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// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "ppsspp_config.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/CPUDetect.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/Software/Lighting.h"
namespace Lighting {
static inline Vec3f GetLightVec(const u32 lparams[12], int light) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
__m128i values = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&lparams[3 * light]);
__m128i from24 = _mm_slli_epi32(values, 8);
return _mm_castsi128_ps(from24);
uint32x4_t values = vld1q_u32((uint32_t *)&lparams[3 * light]);
uint32x4_t from24 = vshlq_n_u32(values, 8);
return vreinterpretq_f32_u32(from24);
return Vec3<float>(getFloat24(lparams[3 * light]), getFloat24(lparams[3 * light + 1]), getFloat24(lparams[3 * light + 2]));
static inline float pspLightPow(float v, float e) {
if (e <= 0.0f) {
return 1.0f;
if (v > 0.0f) {
return pow(v, e);
// Negative stays negative, so let's just return the original.
return v;
static inline Vec4<int> LightColorFactor(const Vec4<int> &expanded, const Vec4<int> &ones) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
return _mm_add_epi32(_mm_slli_epi32(expanded.ivec, 1), ones.ivec);
return vaddq_s32(vshlq_n_s32(expanded.ivec, 1), ones.ivec);
return expanded * 2 + ones;
static inline Vec4<int> LightColorFactor(uint32_t c, const Vec4<int> &ones) {
return LightColorFactor(Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(c), ones);
static inline bool IsLargerThanHalf(const Vec4<int> &v) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
__m128i add23 = _mm_add_epi32(v.ivec, _mm_shuffle_epi32(v.ivec, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)));
__m128i add1 = _mm_add_epi32(add23, _mm_shuffle_epi32(add23, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(add1) > 4;
int32x2_t add02 = vpmax_s32(vget_low_s32(v.ivec), vget_high_s32(v.ivec));
int32x2_t add1 = vpmax_s32(add02, add02);
return vget_lane_s32(add1, 0) > 4;
bool larger = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
larger = v[i] > 1;
return larger;
void ComputeState(State *state, bool hasColor0) {
const Vec4<int> ones = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(1);
bool anyAmbient = false;
bool anyDiffuse = false;
bool anySpecular = false;
bool anyNonDirectional = false;
for (int light = 0; light < 4; ++light) {
auto &lstate = state->lights[light];
lstate.enabled = gstate.isLightChanEnabled(light);
if (!lstate.enabled)
lstate.poweredDiffuse = gstate.isUsingPoweredDiffuseLight(light);
lstate.specular = gstate.isUsingSpecularLight(light);
lstate.ambientColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getLightAmbientColor(light), ones);
lstate.ambient = IsLargerThanHalf(lstate.ambientColorFactor);
anyAmbient = anyAmbient || lstate.ambient;
lstate.diffuseColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getDiffuseColor(light), ones);
lstate.diffuse = IsLargerThanHalf(lstate.diffuseColorFactor);
anyDiffuse = anyDiffuse || lstate.diffuse;
if (lstate.specular) {
lstate.specularColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getSpecularColor(light), ones);
lstate.specular = IsLargerThanHalf(lstate.specularColorFactor);
anySpecular = anySpecular || lstate.specular;
// Doesn't actually need to be on if nothing will affect it.
if (!lstate.specular && !lstate.ambient && !lstate.diffuse) {
lstate.enabled = false;
lstate.pos = GetLightVec(gstate.lpos, light);
lstate.directional = gstate.isDirectionalLight(light);
if (lstate.directional) {
} else {
lstate.att = GetLightVec(gstate.latt, light);
anyNonDirectional = true;
lstate.spot = gstate.isSpotLight(light);
if (lstate.spot) {
lstate.spotDir = GetLightVec(gstate.ldir, light);
lstate.spotCutoff = getFloat24(gstate.lcutoff[light]);
if (std::isnan(lstate.spotCutoff) && std::signbit(lstate.spotCutoff))
lstate.spotCutoff = 0.0f;
lstate.spotExp = getFloat24(gstate.lconv[light]);
if (lstate.spotExp <= 0.0f)
lstate.spotExp = 0.0f;
else if (std::isnan(lstate.spotExp))
lstate.spotExp = std::signbit(lstate.spotExp) ? 0.0f : INFINITY;
const int materialupdate = gstate.materialupdate & (hasColor0 ? 7 : 0);
state->colorForAmbient = (materialupdate & 1) != 0;
state->colorForDiffuse = (materialupdate & 2) != 0;
state->colorForSpecular = (materialupdate & 4) != 0;
if (!state->colorForAmbient) {
state->material.ambientColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA(), ones);
if (!IsLargerThanHalf(state->material.ambientColorFactor) && anyAmbient) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
state->lights[i].ambient = false;
if (anyDiffuse && !state->colorForDiffuse) {
state->material.diffuseColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getMaterialDiffuse(), ones);
if (!IsLargerThanHalf(state->material.diffuseColorFactor)) {
anyDiffuse = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
state->lights[i].diffuse = false;
if (anySpecular && !state->colorForSpecular) {
state->material.specularColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getMaterialSpecular(), ones);
if (!IsLargerThanHalf(state->material.specularColorFactor)) {
anySpecular = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
state->lights[i].specular = false;
if (anyDiffuse || anySpecular) {
state->specularExp = gstate.getMaterialSpecularCoef();
if (state->specularExp <= 0.0f)
state->specularExp = 0.0f;
else if (std::isnan(state->specularExp))
state->specularExp = std::signbit(state->specularExp) ? 0.0f : INFINITY;
state->baseAmbientColorFactor = LightColorFactor(gstate.getAmbientRGBA(), ones);
state->setColor1 = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && anySpecular;
state->addColor1 = !gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && anySpecular;
state->usesWorldPos = anyNonDirectional;
state->usesWorldNormal = gstate.getUVGenMode() == GE_TEXMAP_ENVIRONMENT_MAP || anyDiffuse || anySpecular;
static inline float GenerateLightCoord(VertexData &vertex, const WorldCoords &worldnormal, int light) {
// TODO: Should specular lighting should affect this, too? Doesn't in GLES.
