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// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <algorithm>
#include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h"
#include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h"
#include "Core/HLE/HLE.h"
#include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h"
#include "Core/CoreTiming.h"
#include "Core/MemMapHelpers.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/Debugger/MemBlockInfo.h"
#include "Core/HW/MediaEngine.h"
#include "Core/HW/BufferQueue.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceAtrac.h"
#include "Core/HLE/AtracCtx.h"
#include "Core/HLE/AtracCtx2.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
// Notes about sceAtrac buffer management
// sceAtrac decodes from a buffer the game fills, where this buffer is one of:
// * Not yet initialized (state NO DATA = 1)
// * The entire size of the audio data, and filled with audio data (state ALL DATA LOADED = 2)
// * The entire size, but only partially filled so far (state HALFWAY BUFFER = 3)
// * Smaller than the audio, sliding without any loop (state STREAMED WITHOUT LOOP = 4)
// * Smaller than the audio, sliding with a loop at the end (state STREAMED WITH LOOP AT END = 5)
// * Smaller with a second buffer to help with a loop in the middle (state STREAMED WITH SECOND BUF = 6)
// * Not managed, decoding using "low level" manual looping etc. (LOW LEVEL = 8)
// * Not managed, reserved externally - possibly by sceSas - through low level (RESERVED = 16)
// This buffer is generally filled by sceAtracAddStreamData, and where to fill it is given by
// either sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo when continuing to move forwards in the stream of audio data,
// or sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting when seeking to a specific location in the audio stream.
// State 6 indicates a second buffer is needed. This buffer is used to manage looping correctly.
// To determine how to fill it, the game will call sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo, then after filling
// the buffer it will call sceAtracSetSecondBuffer.
// The second buffer will just contain the data for the end of loop. The "first" buffer may manage
// only the looped portion, or some of the part after the loop (depending on second buf size.)
// Most files will be in RIFF format. It's also possible to load in an OMA/AA3 format file, but
// ultimately this will share the same buffer - it's just offset a bit more.
// Low level decoding doesn't use the buffer, and decodes only a single packet at a time.
// Lastly, sceSas has some integration with sceAtrac, which allows setting an Atrac id as
// a voice for an SAS core. In this mode, the game will directly modify some of the context,
// but will largely only interact using sceSas.
// Note that this buffer is THE view of the audio stream. On a PSP, the firmware does not manage
// any cache or separate version of the buffer - at most it manages decode state from earlier in
// the buffer.
static const int atracDecodeDelay = 2300;
static bool atracInited = true;
static AtracBase *atracContexts[PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS];
static u32 atracContextTypes[PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS];
static int atracLibVersion = 0;
static u32 atracLibCrc = 0;
// For debugger only.
const AtracBase *__AtracGetCtx(int i, u32 *type) {
if (type) {
*type = atracContextTypes[i];
return atracContexts[i];
void __AtracInit() {
_assert_(sizeof(SceAtracContext) == 256);
atracInited = true;
memset(atracContexts, 0, sizeof(atracContexts));
// Start with 2 of each in this order.
atracContextTypes[0] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS;
atracContextTypes[1] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS;
atracContextTypes[2] = PSP_MODE_AT_3;
atracContextTypes[3] = PSP_MODE_AT_3;
atracContextTypes[4] = 0;
atracContextTypes[5] = 0;
void __AtracShutdown() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(atracContexts); ++i) {
delete atracContexts[i];
atracContexts[i] = nullptr;
void __AtracLoadModule(int version, u32 crc) {
atracLibVersion = version;
atracLibCrc = crc;
INFO_LOG(Log::ME, "AtracInit, atracLibVersion 0x%0x, atracLibcrc %x", atracLibVersion, atracLibCrc);
void __AtracDoState(PointerWrap &p) {
auto s = p.Section("sceAtrac", 1, 2);
if (!s)
Do(p, atracInited);
for (int i = 0; i < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS; ++i) {
bool valid = atracContexts[i] != nullptr;
Do(p, valid);
if (valid) {
DoSubClass<AtracBase, Atrac>(p, atracContexts[i]);
} else {
delete atracContexts[i];
atracContexts[i] = nullptr;
DoArray(p, atracContextTypes, PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS);
if (s < 2) {
atracLibVersion = 0;
atracLibCrc = 0;
else {
Do(p, atracLibVersion);
Do(p, atracLibCrc);
static AtracBase *allocAtrac(bool forceOld = false) {
if (g_Config.bUseExperimentalAtrac && !forceOld) {
return new Atrac2();
} else {
return new Atrac();
static AtracBase *getAtrac(int atracID) {
if (atracID < 0 || atracID >= PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS) {
return nullptr;
AtracBase *atrac = atracContexts[atracID];
if (atrac) {
return atrac;
static int createAtrac(AtracBase *atrac) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(atracContexts); ++i) {
if (atracContextTypes[i] == atrac->CodecType() && atracContexts[i] == 0) {
atracContexts[i] = atrac;
atrac->atracID_ = i;
return i;
static int deleteAtrac(int atracID) {
if (atracID >= 0 && atracID < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS) {
if (atracContexts[atracID] != nullptr) {
delete atracContexts[atracID];
atracContexts[atracID] = nullptr;
return 0;
// Really, allocate an Atrac context of a specific codec type.
