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#pragma once
#include <cfloat>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <mutex>
#include "Common/Math/geom2d.h"
#include "Common/Input/GestureDetector.h"
#include "Common/UI/View.h"
class UIScreen;
namespace UI {
class AnchorTranslateTween;
class ScrollView;
struct NeighborResult {
NeighborResult() : view(nullptr), score(0) {}
NeighborResult(View *v, float s) : view(v), score(s) {}
View *view;
float score;
class ViewGroup : public View {
ViewGroup(LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : View(layoutParams) {}
// Pass through external events to children.
bool Key(const KeyInput &input) override;
bool Touch(const TouchInput &input) override;
void Axis(const AxisInput &input) override;
// By default, a container will layout to its own bounds.
void Measure(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert) override = 0;
void Layout() override = 0;
void Update() override;
void Query(float x, float y, std::vector<View *> &list) override;
void DeviceLost() override;
void DeviceRestored(Draw::DrawContext *draw) override;
void Draw(UIContext &dc) override;
// Takes ownership! DO NOT add a view to multiple parents!
template <class T>
T *Add(T *view) {
return view;
bool SetFocus() override;
bool SubviewFocused(View *view) override;
virtual void RemoveSubview(View *view);
void SetDefaultFocusView(View *view) { defaultFocusView_ = view; }
View *GetDefaultFocusView() { return defaultFocusView_; }
// Assumes that layout has taken place.
NeighborResult FindNeighbor(View *view, FocusDirection direction, NeighborResult best);
virtual NeighborResult FindScrollNeighbor(View *view, const Point2D &target, FocusDirection direction, NeighborResult best);
bool CanBeFocused() const override { return false; }
bool IsViewGroup() const override { return true; }
bool ContainsSubview(const View *view) const override;
int IndexOfSubview(const View *view) const;
virtual void SetBG(const Drawable &bg) { bg_ = bg; }
void Clear();
void PersistData(PersistStatus status, std::string anonId, PersistMap &storage) override;
View *GetViewByIndex(int index) { return views_[index]; }
int GetNumSubviews() const { return (int)views_.size(); }
void SetHasDropShadow(bool has) { hasDropShadow_ = has; }
void SetDropShadowExpand(float s) { dropShadowExpand_ = s; }
void SetExclusiveTouch(bool exclusive) { exclusiveTouch_ = exclusive; }
void SetClickableBackground(bool clickableBackground) { clickableBackground_ = clickableBackground; }
void SetClip(bool clip) { clip_ = clip; }
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return "ViewGroup: " + View::DescribeLog(); }
std::string DescribeText() const override;
std::string DescribeListUnordered(std::string_view heading) const;
std::string DescribeListOrdered(std::string_view heading) const;
std::vector<View *> views_;
View *defaultFocusView_ = nullptr;
Drawable bg_;
float dropShadowExpand_ = 0.0f;
bool hasDropShadow_ = false;
bool clickableBackground_ = false;
bool clip_ = false;
bool exclusiveTouch_ = false;
// A frame layout contains a single child view (normally).
// It simply centers the child view.
class FrameLayout : public ViewGroup {
FrameLayout(LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr) : ViewGroup(layoutParams) {}
void Measure(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert) override;
void Layout() override;
const float NONE = -FLT_MAX;
class AnchorLayoutParams : public LayoutParams {
AnchorLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, float l, float t, float r, float b, bool c = false)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_ANCHOR), left(l), top(t), right(r), bottom(b), center(c) {}
// There's a small hack here to make this behave more intuitively - AnchorLayout ordinarily ignores FILL_PARENT.
AnchorLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, bool c = false)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_ANCHOR), left(0), top(0), right(w == FILL_PARENT ? 0 : NONE), bottom(h == FILL_PARENT ? 0 : NONE), center(c) {
AnchorLayoutParams(float l, float t, float r, float b, bool c = false)
: LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, LP_ANCHOR), left(l), top(t), right(r), bottom(b), center(c) {}
// These are not bounds, but distances from the container edges.
// Set to NONE to not attach this edge to the container.
// If two opposite edges are NONE, centering will happen.
float left, top, right, bottom;
bool center; // If set, only two "sides" can be set, and they refer to the center, not the edge, of the view being layouted.