Vec3<float> L = GetLightVec(gstate.lpos, light);
// In other words, L.Length2() == 0.0f means Dot({0, 0, 1}, worldnormal).
float diffuse_factor = Dot(L.NormalizedOr001(cpu_info.bSSE4_1), worldnormal);
return (diffuse_factor + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
void GenerateLightST(VertexData &vertex, const WorldCoords &worldnormal) {
// Always calculate texture coords from lighting results if environment mapping is active
// This should be done even if lighting is disabled altogether.
vertex.texturecoords.s() = GenerateLightCoord(vertex, worldnormal, gstate.getUVLS0());
vertex.texturecoords.t() = GenerateLightCoord(vertex, worldnormal, gstate.getUVLS1());
#if defined(_M_SSE)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline int LightCeilSSE4(float f) {
__m128 v = _mm_set_ss(f);
// This isn't terribly fast, but seems to be better than calling ceilf().
return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_ceil_ss(v, v));
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
static inline __m128i LightColorScaleBy512SSE4(__m128i factor, __m128i color, __m128i scale) {
// We can use 16-bit multiply here (faster than 32-bit multiply) since our top bits are zero.
__m128i result18 = _mm_madd_epi16(factor, color);
// But now with 18 bits, we need a full multiply.
__m128i multiplied = _mm_mullo_epi32(result18, scale);
return _mm_srai_epi32(multiplied, 10 + 9);
template <bool useSSE4>
static inline int LightCeil(float f) {
#if defined(_M_SSE)
if (useSSE4)
return LightCeilSSE4(f);
return vcvtps_s32_f32(f);
return (int)ceilf(f);
template <bool useSSE4>
static Vec4<int> LightColorScaleBy512(const Vec4<int> &factor, const Vec4<int> &color, int scale) {
// We multiply s9 * s9 * s9, resulting in s27, then shift off 19 to get 8-bit.
// The reason all factors are s9 is to account for rounding.
// Also note that all values are positive, so can be treated as unsigned.
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
if (useSSE4)
return LightColorScaleBy512SSE4(factor.ivec, color.ivec, _mm_set1_epi32(scale));
int32x4_t multiplied = vmulq_n_s32(vmulq_s32(factor.ivec, color.ivec), scale);
return vshrq_n_s32(multiplied, 10 + 9);
return (factor * color * scale) >> (10 + 9);
static inline void LightColorSum(Vec4<int> &sum, const Vec4<int> &src) {
#if defined(_M_SSE) && !PPSSPP_ARCH(X86)
sum.ivec = _mm_add_epi32(sum.ivec, src.ivec);
sum.ivec = vaddq_s32(sum.ivec, src.ivec);
sum += src;
static inline float Dot33(const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b) {
#if defined(_M_SSE)
__m128 v = _mm_mul_ps(SAFE_M128(a.vec), SAFE_M128(b.vec)); // [X, Y, Z, W]
__m128 shuf = _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1)); // [Y, X, Z, W]
__m128 sums = _mm_add_ps(v, shuf); // [X + Y, X + Y, Z + Z, W + W]
shuf = _mm_movehl_ps(shuf, shuf); // [Z, W, Z, W]
return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_add_ss(sums, shuf)); // X + Y + Z
float32x4_t multipled = vsetq_lane_f32(0.0f, vmulq_f32(a.vec, b.vec), 3);
float32x2_t add1 = vget_low_f32(vpaddq_f32(multipled, multipled));
float32x2_t add2 = vpadd_f32(add1, add1);
return vget_lane_f32(add2, 0);
return Dot(a, b);
template <bool useSSE4>
static void ProcessSIMD(VertexData &vertex, const WorldCoords &worldpos, const WorldCoords &worldnormal, const State &state) {
// Lighting blending rounds using the half offset method (like alpha blend.)