// Useful to initialize a context for low level decode.
static u32 sceAtracGetAtracID(int codecType) {
if (codecType != PSP_MODE_AT_3 && codecType != PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS) {
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INVALID_CODECTYPE, "invalid codecType");
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
atrac->GetTrackMut().codecType = codecType;
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, atracID);
static u32 AtracValidateData(const AtracBase *atrac) {
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
} else if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_NO_DATA) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NO_DATA, "no data");
} else {
return 0;
static u32 AtracValidateManaged(const AtracBase *atrac) {
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
} else if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_NO_DATA) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NO_DATA, "no data");
} else if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_LOW_LEVEL) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_IS_LOW_LEVEL, "low level stream, can't use");
} else if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_FOR_SCESAS) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_IS_FOR_SCESAS, "SAS stream, can't use");
} else {
return 0;
// Notifies that more data is (OR will be very soon) available in the buffer.
// This implies it has been added to whatever position sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo would indicate.
// The total size of the buffer is atrac->bufferMaxSize_.
static u32 sceAtracAddStreamData(int atracID, u32 bytesToAdd) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_ALL_DATA_LOADED) {
// Let's avoid spurious warnings. Some games call this with 0 which is pretty harmless.
if (bytesToAdd == 0)
return hleLogDebug(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_LOADED, "stream entirely loaded");
return hleLogWarning(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_LOADED, "stream entirely loaded");
int ret = atrac->AddStreamData(bytesToAdd);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
// Note that outAddr being null is completely valid here, used to skip data.
static u32 sceAtracDecodeData(int atracID, u32 outAddr, u32 numSamplesAddr, u32 finishFlagAddr, u32 remainAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
u32 numSamples = 0;
u32 finish = 0;
int remains = 0;
int ret = atrac->DecodeData(Memory::GetPointerWrite(outAddr), outAddr, &numSamples, &finish, &remains);
if (ret != (int)ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID && ret != (int)ATRAC_ERROR_NO_DATA) {
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(numSamplesAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(numSamples, numSamplesAddr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(finishFlagAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(finish, finishFlagAddr);
// On error, no remaining frame value is written.
if (ret == 0 && Memory::IsValidAddress(remainAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(remains, remainAddr);
DEBUG_LOG(Log::ME, "%08x=sceAtracDecodeData(%i, %08x, %08x[%08x], %08x[%08x], %08x[%d])", ret, atracID, outAddr,
numSamplesAddr, numSamples,
finishFlagAddr, finish,
remainAddr, remains);
if (!ret) {
// decode data successfully, delay thread
return hleDelayResult(ret, "atrac decode data", atracDecodeDelay);
return ret;
static u32 sceAtracEndEntry() {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(Log::ME, "UNIMPL sceAtracEndEntry()");
return 0;
// Obtains information about what needs to be in the buffer to seek (or "reset")
// Generally called by games right before calling sceAtracResetPlayPosition().
static u32 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting(int atracID, int sample, u32 bufferInfoAddr) {
auto bufferInfo = PSPPointer<AtracResetBufferInfo>::Create(bufferInfoAddr);
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (!bufferInfo.IsValid()) {
return hleReportError(Log::ME, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR, "invalid buffer, should crash");
} else if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_STREAMED_LOOP_WITH_TRAILER && atrac->SecondBufferSize() == 0) {
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_SECOND_BUFFER_NEEDED, "no second buffer");
} else if ((u32)sample + atrac->GetTrack().firstSampleOffset > (u32)atrac->GetTrack().endSample + atrac->GetTrack().firstSampleOffset) {
// NOTE: Above we have to add firstSampleOffset to both sides - we seem to rely on wraparound.