static LayoutParamsType StaticType() {
return LP_ANCHOR;
class AnchorLayout : public ViewGroup {
AnchorLayout(LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : ViewGroup(layoutParams) {}
void Measure(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert) override;
void Layout() override;
void Overflow(bool allow) {
overflow_ = allow;
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return "AnchorLayout: " + View::DescribeLog(); }
void MeasureViews(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert);
bool overflow_ = true;
class LinearLayoutParams : public LayoutParams {
: LayoutParams(LP_LINEAR), weight(0.0f), gravity(G_TOPLEFT), hasMargins_(false) {}
explicit LinearLayoutParams(float wgt, Gravity grav = G_TOPLEFT)
: LayoutParams(LP_LINEAR), weight(wgt), gravity(grav), hasMargins_(false) {}
LinearLayoutParams(float wgt, const Margins &mgn)
: LayoutParams(LP_LINEAR), weight(wgt), gravity(G_TOPLEFT), margins(mgn), hasMargins_(true) {}
LinearLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, float wgt = 0.0f, Gravity grav = G_TOPLEFT)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_LINEAR), weight(wgt), gravity(grav), margins(0), hasMargins_(false) {}
LinearLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, float wgt, Gravity grav, const Margins &mgn)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_LINEAR), weight(wgt), gravity(grav), margins(mgn), hasMargins_(true) {}
LinearLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, const Margins &mgn)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_LINEAR), weight(0.0f), gravity(G_TOPLEFT), margins(mgn), hasMargins_(true) {}
LinearLayoutParams(Size w, Size h, float wgt, const Margins &mgn)
: LayoutParams(w, h, LP_LINEAR), weight(wgt), gravity(G_TOPLEFT), margins(mgn), hasMargins_(true) {}
LinearLayoutParams(const Margins &mgn)
: LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, LP_LINEAR), weight(0.0f), gravity(G_TOPLEFT), margins(mgn), hasMargins_(true) {}
float weight;
Gravity gravity;
Margins margins;
bool HasMargins() const { return hasMargins_; }
static LayoutParamsType StaticType() {
return LP_LINEAR;
bool hasMargins_;
class LinearLayout : public ViewGroup {
LinearLayout(Orientation orientation, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0)
: ViewGroup(layoutParams), orientation_(orientation), defaultMargins_(0) {}
void Measure(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert) override;
void Layout() override;
void SetSpacing(float spacing) {
spacing_ = spacing;
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return (orientation_ == ORIENT_HORIZONTAL ? "LinearLayoutHoriz: " : "LinearLayoutVert: ") + View::DescribeLog(); }
Margins padding;
Orientation orientation_;
Margins defaultMargins_;
float spacing_ = 10.0f;
class LinearLayoutList : public LinearLayout {
LinearLayoutList(Orientation orientation, LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr)
: LinearLayout(orientation, layoutParams) {
std::string DescribeText() const override;
// GridLayout is a little different from the Android layout. This one has fixed size
// rows and columns. Items are not allowed to deviate from the set sizes.
// Initially, only horizontal layout is supported.
struct GridLayoutSettings {
GridLayoutSettings() : orientation(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL), columnWidth(100), rowHeight(50), spacing(5), fillCells(false) {}
GridLayoutSettings(int colW, int colH, int spac = 5)
: orientation(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL), columnWidth(colW), rowHeight(colH), spacing(spac), fillCells(false) {}
Orientation orientation;
int columnWidth;
int rowHeight;
int spacing;
bool fillCells;
class GridLayoutParams : public LayoutParams {
: LayoutParams(LP_GRID), gravity(G_CENTER) {}
explicit GridLayoutParams(Gravity grav)
: LayoutParams(LP_GRID), gravity(grav) {
Gravity gravity;
static LayoutParamsType StaticType() {
return LP_GRID;
class GridLayout : public ViewGroup {
GridLayout(GridLayoutSettings settings, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
void Measure(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert) override;
void Layout() override;
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return "GridLayout: " + View::DescribeLog(); }
GridLayoutSettings settings_;
int numColumns_ = 1;
class GridLayoutList : public GridLayout {
GridLayoutList(GridLayoutSettings settings, LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr)
: GridLayout(settings, layoutParams) {
std::string DescribeText() const override;
class ChoiceStrip : public LinearLayout {
ChoiceStrip(Orientation orientation, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
void AddChoice(std::string_view title);
void AddChoice(ImageID buttonImage);
int GetSelection() const { return selected_; }
void SetSelection(int sel, bool triggerClick);
void EnableChoice(int choice, bool enabled);
bool Key(const KeyInput &input) override;
void SetTopTabs(bool tabs) { topTabs_ = tabs; }
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return "ChoiceStrip: " + View::DescribeLog(); }
std::string DescribeText() const override;
Event OnChoice;
StickyChoice *Choice(int index);
EventReturn OnChoiceClick(EventParams &e);
int selected_ = 0; // Can be controlled with L/R.
bool topTabs_ = false;
class TabHolder : public LinearLayout {
TabHolder(Orientation orientation, float stripSize, LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0);
template <class T>
T *AddTab(std::string_view title, T *tabContents) {
AddTabContents(title, (View *)tabContents);
return tabContents;
void EnableTab(int tab, bool enabled) {
tabStrip_->EnableChoice(tab, enabled);
void AddBack(UIScreen *parent);
void SetCurrentTab(int tab, bool skipTween = false);
int GetCurrentTab() const { return currentTab_; }
std::string DescribeLog() const override { return "TabHolder: " + View::DescribeLog(); }
void PersistData(PersistStatus status, std::string anonId, PersistMap &storage) override;
void AddTabContents(std::string_view title, View *tabContents);
EventReturn OnTabClick(EventParams &e);
LinearLayout *tabContainer_ = nullptr;
ChoiceStrip *tabStrip_ = nullptr;
ScrollView *tabScroll_ = nullptr;
AnchorLayout *contents_ = nullptr;
float stripSize_;
int currentTab_ = 0;
std::vector<View *> tabs_;
std::vector<AnchorTranslateTween *> tabTweens_;
class CollapsibleHeader;
class CollapsibleSection : public LinearLayout {
CollapsibleSection(std::string_view title, LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr);
void Update() override;
void SetOpen(bool open) {
*open_ = open;
void SetOpenPtr(bool *open) {
open_ = open;
void UpdateVisibility();
bool localOpen_ = true;
bool *open_ = nullptr;
CollapsibleHeader *header_ = nullptr;
} // namespace UI