const Vec4<int> ones = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(1);
Vec4<int> colorFactor;
if (state.colorForAmbient || state.colorForDiffuse || state.colorForSpecular)
colorFactor = LightColorFactor(vertex.color0, ones);
Vec4<int> mec = Vec4<int>::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialEmissive());
Vec4<int> mac = state.colorForAmbient ? colorFactor : state.material.ambientColorFactor;
Vec4<int> ambient = (mac * state.baseAmbientColorFactor) >> 10;
Vec4<int> final_color = mec + ambient;
Vec4<int> specular_color = Vec4<int>::AssignToAll(0);
for (unsigned int light = 0; light < 4; ++light) {
const auto &lstate = state.lights[light];
if (!lstate.enabled)
// L = vector from vertex to light source
// TODO: Should transfer the light positions to world/view space for these calculations?
Vec3<float> L = lstate.pos;
float attspot = 1.0f;
if (!lstate.directional) {
L -= worldpos;
// TODO: Should this normalize (0, 0, 0) to (0, 0, 1)?
float d = L.NormalizeOr001();
float att = 1.0f / Dot33(lstate.att, Vec3f(1.0f, d, d * d));
if (!(att > 0.0f))
att = 0.0f;
else if (att > 1.0f)
att = 1.0f;
attspot = att;
if (lstate.spot) {
float rawSpot = Dot33(lstate.spotDir, L);
if (std::isnan(rawSpot))
rawSpot = std::signbit(rawSpot) ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
float spot = 1.0f;
if (rawSpot >= lstate.spotCutoff) {
spot = pspLightPow(rawSpot, lstate.spotExp);
if (std::isnan(spot))
spot = 0.0f;
} else {
spot = 0.0f;
attspot *= spot;
// ambient lighting
if (lstate.ambient) {
int attspot512 = (int)LightCeil<useSSE4>(256 * 2 * attspot + 1);
if (attspot512 > 512)
attspot512 = 512;
Vec4<int> lambient = LightColorScaleBy512<useSSE4>(lstate.ambientColorFactor, mac, attspot512);
LightColorSum(final_color, lambient);
// diffuse lighting
float diffuse_factor;
if (lstate.diffuse || lstate.specular) {
diffuse_factor = Dot33(L, worldnormal);
if (lstate.poweredDiffuse) {
diffuse_factor = pspLightPow(diffuse_factor, state.specularExp);
if (lstate.diffuse && diffuse_factor > 0.0f) {
int diffuse_attspot = (int)LightCeil<useSSE4>(256 * 2 * attspot * diffuse_factor + 1);
if (diffuse_attspot > 512)
diffuse_attspot = 512;
Vec4<int> mdc = state.colorForDiffuse ? colorFactor : state.material.diffuseColorFactor;
Vec4<int> ldiffuse = LightColorScaleBy512<useSSE4>(lstate.diffuseColorFactor, mdc, diffuse_attspot);
LightColorSum(final_color, ldiffuse);
if (lstate.specular && diffuse_factor >= 0.0f) {
Vec3<float> H = L + Vec3<float>(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
float specular_factor = Dot33(H.NormalizedOr001(useSSE4), worldnormal);
specular_factor = pspLightPow(specular_factor, state.specularExp);
if (specular_factor > 0.0f) {
int specular_attspot = (int)LightCeil<useSSE4>(256 * 2 * attspot * specular_factor + 1);
if (specular_attspot > 512)
specular_attspot = 512;
Vec4<int> msc = state.colorForSpecular ? colorFactor : state.material.specularColorFactor;
Vec4<int> lspecular = LightColorScaleBy512<useSSE4>(lstate.specularColorFactor, msc, specular_attspot);
LightColorSum(specular_color, lspecular);
// Note: these are all naturally clamped by ToRGBA/toRGB.
if (state.setColor1) {
vertex.color0 = final_color.ToRGBA();
vertex.color1 = specular_color.rgb().ToRGB();
} else if (state.addColor1) {
vertex.color0 = (final_color + specular_color).ToRGBA();
} else {
vertex.color0 = final_color.ToRGBA();
void Process(VertexData &vertex, const WorldCoords &worldpos, const WorldCoords &worldnormal, const State &state) {
#ifdef _M_SSE
if (cpu_info.bSSE4_1) {
ProcessSIMD<true>(vertex, worldpos, worldnormal, state);
ProcessSIMD<false>(vertex, worldpos, worldnormal, state);
} // namespace