return hleLogWarning(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_SAMPLE, "invalid sample position");
} else {
atrac->GetResetBufferInfo(bufferInfo, sample);
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, 0);
static u32 sceAtracGetBitrate(int atracID, u32 outBitrateAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outBitrateAddr)) {
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->GetTrack().bitrate, outBitrateAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static u32 sceAtracGetChannel(int atracID, u32 channelAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(channelAddr)){
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->GetTrack().channels, channelAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static u32 sceAtracGetLoopStatus(int atracID, u32 loopNumAddr, u32 statusAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(loopNumAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->LoopNum(), loopNumAddr);
// return audio's loopinfo in at3 file
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(statusAddr)) {
if (atrac->GetTrack().loopinfo.size() > 0)
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(1, statusAddr);
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(0, statusAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static u32 sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo(int atracID, u32 errorAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
ERROR_LOG(Log::ME, "UNIMPL sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo(%i, %08x)", atracID, errorAddr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(0, errorAddr);
return 0;
static u32 sceAtracGetMaxSample(int atracID, u32 maxSamplesAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(maxSamplesAddr)) {
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->GetTrack().SamplesPerFrame(), maxSamplesAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static u32 sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition(int atracID, u32 outposAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outposAddr)) {
if (atrac->CurrentSample() >= atrac->GetTrack().endSample) {
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(0, outposAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_DECODED, "all data decoded - beyond endSample");
} else {
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->CurrentSample(), outposAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static u32 sceAtracGetNextSample(int atracID, u32 outNAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (atrac->CurrentSample() >= atrac->GetTrack().endSample) {
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outNAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(0, outNAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0, "0 samples left");
u32 numSamples = atrac->GetNextSamples();
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outNAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(numSamples, outNAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0, "%d samples left", numSamples);
// Obtains the number of frames remaining in the buffer which can be decoded.
// When no more data would be needed, this returns a negative number.
static u32 sceAtracGetRemainFrame(int atracID, u32 remainAddr) {
auto remainingFrames = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(remainAddr);
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (!remainingFrames.IsValid()) {
// Would crash.
return hleReportError(Log::ME, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR, "invalid remainingFrames pointer");
*remainingFrames = atrac->RemainingFrames();
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
static u32 sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo(int atracID, u32 fileOffsetAddr, u32 desiredSizeAddr) {
auto fileOffset = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(fileOffsetAddr);
auto desiredSize = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(desiredSizeAddr);
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (!fileOffset.IsValid() || !desiredSize.IsValid()) {
// Would crash.
return hleReportError(Log::ME, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR, "invalid addresses");
return atrac->GetSecondBufferInfo(fileOffset, desiredSize);
static u32 sceAtracGetSoundSample(int atracID, u32 outEndSampleAddr, u32 outLoopStartSampleAddr, u32 outLoopEndSampleAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
auto outEndSample = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(outEndSampleAddr);
if (outEndSample.IsValid())
*outEndSample = atrac->GetTrack().endSample;
auto outLoopStart = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(outLoopStartSampleAddr);
if (outLoopStart.IsValid())
*outLoopStart = atrac->GetTrack().loopStartSample == -1 ? -1 : atrac->GetTrack().loopStartSample - atrac->GetTrack().FirstSampleOffsetFull();
auto outLoopEnd = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(outLoopEndSampleAddr);
if (outLoopEnd.IsValid())
*outLoopEnd = atrac->GetTrack().loopEndSample == -1 ? -1 : atrac->GetTrack().loopEndSample - atrac->GetTrack().FirstSampleOffsetFull();
if (!outEndSample.IsValid() || !outLoopStart.IsValid() || !outLoopEnd.IsValid()) {
return hleReportError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
// Games call this function to get some info for add more stream data,
// such as where the data read from, where the data add to,
// and how many bytes are allowed to add.
static u32 sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo(int atracID, u32 writePtrAddr, u32 writableBytesAddr, u32 readOffsetAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
u32 writePtr;
u32 writableBytes;
u32 readOffset;
atrac->GetStreamDataInfo(&writePtr, &writableBytes, &readOffset);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(writePtrAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(writePtr, writePtrAddr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(writableBytesAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(writableBytes, writableBytesAddr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(readOffsetAddr))
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(readOffset, readOffsetAddr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
static u32 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(int atracID) {
int result = deleteAtrac(atracID);
if (result < 0) {
if (atracID >= 0) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, result, "did not exist");
} else {
return hleLogWarning(Log::ME, result, "did not exist");
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, result);
// This is called when a game wants to seek (or "reset") to a specific position in the audio data.
