, VkDescriptorSet descSet, int numUboOffsets, const uint32_t *uboOffsets, VkBuffer vbuffer, int voffset, VkBuffer ibuffer, int ioffset, int count, int numInstances, VkIndexType indexType) {
_dbg_assert_(G3D, curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == VKRStepType::RENDER);
VkRenderData data{ VKRRenderCommand::DRAW_INDEXED };
data.drawIndexed.count = count;
data.drawIndexed.instances = numInstances;
data.drawIndexed.pipelineLayout = layout;
data.drawIndexed.ds = descSet;
data.drawIndexed.vbuffer = vbuffer;
data.drawIndexed.voffset = voffset;
data.drawIndexed.ibuffer = ibuffer;
data.drawIndexed.ioffset = ioffset;
data.drawIndexed.numUboOffsets = numUboOffsets;
assert(numUboOffsets <= ARRAY_SIZE(data.drawIndexed.uboOffsets));
for (int i = 0; i < numUboOffsets; i++)
data.drawIndexed.uboOffsets[i] = uboOffsets[i];
data.drawIndexed.indexType = indexType;
VkCommandBuffer GetInitCmd();
VkRenderPass GetBackbufferRenderPass() {
return queueRunner_.GetBackbufferRenderPass();
VkRenderPass GetFramebufferRenderPass() {
return queueRunner_.GetFramebufferRenderPass();
VkRenderPass GetCompatibleRenderPass() {
if (curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->render.framebuffer != nullptr) {
return queueRunner_.GetFramebufferRenderPass();
} else {
return queueRunner_.GetBackbufferRenderPass();
void CreateBackbuffers();
void DestroyBackbuffers();
bool HasBackbuffers() {
return !framebuffers_.empty();
void SetSplitSubmit(bool split) {
splitSubmit_ = split;
VulkanContext *GetVulkanContext() {
return vulkan_;
// Be careful with this. Only meant to be used for fetching render passes for shader cache initialization.
VulkanQueueRunner *GetQueueRunner() {
return &queueRunner_;
bool InitBackbufferFramebuffers(int width, int height);
bool InitDepthStencilBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cmd); // Used for non-buffered rendering.
void BeginSubmitFrame(int frame);
void EndSubmitFrame(int frame);
void Submit(int frame, bool triggerFence);
// Bad for performance but sometimes necessary for synchronous CPU readbacks (screenshots and whatnot).
void FlushSync();
void EndSyncFrame(int frame);
void StopThread();
// Permanent objects
VkSemaphore acquireSemaphore_;
VkSemaphore renderingCompleteSemaphore_;
// Per-frame data, round-robin so we can overlap submission with execution of the previous frame.
struct FrameData {
std::mutex push_mutex;
std::condition_variable push_condVar;
std::mutex pull_mutex;
std::condition_variable pull_condVar;
bool readyForFence = true;
bool readyForRun = false;
bool skipSwap = false;
VKRRunType type = VKRRunType::END;
VkFence fence;
// These are on different threads so need separate pools.
VkCommandPool cmdPoolInit;
VkCommandPool cmdPoolMain;
VkCommandBuffer initCmd;
VkCommandBuffer mainCmd;
bool hasInitCommands = false;
std::vector<VKRStep *> steps;
// Swapchain.
bool hasBegun = false;
uint32_t curSwapchainImage = -1;
FrameData frameData_[VulkanContext::MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES];
// Submission time state
int curWidth_;
int curHeight_;
bool insideFrame_ = false;
VKRStep *curRenderStep_ = nullptr;
std::vector<VKRStep *> steps_;
bool splitSubmit_ = false;
// Execution time state
bool run_ = true;
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
std::thread thread_;
std::mutex mutex_;
int threadInitFrame_ = 0;
VulkanQueueRunner queueRunner_;
// Swap chain management
struct SwapchainImageData {
VkImage image;
VkImageView view;
std::vector<VkFramebuffer> framebuffers_;
std::vector<SwapchainImageData> swapchainImages_;
uint32_t swapchainImageCount_;
struct DepthBufferInfo {
VkFormat format = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
VkImage image = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDeviceMemory mem = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkImageView view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
DepthBufferInfo depth_;
// This works great - except see issue #10097. WTF?
bool useThread_ = true;