// Normally, sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting() is called to determine how to buffer.
// The game must add sufficient packets to the buffer in order to complete the seek.
static u32 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(int atracID, int sample, int bytesWrittenFirstBuf, int bytesWrittenSecondBuf) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_STREAMED_LOOP_WITH_TRAILER && atrac->SecondBufferSize() == 0) {
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_SECOND_BUFFER_NEEDED, "no second buffer");
} else if ((u32)sample + atrac->GetTrack().firstSampleOffset > (u32)atrac->GetTrack().endSample + atrac->GetTrack().firstSampleOffset) {
// NOTE: Above we have to add firstSampleOffset to both sides - we seem to rely on wraparound.
return hleLogWarning(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_SAMPLE, "invalid sample position");
u32 res = atrac->ResetPlayPosition(sample, bytesWrittenFirstBuf, bytesWrittenSecondBuf);
if (res != 0) {
// Already logged.
return res;
return hleDelayResult(hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, 0), "reset play pos", 3000);
static int _AtracSetData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize, int outputChannels, bool needReturnAtracID) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
// Don't use AtracValidateManaged here.
if (!atrac)
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "invalid atrac ID");
int ret = atrac->SetData(buffer, readSize, bufferSize, outputChannels, needReturnAtracID ? atracID : 0);
// not sure the real delay time
return hleDelayResult(ret, "atrac set data", 100);
static u32 sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
// Don't use AtracValidateManaged here.
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "invalid atrac ID");
if (readSize > bufferSize) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE, "read size too large");
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, readSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
return ret;
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 2, false);
static u32 sceAtracSetSecondBuffer(int atracID, u32 secondBuffer, u32 secondBufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
return atrac->SetSecondBuffer(secondBuffer, secondBufferSize);
static u32 sceAtracSetData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, bufferSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
return ret;
if (atrac->GetTrack().codecType != atracContextTypes[atracID]) {
// TODO: Should this not change the buffer size?
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_WRONG_CODECTYPE, "atracID uses different codec type than data");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 2, false);
static int sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(u32 buffer, int bufferSize) {
// A large value happens in Tales of VS, and isn't handled somewhere properly as a u32.
// It's impossible for it to be that big anyway, so cap it.
if (bufferSize < 0) {
WARN_LOG(Log::ME, "sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x): negative bufferSize", buffer, bufferSize);
bufferSize = 0x10000000;
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, bufferSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 2, true);
static int sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize) {
if (readSize > bufferSize) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE, "read size too large");
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, readSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 2, true);
static u32 sceAtracStartEntry() {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(Log::ME, "UNIMPL sceAtracStartEntry()");
return 0;
static u32 sceAtracSetLoopNum(int atracID, int loopNum) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (atrac->GetTrack().loopinfo.size() == 0) {
if (loopNum == -1) {
// This is very common and not really a problem.
return hleLogDebug(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NO_LOOP_INFORMATION, "no loop information to write to!");
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NO_LOOP_INFORMATION, "no loop information to write to!");
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
static int sceAtracReinit(int at3Count, int at3plusCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS; ++i) {
if (atracContexts[i] != nullptr) {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(Log::ME, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d): cannot reinit while IDs in use", at3Count, at3plusCount);
memset(atracContextTypes, 0, sizeof(atracContextTypes));
int next = 0;
int space = PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS;
// This seems to deinit things. Mostly, it cause a reschedule on next deinit (but -1, -1 does not.)
if (at3Count == 0 && at3plusCount == 0) {
INFO_LOG(Log::ME, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d): deinit", at3Count, at3plusCount);
atracInited = false;
return hleDelayResult(0, "atrac reinit", 200);
// First, ATRAC3+. These IDs seem to cost double (probably memory.)
// Intentionally signed. 9999 tries to allocate, -1 does not.
for (int i = 0; i < at3plusCount; ++i) {
space -= 2;
if (space >= 0) {
atracContextTypes[next++] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS;
for (int i = 0; i < at3Count; ++i) {
space -= 1;
if (space >= 0) {
atracContextTypes[next++] = PSP_MODE_AT_3;
// If we ran out of space, we still initialize some, but return an error.
int result = space >= 0 ? 0 : (int)SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
if (atracInited || next == 0) {
atracInited = true;
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, result);
} else {
atracInited = true;
return hleDelayResult(hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, result), "atrac reinit", 400);
static int sceAtracGetOutputChannel(int atracID, u32 outputChanPtr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateData(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outputChanPtr)) {
Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(atrac->GetOutputChannels(), outputChanPtr);
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, 0);
} else {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid address");
static int sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded(int atracID) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
u32 err = AtracValidateManaged(atrac);
if (err != 0) {
// Already logged.
return err;
// Note that this returns true whether the buffer is already set or not.
int needed = atrac->BufferState() == ATRAC_STATUS_STREAMED_LOOP_WITH_TRAILER ? 1 : 0;
return hleLogSuccessI(Log::ME, needed);
static int sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
// Don't use AtracValidate* here.
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
if (readSize > bufferSize) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE, "read size too large");
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, readSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
return ret;
if (atrac->GetTrack().channels != 1) {
// It seems it still sets the data.
atrac->SetData(buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 2, 0);
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NOT_MONO, "not mono data");
} else {
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 1, false);
// Note: This doesn't seem to be part of any available libatrac3plus library.
static u32 sceAtracSetMOutData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
// Don't use AtracValidate* here.
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, bufferSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
return ret;
if (atrac->GetTrack().channels != 1) {
// It seems it still sets the data.
atrac->SetData(buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 2, 0);
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NOT_MONO, "not mono data");
} else {
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 1, false);
// Note: This doesn't seem to be part of any available libatrac3plus library.
static int sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) {
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, bufferSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
if (atrac->GetTrack().channels != 1) {
delete atrac;
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NOT_MONO, "not mono data");
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 1, true);
static int sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize) {
if (readSize > bufferSize) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE, "read size too large");
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->Analyze(buffer, readSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
if (atrac->GetTrack().channels != 1) {
delete atrac;
return hleReportError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_NOT_MONO, "not mono data");
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 1, true);
static int sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize, u32 fileSize, u32 metadataSizeAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->AnalyzeAA3(buffer, bufferSize, fileSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, bufferSize, 2, true);
static u32 _sceAtracGetContextAddress(int atracID) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac) {
ERROR_LOG(Log::ME, "_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i): bad atrac id", atracID);
return 0;
if (!atrac->context_.IsValid()) {
// allocate a new context_
u32 contextSize = sizeof(SceAtracContext);
// Note that Alloc can increase contextSize to the "grain" size.
atrac->context_ = kernelMemory.Alloc(contextSize, false, StringFromFormat("AtracCtx/%d", atracID).c_str());
if (atrac->context_.IsValid())
Memory::Memset(atrac->context_.ptr, 0, contextSize, "AtracContextClear");
WARN_LOG(Log::ME, "%08x=_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i): allocated new context", atrac->context_.ptr, atracID);
WARN_LOG(Log::ME, "%08x=_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i)", atrac->context_.ptr, atracID);
return atrac->context_.ptr;
struct At3HeaderMap {
u16 bytes;
u16 channels;
u8 jointStereo;
bool Matches(const AtracBase *at) const {
return bytes == at->GetTrack().BytesPerFrame() && channels == at->GetTrack().channels;
// These should represent all possible supported bitrates (66, 104, and 132 for stereo.)
static const At3HeaderMap at3HeaderMap[] = {
{ 0x00C0, 1, 0 }, // 132/2 (66) kbps mono
{ 0x0098, 1, 0 }, // 105/2 (52.5) kbps mono
{ 0x0180, 2, 0 }, // 132 kbps stereo
{ 0x0130, 2, 0 }, // 105 kbps stereo
// At this size, stereo can only use joint stereo.
{ 0x00C0, 2, 1 }, // 66 kbps stereo
static int sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder(int atracID, u32 paramsAddr) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(paramsAddr)) {
// TODO: Returning zero as code was before. Needs testing.
return hleReportError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid pointers");
bool jointStereo = false;
if (atrac->GetTrack().codecType == PSP_MODE_AT_3) {
// See if we can match the actual jointStereo value.
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(at3HeaderMap); ++i) {
if (at3HeaderMap[i].Matches(atrac)) {
jointStereo = at3HeaderMap[i].jointStereo;
found = true;
if (!found) {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(Log::ME, "AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: %i channels: %i", atrac->GetTrack().BytesPerFrame(), atrac->GetTrack().channels);
// TODO: Should we return an error code for these values?
atrac->InitLowLevel(paramsAddr, jointStereo);
const char *codecName = atrac->GetTrack().codecType == PSP_MODE_AT_3 ? "atrac3" : "atrac3+";
const char *channelName = atrac->GetTrack().channels == 1 ? "mono" : "stereo";
return hleLogSuccessInfoI(Log::ME, 0, "%s %s audio", codecName, channelName);
static int sceAtracLowLevelDecode(int atracID, u32 sourceAddr, u32 sourceBytesConsumedAddr, u32 samplesAddr, u32 sampleBytesAddr) {
auto srcp = PSPPointer<u8>::Create(sourceAddr);
auto srcConsumed = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(sourceBytesConsumedAddr);
auto outp = PSPPointer<s16>::Create(samplesAddr);
auto outWritten = PSPPointer<u32_le>::Create(sampleBytesAddr);
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID, "bad atrac ID");
if (!srcp.IsValid() || !srcConsumed.IsValid() || !outp.IsValid() || !outWritten.IsValid()) {
// TODO: Returning zero as code was before. Needs testing.
return hleReportError(Log::ME, 0, "invalid pointers");
int bytesConsumed = 0;
int outSamples = 0;
int channels = atrac->GetOutputChannels();
atrac->Decoder()->Decode(srcp, atrac->GetTrack().BytesPerFrame(), &bytesConsumed, channels, outp, &outSamples);
int bytesWritten = outSamples * channels * sizeof(int16_t);
*srcConsumed = bytesConsumed;
*outWritten = bytesWritten;
NotifyMemInfo(MemBlockFlags::WRITE, samplesAddr, bytesWritten, "AtracLowLevelDecode");
return hleLogDebug(Log::ME, hleDelayResult(0, "low level atrac decode data", atracDecodeDelay));
static int sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 readSize, u32 bufferSize, u32 fileSize) {
if (readSize > bufferSize) {
return hleLogError(Log::ME, ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE, "read size too large");
AtracBase *atrac = allocAtrac();
int ret = atrac->AnalyzeAA3(buffer, readSize, fileSize);
if (ret < 0) {
// Already logged.
delete atrac;
return ret;
int atracID = createAtrac(atrac);
if (atracID < 0) {
delete atrac;
return hleLogError(Log::ME, atracID, "no free ID");
return _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, readSize, bufferSize, 2, true);
// External interface used by sceSas' AT3 integration.
u32 AtracSasAddStreamData(int atracID, u32 bufPtr, u32 bytesToAdd) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac)
return 0;
return atrac->AddStreamDataSas(bufPtr, bytesToAdd);
u32 AtracSasDecodeData(int atracID, u8* outbuf, u32 outbufPtr, u32 *SamplesNum, u32* finish, int *remains) {
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
if (!atrac)
return 0;
return atrac->DecodeData(outbuf, outbufPtr, SamplesNum, finish, remains);
int AtracSasGetIDByContext(u32 contextAddr) {
int atracID = (int)Memory::Read_U32(contextAddr + 0xfc);
// Restored old hack here that forces outputChannels_ to 1, since sceSas expects mono output, unlike normal usage.
// This is for savestate compatibility.
// I think it would be better to simply pass in a 1 as a parameter to atrac->DecodeData in AtracSasDecodeData above.
AtracBase *atrac = getAtrac(atracID);
return atracID;
const HLEFunction sceAtrac3plus[] = {
{0X7DB31251, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracAddStreamData>, "sceAtracAddStreamData", 'x', "ix" },
{0X6A8C3CD5, &WrapU_IUUUU<sceAtracDecodeData>, "sceAtracDecodeData", 'x', "ixppp"},
{0XD5C28CC0, &WrapU_V<sceAtracEndEntry>, "sceAtracEndEntry", 'x', "" },
{0X780F88D1, &WrapU_I<sceAtracGetAtracID>, "sceAtracGetAtracID", 'i', "x" },
{0XCA3CA3D2, &WrapU_IIU<sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting>, "sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting", 'x', "iix" },
{0XA554A158, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetBitrate>, "sceAtracGetBitrate", 'x', "ip" },
{0X31668BAA, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetChannel>, "sceAtracGetChannel", 'x', "ip" },
{0XFAA4F89B, &WrapU_IUU<sceAtracGetLoopStatus>, "sceAtracGetLoopStatus", 'x', "ipp" },
{0XE88F759B, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo>, "sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo", 'x', "ip" },
{0XD6A5F2F7, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetMaxSample>, "sceAtracGetMaxSample", 'x', "ip" },
{0XE23E3A35, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition>, "sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition", 'x', "ip" },
{0X36FAABFB, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetNextSample>, "sceAtracGetNextSample", 'x', "ip" },
{0X9AE849A7, &WrapU_IU<sceAtracGetRemainFrame>, "sceAtracGetRemainFrame", 'x', "ip" },
{0X83E85EA0, &WrapU_IUU<sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo>, "sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo", 'x', "ipp" },
{0XA2BBA8BE, &WrapU_IUUU<sceAtracGetSoundSample>, "sceAtracGetSoundSample", 'x', "ippp" },
{0X5D268707, &WrapU_IUUU<sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo>, "sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo", 'x', "ippp" },
{0X61EB33F5, &WrapU_I<sceAtracReleaseAtracID>, "sceAtracReleaseAtracID", 'x', "i" },
{0X644E5607, &WrapU_IIII<sceAtracResetPlayPosition>, "sceAtracResetPlayPosition", 'x', "iiii" },
{0X3F6E26B5, &WrapU_IUUU<sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer>, "sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer", 'x', "ixxx" },
{0X83BF7AFD, &WrapU_IUU<sceAtracSetSecondBuffer>, "sceAtracSetSecondBuffer", 'x', "ixx" },
{0X0E2A73AB, &WrapU_IUU<sceAtracSetData>, "sceAtracSetData", 'x', "ixx" },
{0X7A20E7AF, &WrapI_UI<sceAtracSetDataAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetDataAndGetID", 'i', "xx" },
{0XD1F59FDB, &WrapU_V<sceAtracStartEntry>, "sceAtracStartEntry", 'x', "" },
{0X868120B5, &WrapU_II<sceAtracSetLoopNum>, "sceAtracSetLoopNum", 'x', "ii" },
{0X132F1ECA, &WrapI_II<sceAtracReinit>, "sceAtracReinit", 'x', "ii" },
{0XECA32A99, &WrapI_I<sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded>, "sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded", 'i', "i" },
{0X0FAE370E, &WrapI_UUU<sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID", 'i', "xxx" },
{0X2DD3E298, &WrapU_IIU<sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting>, "sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting", 'x', "iix" },
{0X5CF9D852, &WrapI_IUUU<sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer>, "sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer", 'x', "ixxx" },
{0XF6837A1A, &WrapU_IUU<sceAtracSetMOutData>, "sceAtracSetMOutData", 'x', "ixx" },
{0X472E3825, &WrapI_UU<sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID", 'i', "xx" },
{0X9CD7DE03, &WrapI_UUU<sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID", 'i', "xxx" },
{0XB3B5D042, &WrapI_IU<sceAtracGetOutputChannel>, "sceAtracGetOutputChannel", 'x', "ip" },
{0X5622B7C1, &WrapI_UUUU<sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID", 'i', "xxxp" },
{0X5DD66588, &WrapI_UUUU<sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID>, "sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID", 'i', "xxxx" },
{0X231FC6B7, &WrapU_I<_sceAtracGetContextAddress>, "_sceAtracGetContextAddress", 'x', "i" },
{0X1575D64B, &WrapI_IU<sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder>, "sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder", 'x', "ix" },
{0X0C116E1B, &WrapI_IUUUU<sceAtracLowLevelDecode>, "sceAtracLowLevelDecode", 'x', "ixpxp"},
void Register_sceAtrac3plus() {
// Two names
RegisterModule("sceATRAC3plus_Library", ARRAY_SIZE(sceAtrac3plus), sceAtrac3plus);
RegisterModule("sceAtrac3plus", ARRAY_SIZE(sceAtrac3plus), sceAtrac3plus);